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Devi (6 page)

BOOK: Devi
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She ran her fingers through the hair around his erection, revelling in his shudder and harsh groan. Lowering her head, she licked the topside of his straining cock to the tip. Swirling the soft mushroom head with her tongue, she closed her eyes at the first taste of his pre-cum. She opened her mouth wide and took him in. Rhodes’ fingers tightened in her hair.


She sucked him, hard and firm. Cupping the underside of his sac, she gently squeezed the full flesh. Rhodes shuddered.


She gave him what he was begging for, sucking him urgently. His rumbling babbling above her egged her on. His cock was rigid and hot. Devi went up and down on his cock, raking her teeth along his shaft, and it quivered. Within moments, he roared and liquid filled her mouth. His cum was sweet and salty and she took it all in. Releasing him, she stood and pushed, and Rhodes dropped back, his eyes closed and his breathing laboured.

With a thought, she removed her clothing. Devi sheathed his shaft with a condom, then rubbed her pussy against his cock.

His revived erection abraded her slit. She gripped his shaft, positioning it against her, and, removing her hand, she sank down onto his shaft. She moaned as he filled her. Rhodes gripped her ass with his hands, moving her against him. Devi rode his cock.

“Right there,” she murmured.

Arching her back, she stroked up and down on him. Rhodes’ warm hands squeezed her ass in time with her movements. She plucked her nipples, scraping the turgid tips with her nails. The bite of pain on her nipples reverberated straight to her clit.

“Harder. Squeeze them harder,” Rhodes ordered.

Devi did as he said. She closed her fingers over her nipples, squeezing then tugging on them.

“Come down here. Let me taste,” Rhodes growled.

She gushed at the harshness of his command. She whimpered as he closed his lips over her aching buds. He suckled her nipples hard and bit down on her flesh. With a shudder, Devi continued to move on his shaft. Rhodes cupped her butt cheek with his hand, then raised it. The sound of the slap registered, then the sting on her ass. Devi moaned as he spanked her ass in time with her undulations. His cock slid along her pussy walls. Clenching, she moaned while he groaned. His taps did not slow as she rode him. Her skin was sensitised and her body felt unlike her own.

Rhodes murmured against her nipple, then licked his way to the other to give it the same treatment as the first. He went back and forth, playing with her nipples, tapping her ass with his hand as she moved. He bit down on her nipple. Devi went over, coming in a gush of wetness. Rhodes moaned, then joined her. He gripped her cheeks painfully as she shuddered uncontrollably.

Collapsing against his chest, Devi whimpered. Rhodes kissed the top of her forehead and held her tightly. She sighed, nuzzling him. His racing heart echoed in her ear.

Within moments, he’d fallen asleep. Devi glanced at his slumbering face. She had only known him for a few days but already she was getting attached to this man. Closing her eyes, she listened to him breathe.

It is foolish to want more.

Devi knew it was, but it didn’t stop her heart from wondering what might be. Pushing her thoughts away, she watched over him as he slept.


Rhodes jerked awake. With a glance, he realised that he was alone again. Sitting on the side of the bed, he frowned down at the pale blue carpet. Devi had had sex with him, yet had left without sleeping beside him. It was frustrating not waking with her in his arms.

“Come and have some breakfast, Rhodes.” Devi’s voice sounded from a distance.

He stood and headed towards it. He stopped in the kitchen doorway. Devi was at the stove, stirring something in a pot. His shirt covered her to mid-thigh. He approached her from behind, turned her head and kissed her. She stroked his tongue with hers, returning the fervour of his kiss. Rhodes pulled back, meeting her amused, dark brown eyes.

“Morning to you, too.”

“Morning. I thought you left,” Rhodes said bluntly.

“I should have.” A sad look flashed across her face.

“I’m glad you didn’t.” He kissed her again, briefly.

“Me too.” Devi winked.

“Spend the day with me.”

Devi studied him silently for a moment, then nodded. “What do you want to do?”

“Be with you,” he answered without hesitation.

“That is a given,” she sassed, then gave him a peck on the lips. “Sit—let me feed you.”

“Later.” Rhodes reached around her, turning off the stove.

