Destiny (5 page)

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Authors: Pedro Urvi

BOOK: Destiny
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Aliana sighed. She was nervous, much more than she had expected. She had not been as nervous since… since… the oasis… She tried to relax, her date would arrive soon. That was what the note had said, the one the maid had given her.
At midnight.
She looked up at the beautiful moon once again. It was midnight. Steps behind her warned her he was approaching. She was afraid to turn, and instead stayed with her gaze fixed ahead.

“Aliana…” he said, coming to stand beside her and looking at her with his determined blue eyes.

“Gerart…” was all she managed to say, overwhelmed by unexpected uncertainty and nervous tension.

Gerart took her hands and looked at her. His eyes were full of remorse.

“Forgive me, I beg you.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, Gerart. You did the right thing. I’ve always felt that.”

“Every day and every night since that fateful day have been an unbearable torture for me, not knowing whether you were alive or dead.”

“I’m alive, I survived. We both did. We must thank the Light.”

“I knew you had to be alive, hope never left me. But I was eaten up by remorse. Guilt at having left you when you needed me most. Day after day, little by little, in a slow agony. Every day I told myself you were alive, and straight away the weight of guilt would fall on me so that I couldn’t breathe.”

Aliana looked at the Prince and saw anxious, honest pain in his face. She had to make him understand that he had acted as he should, to give his soul rest.

“You did your duty to the Kingdom, to the Crown, Gerart. With honor, as the Prince of Rogdon should. You ought to be proud of yourself instead of feeling guilty. I want the pain to end here today. You mustn’t regret your actions, since they were noble and correct. What’s more, if the situation were to repeat itself, I hope you’d behave in the same way, since that’s the honorable way, and I would expect nothing less of the Prince of Rogdon.”

“No, I’d never do it again. I wouldn’t leave you. I’d stay with you. I’ll never leave you in the midst of danger again, never,” Gerart said, shaking his head energetically.

Aliana put her hands on his cheeks and looked at him firmly. Gerart was the most honest and honorable man on the face of Rogdon, and Aliana did not want that to change in the slightest, least of all because of her. She would not permit it.

“Yes, you’d let me go, just as you did then. You owe yourself to the Kingdom, and to your people, not to me.”

Gerart tried to shake his head, but Aliana held it firmly so that he was unable to. Gradually his look softened until once again it was as Aliana remembered it. With a smile she took her hands away.

“I’m really happy to see you safe and sound,” Gerart said, his face illuminated by the joy he felt.

“I’m happy too, to see you in one piece,” joked Aliana, trying to lighten the mood.

“I’ve longed for this moment, to see you again, to have you by my side. Every long anxious moment, since the day we were separated. And at last my wish is granted, just when I was beginning to think it might never happen. You’re here, and there are no limits to my happiness. When I lost you I made myself a promise which I must now fulfill.”

At these words Aliana became deeply uneasy. Her heart skipped several beats, because she guessed what the Prince wanted to say.

“Gerart…” she said, trying to dissuade him, although she knew she would not succeed.

“Let me tell you how much you mean to me, Aliana. I must say this to you. I’ve waited too long to do it, and if I don’t, I know I’ll always regret it. I don’t expect anything, I don’t ask for anything, I only want you to listen.”

“All right…” Aliana conceded.

She looked at him and was entranced by his gentle, gallant presence. His blond hair, his intense blue eyes, that face whose classic beauty took her breath away, his broad shoulders… she was trapped anew. For an instant she had to hold back a sigh. The old feelings she had kept buried surfaced again, and there was no denying them in the Prince’s manly presence.

“From the moment I set eyes on you when I woke up from my poisoning and thought you were a goddess, I fell in love with you, Aliana. The days we spent together only gave wings to that feeling and allowed it to soar higher. And that feeling has grown, unquenchable as a bonfire born of the spark from a flint. My heart belongs to you, Aliana. It’s yours forever, and here, tonight I give it to you. My wish is to be with you, today, tomorrow and forever. Whether we’re enjoying peace or caught amid the worst of wars. I want to be with you, because beside you I’ll overcome all obstacles and gain peace and prosperity for my people. You are my inspiration, my muse; you are my queen. I need you, I love you, Aliana.”

