Desperados Prequel

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Authors: Sienna Valentine

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica, #Thrillers, #Urban

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Desperados - The Prequel
By Sienna Valentine




Copyright © 201
4 Sienna Valentine

All rights reserved.


This is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination.  Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental. 


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“What do you think about this new rule?” Dax asked, turning to his leather clad brother.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Troy said, eyeing the girl standing in front of
Prez, the new leader of the Desperados MC.  She had been brought in by Smoke, a relatively new member of the club.

“Of course you do,”
Dax said, shaking his head.  Troy always thought with his dick, so this ridiculous new rule by the Prez appealed to him.  New boss, new rules.  Dax was already not impressed with their president.  Dax hadn’t voted for him, or the VP, but majority ruled.  But even
hadn’t anticipated what his first new decree would be.

The girl standing in the middle of the club house looked terrified, and she clutched Smoke’s hand tightly as he stood beside her, scowling.  Seemed like he wasn’t overly fond of the new rule either, especially since he would be the guinea pig.  Or his new potential
ol’ lady would be, anyway.

primae noctis.  Apparently the president had gone out and had that phrase tattooed on his chest a couple of nights ago after announcing the new decree to the MC.  Dax had looked it up, and it was similar to how it had been described at the meeting.  An ancient privilege of a lord to share the marriage bed of the peasants that served him.  In the Prez’s mind, this translated to his being able to fuck any new girl that members of the MC brought back to introduce to the club as a potential new girlfriend.  At least he hadn’t made it retroactive to existing ol’ ladies.  That would have caused an uproar for sure.

As it was, most of the membership hadn’t been on board with the idea until he modified it slightly, saying that it would also mean that all members of the club would also get a turn.  Suddenly, most of the membership decided that what they would gain would far outweigh what they’d have to give up.  At least, that’s what they had thought at the time, but it seems when it actually came down to it, giving up your new girlfriend to the club for a group roll in the hay didn’t seem as appealing.  At least, if Smoke was any indication.  He was still scowling and arguing with the
Prez and Magnum.

“If I remember correctly, you were in favor of this when we voted,” Magnum said.  It was easy for him to say.  The
Prez had exempted the president and VP roles from the new rules.  So he and Magnum would be able to sample everyone else’s girl, but wouldn’t have to share their own. 

Smoke opened his mouth but he knew there was nothing left to argue.  He had, in fact, agreed to it during the vote.  He looked helplessly at the cute little blond to his left.  Her long hair flowed down her shoulders and cascaded over her tank top covered breasts.  She looked back at him with big brown eyes. 

“Sorry, Dakota,” he said.  “I tried.  Looks like you’ve gotta go through with it after all.”

He nodded at the
Prez, whose pale green eyes lit up lustfully as he stared at Dakota’s firm breasts, burning a hole in her shirt with his gaze.  He hadn’t looked at her face once since Dax had been watching him.  He reached out and grabbed Dakota’s hand.

“Come on then, girl.  Let me show you my office where we can get better acquainted.” 

The look on the girl’s face was pure terror, but she nodded slightly anyway as she gave one last look at Smoke as the Prez led her away, his large hand pushing open the door to the back room.  He was a big biker, mostly muscle although there was a bit of a gut starting to form around his middle.  Magnum reached up and gave Smoke a pat on the shoulder and big smile.  The braided beard under his chin swung wildly as he quickly followed his leader.

As the door closed behind them, the room that was mostly silent suddenly erupted into excited conversations. 

“Can you believe she actually went back with him?” Troy said.  “Looks like we’re going to get a turn after all.  I was starting to wonder if this whole thing was too good to be true.”

just grunted.  The whole thing seemed completely medieval to him and he wasn’t excited about being a part of it, but he knew that the Prez was a man that expected his club to conform and follow his leadership.  Dax had high ambitions for this club, and he would do what it took to fit in.  Besides, the girl was cute.  He just wasn’t excited about being sloppy seconds to the Prez or VP.  Or the rest of the club, for that matter.

