Destiny Revealed (7 page)

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Authors: Nicole Bailey

BOOK: Destiny Revealed
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“It’s kinda goth,” she said.
“That’s why I picked it. It fits us, no?” I asked.
“Totally,” she grinned.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Etienne said.
“I’m surprised you don’t have anything yet,” I said to

“Oh, check it. I got it last night,” he said as he rolled his
pant leg up. On the outside of his right calf, there was a
giant wolf paw print. “Mom wouldn’t let me get it ‘til I
“Wow, that’s actually really cool,” Jack said. Dash
looked at him in surprise. It wasn’t like Jack to compliment
“I know, right?” Dash grinned.
“Okay, I totally want a tattoo now,” Nat said as she
bounced on the balls of her feet. She started to flip through
a book that was on the counter.
“Ta mère, will kill you,” Jack pointed out.
“Whatevs. I’m eighteen now,” she grinned and
continued to flip through the book. I looked over her
“Sof, talk some sense into the girl,” Jack pleaded.
I looked up at him, “Seriously?”
“Yeah, I guess you’re no help. You’re a bad influence,”
he complained.
“Oh, come on. You’ve never even thought about getting
one?” Nat asked him. He hesitated. “See! I knew it. Back
off, I’m getting something.”
“Where will you get it?” I asked. “Not on your lower
back. That’s so…” I couldn’t think of the word.
“Tramp stamp?” Nat laughed and I laughed with her.
“And nothing lame, like a rose or butterfly,” Dash
“What’s wrong with butterflies?” Nat asked.
“Too cliché,” he said.
“Yeah, get something different. I do way too many
flowers and butterflies,” Etienne said as he walked back in
the room. “Who’s first?”
I looked at Nick. The tattoos had been my idea, but now
I was nervous. “I’ll go,” he smiled.
“I’m not gonna lie, dude. It’s gonna hurt. That’s thin
skin with a bone right underneath,” Etienne told him. Nick
just shrugged and walked over to the chair where he sat
down. He rested his hand on a tray and Etienne wrapped a
piece of trace paper with my name on it around Nick’s left
ring finger.
I walked over and stood next to him. “Do you want me
to hold your hand?” I teased.
“Possibly. I’ll let you know in a sec,” Nick said.
“I am not getting a skull,” I heard Nat say to Dash. “Or
Scooby Doo!”
“I’ve got it,” I shouted.
“What?” Nat asked.
I went back over to the counter so I wouldn’t have to
yell across the parlor. “How about a fleur de lis?”
“Ooh, yes! Perfect!” Nat agreed excitedly.
“Grrr,” I heard Nick growl from his chair.
I walked back over to him. “Do you need my hand
He was tightly gripping the arm rest of the chair with
his right hand. “No. I’m afraid I would break it,” he said
through gritted teeth.
Dash walked over to watch. “Don’t be such a wuss,
“Ignore him. He was a cry baby,” Etienne said without
looking up. It only took about a half hour for him to
complete the tattoo. It was incredible. It was an exact
replica of the print I had brought in.
It was my turn. I really didn’t want to wimp out and cry
in front of him. Nat came over to inspect Nick’s finger.
“Whoa, that is so cool,” she said.
“That is actually a really cool idea,” Jack agreed. I saw
him look at Nat when he said it. Like he thought it would
be a good idea for them, too.
I sat down and rested my hand on the tray. Etienne put
the stencil on my finger, looked up at me and asked,
“No, but do it anyway,” I nodded. The needle hit my
skin and I drew in a breath. It stung, but I thought it would
be worse. Dash was watching my face closely. “She’s
tough, man. She didn’t even flinch,” Dash said to Nick.
“That’s my Sofia,” he smiled.
“It’s seriously not that bad guys,” I said.
“Are you just saying that for my benefit?” Nat asked.
“So I don’t chicken out?”
