Destined to Reign (35 page)

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: Destined to Reign
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Beloved, look away from your circumstances and call out without fear to your Father. He loves you and will never judge or condemn you! He loves you with an everlasting love. Feed on His love for you and receive from Him exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think!

Closing Words

Throughout this book, I have endeavored to show you the gospel of Jesus Christ through the Scriptures as well as through my own struggles with the erroneous teachings that I had received as I was growing in the Lord. I have shown you that under the dispensation of grace, God is not judging you and does not punish His own children with sicknesses, diseases or accidents. Because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, He will never be angry with you nor rebuke you even when you fail. So don’t ever forget the main clause of the new covenant, which says that your sins and your lawless deeds, He remembers no more!

Many believers are defeated today because they do not know the God of the new covenant of grace. I believe with all of my heart that because you took this wonderful journey with me down the road of Emmaus and saw for yourself, beginning from Moses to the Prophets, all the things concerning Jesus Christ and His finished work, your heart would now burn with His extravagant love for you. Jesus truly puts the “amazing” back into grace!

Today, God is all about blessing you with His grace — His undeserved, unearned and unmerited favor — in every area of your life. Stop trying to deserve and earn your own acceptance before God with your own works and efforts. It will only frustrate the grace of God and nullify the effects of the cross in your life. My friend, Jesus already finished the work. Believe with all your heart that it is not about what you need to do today, but about what has already been done and accomplished on your behalf.

Beloved, I have preached to you the gospel of Jesus Christ and am fulfilling the commission He gave me in 1997 to preach grace radically so that lives can be radically transformed. I know that if you have believed this good news of His grace, your life has begun to be radically transformed, together with the countless believers around the world who have already been impacted by the Gospel Revolution.

I pray that this book has torn down the fences of controversy that the enemy has erected around the teaching of God’s grace and gift of righteousness, so that you may indeed receive not just grace, but the “
abundance of grace
”, and receive not just righteousness, but the “
gift of righteousness
”, and
start reigning in life
. Start reigning over sin, over sickness, over condemnation, over financial lack and over the curse of the law through the ONE, Jesus Christ.

All that I have shared works most powerfully and effectively within the environment of the local church. These truths are for the greater good of the body of Christ and should never result in you becoming a law unto yourself. Beloved, I want to see you enjoying the safety of the covering of a local church where there is accountability and submission. This is where our blessings are tremendously multiplied.

I thank you for taking this journey with me and for giving me the opportunity to unveil more and more of Jesus to you. You have been a wonderful traveling companion. We should do this again sometime soon! In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you about how our Lord Jesus has touched and impacted your life with His amazing grace.

It is all about Jesus and His finished work!

You are destined to reign through Him.

This is the secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living!


Chapter 1

Destined To Reign

1. NT:936, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

2. Crowther, J., Kavanagh, K., Ashby, M. (eds).
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Of Current English, Fifth Edition
. Great Clarendon Street, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. p. 85.

3. John 19:30

4. R Badham, Magnificent, Blessed, CD album by Hillsong Australia, 2002.

5. Colossians 2:13

6. Hebrews 10:11

7. 1 Corinthians 15:10


Chapter 2

The Law Has Been Fulfilled

1  Galatians 2:21

2  Colossians 2:14

3  Matthew 5:17, NIV

4  Ephesians 6:12

5  Romans 3:20

6  Romans 4:15

7  Revelation 12:10


Chapter 3

Controversies Surrounding The Gospel Of Grace

1  John 10:10

2  Luke 6:19

3  2 Corinthians 8:9

4  Matthew 7:11

5  Hebrews 8:7–8

6  1 Corinthians 15:56

7  Romans 10:3

8  2 Corinthians 5:21

9  1 Corinthians 15:34, KJV

10  Matthew 10:16

11  Matthew 11:28–30, NIV

12  John 14:6

Chapter 4

We Have Been Robbed!

1  2 Corinthians 5:21

2  Colossians 2:13

3  Revelation 1:8

4  Romans 6:14

Chapter 5

Is God Judging America?