“You think they’re going to double team her?” Troy asked excitedly.  For some reason he was really into threesomes with his
clubmates.  Even Dax had shared a girl or two with him in their time together as biker brothers.

just shrugged.  “Probably, but if the Prez is smart he’ll go first.  Otherwise they’ll be nothing left when Magnum is done.”

Both men laughed.  Magnum’s cock was legendary in the club.  The
Prez was also legendary, but for almost the exact opposite reason.

Smoke walked by the two men on his way to the front door. 

“You alright, brother?”  Dax asked.

The other man paused and turned.  “
Ya, you guys enjoy.  Dakota looks all sweet an innocent, but that girl likes to fuck.  And she sucks a mean dick, too.  She’s a bit apprehensive, so I promised to argue the point with the Prez, but I knew he wouldn't relent.  But fuck it, I have a feeling by the end of the day she’ll come around.”  He barked out a laugh.  “But I don’t want to see it when she’s done.  Do me a favor, tell the Prez that the club can have her today.  And then tell her to shower up when she’s done before giving me a call.  I’m going out for a butt and then a ride.”

With a nod, he continued on and let himself out the front door.  Troy laughed.  “Fucking Smoke.  I thought it was odd that he was arguing to not do it, I never took him for the kind of guy that wouldn’t share his bitch.”

Dax just shook his head.  This place could be nuts, sometimes.  According to the rules that were laid out, the president and VP would get their shot at a girl first, and then the rest of the club would get to go.  The club’s turn doesn’t have to happen on the same day as the president or VP, but when they did they only got one day and then the girl would belong to the member that brought her in with no other member being able to touch her again without permission.  Sounded like Smoke just wanted to get it all over with today.

looked around.  There were less than 10 guys in the main meeting room here, but others could be throughout the house.  Only members that were around that day would get a turn, though.  There were no rain checks.  And as far as he knew, Smoke hadn’t announced he was bringing a girl in so unless a member happened to already be here or stop in by chance later, they’d miss their opportunity.  Dax was almost sorry he had come in today, but as he did, he was likely going to have to take his turn. 
May as well enjoy it.  Smoke doesn’t seem to mind anyway.

The whole thing just felt disrespectful to do to another brother, though.  It was one thing to fuck a random that had a boyfriend outside the club, girls were often looking for a brother to liven up their boring lives.  But this felt different.

It was only a few minutes later when the door to the back room burst open and the Prez walked back through, his shirt unbuttoned and his growing belly pushing it open near the bottom.  He had a huge smile plastered across his face that was apparent even through his full beard.

“Damn that girl can fuck.  Glad I went first though, not sure how much the rest of you are going to enjoy it after Magnum is done.  Be like throwing a hot dog into a hallway.”

“For fuck sakes,” Troy muttered next to Dax.  “That fucking horse cock is going to ruin it for the rest of us.”

“So get her to suck it instead,”
Dax said.  “Smoke said she was good with her mouth as well.”

“Or put it through the back door,” came a voice from behind the two men. 
Dax turned to see Dane standing behind the two of them. 

“That’s your domain,” Troy said.  “But yeah, maybe I will claim the mouth.  I always did like a good blow job.”

Dax smiled, clapping Dane on the shoulder. “You fucking dirt bag,” he said as a greeting. 

“A little dirt never scared me,” the man replied, giving
Dax a slap on the shoulder as well.

The three men continued to talk for another 20 minutes before Magnum strode out from the back, swaggering as he usually did and with Dakota next to him under his arm.  She didn’t look as terrified as she had earlier. 
Dax wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not, but she seemed to be walking a bit funny.

“Alright, whose next on this fine piece of tail,” Magnum said, his arm still around Dakota like she was his own
ol’ lady.  Dax wondered what Smoke would think of that if he hadn’t already left.  Magnum was an ass and probably felt like dropping a load into the girl was his way of branding her as his own.  “I think I can vouch for the fact that satisfaction is all but guaranteed.”