“No. It really isn’t. I mean it stings, but I’m not gonna
die.” Mine didn’t take as long since Nick’s name was a
letter shorter and didn’t have as many flourishes.
“That.Is.Awesome,” I said as I looked down at my finger.
“My turn!” Nat chanted.
“What did you decide on?” Etienne asked her.
“I want a fleur de lis,” she said.
“Color? Black and gray?” he asked.
“Hmm… what do you think, Sof?” she turned to me.
“Traditionally they’re just black. I don’t know if a color
would look weird,” I answered.
“Let’s just do the black and gray shading,” she told
“And where do you want it?” he asked.
“The inside of my right wrist,” she decided.
“Good spot, that’ll look sick,” Etienne said. “Let me
just make up a stencil of something.” He left for the back
room again.
“Now, you’re completely sure about this?” Jack asked
Nat one last time.
“Yep,” she said. He shook his head at her.
“You’re gonna be the only one without one,” Dash said
to Jack.
“And I’m totally fine with that,” Jack smiled.
Etienne didn’t take long and Nat was waiting in the
chair for him when he came back out front. She rested her
arm on the chair and he placed the stencil on her wrist.
“Ready?” he asked. She nodded and squeezed her eyes
closed tightly. She let out a slight squeak when he started,
but other than that, didn’t say anything. Jack stood behind
her with his hand on her shoulder.
“You okay, Mon Ange?” Jack asked her.
She looked up and smiled at him. “Just peachy. Sof was
right. It really isn’t all that bad.”
“If you say so,” Nick muttered.
“Chicks have a much higher pain tolerance when it
comes to tattoos,” Etienne said. “A guy can take a punch
better, but the ladies do better with tats.”
“Really?” Dash asked, surprised.
“I had a marine pass out once,” Etienne grinned while
still focusing on Nat’s wrist. “And I was only doing one on
his arm. Total wuss. His buddies laughed so hard. Even
took a picture of him in the chair and posted it on the net.”
“Bahaha!” I laughed hard. “That’s awesome!”
Nat was trying to stay still but couldn’t help laughing.
Etienne had to stop for a second. “Sorry,” she grinned. He
started again, and less than forty minutes later he was done.
“Oh wow,” she exclaimed. The outer edges were dark
black, but he created a fade as the ink went in toward the
center of the tattoo.
“Lemme see,” I said, grabbing her wrist gently and
turning it to me. “Ooh, Etienne, you’re magic.”
“I know,” he grinned.
“And modest like your brother,” Jack said.
“Your turn?” he asked Jack.
“Nope. I’m good for now. The rings are really cool
though,” he said again. Nat noticed this time and looked at
him. He shrugged at her.
“You okay Nat?” I asked, patting her on the back.
“I’m good,” she whispered. She stood up from the chair
and leaned in close to my ear. “Did I just hear that right?”
I whispered as quietly as possible in her ear, “Yep. I
think you’re in for another tattoo soon.” She laughed at my
“What do I owe you?” I heard Nick ask Etienne.
“Nah, dude. It’s on the house. Wedding present. But my
lovely witchy friend owes me a twenty.”
“That’s it? Are you sure?” Nat asked.
“Friends and witches discount,” he grinned. She
thanked him and paid him before we left.
“So what is your mamma gonna say?” Jack asked me.
“Are you kidding? She has a tattoo on her back,” I
“What? No way,” Jack exclaimed. “How did I not know
this? I’ve known her my whole life.”
“Yeah, she has a moon on her left shoulder,” I said.
“She won’t care. She’ll probably think it’s ‘romantic’.”
“Well, I think we’ll go look at apartments now. I wanna
start at your place,” Nat said. “Do you want to come, too?”
“I think we’ll go visit Mamma at the shop,” I said. “I
want to show her.”
“Sounds good. Maybe we should all hook up for
dinner,” she smiled.
“Am I invited?” Dash asked.
