Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)
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Melina feels so sexy with the way Vance’s heated stare flicks over her. His face is intense as he focuses on what he’s doing. Both of his hands come up, and with the lightest graze of his fingers, he brushes the straps of her bra off her shoulders. He glances up at her face for a second before pushing her back onto the bed and attacking her nipple with a hungry mouth. Melina hisses and arches her back to try to get closer to that unbelievable mouth of his.

Vance's big hand cups her breast, letting him take more of her nipple into his mouth. He sucks hard as he pulls back, letting it pop out of his mouth. Melina moans. She loves when he does that. It feels so friggin’ good. He does it a couple more times before moving to the other one to do the same thing.

He then licks a line down the middle of her belly to her navel. He loosens her pants then sits back on his heels, slipping them down her legs. When he gets to her feet, he pulls off her sandals, and her pants follow. Vance growls low in his throat while he slides his hands up her legs. His fingers hook onto her panties at her hips then yank them off as well.

Vance settles his shoulders between her legs, and using his hands on the inside of her thighs, he spreads her legs wide, being careful not to hurt her still bandaged leg. Melina lets out a breathy cry when his mouth covers her core. He takes his time, licking and sucking and turning her into liquid.

Melina laces her fingers into Vance's hair. He is moaning as much as she is, obviously enjoying what he is doing to her. He is a master with his mouth and she can only imagine what sex with him is going to be like. She can feel herself getting close and he must have noticed because he grasps her hips and holds her tight.

She cries out his name as she comes hard, her hands tightening in his hair as her body convulses. He rides it out until her tremors stop and her arms fall lifelessly to the bed. Vance kisses and licks his way back up her body, stopping at each breast to suck on her nipples, making her shudder all over. Moving up, he slips his hands into her hair and kisses her, his tongue sliding right into her mouth. She can taste herself on his tongue, which she finds really erotic.

“You are so fuckin’ sexy when you come,” Vance breathes against her lips. “I want to see it again.”

Melina hasn't even realized that one of his hands has left her hair until she feels his fingers slip into her. “Vance!” she cries and clutches the back of his t-shirt.

He smiles against her lips. “Yes, baby?”

Melina can only get out a strangled cry while his fingers pump into her. She can feel Vance's eyes on her even though her eyes are closed. She can also feel his rather large and extremely hard cock on the inside of her thigh, rubbing and grinding against her. His long fingers hit the right spot every time they thrust in, and it isn't going to be much longer before she comes again.

“Ugh, fuck. Baby, open your eyes. I want to see your eyes when you come,” Vance growls, grabbing a fistful of her hair.

Melina's eyes fly open and meet his. He is panting just as hard as she is, with his mouth hovering over hers. She has never looked into another person’s eyes when she came before; it is strangely intimate, and a strong connection is forming as they stare into each other’s eyes so deeply. Vance's thumb hits her clit and that is the end of it. Melina explodes and he has to kiss her to muffle her scream. Her back arches hard, pressing her chest tight against his. She has no idea how long her orgasm lasts, but it feels like it goes forever.

Both Vance and Melina gasp for air as the euphoria wears off. Neither of them has moved. His fingers are still inside of her, although his forehead is now on her shoulder.

“Holy shit! I just came in my jeans,” Vance pants, his breath hot against her shoulder.

Melina let out a breathy laugh. “Really?”

He lifts his head and looks down at her, a goofy smirk on his face. “I'm dead serious. That’s never happened to me before.”

She smiles lazily. “I'm glad I was your first.”

Vance chuckles, slowly removing himself from her. “I'm gonna clean up,” he says and heads into his bathroom.

Melina doesn't have the strength to move. She is completely drained from the two biggest orgasms of her life, barely able to keep her eyes open. As soon as she hears the rhythmic sound of the water in the shower running, she is out like a light.


Chapter 6

Vance walks out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist. Melina is fucking amazing. He has never come in his pants before, never. He always had incredible control when it came to not coming at the wrong time, but he couldn’t fight it this time. Melina is so friggin’ sexy and open and honest. Every noise that comes out of her is truly because she is being pleasured. He hates women who make bogus or over the top noises. Melina doesn’t have a fake bone in her body.

As Vance gets closer to the bed, he sees that Melina is out cold. He smiles, knowing that he did a great job if she is now passed out. He leans over the bed and pulls the sheet up over her, smoothes her hair out of her face, then kisses her temple. Damn, she is gorgeous. He really likes her a lot and can see himself with her for a long time. Truthfully, the thought of ever being without her makes him uneasy.

