Destroying the Wrong (11 page)

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Authors: Evelyne Stone

BOOK: Destroying the Wrong
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The last couple of weeks before Christmas break went by entirely too slow. I signed up to take three online classes during the spring semester at the community college and Alissa was able to sign up for a workout class at the gym she already went to, along with a couple of online classes. I was excited about starting my new academic chapter.

Alissa used my heartbreak over Jamison as an excuse to spend more time with me, away from Matt. I didn't really notice much of a change in him because he’d always been moderately clingy but Alissa seemed to think he had changed tenfold. I just wanted my best friend happy.

We were eating lunch together at our normal table when I noticed Alissa kept checking her phone. “Are you expecting to hear from someone?” I asked around a mouthful of food.

“No,” she pouted. “I'm just making sure I don't have any new texts or emails.”

“Are you still going to come over and help me get ready for the party?” I gave her my pathetic puppy dog face. “I really want to look my best for Dillon.”

“Yes, absolutely!” She clapped her hands in excitement. The fun Alissa I knew and loved had been hiding lately, and she wouldn't talk to me about what was really going on with her. What I did know was that not all of her distractions were based on Matt.

“When does Dillon get into town?”

“Tomorrow night.”

I was about to ask her another question when I felt something hit the back of my head. I reached around to touch the spot and felt something warm and mushy.

“What the hell just hit my head and who hit me?” I turned to the side while Alissa jumped up from her seat. I thought she was going to wipe off whatever was in my hair, but she walked to the table behind us. She grabbed Kelly's lunch tray and spilled what was left over her head. Kelly jumped up and took a swing at Alissa, but she was fast enough to dodge Kelly’s fist.

“Alissa, come back!” I tried to scream but the D.A.'s were talking all at once and she couldn't hear me. Kelly tried to punch her again, but this time Alissa grabbed her arms and held them behind her.

“If you ever throw food at my friend again, you'll be walking home on crutches. Got it?” she warned, getting right in Kelly’s face. I had never seen Alissa so mad before and certainly had never heard her threaten anyone.

Kelly just laughed and tried to kick at Alissa, but Alissa’s grip on her was so tight she couldn't move. One of the lunch ladies walked over and told both girls to go to the principal’s office. Alissa let go of Kelly and walked toward the exit. Kelly grabbed her stuff and looked over at me.

“Nice hair, loser.” She laughed as she followed behind Alissa.

Jamison, of all people, walked up to me and asked, “Do you need help with anything? Are you okay?” He stood there with his hands in his pockets.

“No, thank you.” I said, not wanting to look at him.

“Can we talk about what happened between us?”

“There’s nothing to talk about, especially when I have food in my hair,” I replied.

He nodded and walked away.

I gathered my backpack and Alissa's before heading to the bathroom to clean up my hair. It had all happened so fast, my mind was still trying to process what had actually happened. Alissa must have been out of her mind to stand up to Kelly. It was pretty awesome to see, though. I smiled through the anger.


Alissa got off lucky with only a warning at school. The principal pulled me into his office so that I could explain what had happened to Alissa's mom after she’d somehow convinced him that it would help. Her mom was still mad, but hearing my side softened the blow and she wouldn’t ground my fierce protector as long as she promised to stay away from Kelly.

Getting ready for the party had activated every nerve in my body. Alissa kept smacking my bouncing legs as she tried to put on my makeup.

“Sit still, woman! If you don't calm down, I’m going to end up stabbing you in the eye with this liner. It's just a party and you've known Dillon since we were both in diapers.”

I took a couple of deep breaths and placed my hands under my butt to help with the shaking.

“Besides, you're going to look fabulous. I’m almost done with your makeup which means you can put your dress on.” Alissa already had her makeup on and had gotten her hair done at a salon. “And… finished. Now go look in the mirror and tell me what a genius I am.”

I walked over to the mirror and didn't recognize the girl who was staring back at me. My hair was shiny and straight, framing my face. My smoky eyes looked amazing and my lips had the perfect amount of gloss. “Alissa, wow! Even I think I look hot!”

“Now that is a compliment. Go get dressed so we can get there before everyone else and make sure the room looks perfect.” She pushed me into the bathroom where my dress was hanging on the curtain rod.

Alissa's dress was a beautiful red empire cut gown that looked amazing with her black hair. Mine was a dark blue pencil straight dress that really showed off my curves with a slit going up one side that was a little high. I made a mental note to hold onto the dress so it wouldn't open up very much.

We both piled into Alissa's car and drove over to the gym. Scott had closed it early for the party and the boys would all be meeting us there.

Walking through the side doors of the gym into what was usually the L.S.A.B. meeting room was like stepping into a magical fairytale. The room was full of sparkling blue lights and the tables running along one side of the room had mountains of food on top of glowing platters that changed from red to blue to green, each with a small centerpiece that had dry ice steaming over onto the white tablecloths. Half of the high school orchestra was set up on a high-rise, all dressed in tuxes or gowns, quietly tuning their instruments.

“Alissa, this is beautiful,” I said wide-eyed. I was truly impressed by my best friend’s efforts.

“Thanks. Hopefully Scott will feel the same way and not freak out over how much I spent.” She looked around the room then shrugged at me and mouthed, “Oops.”

“From the sounds of it, you may have him wrapped around your finger,” I whispered, holding up my pinky.

“Oh, I hope so.” She smiled bigger than I had seen in a while and crossed her pinky with mine, though she must have seen how her words confused me.

“What does that mean, exactly?” I looked over at Alissa but she didn't reply because a gorgeous man had come to stand next to us.

“Good evening, Alissa. This must be the Katherine I've heard so much about? I apologize for not taking the time to meet you the last time you were here.” I didn't think I could manage a reply. I was on the verge of drooling all over myself.

