Destroying Angel (5 page)

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Authors: Sam Hastings

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #crime, #murder, #poisoned, #poison, #sexual, #fantasy

BOOK: Destroying Angel
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‘Are you shocked?’ de Vergy asked, with just a trace of amusement.

‘No, no,’ Susan responded automatically and immediately realised that she had fallen right into the trap. She now had a choice of making some stuffy remark and withdrawing with as much grace as possible, or of admitting her true feelings. She decided on the latter. ‘Actually, I think it’s very beautiful.’

‘Erotic?’ Annabella continued mercilessly.

‘Yes,’ Susan admitted, knowing that if Annabella ordered her to her knees at that second, she would obey without hesitation.

‘Paulette?’ Annabella asked.

‘Lovely,’ Paulette said. ‘You’ve got a cute pussy.’

‘Paulette!’ Susan exclaimed, astonished at the boldness of her friend’s comment.

‘Have I, indeed?’ Annabella remarked, taking only a second to recover her poise. ‘May I ask a rather intimate question?’

‘Yes,’ Susan answered.

‘You two are very intimate,’ de Vergy said evenly. ‘Are you lovers?’

Susan hesitated for a second, and then nodded.

‘In a relationship,’ Annabella said, ‘a truly sexual relationship, in any case, one partner always tends to dominate. Do you not think?’

‘Not really, we—’ Susan began, only to be cut off by Annabella.

‘With the two of you it is hard to guess which is the dominant,’ she continued. ‘Paulette seems more aggressive, more open; but you, Susan, you have a control, a firmness about you that suggests you might like to be in charge. Overall, though, I’d surmise that you both prefer to be taken charge of. Am I right?’

‘I suppose so,’ Susan admitted, feeling deliciously helpless, as if she were already in Annabella’s claws.

‘She likes a good spanking,’ Paulette put in, adding to Susan’s humiliation.

‘And do you?’ Annabella asked Paulette, to Susan’s delight.

Susan expected a sulky, contrite admission, much like her own. Instead, Paulette smiled, a mischievous grin that was mirrored in her eyes. Turning, she pulled up her skirt and tugged her panties up between the cheeks of her bottom, displaying the full coffee-coloured globes and the six darker lines that criss-crossed their surface. Susan glanced at Annabella, noticing a flush at her throat.

‘Would you like me to add to that?’ de Vergy asked, still cool, for all her obvious excitement.

Paulette responded positively and eagerly. Susan hung her head and gave a shy nod.

‘Come upstairs,’ de Vergy said, her tone anticipating their compliance.

Susan followed up the steep staircase, hypnotised by Annabella’s slim silk-encased calves. Paulette took her hand, squeezing it and giving her an excited grin when she turned back. They climbed to the attic and then waited while Annabella unlocked a door that evidently led into the extension.

Susan went in after de Vergy and gazed around. As she had guessed it would be, the room was dedicated to the realisation of Annabella’s fantasies. The walls were scrubbed brick, the single large window covered with a thick blind, tacked around the edges. This enhanced the impression of a cellar or dungeon, the only light coming from a yellow panel, soft and dim. Several complex structures of black iron-work and deep red leather stood against the walls, each clearly intended for the restraint of a victim. A rack of whips, canes and straps stood against one wall, with a long cupboard beneath it that Susan guessed contained further sex toys. She swallowed hard, wondering how it would feel to be rendered helpless and punished by Annabella, and sure that she would have every chance to find out.

Paulette was clearly enraptured as well, feeling the padded surface of a whipping-stool with a touch that was really a caress. Remembering Paulette’s fantasies of regular punishment to keep her in her place, Susan could see what the black girl was thinking. Annabella would beat her until she was satisfied, indulging Paulette’s love of penitence to the full. For Susan, the set-up was less perfect, being too contrived, too deliberate to really fit her fantasies. She would have preferred to be pulled over de Vergy’s knee in the bedroom, to have her jeans and panties pulled down and to be spanked with a hand or hairbrush while Paulette laughed at her discomfort. Better still would have been the garden, squealing her way through a bare-bottom spanking like the little brat she was, Annabella not caring in the least that the neighbours witnessed her victim’s pain and humiliation.