“Of course,” I said. “Be sure to bring Helene. And tell
Rene, too.”
“Ugh, I don’t know if I want to sit there next to Italian
goddess all night,” Nat complained.
“You are ten times more beautiful than her,” Jack said
as he leaned in and kissed her. She melted into him and I
turned away.
Dash cleared his throat and said, “Lates.”
“Later skater,” I waved.
My mom’s store was only three shops down across the
street so Nick and I walked. As soon as she heard the bell,
she looked up. “Oh Piccola, so good to see you,” she said.
“Mamma, look what we just got,” I said, smiling as I
walked over to the counter to show her my finger.
She took my hand and admired the tattoo. “I would
never think of such a thing. What a great idea. Nico, did
you get one, too?”
“Sὶ, Mamma,” he answered, holding his hand out to her.
“Oh, beautiful.” I noticed she was getting a little misty.
“Mamma, are you crying?” I asked.
“No, no. I’m fine. I’m just so happy for you. I love to
see you together. It makes me happy,” she said.
“Nat got a tattoo,” I told her.
“Oh no. Adeline will not like that at all. What did she
“A fleur de lis on the inside of her wrist. It’s really
pretty. And she’s eighteen, so there’s not much her maman
can say about it,” I answered.
“That is true. Who did them for you?”
“Dash’s brother, Etienne. He works across the street at
Dragon Tattoo,” Nick answered.
“Well, tell him he did a great job,” she said.
“So, Sof tells me you have a tattoo?” Nick grinned
“Sofia! That is not something to tell people.” I
shrugged. “Sὶ, I have one. I was a young girl like Sofia
when I got it. But I don’t regret it. What are you two doing
today?” she tried to change the subject.
“Not sure. We’re going to dinner with the gang tonight.
Oh, that reminds me. Have you heard of Gia? She’s visiting
Rosetta,” I said.
“Oh, sὶ. I have not met her yet, but I heard she was
here. Why? Did you meet her?”
“It was weird. She was at the grad party last night. And
she latched onto Rene and was glued to him all night,” I
“Really? That surprises me. Did she not notice he was a
“No, she did. And when she found out Nick and I are
bound she acted all weird.”
“Well, things back home have not completely changed
like they have here. It would be a strange thing to her.
Nonna already talked to the coven, but I don’t think Enzo’s
sister has accepted it yet for obvious reasons. Ky is her
nephew after all. Nonna is also trying to meet with some of
the Italian wolf families to make peace, but not everyone
likes the idea. They did not have to accept it like we did
when you had your binding.”
“Sorry, Mamma. I know not everyone was happy about
it, but it was meant to be,” I apologized.
“You do not need to apologize. Once we all saw you
together, we knew it was right,” she smiled.
“But then why would Gia be all over a were?” I
“I have no idea. Maybe trying something new,”
Mamma shrugged.
Nick laughed. “And she’s twenty!” I added.
“Well, I guess Rene is lucky then,” she smiled.
“Whatever. She’s coming tonight so I’ll do some more
digging,” I said.
“Oh, Sofia, leave her alone,” Mamma complained.
“I just want to get to know her better. If a member of
my pack is going to date some mystery Italian chick who is
two years older than him, I’m going to keep an eye on her.”
Nick laughed. “
pack, huh?”
“You know what I mean,” I waved off his comment.
“I think it’s adorable that you are so protective of your
werewolf friends that you hated only months ago,” he
smiled. “You should see how she sticks up for Dash.”
“What?” Mamma was surprised.
“She even helped him win a sumo fight against Jack
last night,” Nick added.
“You did?”
“All I did was release him from Jack’s magical hold he
had on him. Jack wasn’t being fair. And yes, somehow the
annoying Dashiell Baudin has grown on me.” I rolled my
eyes. “Anyway, I think we’ll head out.”
“Okay. Visit soon. Oh, you should show Luca your
tattoo. He will be excited,” she said as we left.

We spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool at the
apartment. “Did you catch what Jack said in the tattoo
place?” I asked Nick as I sat up on my pool chair.
“Yeah, what was that all about?”
“It sounded to me like he wants to do the ring thing

too,” I said.
“We’ve started a trend,” he smiled. “Oh, so are you
going to tell me what happened last night?” he asked.
“With Nat and Jack? Are you kidding? She’d kill me.”
“But you tell me everything,” he gave me a pathetic
“Nothing happened. But she realized they shouldn’t
have any more overnighters,” I gave in.
“He stopped her?”
“Actually, last time, he was the one who initiated it,” I
“Wait, last time?” Nick sat up, mouth hanging open.
“Oops. Well, I may as well tell you,” I realized my
mistake. “After prom, she changed into pajamas—” I
“The kind you wear? As in tiny shorts and a tank top?”
Nick interrupted.
“Yeah. So anyway, Jack jumped her bones and carried
her to the bedroom.”
“Shut.Up.” I couldn’t stop laughing at Nick’s
expression and word choice. “You’re starting to rub off on
me. But really? Jack?”
“Yeah. So anyway, she stopped him and they went back
to the living room to watch a movie. That’s when he
“Because he wanted to…”
“No, it was halfway into the movie or something and he
asked her if she wanted to get bound after graduation,” I
“Wow, who woulda thought? When is the big day
“Two weeks,” I answered. “Hey, you wanna go back
upstairs?” I asked. He got the hint and we raced back up to
our apartment.
Later, as we were lying in bed, he suggested, “We
should go somewhere this week before we start working.”
“Like where?”
“We never went on a proper honeymoon. Where would
you like to go?”
“We didn’t need to. We had a pre-honeymoon in
Mexico,” I answered.
“That doesn’t count. I want to take you somewhere. We
won’t have to worry about getting back to school, or who
will kill us when we get home.”
“Okay, good point. But honestly, we don’t have to go
anywhere. We can stay here and enjoy a week of doing
“No, I want to do something. There is nothing to do
here. Let’s go somewhere you’ve always dreamed of
going,” he insisted.
“Italy,” I said instantly. “I want to see where Mamma
and Babbo grew up.”
“Sὶ! What a great idea,” he agreed. He jumped up from
the bed, went into the living room, and came back with his
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Reservations,” he answered. He did a little online
research and found us a flight and rented a car all within
twenty minutes. “Okay, we leave tomorrow night from
“Wow, that was fast,” I said. I was still lying next to
him in bed. “I’m so excited.”
He looked at the clock and said, “Don’t you think we
should get dressed? We’re meeting everyone soon.”
“I suppose,” I sighed. We got ready and met everyone a
half hour later at Monte’s where Luca was working. I told
Stacy, the hostess, who also happened to be from my
calculus class, at the door to seat us in his section. She
noticed my finger and admired it.
She led us to the back where there was a huge round
booth that would fit all of us. “This isn’t really open right
now, but it’s the only place you’ll all fit, so I’ll just let him
know you’re back here,” Stacy said.
“Thanks,” I told her.
A few minutes later, Luca wandered back to our booth.
“Ciao, mes amis,” he grinned.
“Did you seriously just combine two languages?” Nat
“It’s called, Fritalian,” Luca grinned. “That way, all my
friends are covered.”
“You are such a dork,” Nat laughed at him.
“Have you met Gia yet?” I asked Luca.
His eyes turned to the left where she was sitting by
Rene. He stood there with his mouth open until I kicked
him. “Oh, sorry. Ciao, bella. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he
took her hand, kissed it, and took a bow. Rene’s chest
“Possessive much?” I mumbled. “You’re rumbling,” I
said out loud to Rene.
“What?” he looked confused as he turned to me.
“She says we do it when we get mad,” Nick answered.