Vance is starving since he didn’t keep his dinner down earlier, so he pulls on a pair of gym shorts then quietly leaves his room, shutting the door behind him. He pads down the dark hallway in his bare feet toward the kitchen to grab something to eat. He really has to stop letting this case affect him so badly. The email that Shawn showed him was another horrifying picture, but this time it was sent to Shawn. They are both really worried that this killer knows who they are and how to reach them. What if the killer knows where they live, too?

That is actually one of the main reasons that Vance is having trouble keeping his shit together. Just the thought that this sicko might know where he or his family lives makes his stomach turn. What if they are next on his list? The stress and worry is nauseating. And now, with Melina, what if he is putting her in danger just by being with her? Vance stops in the doorway to the kitchen, maybe he isn't so hungry after all.

“That babe of yours is pretty noisy, my friend,” Dayne's voice says, making Vance jump.

Vance smirks; he can't help it, his mind is now wrapped around Melina's smokin' hot body writhing under him. He looks over at the table to see Dayne chowing down on some sugary kid cereal, his eyes filled with amusement. Vance is positive that he wants details.

“How long were you two fuckin’ for? Shit, it had to have been at least an hour,” Dayne says then shovels another spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

“No fucking,” Vance says, shaking his head.

“Oh, I'm sorry, making love.” Dayne snorts and rolls his eyes.

“Nope, there was none of that, either.” Vance grabs a bowl and a spoon then sits across from Dayne, whose eyebrows have shot up.

“What the fuck did you do to her then?” Dayne asks, dumbfounded.

Vance gives him a devilish smile.  “I'm good with my tongue, what can I say?”

“Motherfucker! You're telling me that she was moaning and screaming like that because you have a talented tongue? I don't believe it,” Dayne says, his tone appalled.

“Well, that was just the first orgasm; the second was due to my talented fingers.” Vance smiles wickedly, making a sexual finger motion in the air. He pours cereal into his bowl then adds milk over it. 

“Fuck you, what’s she doing now?” Dayne bites out.

“Sleeping it off,” Vance says lightly, shoveling cereal into his mouth.

“I hate you,” Dayne growls and finishes off his cereal.

“I’d be more than happy to give you a few pointers.” Vance chuckles.

“Asshole,” Dayne mumbles, giving Vance a dirty look.

“Man, I can't help it if I'm good at all things sex related. It's not like I went out of my way to practice or some shit. I just feed off what the woman's body tells me; if you do something and she moans, do it again. It’s simple really.”

Dayne's chewing slows and he gives Vance a considering look. “What if you're with a quiet chick who doesn't moan?”

“Listen to her breathing patterns.”

Dayne's eyes narrow. “What would you be listening for exactly?”

Vance fights not to smile because he knows that Dayne is being dead serious. He must be seeing someone who he's not exactly able to please in bed. Wouldn't be the first time for Dayne. He likes sex to revolve around him, but some women won't put up with that shit, they want to get off, too. But Dayne isn't really in tune with a woman's wants and needs.

“A hitch in her breathing or if she starts breathing faster or shallower are all signs that she most likely enjoyed whatever you just did. Then try it again to see if she reacts the same way,” Vance explains.

Dayne nods in understanding just as Tripp walks into the kitchen. He grabs a bowl and spoon and drops into the seat next to Vance. “What are you talking about?” he asks as he pours himself some cereal.

“How our boy, Van, here, is the master of all things sex,” Dayne answers.

Tripp laughs. “There's no question there.”

Vance rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”

The last of the quartet walks in a minute later. Ryder also grabs a bowl and spoon. He sits next to Dayne and shakes the cereal box. He then pours what’s left into a bowl in silence. Vance, Tripp, and Dayne all watch him and wait. Ryder looks up at them after pouring milk into his bowl.

“What?” he grunts.

“You're not going to ask what we're talking about?” Tripp asks.

“I already know, I heard the convo from the living room,” Ryder says and shoves a heaping spoonful of cereal into his mouth. A little milk drips out the corner of his mouth, but he catches it with the tip of his tongue before it gets far.

“Yeah, well, all of you listen up…not a word to Melina okay? I don't want her feeling awkward in this house because you assholes are talkin’ shit about her being loud,” Vance says seriously, looking at each one of them.

They all nod and agree.

“You like her a lot, don't you?” Ryder asks, his expression gentle.

Vance feels a blush creep up his cheeks. He clears his throat. “Yeah...yeah I do. I really do.”

Tripp claps him on the back. “Good, cause we like her, too.”

“Yeah, like I give a shit whether you like her or not,” Vance jokes, wrapping his arm around Tripp's neck and pulling him down for a noogie.

“Aaggghhh...” Tripp pushes Vance away. "Cocksucker,” he mumbles while rubbing his head.

They all laugh and go back to eating their cereal.