‘You should both be nude,’ Annabella was saying, now haughty and commanding. ‘Strip and wait here while I change. There’s a bathroom on the floor below.’

Susan began to undress immediately, determined to make the best of the chance to be dominated by Annabella. As the door clicked shut, Susan turned to Paulette and smiled at the eagerness with which her friend was disrobing.

Paulette trembled with anticipation as she tugged her skirt down over her hips. The prospect of punishment had entirely dissolved her disappointment at discovering that Alan Sowerby had been on a wild-goose chase. Annabella de Vergy was absolutely wonderful, not only obviously skilled and experienced in the art of domination, but with the perfect look for it. Tall, slim and athletic in appearance, de Vergy was just the sort of woman Paulette felt ought to be chastising her.

Twice she had deliberately been cheeky, and now she was going to be punished – and punished alongside Susan, which would make the experience even better. Stepping out of her panties, she gathered up the pile of clothes on the floor and scampered downstairs to wash, leaving Susan still only half-undressed.

She passed Susan on the stairs on her return, getting a friendly slap on her bottom as she went by. Back in what she was already thinking of as the dungeon, although it was an attic room, she surveyed Annabella’s equipment and wondered which piece of exotic apparatus it would be most fun to use. The whipping-stool tempted, designed to leave her bent almost double with her bum high in the air and everything showing. A pillory had even more potential, as it would leave her totally helpless and fitted beautifully with her fantasy of being punished for real.

The door clicked to behind her and she turned to see Susan, naked and lovely. Susan’s reaction to Annabella seemed to be identical to hers, with no trace of jealousy. Not that there was any need to feel any; they would, after all, be together.

‘You want to go first, don’t you?’ Susan asked.

‘Please,’ Paulette answered. ‘I’d like to go in the pillory. Do you think she’d rather choose?’

‘Go in it, anyway,’ Susan suggested. ‘She can always order you out. She might even beat us for trying to anticipate her.’

‘That’s true,’ Paulette replied, hoping that Annabella would do exactly that. She opened the pillory and laid her head and wrists into the holes.

Susan closed the bar, trapping Paulette and immediately bringing the thrill of helplessness. ‘You do look sweet,’ Susan remarked as she clicked the bolt into place. ‘I’d do you myself. In fact, I think I will.’

‘Hey!’ Paulette protested, but could do nothing as Susan moved behind her and fondled her bottom.

Paulette sighed as Susan’s hands caressed her cheeks, squeezing and pulling them apart, her fingers moulding the flesh.

‘Legs apart,’ Susan ordered. ‘Let’s give Annabella a good show of your pussy.’

Paulette obeyed, as Susan went to the rack of implements in front of her.

‘If I opened the blind, your rear view would be on show to every upper window in Little Venice,’ Susan joked, as she selected a black pole with a leather cuff attached to each end.

‘No, please!’ Paulette squeaked.

‘Don’t you like to be watched?’

‘Only by the person who’s punishing me,’ Paulette answered, as Susan attached a cuff to one of her ankles. ‘Do you?’

‘Yes, the more the merrier. But they mustn’t know I want them to be watching. I like them to think that whoever’s spanking me is doing it in public to humiliate me more. Or because they don’t care whether my bum gets a public airing or not, they just decide I need a spanking and do it then and there.’

‘I prefer it one-to-one,’ Paulette said, ‘but the idea of you being Annabella’s maid while she punishes me is great. Oh, that’s nice; I feel really open. I can’t close my legs at all.’

Susan had fixed the pole in place, forcing Paulette’s legs wide and leaving her pussy open and vulnerable. All Paulette could do was wiggle her bottom, an action she knew would do little to lessen the pain of her punishment. Relaxing into her bonds, she felt her pleasure rising and her breath coming deep and slow as she waited. Susan moved around to her side and knelt submissively on the floor, her hands folded in her lap and her head hung.

‘She’s coming,’ Susan hissed even as Paulette heard the click of high heels on the stairs. She found herself trembling as the door clicked, and she knew Annabella would be looking at her naked body, strapped and ready for punishment, legs spread to offer pussy and anus.

‘What is this?’ Annabella de Vergy’s voice came sharp and clear. ‘I ordered you to strip and wait, did I not?’