Dakota gave a shy little smile.

“Me!” shouted Troy, raising his hand like he was back in high school.  “I’m next.  Actually, that should be us.  We’re next.”  He turned and motioned towards Dax and Dane, as if he was making a polite gesture by including his friends in a special treat.  For Troy, that was about as magnanimous a move as he was likely to make, and Dax would almost have felt touched if it wasn’t so creepy.  He was about to object but Magnum’s eyes lit up immediately even as Dakota’s seemed to bug out of her head.

“All three of you?” he asked.  “I think that’s a great idea!”  He turned to Dakota and dropped his hand down to her ass, giving it a little pinch.  “What do you think of taking on three brothers at once?” he asked.  He didn’t wait for an answer, instead he just pushed her forward towards Troy giving her a little swat on the behind as he did so.  “Enjoy boys.  This girl is a fabulous debut to what I hope and expect will be a long tradition at this club.”

Dakota came up to the three men and gave them a little smile.  It seemed like she had already gotten over her shock at the prospect of taking on all three at once.  Dax looked over at Dane and lifted an eyebrow.  The other man quickly glanced at Troy, who was ogling Dakota, and then back at Dax.  “I’m in if you are,” he said gruffly. 

just shrugged. 
Why the hell not.

Troy looked up and took
Dax’s silence to mean he was in, so he grabbed Dakota by the wrist and practically dragged her through the door to the back room.  Dax and Dane had no choice but to follow.  Troy made his way down the hallway in the back to the meeting room, pushing Dakota ahead of him and then waiting for the other two men to come in before closing the door.  This room was where the club met to vote on issues and was basically a big room with a huge conference table in the center, surrounded by wooden chairs. 

Dakota moved towards the conference table and then turned around to face the men, putting her hands beside herself and gripping the edge of the wood while she sat back down on it.  She smiled sweetly towards the men, her brown eyes taking each of them in.  “So, uh, who wants to go first?” she asked.

“I think Magnum had the right idea,” Troy said.  He was already undoing his pants.  “If we were going to take turns, we wouldn’t all be in here watching each other like a bunch of queers.  We’re talking about going air tight here, baby.  Let’s see if you can take all three of us at once.”

Dakota looked confused at what Troy had just said and then
Dax could see a little light bulb go on over her head as she figured it out.  The look of fear from earlier flashed across her face again but it was replaced quickly by a different emotion.  If Dax had to name it, he would think it almost looked like… lust?  Could it be that she was actually interested in the idea of all three of them at once?

Dakota answered his unspoken question by reaching down and grabbing the hem of her shirt and then pulling it up and over her head.  Her milky white breasts spilled forward with a bounce, both topped with a small pink nipple and barely any areola.   There was a light dusting of freckles surrounding each breast.

By the time she started to undo her pants, Troy was already naked.  He was a skinny man, and his dick matched the rest of his body.  It was hard and thin, jutting out from him and sloping upwards, bobbing gently as he started to walk towards Dakota.

As the girl stood up after pulling off her bottoms and getting completely nude,
Dax was surprised to see that she had a completely shaved pussy.  He was starting to believe Smoke now when he said this girl liked to fuck after all.  He hadn’t met too many prudes that kept themselves completely bare down there.

As soon as Troy was within reach, Dakota grabbed a hold of his cock and started to rub the shaft as she looked over at
Dax and winked.  “Come on big Daddy,” she said.  “I’m dying to see what you’re packing under that denim.”

The comment took
Dax by surprise as he wondered why she had singled him out.  Dane was still standing there as well, right behind him.  He quickly glanced over his shoulder and was shocked to see Dane completely naked as well.  The other man just looked at him and shrugged.  “When in Rome…”

Dane walked past him and met Dakota and Troy in the center of the room.  As soon as he could, he reached around the slender girl and grabbed a hold of her ass, causing her to let out a little squeal.  Dane was always an ass man, and
Dax knew he’d happily get behind her and start plugging that hole, regardless of what he and Troy were doing.

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