He shifted her to face him, then lifted her in his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, putting her arms over his shoulders. The rings on her fingers felt warm on his skin. Rhodes strode back down the hall and put her on the bed. He covered her with his body, kissing her. Devi moaned.

He proceeded to drive her out of her mind.


Much later, after a shower and a late breakfast, they headed out. They took her Land Cruiser.

“Where are we going?” Devi asked lazily.

She rested her head back against the passenger side headrest. Her sleeveless, burgundy T-shirt and matching shorts showed much of her soft, smooth skin. Earlier she had mentioned that she was going to her car for the bag she kept there with a change of clothing. When he’d questioned her about why she had a change of clothing, she’d explained that with her long hours she sometimes went straight from the hospital to exercise, or out with friends. If this was what she had in her extra clothing bag, he wondered what she would bring if he asked her to officially spend the night.

Would she come to bed in sexy lingerie, or bare skin?

The thought of a planned sleepover made him instantly hard. Rhodes jerked his gaze away and back to the road. 

“Um… Cave of the Winds. I haven’t been there in a bit.”

“I try to visit at least once a month. There are so many caves to explore.” Devi sounded excited.

“Oh… If you want, we can go someplace else.” He had wanted an outing with her but, if she went so often, maybe something else would be better.

“No, let’s go. I love it there.” Devi put her hand on his thigh.

Rhodes laced his fingers with hers.

In the parking area, he opened her door and helped her out. Devi slid closer to him and made a ‘come hither’ motion with her finger. Rhodes bent his head.

“I would come to bed with cocoa-butter-lotioned bare skin. Invite me officially for a sleepover some time, and I’ll let you put the cocoa butter on me before bed.”

Devi smirked and sauntered away. Rhodes frowned, wondering how she’d known what he had been thinking.

“Maybe I said it out loud,” he whispered.

The sway of her ass in her shorts scattered his thoughts. He went after her. Catching up, he placed his hand on the small of her back, glaring at the men who had been closing in on her. In the ticket line he kept an eye on the men who seemed to be watching her too intently. Glancing at Devi, he noted that she was looking behind them.

“What are you looking at?” He turned to see.

Devi gripped his arm. “Nothing. We’re next.”

Rhodes paid for their tickets. They went in and started to explore. As they did, he enjoyed his conversation with Devi. Her laughter often spilt between them.

Much later, back in the SUV and heading home, Rhodes marvelled at the great time they’d had.

“I think your nephew and niece will love going there. You should also take them to Seven Falls, Garden of the Gods Park, and the Peterson Air and Space Museum. When are they coming for a visit?”

“I had planned on the Caves and the park, but I’ll add the others too. They’ll be coming in about a month. They’re coming up a week before Ria and her hubby. Uncle gets to spoil them until they arrive. Will you come with us to see the sights?” Rhodes asked.

“I’d love to, but I might have to work.”

“We can arrange it around your schedule,” he offered.

“Okay. Then that sounds great,” Devi replied.

Rhodes smiled, content with the plan.


* * * *


“You have to go to work.” Devi pulled out of his arms.

“I’d rather stay with you.”

“I would, too, but work now—play later. Now go.” Devi made a shooing motion with her hand.

Rhodes stepped back and closed the door to her Land Cruiser. They had spent the weekend together. On Sunday they hadn’t even left the house. Instead, they’d watched TV and cuddled on the couch. He was getting used to having Devi around.

She rolled down her window. “Get going. I don’t want you to be late.”

“Bossy, bossy,” he teased.

“And you know it. I’m really bossy when it comes to how lotion is spread on my skin, too. I’ll show you how I like it later,” she promised.

His cock hardened. “Now how am I supposed to go to work, wanting you like this?” He gestured to his tented pants.

“You’ll be fine. Now go. I’ll meet you at six for our run,” Devi said.

“Okay.” He walked over to his Jeep Cherokee.

Rhodes couldn’t wait to see what she would be wearing. He had become obsessed with her clothing—or lack thereof. He waved at Devi. She beeped her horn and drove away.

He frowned as a black Tundra pulled out right behind her. Then his cell phone rang, distracting him.

“Hello.” He tapped his Bluetooth as he pulled out into the street.