“You're right. Kat, this is Scott.” Alissa nudged me a little when I didn't say anything back.

“It's so nice to finally meet you, Scott.” I had not expected Scott to look like he had just stepped out of a magazine, all Photoshopped and gorgeous. It was no wonder Alissa had been distracted.

Matt and Walt walked in, snapping me out of my daze as Matt walked straight over to Alissa, gave her a kiss on the cheek and started complimenting her on how gorgeous she looked tonight. I couldn't help but notice that Alissa wasn't taking her eyes off Scott. Walt walked up to me and took my hand, kissing my knuckles.

“Wow, Katherine, you sure dress up nicely.” His leering smile was even more disturbing than the suggestion in his voice.

“How's college going, Walt?” I attempted to take his attention off my dress and pulled my hand from his.

“Good, but I miss having lunch with you and Alissa. It was the highlight of my day. Make sure you save me a dance.” He actually winked at me like that should have impressed me. I looked around the room hoping Dillon would show up soon. I couldn’t get the butterflies in my stomach to stop fluttering.

“Matt, Kat and I are going to go backstage to make sure everything is set up. Could you please keep an eye out for my brother? He'll be dressed all Army-like.” Alissa grabbed my hand and pulled me away, looking very annoyed.

“What's wrong?” I could always tell when something was bugging her even when she tried to hide it.

She rolled her eyes and grumbled, “I just wish Matt would lay off the touchy stuff in public.”

“You never had a problem with it before and now that he's a college guy, I thought you would be happy to show him off.”

“I just don't like it when he has to show everyone that we're together. Everyone here knows we're a couple so why doesn't he just lay off?”

“Does this have anything to do with Scott? Or how he was standing there watching the two of you?” I already knew the answer to that because no matter how hard she denied that nothing was going on with Scott, I could tell that at the very least she had a crush on him. I didn’t want to think about it going farther than that.

“Just forget it. You don't understand.”

“Then help me understand! I'm your best friend we used to tell each other everything, but lately you’ve been holding back on me.” I pulled her to a stop so she would look at me.

“Please just let it go. I'm going to talk to the orchestra. Could you go back out front and look out for Dillon? Make sure Matt doesn't say anything stupid.” She turned on her heel and headed towards the riser without another word. I looked back at the boys and didn't see Dillon, so I decided to head to the ladies room for a quick make-up check.

When I walked back out, the room was glowing with Christmas lights. I was looking up at the ceiling, lost in the glow, when I felt a hand cup my cheek and realized Dillon stood before me. We locked eyes like we hadn't seen each other in decades and he pulled me in for a hug, but instead of the bear hugs he usually gave, this was softer. He held me like I could break.

“Katherine, you look amazing. I've never seen anyone so beautiful.”

I felt myself blushing but didn't care because Dillon had just called me beautiful.

“Look at you. So official and handsome.”

“Official wasn’t exactly the look I was going for, but I can't help that.” He chuckled and took my hand. “I had the pleasure of meeting Matt and Scott but the only person I want to be around right now is you.” He looked down, blushing the moment he said that to me.

I could have melted right there on the floor. I smiled and squeezed his hand. “We’d better find Alissa or she'll never forgive me for stealing her brother all night.” I looked around the room and saw her standing by the drinks talking to Scott. Matt was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Walt.
Thank goodness.

Alissa met us halfway almost in a run and threw her arms around her brother. “Thank you so much for coming! What do you think?” She pointed all around the room.

“You did an amazing job, sis. Thank you for the invite. Scott, I hear you're quite the Drill Sergeant. Think she'll be ready to join the Army, soon?”

“No way, Dillon. I'm just learning how to defend myself. Scott is a great teacher.” She looked at him the same way she used to look at Matt. Scott didn't seem to be returning the look, though.

More people arrived and I grew excited as the band started playing, thinking maybe Dillon would ask for a dance. The next song was a slow Christmas melody. Dillon excused himself from the table and I was about to lose hope but he faced me, grabbed my hand and led me onto the dance floor without a word.

Our bodies pressed together, fitting perfectly. I could feel him breathing in my ear as our cheeks pressed together. We moved to the music, staying as close as possible. When the song ended, I looked into his eyes. Something between us had changed. I didn't think I could want any other man but him for the rest of my life.

The next song was a little faster so I excused myself. I had to go wash the sweat off my hands. I hated that I got sweaty when I was nervous. On my way back to the table from the ladies room, Walt stepped out in front of me.

“Hey, Katherine. I was wondering if I could have the next dance?”

“Thanks, Walt, but I think I'm going to sit a few out and catch up with an old friend.”

He didn't move. “Can I at least steal you for one second to show you something I made?”

I didn’t want to be rude around Christmas so I agreed. He led me behind the orchestra, through the curtains. “What are you showing me? Is it a present for your girlfriend?”
Oh please have a girlfriend.

“Nope. It's something special just for you.” He walked to the very back where it was dark and all I could make out were boxes.

“You didn't have to make me anything.” My arm hairs started to stand up.

“I haven't made it yet. But I'm about to.” He threw me up against the wall and pinned me back with his large-framed body.

“Walt, what the hell are you doing?” He covered up my mouth with his hand.

“If you scream… if you say one word, I will snap your neck. Do you understand me?” I nodded. I had no idea what to do. My body was shaking. He ran his hand up and down my leg where the slit I had been aware of all night was now torn open.

“You're so beautiful. I've wanted to touch you since the first time I met you. I've dreamed about touching you and kissing you and making you scream my name.” His lips kissed my neck and he ran his tongue up and down like he was tasting me.

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