Devastate (Havoc Series Stand Alone Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: Devastate (Havoc Series Stand Alone Book 5)
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              Alert, I wait with my weapon drawn, back against the brick. Grim's voice comes in my ear piece. “So far we're clear. Glove?”



              “Clear,” I reply with a nod.

              We stay steady waiting to hear something. Anything. The silence is almost as deafening as if rounds were being fired off. Jazz's words are bouncing around in my head, screaming that she's hardly ever wrong. Gnawing at my conscience, we would have given what she said more attention. She's never wrong. What are the chances she's wrong now?

              At that moment, there's a brief movement that catches my eye. Immediately I yell, “Down!” Raptor drops and I fire two rounds into the head of one of The Face's men.               Unsure how we missed him approaching I immediately check my six as he checks his unsure of where the attacker appeared from.

              “Lordy. You've got incoming,” Grim announces seconds before members with guns drawn rush out of the space where the exchange was supposed to happen. A handful part each direction heading towards each of us positioned. As we're trained to do, as we were instructed to do, we take down every member of muscle that comes our direction. Dropping them effortlessly until no one is left standing creates a false sense of victory as I stare at their lifeless bodies. These don't look like people The Face deals with. They look like nothing more than your average drug dealers. This feels wrong.

              “Grim?” I say into my ear piece.

              “Clear,” he sighs, the strain in his voice obvious he's thinking something similar.

              Raptor tilts his head at me. “Eagle wants us inside.”

              “Roger that,” I say to him. “Grim, Glove, copy?”

              “Roger that,” they both reply.

              The five of us congregate on the outside together before pushing the back door in bracing ourselves for surprises. We get one. It's just not the kind we're expecting. Three females are blinded folded, gagged, and bound facing a wall. Before any of us can make a move for the females, Eagle who has his weapon drawn, pointed at someone we can't see, holds up a hand to stop us. With the same hand he motions for a man with dark skin, a terrified expression, and surrendered hands to come into our line of sight.

              “Tell them, what you told me,” Eagle commands.

              In a frightened garble the man cries out, “
Prosím, mi neublíži. Čokoľvek chceš. Môžete mať.”

              “He keeps repeating that. What does it mean?” Eagle's eyes land on me. “You're the linguistics specialist. Translate.”

              “My Slovak is slow, but...” I take a moment to do what I can. “He's begging you not to hurt him. Whatever you want, you can have.”

              With his weapon still pointed at the man he says, “We just want the girls and the drugs.”

              Struggling I grind out, “
Chceme len dievčatá a lieky.”

              On another cry his mouth rambles, “
Môžete ich mať. Both. Len sme informovaní my by sme sa ich držal noc. Že by sa vyzdvihnúť zajtra. Nemáme tušenie, kto sú, alebo odkiaľ prišli. Obaja boli len láskavosť volal od starého priateľa.”

              “You can have them. Both. We were just informed we would be holding them the night. That they would be picked up tomorrow. We have no idea who they are or where they came from. Both were just a favor called in from an old friend.” I translate for him. Without waiting for Eagle to ask anything else I question, “A favor from who? What kind of drugs?” The older gentleman looks like he doesn't understand, so I translate to his language.

              He grumbles back at me and my jaw drops in disbelief.

              “What?” Grim says sternly. “What did he say?”

              “He says those drugs are just sleeping pills he purchased off of his old friend. The one who asked for the favor.” I move my eyes to meet my unit member's. “Tyger.”

              “Son of a bitch!” Grim shouts forcing the girls to shutter.

              “Get them out of here,” Eagle instructs to his men. “Unbind them and ungag them in the vehicle.”

              Following his orders they execute while Eagle tilts his head at us. “Tyger? Is this someone you're chasing? Someone related to The Face?”

              “More or less,” Glove grumbles.

              “So all this...all this was just basically a set up?” Eagle growls. “Waste of time and resources?”

              “A distraction,” Grim clarifies.

              “For what?” He barks.


              “Make it known,” Eagle sneers, placing a bullet in the man's skull. Before any of us have time to object, to attack, to reason with why he could've left him alive, he alerts us. “The order was only the girl's left alive. No exceptions.” Coldly he finishes, “Clean- up crew is already on the scene. Thank you Jackets for your help.”

              He walks out past us, his point true, even if we don't want to admit it. We knew it needed to be. It's the harsh nature of the job no matter how shitty it feels to kill someone who could have easily served prison time for his crimes.

              Grim shouts loudly, “Fuck!” Bitterly, he snaps, “Let's get the fuck out of here.”

              We follow suit briefly getting a glimpse of the clean-up crew that swiftly sweeps in to collect the body of the man, who like the rest of us, was nothing more than a pawn in some scheme we know nothing about.

              Our ride home is as quiet as our ride here was except this time instead of wallowing in the amount of unresolved anger we have for one another, it's the aggression of being played. Being fucked over. Being even further from nipping this shit in the bud.

              The early morning sun is starting to rise upon our arrival back at my grandparents' home. Unsure of what I'm hearing is correct, I lean slightly forward at the distinct sound of a helicopter taking off. Shooting forward between the seats I see Jazz with her arms around Ma who's hysterical. The minute Grim tosses the truck in park, I fly out not waiting to unload any of my remaining gear to hide the fact I was out doing work when they thought I was in the house asleep.

              “Ma! What's wrong?” I rush up the stairs.

              “They took him,” she bawls switching from Jazz's arms to mine. “They took my Jody, Rascal...”

              “Who took him?” My eyes fall on Jazz who quickly shake her head, it's not the move I'm thinking.