“What does that even mean?” Rene asked me. I was
glad the conversation turned away from Luca hitting on
Gia. I could still see him staring at her while Rene was
talking to me. She was staring back and smiling. Nat had a
nasty look on her face.
“Well,” I started. “I noticed when Nick got upset in
Mexico, his chest made this rumbling sound. Like the
beginning of a growl or something. I think it’s cute.”
“Cute? Weres are anything but cute when they get
pissed,” Dash cut in.
“Yeah, she actually laughed at me a few times,” Nick
shook his head.
“Of course she would. My girl, Sof isn’t afraid of
anyone,” Dash said.
“Not to interrupt this amazing conversation, but I’m
starving,” Nat announced. “Luca? You haven’t even
brought us chips yet.”
“Oh, huh?” he turned around. “Oh, food? Sure. What
do you want?”
Everyone ordered, but Luca didn’t write anything
down. “You don’t write it here?” Gia asked.
“Nope, it’s all up here,” Luca pointed to his head.
“Memory spell,” he grinned. “Hey, weren’t we supposed to
get together?” Rene growled, but Luca ignored him and
kept talking. “Rosetta said something to me about you
coming to town and wanted us to meet.”
“Sὶ, we were supposed to meet last night, but she told
me you were working,” she smiled.
“Did she seriously just bat her eyelashes?” Nat
whispered in my ear. “Ack.” I elbowed her to be quiet.
“Well, I’m off in an hour if you want to do something
tonight. A movie at my house maybe? That way we can talk
too.” Nick tried to stifle a laugh.
Dash said, “Dude’s got some big ones, if you know
what I mean.” Nick couldn’t hold it in any longer and
laughed out loud.
Rene growled again, “She’s actually with me, Luca.” I
could tell he was trying really hard not to yell at my
“You’ve known her for all of ten minutes,” Luca
argued. “Let her talk for herself. What do you say?” he
asked Gia.
She didn’t even flinch, “I would love to, but as Rene
said, we are together
.” She put emphasis on the last
word. “Perhaps another night.”
“What a…” Nat started and then stopped herself. To
Rene’s credit, he didn’t say anything, but the look on his
face said it all.
“So, Luca. Food,” I cut in to diffuse the situation.
“Oh sure. Be right back with chips for Mademoiselle
Nathalie.” He bowed again.
Nick tried to shift the conversation. “We’re going to
Italy,” he announced.
“What? When? Will you be back for the ceremony?”
Nat rambled.
“Well, we’re actually leaving tomorrow night,” I
“What? Since when?” Nat asked, surprised.
“Since right before we came here. Nick wants to go on
a real honeymoon, so I picked Italy. I want to see where my
parents came from.”
“So jealous,” Nat frowned. I knew neither she nor Jack
had the money to go anywhere after their ceremony.
Jack could sense her disappointment. “Maybe at the end
of summer before school starts. I might have enough saved
by then.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I just want to be with you. I don’t
care if it’s just in our apartment as long as we can be
alone,” she grinned. Jack actually blushed. Luca showed up
with chips, salsa, and drinks for everyone. He winked at
Gia before leaving, but Rene didn’t notice.
“Wait, did you get a place already?” I asked.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t get a chance to tell you yet. So that
one apartment at your complex was already gone, but a
new one is opening in a week. Perfect timing.”
“Yay! We’ll be neighbors. Which building?” I asked.
“You won’t believe it, but it’s the one across from you
guys,” she said.
“Wait, as in the building across, or the apartment
across?” I asked.
“The apartment,” she squealed like a little girl. I
couldn’t help myself and squealed with her.
“You two are so immature,” Dash said.
“Did you seriously just say that with a straight face?” I
He laughed. “Yeah, good one, huh?” I shook my head at
“Hey, maybe while you’re in Italy you can find
something,” Nat changed the conversation again.
“Something?” Gia asked.