“Uncle.” His nephew Constantinos’ voice came over the line.

“How are you, C-man?” Rhodes smiled.

He listened as his nephew filled him in. He spoke with his niece, Calida, then his sister. They finalised their plans for the kids coming, then her and her husband. They disconnected just as he parked. Then he hurried inside. He received his packages for delivery and went to his truck.

“Hey, Rhodes,” Dave said.

He stopped, waiting for his friend to catch up. Once he had, they each pushed their respective bundles towards their trucks.

“Saw you the other night at The Bistro with that fine-looking doctor,” Dave said.

“I didn’t see you. Why didn’t you come say hi?” Rhodes frowned, wondering how Dave knew Devi was a doctor.

“Didn’t want to intrude. You looked busy,” Dave said.

“We were having dinner.” Rhodes shrugged.

“I could see that. I didn’t even know the doc could smile. She’s usually so abrupt when I deliver packages to the hospital,” Dave said.

Rhodes felt foolish for not realising that Dave would know Devi from delivering packages.

“She’s cool,” Rhodes replied.

“If you say so.” Dave shrugged.

Rhodes wondered why Dave seemed unconvinced. They were silent as they loaded their trucks.

“Hey, you doing anything tomorrow night?” he asked Dave.

“Nope,” Dave said.

“Good. I want you to meet Devi. Come by my house at eight tomorrow. We can cook out,” Rhodes said.

“Devi. That’s her name, huh? Okay, sure—I’ll come over,” Dave said.

They parted and went their separate ways.

Rhodes tapped a number into his phone.

“It’s only been an hour since we parted, Rhodes.” Devi sounded exasperated.

“I know, but I had a question. Are you free tomorrow night?” he asked.

“I thought we were meeting tonight,” Devi said.

“We are, but how about tomorrow night. Are you free?”

“Sure I am,” Devi said.

“Good. I invited a friend for a cook-out to meet you,” Rhodes said.

Devi was silent.

“Is that okay? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Rhodes said.

He winced. He should have asked first. He switched lanes.

“No, I want to. You want me to meet your friend?” She sounded baffled.

“Sure. Dave is a close buddy of mine. He works with me and has seen you at the hospital,” Rhodes said.

“Are you sure?” Her voice over the line was intense.

“I am.”

“I’ll be pleased to meet your friend,” Devi said.

He breathed out, then said, “Good. We can get something for the cook-out after our run.”

“No worries. I can get it for you. I’m off today.”

“You’re off today? Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“Because you would have been tempted to stay home with me,” she said.

He couldn’t dispute what she’d said.

“Give me a list of what you need. I’ll get it. Have some errands I have to do myself,” Devi said.

He thought about what he would need and gave her the list.

“I’ll get it. Hey, why don’t we have the cook-out at my house?” she offered.

“You don’t have to do that,” Rhodes said.

“Ah, shut up. We’re having it here. Tell your friend. Get back to work.”

“Bossy, bossy woman.” Rhodes chuckled.  

“And later you’re going to be at my beck and call. I’m looking forward to it.” Devi hung up.

He was, too. Whistling, he went about his workday.

Chapter Five




Devi chuckled as she drove to the hospital. After she had parked, she exited the SUV. A black Tundra drove past her. It contained Parker and Allie. Her stalkers were nothing if not persistent.

She ignored them and went into the hospital. In the elevator, she vowed just to get the file she needed, then to get the rest of her errands done. She strode rapidly down the hall and entered her office. At her desk, she picked up the file and turned to go.

“How was the weekend?” January’s voice lacked its usual effervescence.

Devi studied her. She stifled a sigh. The look on January’s face and the circles under her eyes made it obvious it was ‘off again’ with her boyfriend.

“What happened?” she asked.

“He’s leaving town. Got a job offer in Florida. So he said long distance wouldn’t work.” January’s lip wobbled.

Devi held back another sigh. In her opinion, it was good that he was going. The rollercoaster of emotions he put January through was painful to watch. She’d been tempted to interfere, but had held off.

Devi led January to her couch and listened as she waffled between being hurt and pissed off. Over an hour later she left, assuring January it was okay for her to come to the cook-out at her house the next day.

BOOK: Devi
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