              Softly Jazz informs me, “Pa had a heart attack this morning.” When Ma cries louder, she does her best to speak over her, “They just rushed him out on Star Flight to Saint Zachariah's.”

              “Come on Ma,” I encourage her towards the house. “Let's get you changed and over there. We'll drive you.”

              I shoot a look over my shoulder at Grim and Glove whose expressions deepen. Expecting resistance from Grim, I'm relieved when he announces, “We'll follow you.”

              Jazz takes my grandmother away from me to help her get changed, while the three of us unpack, change ourselves, and grab Haven who was nervously waiting in their room, to join us. In my truck, I drive Ma and Jazz who is holding her as she continues crying in the backseat while, Grim follows behind us with Glove and Haven.

              The forty five minute drive to the hospital is the longest I’ve ever had. Thankfully, Jazz calms Ma down enough for her to answer the phone calls that are flooding in from the family and what feels like the entire town. As soon we arrive and park, we're directed to the area where we can wait for him.

              Sitting together with Jazz on one side of me, and Ma on the other, I'm grateful when Grim and Glove sit down with us, showing our solidarity. No matter the bullshit we've been through or the arguments looming in the dark, I know they're gonna be here for me. Like brothers should be. Like brothers always will be.

              A lump crawls up my throat and my girl gives my back a soft rub. For a blissful minute, I let the fact she lied to me disappear. The fact she's always keeping something from me, from us, flutters the fuck away. For just a second I melt into the comforting feeling that I don't have to do this alone.

              “Is he alive?” Jo rushes into the waiting area. “Is he alive?”

              “Still no word,” I reply softly.

              “Why didn't you call us right after you called 911?” Jo shouts.

              “Lower your voice,” Ma hushes between snuffles. “You're gonna wake the dead.”

              Johnson and Joshua come around the corner with my parents on their tails.

              On a sob my mother questions, “Is he...”

              “No word yet,” my answer doesn't even receive an acknowledgment. “For Christ sake, even as the man lies possibly dying in the next room, you can't look at me?”

              “Not now,” my father tries to shut me up. “Let's not do that while your grandfather dies in the other room.”

              My voice raises. “Why do you assume he's dying? Why do you always assume the fucking worst?”

              “Lordy.” Grim grabs my attention settling me back into my seat with a look.

              “Who the hell is Lordy?” Johnson questions. “And who the hell are these people?”

              “These are my brothers,” I inform him without the least bit of remorse in my voice.

              “They don't need to be here,” my father declares. “They aren't family.”

              “They've been a better family to me than you ever have,” I growl.

              “Doesn't mean they should be here. Hell, you shouldn't even be here,” Jo barks at me.

              “Jo,” Ma's voice squeaks. “Not now! We're not doin' that now!”

              “Why not?” He throws his hands in the air. “When else should we do it? Now's as good as time as any!”

              “Damn it Joseph,” Ma snips. “I mean it! That's enough.”

              “What do you mean I shouldn't be here? That's my fucking grandfather in there!” I launch to my feet inches from brother's face. “If anyone doesn't deserve to be here, it's you! All you want is Pa's money!”

              “At least he's my
grandfather,” Jo callously sneers. My eyebrows rise and he shakes his head. “How fucking stupid are you, Rascal? You're not a fucking Lord no matter how much he wanted you to be!”

              Without hesitating my fist flies to his jaw dropping him where he stood. Not sure what he meant or how there's no way it can possibly be true, I tense my hand tighter to make the next impact hurt worse. So much fucking worse. Before I can take another swing, both arms are being pinned back to prevent further damage.

              “Holy shit, Rascal! When'd you learn to hit like that?” Johnson cheers. “Whoooo!”

              “Boys!” Ma fusses, but it's too late. Security is in the room.

              “Sir,” the guard speaks to me. “We're gonna have to ask you to leave--”

              “But it wasn't his fault,” Ma defends me.

              “Ma'am.” He holds a hand to her. Turning back to me as they let me loose he repeats, “Sir, we're going to have to ask you to leave the premises at the moment.”

              “Why me?”

              “Because you threw the punch,” Joshua whispers out. “You're the liability.”

              “Fine.” I rub my forehead. “Fine. I'll go.”

              Ma whimpers, “Rascal...”

              Leaning down I plant a kiss on her head. “It's okay Ma. When Pa wakes up I'll be back. Jazz. Stay with her.”

              She nods in understanding and Haven volunteers, “I'll stay too.”

              I meet her brown eyes that are offering to help, offering to be the strength for her the same way I would be for her at the drop of dime. Holding back tears of thanks I nod. “I appreciate that.”

              Grim and Glove rise to their feet insisting to drive me back. After I toss my keys to Jazz, I walk past my bloodline, beside the guard, his explanation or requirements not registering to me whatsoever. The only thing running through my mind right now is the fact the only father I've ever had my entire life, the first person to ever believe I was worth a damn is fighting for his existence and I can't be in the same fucking building because that's how low my family is. I should've never fucking come back to this place. All it's ever done is try drown me. To kill me from the inside out and if Pa's finally succeeded.




The three of us don't speak about much when we leave the hospital. Not on the ride. Not when we arrive back. Glove doesn't even bother to make his childish remarks. Grim doesn't gripe about the consequences of our actions for not departing like The Director is expecting. The only thing they do is take the shots of whiskey I hand out in the early afternoon and down them in his name. Grim stops at one, Glove at two, but neither judge me as I continue to toss back sips from his favorite expensive whiskey he keeps in a crystal decanter. 

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