Authors: Michael Newton
Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation
Before leaving this section, I want to relate my favorite story about energy contact through objects from a *discarnate being.
My wife, Peggy, is an oncology nurse with a graduate degree in counseling, so she involves herself a great deal with grieving cancer patients and their families. Because she administers chemotherapy at a hospital this puts her in touch with hospice personnel. A few of these women and my wife are close friends who meet regularly as a support group. One of the members of the group is a recent widow whose
husband, 22 Destiny of Souls Clay, died of cancer. Clay loved big band dancing and he and his wife would often go on road trips to where the best bands were playing.
One night after Clay’s death, his widow, my wife and the rest of the support group were in a circle in the middle of this lady’s living room floor talking about my theories of how souls reach back to comfort the people they love. The widow exclaimed in frustration, “Why hasn’t Clay made himself known in a way that would comfort me?” There was a moment of silence and suddenly a music box on top of a book shelf began to play Glenn Miller’s song In the Mood. From what I understand, there was a stunned silence followed by nervous laughter from the group. All the widow could say was, “That music box hasn’t been touched in two years!” It didn’t matter. I think she got Clay’s message.
Light energy has some properties of electromagnetic force, and thus can work in mysterious ways with obects. JoAnn and Jim are two former clients of mine whose marriage is a very close one. After their sessions, we got into a discussion of the use of energy beams by the living. Sheepishly, they told me they combine their energy on the California freeways to push cars out of the fast lane in front of them when they are in a hurry. When I asked if they tailgate, they said, “No, we just direct a combined beam to the back of the driver’s head and then fork the beam to the right (middle lane) and back again.” They claim that over 50 percent of the time they are successful. I told JoAnn and Jim, half seriously, that pushing cars out of their way was clearly a misuse of power and they had better mend their ways. I think they both know that using their gift more constructively will be much better received upstairs, although it will be a hard habit to break.
Dream Recognition One of the primary ways the newly departed soul uses to reach people who love them is through the dream state. The grief that has overwhelmed the conscious mind is temporarily pushed out of a frontal position in our thoughts when we are asleep. Even if we are in a fitful state of sleep, the unconscious mind is now more open for reception. Unfortunately, the person who is grieving will all too often wake up from a dream that could have contained a message and
allow it to slip Death, Grief and Comfort 23 away from memory without writing anything down. Either the images and symbols they saw while asleep didn’t mean anything at the time, or the dream sequence was chalked off as wishful thinking if, for example, the dreamer saw themselves with the deceased.
Before proceeding further, I want to offer an assessment about the general nature of dreams. My professional experience with dreams stems from listening to subjects in hypnosis explain how as *discarnates they use the dream state to reach the living. Spirits are very selective in their use of our dream sequences. I have come to the conclusion that most dreams are not profound. In reviewing various texts about dreaming, I find even specialists in the field believe many dreams during the night are simply jumbled up absurdities caused by our circuits being on overload throughout the day. If the mind is venting during certain sleep cycles, then the nerve transmissions across our synaptic clefts are letting off steam to relax the brain.
I classify dreams in three ways and one of them is the cleaning house state. At times in the night many stray thoughts from the day are scrambled and swept out of the mind as gobbledygook. We can’t make sense of it because there is none. On the other hand, we all know there is a more cognitive side to dreaming. I divide this state into two parts, problem solving and spiritual, with only a fine line between them. There are people who have been given a premonition about some future event as an outgrowth of dreams. Our state of mind may be altered by dreams.
One of the most stressful periods of our lives occurs during the period of mourning when the affections of someone we love are taken away from us we think forever. About the only relief we get from oppressive grief is during sleep. We go to bed with anguish and wake up with the pain still there, yet there is enigma in between. Some mornings bring us a better idea of the initial steps to take toward coping with our loss. Problem solving through dream sequences is a process of mental incubation which has been called procedural because images appear that teach us ways to move forward. Does this insight come from somewhere other than ourselves? If the dream spills over into the spirit mode, then the Dream weavers have probably paid us a call as prompters to assist us through our emotional distress.
24 Destiny of Souls Spiritual dreams involve our guides, teaching souls and soulmates who come as messengers to assist us with solutions. We do not need to be grieving to receive help in this way. Into this spiritual dream mixture we also have memory recall of our experiences on other physical and mental worlds, including the spirit world. How many of you have dreamed you could fly or swim easily underwater? I have found with some clients that these mythic memories contain information about the lives they led as intelligent flying or water creatures on other planets. Frequently, these kinds of dream sequences provide us with metaphoric clues which open the door to comparisons of former lives with our current one. Our immortal soul character does not change much between host bodies, so these comparisons are no tall that bizarre. Some of our greatest revelations come from the episodic dreams of events, places and behavior patterns emanating from experiences before we acquired our present body.
In chapter 1,1 briefly touched on the preparation class we attend in the spirit world before returning to a new life. This soul exercise is covered more thoroughly in my first book, but I mention it here because this experience is relevant to our dreams. The class is designed for recognition of future people and events. While we prepare to incarnate, a teacher reinforces the important aspects of our new life contract. Meeting and interacting with souls from our group and other clusters who are to share parts of our new life form an integral part of the class.
Memories of this prep class might well be triggered in our dreams to light a lamp in the darkness of despair, particularly when a primary soulmate is lost in life. Jung said, “Dreams embody suppressed wishes and fears but may also give expression to inescapable truths which are not illusions or wild fantasies.” Sometimes these truths are couched in metaphoric puzzles and represented as archetypal images during our dreams. Dream symbols are culturally generalized and dream glossaries are not immune to this prejudice. Each person should use their own intuition to delineate the meaning of a dream.