1  2 Peter 3:9

2  1 Kings 22:52

3  2 Kings 1:1–15

4  Genesis 19:25

5  2 Timothy 2:15

6  Luke 9:54–56

7  John 3:17

8  John 10:10

9  Genesis 18:32

10  Genesis 19:22–24

11  Romans 4:8

12  1 John 2:1

13  1 John 4:17

14  Matthew 5:21–22, 27–28

15  James 2:10

16  Romans 3:23

Chapter 6

The Evil Conspiracy

1  Leviticus 26:28

2  Isaiah 53:2

3  Psalm 103:4

4  Thayer’s
Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database
. Copyright (c) 2000 by Biblesoft

5  2 Corinthians 12:7

6  Numbers 33:55

7  2 Corinthians 12:9

8  Matthew 10:16

Chapter 7

The Gospel That Paul Preached

1  Romans 10:17, NASB

2  NT:5547, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

3  Acts 14:7

4  Acts 13:44

5  Acts 13:45

6  Matthew 27:51

7  John 10:10

8  Acts 14:3–4

9  Acts 14:5

10  Acts 14:3

11  Galatians 1:8

12  Galatians 1:9

Chapter 8

The Main Clause Of The New Covenant

1  Matthew 12:31

2  John 15:26

3  Mark 3:22

4  Mark 3:28–30

5  Matthew 5:29–30

6  Matthew 12:34, 23:33

7  Colossians 2:13

8  NT: 3956, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

9  Matthew 26:28

10  John 19:30

Chapter 9

The Waterfall Of Forgiveness

1  Luke 7:44–47

2  Matthew 5:21–22, 27–28

3  Romans 14:23, KJV

4  1 Corinthians 6:19

5. Wuest, Kenneth S. (1954). ‘In These Last Days: The Exegesis Of First John’,
Wuest’s Word Studies From The Greek New Testament Volume II
. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p.103.

6  Hebrews 9:12, Ephesians 1:7

7  Hebrews 10:1–14

8  Mark 2:3–12

Chapter 10

The Ministry Of Death

1  2 Corinthians 3:6

2  2 Corinthians 3:13

3  Exodus 32:28

4  Acts 2:41

5  1 Corinthians 15:56

6  Romans 6:14

7  Hebrews 8:7

8  Hebrews 8:6

9  Hebrews 8:13

10  Romans 1:16

11  James 2:10

12  Romans 5:20

13  Romans 3:20

14  Galatians 3:24, KJV

15  Genesis 3:22

16  Genesis 3:24

17  John 10:10

Chapter 11

Unearthing The Deepest Root

1  © 1998–2007 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER).
Stress: Unhealthy Response To The Pressures Of Life
. Retrieved 24 April 2007 from

2  Goleman, Daniel. (15 December 1992). New Light On How Stress Erodes Health.
The New York Times
. Retrieved 24 April 2007 from

3  Colbert, Don, M.D. (2005).
Stress Less
. Lake Mary, Florida: Siloam, A Strang Company. p.14–15.

4  Hebrews 10:22

5  Hebrews 10:2

6  OT:7853, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

7  Revelation 12:10

8  Hebrews 8:12

9  John 14:16

10  1 Corinthians 15:34, KJV

11  Matthew 12:35

13  John 3:17

14  John 14:26, KJV

15  Proverbs 10:6

Chapter 12

Condemnation Kills

1  2 Corinthians 3:7, 9

2  Romans 7:10–11

3  Romans 7:7–8

4  Romans 5:20

5  Romans 7:15

6  Romans 7:19, 24

7. Wuest, Kenneth S. (1955). ‘Romans In The Greek New Testament’,
Wuest’s Word Studies From The Greek New Testament Volume I
. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p.127.

8  Romans 7:25

9  Deuteronomy 21:18–21

Chapter 13

The Gift Of No Condemnation

1  Matthew 26:28

2  John 9:1–7

3  OT: 7853, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

4  Romans 8:1, NIV

5  Isaiah 54:17

6  Hebrews 9:22

7  John 8:4

8  Romans 6:14

9  Romans 7:15

10  Romans 7:24

11  Romans 8:3

Chapter 14

No More Consciousness Of Sin

1  Luke 7:37–39, 48

2  Titus 2:11–12

3. Strong, James, LL.D., S.T.D. (2001).
The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Red-Letter Edition
. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomson Nelson Publishers. NT:38

4  Psalm 139:23

5  Hebrews 8:12

6  1 John 4:17

7  John 10:15, 17

8  John 1:29

9  2 Corinthians 5:21

10  Hebrews 10:14

11  Hebrews 10:10

12  Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17

13  Hebrews 10:1–4

14  Hebrews 10:19

15  Hebrews 10:22

16  Matthew 9:2–7

Chapter 15

The Road To Emmaus

1  Luke 4:18

2  Luke 24:17

3  Luke 24:32

4  NT:1695, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

5  NT:1695, Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 2000 by Biblesoft

6  Proverbs 4:22

7  Luke 24:13

8  Luke 24:33

9  Psalm 119:25, KJV 

10  Acts 14:8–10 

11  1 Kings 17:18

12  Romans 8:17

13  John 3:14–15

14  Proverbs 25:2

15  Numbers 21:4–5

16  Psalm 78:24–25

17  John 6:48–50

18  1 Corinthians 1:23–24

19  Numbers 21:6

20  Numbers 21:8

21  Numbers 21:9

22  Romans 8:3

23  Exodus 27:1–4

Chapter 16

The Secret Of David

1  Acts 13:22

2  OT:7521, Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright (c) 1994, Biblesoft and International Bible Translators, Inc.

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