Nat looked annoyed, so I answered. “Well, when Nick
and I first got together, we both felt like something was
pulling us to one another. Like maybe it was our destiny, or
whatever you want to call it, to bring our people together.”
“Oh, I see. And you are trying to find a prophecy?” she
“Why? Do you know something? No one said anything
about a prophecy. Does Rosetta know something? Has she
told you?” Nat battered Gia with questions, leaning as far
across the table as she could.
“Relax, Nat,” Jack put his hand on her arm.
“What?” she glared at Jack. “She knows something. I
can tell.” Nick elbowed me like I was supposed to do
something, but I didn’t respond. I wanted to know the
answers to Nat’s questions as badly as she did.
The entire table was staring at Gia silently in
anticipation. Luca showed up with our food just then. As
hungry as she was, Nat gave him a death look, like he just
interrupted the most important thing in the world. He didn’t
notice her because he was too busy brushing Gia’s hand
while he put her plate in front of her. She smiled at him.
“She is seriously pissing me off now,” Nat whispered in
my ear. As soon as Luca left, she said, “Well?”
“Oh, well. No, I have not heard anything. Rosetta does
not tell me these things. I only use the word ‘prophecy’
because it sounds like something that would be in one.”
She smiled innocently.
“Whatever,” Nat mumbled as she rolled her eyes at Gia.
It was quiet after that while everyone started eating. “Have
you found anything in the book yet?” Nat asked me after a
few minutes.
“No, I haven’t looked through it for a few days. Things
got busy with finals and graduation. I think I’ll take it on
our trip.”
“What is this book?” Gia tried to sound nonchalant
when she asked.
“Not really your business,” Nat snapped out.
“Nathalie, what is your problem?” Rene asked.
“Well, none of us know her and she’s suddenly
interested in why Nick and Sofia got together,” Nat
answered. “Why should she care?”
“I am only curious because we still mostly stay away
from each other in Europe. We do not mix with them,” Gia
Something still felt off about Gia, but I was trying to
give her the benefit of the doubt. She seemed nice, but she
was also flirting with my brother while on a date with
Rene. “See,” Rene said to Nat. “She’s not used to this. And
a month ago, we weren’t either. Or did you forget that your
so-called friend tried to kill my Alpha?” Nat was suddenly
very interested in her food.
“Is that Ky?” Gia asked. Nick growled loudly.
“So, yeah, his name is kind of a bad word around here,”
Dash said. “But yeah, that’s who he’s talking about. He and
his brothers attacked Nick and Sofia in the woods a couple
nights before their binding ceremony.”
“What happened?” she asked.
“Why do you care so much?” Nat looked up at her.
Dash ignored her and continued the story. “Nat knew
they were planning something because Jack told her.” Jack
looked down at the table. He still felt awful that he had
been a part of the initial attack even though he never cast a
single spell that night. “Sofia, Luca and Nat did some kind
of spell to protect Nick, or something like that.”
“It was a protection spell,” Luca said as he walked up
again. “Did she tell you the part about where she destroyed
everyone by herself yet?”
“No, I didn’t get to that part yet,” Dash said.
“By yourself? How many were with him?” Gia asked.
“It’s really not a big deal,” I interrupted. It didn’t feel
right to tell a stranger the details of something involving
my magic. I didn’t necessarily want people outside our
small group to know about it. Until the attack, no one but
Luca, Nick and Nat even knew I could use magic on my
“Hell yeah it is,” Dash said. He turned back to Gia. “So
anyway, Ky, I mean the bad guy, tried to use some water
stuff or something.”
“You’re getting it wrong, moron. You don’t know
anything about magic. Let me tell it,” Luca interrupted. He
smiled down at Gia. “So, what they told Nat was that they
were going to take away his ability to shift.” Gia didn’t
look at all affected by this. “But he surprised them in the
woods and used War Water. He wanted Nick dead.” Gia
looked surprised at the mention of the War Water spell.
“But he didn’t know Sofia’s secret.”

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