The Healer was so overwhelmed by Gerart’s words that she almost took a step backwards. Those words, coming so genuinely from the bottom of his honest heart, had touched her soul. She felt flattered, moved, yet at the same time confused and divided within herself.

“Gerart… you flatter me…”

“That’s how I feel about you, and you know it’s as true as the moon which smiles upon us tonight.”

“I know you expect an answer, that you want it, even though you’re not asking me. I’m no longer that young inexperienced innocent I was. I’ve seen much these past months, I’ve suffered greatly, and that’s made me open my eyes and mature fast. It’s the price you have to pay when you survive blood, when you suffer the pain of evil and survive to tell the tale. I’ve suffered, I’ve seen blood, I’ve tasted it on my lips, I’ve lost loved ones, I’ve killed… and I’ve grown. We live in a harsh and cruel world, and to survive we have to learn about pain. That’s why I can tell you tonight, with the moon for a witness, that my heart is divided. Divided by the feelings I have for you: strong ones, I admit, Gerart. But at the same time I also have strong feelings for my Order, for my Sisters and my duty as a Healer. Seeing them all today, being with Mother Sorundi, my heart is full of joy, of love. It’s something I can’t help, it’s my calling. Being able to save the great Mage Mirkos has opened my eyes to the importance of my Gift, and how much I can help people if I continue in the Order with my dear Sisters.” Aliana looked into Gerart’s eyes and with a great effort kept her gaze steady.

She did not want the final division of her heart to be apparent to the Prince, the one which drew her to Komir; she would not mention this to Gerart, since it would only create pain and awkwardness. But, deep down she knew that in her heart there were strong feelings towards Komir. This was an impossible situation.

“I understand what you’re telling me, and I respect it. I too have changed since the last time we saw each other. I too have seen much: the death and destruction which this senseless war has brought to our kingdom. Thousands of innocents have perished, and no matter how hard I tried I could not prevent it. My hands are soiled with enemy blood and my heart weeps for the nameless heroes fallen in the defense of Rogdon. I’ve learnt a lot; the doubts of the past plague my mind no longer. I know who I am and the decisions I must make, no matter how difficult they may be. I’m not that same naïve young prince, unsure of himself. And one day I’ll come out from beneath my father’s huge shadow. But that is no longer such a concern to me, nor does it create the insecurity it used to in me. If I’ve learned anything, it’s to be myself and to fight for my people. War, suffering, blood… they make us grow fast, Aliana. That’s why I want to put into words what my heart feels, now that I have the chance. Times are bad, and soon unfortunately they’ll get even worse. I might not survive, perhaps none of us will, which is all the more reason to tell you how much I love you. The decision is yours, my beautiful Aliana. Whenever you’re ready to make it, I’ll be here waiting for you. I offer you my heart and my kingdom, for I wish to make you my Queen and rule this nation with you by my side.”

“If it survives…”

“We’ll save it, Aliana, together, all of us. Rogdon will survive and someday I’ll be King. You are the Queen my heart has chosen. Come with me, and rule beside me.”

“You offer me too much, Gerart: your heart, the Kingdom… so much that I feel overwhelmed… I don’t know what to say…”

“Don’t say anything then…” and Gerart bent over Aliana and kissed her, so passionately he left the girl breathless.

At that moment, while Gerart was kissing Aliana, two figures appeared behind them climbing the stairs towards the Castle. Hartz saw the scene in surprise and immediately glanced aside at his friend. Komir had stopped and was staring at Aliana, his emerald eyes shining with the intensity of a summer sun in the middle of the night. Hartz was about to say something, but Komir motioned him to stay quiet. He felt as if a dagger of frozen steel had been plunged into his back, He felt the blood of the treacherous blow trickling down his spine, and in each drop he saw Aliana’s face reflected. The one his heart loved and who had betrayed him that night. Without letting Aliana see his pain, he motioned to Hartz and went into the castle, leaving behind dreams and hopes which would never come to fruition.