The Australian Aborigines, a culture with over 10,000 years of unbroken history, believe that dream time is actually real time in terms of objective reality. A dream perception is often as real as an awake experience. To souls in the spirit world time is always in the
present, so Death, Grief and Comfort 25 regardless of how ong they have been physically gone from your life, the person you love wants you to be aware they are still in now reality. How does a loving spirit go about helping you gain insight and acceptance of these things in your dreams?
Case 5 My subject in this case has just died of pneumonia in New York City in 1935. She was a young woman in her early thirties who came to New York after growing up in a small midwestern town. Sylvia’s death was sudden and she wanted to provide some comfort to her widowed mother.
Dr. *N: Do you leave immediately for the spirit world after death?
*S: No, I do not. I must say goodbye to my mother so I want to stay around Earth for a while until she gets the news.
Dr. N: Is there anyone else you care to see before going to your mother?
S: (with hesitation, then in a husky voice) Yes… I have an old boyfriend … his name is Phil… I go to his house first… Dr. N: (gently) I see; were you in love with Phil?
S: (pause) Yes, but we never married … I… just want to touch him once more. I don’t really make contact with him because he is sound asleep and not dreaming. I can’t stay long because I want to reach my mother before she hears the news about me.
Dr. N: Aren’t you being a little too rushed with Phil? Why don’t you wait for a proper dream cycle and leave a message?
S: (firmly) Phil hasn’t been part of my life for years. I gave myself to him when we were both young. He hardly thinks about me anymore *… and
… well… to pick up on me through a dream
… he could miss the message anyway. My leaving traces of my energy is enough for now because we will be together again in the spirit world.
Dr. N: After leaving Phil, do you go to your mother?
26 Destiny of Souls *S: Yes. I begin with more conventional thought communication while she is awake but I am getting nowhere. She is so sad. My mother’s grief at not being at my bedside is overpowering her.
Dr. *N: What methods have you tried so far?
S: I project my thoughts with an orange-yellow light, like the flame of a candle, and place my light around her head, sending loving thoughts. I’m not effective. She doesn’t realize I am with her. I am going for a dream.
Dr. N: All right, Sylvia, take me through this slowly. Please start by telling me if you pick out one of your mother’s dreams or if you can create one of your own.
S: I don’t create dreams well yet. It is much easier for me to take one of hers so I can enter the dream to effect a more natural contact and then participate. I want her to know it is clearly me in the dream.
Dr. N: Fine, now take me through this process with you.
S: The first couple of dreams are unsuitable. One is a muddle of absurdity. Another is a past life fragment, but without me in it. Finally, she has a dream where she is walking alone in the fields around my house. You should know she has no grief in this dream. I am not dead yet.
Dr. N: What good is this dream, Sylvia, if you are not in it?
S: (laughing at me) Listen, aren’t you seeing I’m going to smoothly place myself in the dream.
Dr. N: You can alter the sequence of the dream to include yourself?
S: Sure, I enter the dream from the other end of the field by matching my energy patterns to my mother’s thoughts. I project an image of myself as I was the last time she saw me. I come slowly across the field to let her get used to my presence. I wave and smile and then come to her. We hug each other and now I send waves of rejuvenating energy into her sleeping body.
Dr. N: And what will this do for your mother?
Death, Grief and Comfort
y *S: This picture is raised to a higher level of consciousness for my mother. I want to insure the dream will stay with her after she wakes up.
Dr. *N: How can you be sure she won’t think this is all a projection of her desire for you and discount the dream as not being real?
S: The influence of a vivid dream like this is very great When my mother wakes up, her mind has a vivid impression of this landscape with me and suspects I am with her. In time the memory is so real she is sure of it.
Dr. N: Sylvia, does the image of the dream move from the unconscious to a conscious reality because of your energy transfer?
S: Yes, it is a filtering process where I continue to send waves of energy into her over the next few days until she begins to accept my passing. I want her to believe I am still part of her and always will be.
Turning back to Phil’s sleep state, it was evident Sylvia did not intend to stay long to manifest her feelings within his unconscious mind. Dreams do not appear to occur in the deep delta stages of brainwave activity where there is no rapid eye movement. REM sleep, also known as paradoxical sleep, is a much lighter and therefore more active dream state occurring mostly in the early and late stages of sleep. In my next case, the dreamer will be reached between dreams presumably because he is still in REM sleep.
The Dream weaver souls I have come in contact with all engage in dream implanting, with two prominent differences.
1. Dream Alteration. Here a skillful *discarnate enters the mind of a sleeper and partially alters an existing dream already in progress. This technique I would call one of interlineation, where spirits place themselves as actors between the lines of an unfolding play so the dreamer is not aware of script tampering with the sequences. This is what Sylvia was doing with her mother. She was waiting for the right sort of ongoing dream to enter and initiate a smooth fit. As difficult as this approach seems, it is evident to me the second procedure is more complex.
28 Destiny of Souls 2. Dream Origination. In these cases the soul must create and fully implant a new dream from scratch and weave the tapestry of these images into a meaningful presentation to suit their purpose. Creating or altering scenes in the mind of a dreamer is intended to convey a message. I see as this an act of service and love. If the dream implantation is not performed skillfully to make the dream meaningful, the sleeper moves on and wakes up in the morning remembering only disjointed fragments or nothing at all about the dream.
To illustrate the therapeutic use of Dream Origination, I will cite the case of a level *V subject whose name was Bud in his last life. Bud was killed in a 1942 battle during World War II. The case involves a dreamer called Walt, who was Buds surviving brother. Bud is adept at dream weaving so after his battlefield death he returned home to the spirit world and made preparations for an effective method to comfort Walt. This is one of those cases that gave me greater perspective of the subtle integration methods Dream weaver Souls are able to use with sleeping people. During this condensed case, my subject wil describe the dream techniques taught to him by his guide, *Axinar.