‘Yes,’ Paulette answered, shivering at the commanding arrogance of Annabella’s tone, and wishing she could see her.

‘Yes, what?!’ Annabella snapped.

‘Y-yes, Miss de Vergy,’ Paulette stammered, then gulped as long nails traced a path over the flesh of her bottom. The nails moved down to the tuck of her cheeks and a hand closed on the plumpest part of her bottom, weighing and squeezing the flesh in a casually possessive manner. Paulette squirmed, trying to push her pussy against the exploring hand, but unable to do so.

‘You do not address me by name,’ Annabella said in a calm, cool voice. ‘You call me “mistress”, both of you. Is that understood?’

‘Yes… mistress,’ Paulette answered, hearing Susan say the same in a tiny, meek voice.

‘Good,’ Annabella said, ‘and now I am going to beat you. It will not be because you have presented yourself in this vulgar position, obviously in the hope of punishment, nor because you enjoy it. It will be to teach you your place. Do you understand that?’

‘Y-yes… mistress,’ Paulette stammered again.

‘I doubt it,’ Annabella sneered, ‘but I suspect you will by the time I’ve finished with you, as will your friend – although as she is notably less insolent and has adopted a more appropriate position. I expect she already has some idea. Well, Susan, do you understand, or will you need it beaten into you, too?’

‘I’ll probably need to be beaten,’ Susan answered quietly.

Annabella laughed, a mocking, cruel sound that made Paulette’s muscles tighten instinctively. Annabella’s heels clicked on the wooden floor as she walked around the pillory. Paulette saw her legs first, long and elegant, clad in the same seamed silk stockings, but now with her feet in shiny black shoes with heels some five inches tall. The board of the pillory made it hard to see more. Raising and twisting her head as much as she could, Paulette watched Annabella stroke Susan’s hair as she passed, then glide effortlessly around to stand in front of the pillory.

Paulette found herself looking at Annabella’s midriff, the shaved lips of her pussy directly level with her eyes. Annabella was dressed much as she had been in the picture: a neat leather corset covering her waist, breasts and hips bare. Coiled-up hair, severe make-up and lace gloves that left her red-taloned fingers bare completed the image. Paulette squinted as she looked up into her mistress’s eyes. Annabella gave a light, scornful laugh and moved a step closer, her bare pussy just inches from Paulette’s face. A musky, feminine scent caught Paulette, adding to her excitement.

‘I think we should start with an acknowledgement of your status,’ Annabella remarked, casually. ‘Let me see, now… Yes, you can kiss my anus. A bit of a privilege, really, but as you are about to be beaten anyway, I suppose it’s acceptable.’

Annabella turned, presenting Paulette with a neatly rounded bottom, the cheeks high and firm. Slowly, deliberately, Annabella pulled them apart and bent forward. Paulette opened her mouth, wetting her lips at the sight of what she was about to be made to kiss. Shaved, like her pussy, Annabella’s bottom-hole was set in a corona of flesh a shade darker than the delicate cream of her skin elsewhere. Tiny lines ran together between bumps of soft flesh, joining to form the dark crease of the actual hole, like lips pursed for a kiss.

Paulette gulped as Annabella pushed her bottom back another inch. She hesitated, feeling unsure of what she was about to do, then poked her tongue out. This was it, the moment she kissed another woman’s anus – something she felt was appropriate for her and something she’d often fantasised over, but something she’d never actually done. Now she was going to show her subjugation to Annabella, kissing and licking her bottom while Susan watched. Still she hesitated, Annabella’s scent rich in her nostrils, her anus half an inch away from Paulette’s mouth.

‘Do it,’ Annabella ordered sternly.

Her voice overwhelmed Paulette’s last reserve. Shutting her eyes and trembling, she pressed her face between Annabella’s buttocks, kissing the tight little hole, then again, pressing her lips hard against it, licking, inserting her tongue, licking again, frantic for more now that she’d given in to her desire.

Annabella pulled away suddenly, laughing as she turned around. She sank to her haunches and lifted Paulette’s chin with a finger.

‘Beat me,’ Paulette begged, hearing the passion in her own voice.

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