Aliana tensed and moved away from Gerart.

“I need time… it’s not the right moment…”

Gerart nodded his assent.

“If you need time, Aliana, you can have it,” he said, and turning on his heels he went inside the palace.

Aliana closed her fists and cursed inwardly. Three paths, three loves, three destinies: Komir, Gerart, the Order. Her heart was divided, her soul squeezed dry by the decision she must make. She raised her face to the moon and pleaded:

“Help me to choose the path I must follow.”

But the moon remained silent.



The three days the King had given Haradin were up, and they were all summoned to his Majesty’s presence. In the throne hall, King Solin and Queen Eleuna once again received the diverse group of adventurers. Prince Gerart and Royal Counselor Urien were chatting animatedly with Haradin at the foot of the throne, when Aliana walked in with Asti. She had not seen the others the day before. For some reason Komir had been evading her and instead, with Hartz and Kayti, had been going through the city purchasing equipment and supplies. The redhead had been sending messages to her distant eastern land, according to Kendas, who had been assigned to Prince Gerart’s service.

The Prince, very courteously, and worried for her wellbeing, had come to see her several times. Aliana had been left deeply impressed by the Court and by several families of the nobility Gerart had introduced her to. The Royal Palace of Rilentor was impressively magnificent, and the nobles and royalty had impressed the Healer. She was not used to dealing with people of such high rank. On the other hand, Asti seemed absolutely indifferent to them, as if she did not even notice their presence. Aliana looked at Komir, but he did not seem to see her or try to greet her.

“Thank you all for coming,” the King greeted them. “The first thing I wish to do is congratulate the Healer Aliana for once again working a miracle.”

“There’s no need, your Majesty…” Aliana began.

“There certainly is,” the Queen interrupted. “You’ve saved Mirkos’ life, and we are all indebted to you. The Kingdom is indebted to you.”

“Thank you, your Majesty.”

“Fantastic news,” Urien said. “We’re going to need him and all his power to fight against the Nocean Sorcerers and the Norghanian Ice Mages.”

“My old friend is making good progress, I’ve just seen him,” said Haradin with a smile.

“And after such good news, let’s turn our attention to the problems at hand,” the King said gravely. “What course of action do you advise me to take, Haradin? The situation is extremely critical…”

“Thank you for placing your trust in me, your Majesty. You honor me. From what I’ve gathered about the events, and based on my own studies about the Ilenians, I believe we must find the other two medallions right away.”

“Why, Haradin?” Gerart asked.

“For two reasons. First that these medallions must not fall into enemy hands. They’re extremely powerful, and the Nocean Sorcerers, Zecly in particular, would find out how to use their power, with or without the Bearer’s consent. That could be disastrous for our interests. For that reason, we must find those two Chosen and bring them here with us. Out there they pose a danger to all of us.”

“And the second reason?” Solin asked.

“My studies. As far as I’ve been able to learn and understand, five medallions and their peerless power are spoken of. Reference is made to the end of days, to an unparalleled power which might be attained through them. That unbelievable power, if we’re capable of puzzling out how to use it, might be our last hope in the fight against the enemy hosts and mages.”

“You speak of hope, of a chimera, Haradin…” Urien said skeptically.

“Even more, that same power might destroy us all,” the King pointed out. “Who will protect us? You, Haradin?”

“There are no guarantees with magic, your Majesty. The greater the power, the greater the risk. This is a universal maxim when it comes to arcane and mystic power. It always has been. That’s how wise Nature balances the power which exists in the universe. Could this mighty power destroy us? It might. But in my opinion it could also save us. Whatever the case, we must stop the medallions from falling into the hands of either Zecly or the Norghanian Ice Mages. That much is clear to me.”

All began to comment on what Haradin had told them, and an uneasy murmur filled the throne hall.

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