A phone ringing cuts through Vance's dream, startling him awake. His head shoots up from his pillow and he looks around frantically, trying to figure out what’s going on. A body shifts next to him, a feminine sigh coming from it. That's when he remembers that Melina is sleeping next to him. The phone rings again. Vance reaches over to the nightstand and grabs his cell phone.

“Hello?” he answers while pushing himself up to his forearm since he is on his stomach.

“Summers, we’ve got another murder,” the Chief says.

“Fuck,” Vance bites out and rubs his eyes.

“Yeah, don't eat anything, it's bad.”

“Same MO?” Vance asks.

“Yeah,” the Chief answers softly.

“Give me the address.”

Vance commits the address to memory then hangs up with the Chief. He rolls over and rubs his face with his hands. Melina rolls into him, pressing her naked body against his side. Her hand snakes down his stomach to grasp the erection that he woke up with. Vance sighs, he can so go for some of her loving right now, but he has to get up and go.

He removes her hand and turns to face her, slipping his arms around her and pulling her tightly against his own naked body. Melina lets out a little moan and snuggles in closer to him. He kisses her on the lips.


“Hmm?” Melina mumbles, still half asleep.

“I gotta go. There’s another murder and I got called to the scene,” he says quietly while stroking her hair back from her face.

Melina opens her eyes and looks at him. Her gaze is already worried. “What time is it?”

“Three am.” Vance sighs.

She laces her fingers into the hair at the back of his head. “Are you going to be all right?” she asks. The frown on her face is clear, even in the dark.

“Actually, I'm devastated that I have to leave your luscious body alone in my bed.” Vance smiles and presses his hips tighter against hers, his erection firmly lodged between their lower bellies.

Melina's hand sneaks in between them and wraps around the head of his cock. “Are you sure I can't take care of this before you leave?” she purrs.

Vance groans. “I would love for you to, but I really have to get moving.”

“I can be really quick,” she says convincingly and pushes him onto his back.


“Shush,” she snaps as she moves his legs so that she can kneel in between them.

“Baby, I really…” Vance starts to protest but then Melina takes him into her mouth, making his eyes practically roll back into his head and a guttural moan bubble up his throat.

She sucks him hard and fast, focusing mostly on the head. She cups his balls in her hand, giving them gentle squeezes, while her other hand wraps around his shaft working in time with her mouth.

“Oh god, Melina, don't stop,” he breathes, his hands finding her hair. He loves how the silky strands cover his hips and thighs.

It only takes a minute before Vance comes. Once again, he can't control himself. What is it about this woman that makes him lose control so quickly? He comes long and hard into her mouth, and Melina keeps going until she pretty much sucks him dry. Vance pants hard as Melina swirls her tongue around the tip then lets him go.

“Fuck,” Vance rasps.

“Now go get ready,” Melina says, biting back a smile as she flops down onto the bed next to him.

Vance turns his head to look at her. “You're evil.”

Melina laughs and it’s music to his ears. He sits up and puts his feet on the floor. He rubs his face then rakes a hand through his hair. The bed moves behind him, and a second later, Melina's bare body drapes over his back. Her arms wrap around his neck and she plants a kiss on his cheek.

“Remember how strong of a man you are and how you are going to find the person who did this and put them in jail. Don't make yourself sick over it, just think about how you'll get to see me when your day is done,” Melina whispers against his cheek.

Vance reaches up and holds onto her arm that is around his neck. God, she’s an amazing woman. Can he actually share his fears with her? He knows that she won't judge him, and maybe he really doesn't have to go through all of this by himself. But then she'll worry right along with him. Can he do that to her?

“Thank you, baby,” he whispers.

Melina grabs his chin and turns his face toward her, kissing him tenderly on the lips before letting him go. Vance forces himself to get up then goes through the motions of getting dressed and ready to leave.

He brings his suit out to the bedroom and lays it on the end of the bed. Melina is lying on her back, arms above her head, sheets pulled up just enough to cover her breasts, the blue silk hiding very little of her perfect shape.

Fuck, if Vance could have her in his bed every night he would. She was made for him. She looks so right being under his sheets with her dark hair strewn across his pillows. Vance watches her as he finishes dressing. She, in turn, watches him, a tender smile on her face.

“You'll call me when you get done?” Melina asks.

“Of course,” Vance says as he tightens up his tie. He holds his tie to his chest so it doesn’t smack her in the face, then bends over to give her a kiss goodbye. “I'll talk to you later.”

“Okay, be safe, Vance,” Melina requests, kissing him again.

“I will,” Vance promises. He straightens, grabs his suit jacket, gives Melina a quick smile, and heads out.

BOOK: Destiny Disrupted (There's Always Tomorrow Book 1)
10.91Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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