Desires' Guardian (9 page)

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Authors: Tempeste O'Riley

BOOK: Desires' Guardian
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Chase flashed his best smile. “Since you’re not my teacher anymore, I wanted to ask if you would like to grab a bite or a beer with me sometime?”

He had to fight not only the nerves from asking Adrian out, but also the distinct, uneasy feeling that his going out with someone was somehow cheating on Rhys—not that he was in a relationship with the big, lumbering, gorgeous man.

Adrian’s eyes flashed with an emotion so fast he wasn’t sure he could identify it… surprise, maybe. “I’m not sure that would be appropriate, Chase. You are my student.”

“Actually, no, I’m not. I
, but grades are out, and I don’t have you for any classes next term.” Chase again tried a smile, hoping it would work this time. He wasn’t used to having to work hard to get a first date, but his confidence had been a little shaky since Rhys. Between that and his last couple of dates being duds, his nerves were all twisted up as he awaited Adrian’s response.

Adrian took a moment to reply, using the time to slowly look Chase over. A shy smile spread across his handsome face as he nodded. “I would like that.”



into the office the next morning, his mind more on his upcoming date with Adrian than on the work planned for the day, but he knew once he settled in his chair and booted up everything, he’d descend into the work like always. Whether he was tracking things down for Mark or Rhys or working on the codes for his freelance work, computers were where he ruled, and he loved them.

Working the suicide-or-maybe-murder case still took part of his time and energy, but at least Mark had agreed to work with him on it, reducing the amount of time he had to directly deal with Rhys.

He paused when he spotted something out of place at his workstation. There, beside his favorite keyboard and mouse, was an arrangement of bamboo in a blue-and-green glazed container. Chase quickly counted: seven stalks, two of which were taller, spiraling ones. Set in the pebbles at the base was a small Welsh-style red dragon figurine.

Every morning since the first workday after his and Rhys’s “mistake”—as he insisted upon calling their one night together—there had been something peculiar left in his area. A brownie. One of his favorite coffee drinks. Even a new six-pack of Mountain Dew in the minifridge he’d added to his personal area—but plants were new. Chase knew who was leaving them, though he couldn’t quite work out why. Rhys baffled and annoyed him, yet he couldn’t get their one night or the taste of the man out of his head, no matter what he tried.

Chase moved the plant away, sighed, and then moved it back into view moments later. Giving the little dragon one last look while his system booted up, he turned and dove into his work. He already had a number of clients, and now that he had proper office space, he seemed to be more productive—code and numbers never confused or failed him. The work consumed Chase’s thoughts and attention the way it always did.



a number of people came and went from the office, while other days it was only the four of them.

Lost in his musings and code, he startled when a voice broke into his concentration. “Hey, Chase. You ready to go?”

Looking up, blinking his eyes a few times to refocus on the real world, not his screens, he took in Dal, Rhys’s little brother—though not that little. Days like today, with Dal decked out in his police uniform, the three inches Rhys had on him seemed even less noticeable.

Why couldn’t it be Dal that makes me squirm and want?

“Um, did I forget something again?” He knew it was things like this that gave him such a rep for being an airhead, but he couldn’t help how engrossed he got at times. He was just as focused when playing, so it couldn’t all be bad. Right?

Dal’s rich laugh made him smile. “Boy, you asked me to stop by on my lunch break so you could pick up your bike, remember? Something about not having time tonight thanks to your pretty little ass having a date,” Dal explained, his grin so wide it lit up his entire being.

Chase could feel the heat in his cheeks and looked away. “Yeah, Adrian liked my bike the one time he saw it, and it’s our first date, so I….”

“You want to impress the guy. I get it. But I don’t have a long break today, so let’s go.”

He hit “save,” then shut things down, grabbed his wallet, keys, and coat, and joined Dal. Dal slid his arm over Chase’s shoulders, guiding him to the front.

“Bye, Nichelle.”

“Bye, Nikki. It was great seeing you again,” Dal added before they exited the office into the chilly, early-afternoon light.

“You two must have been a hot couple, with all her soft mocha skin and your pale skin with the little toffee freckles,” Chase mused out loud as he slid into the passenger seat of Dal’s cruiser.

“I always thought she was,” Dal replied. “But we make much better friends than lovers. Have you met her husband? He’s pretty cool.”

“Yeah, he was nice when I met him, and cute too,” Chase added with a grin.

“You should see his brother. He’s even hotter.”

Chase did a double take as he stared at Dal. Some het people were open-minded and such, but “hot” and the way his voice had dropped a little when he said it? “And you would know this how? Besides, I am not going to take advice on who’s sexy from a straight guy,” Chase taunted, waving his hand to push away such a silly thought.

Dal’s amused laugh confused Chase even more. “Who said I was straight?”

“But, well… aren’t you? I mean, you dated Nichelle. You had just broken up with some girl right before we met at James’s, so yeah… straight.”

“So, you’re one of those gay guys that thinks the whole world is either gay or straight?”

Chase thought that over carefully, considering the harsher tone in Dal’s voice. “Well, no. But I’ve never heard you mention an ex that wasn’t female, so I assumed that meant you were het.”

“There’s this little thing between the two extremes, Chase. I’m bi. And no, that does not mean I’m confused or unsure or finding myself. I happen to be attracted to both women and men.”

“I’m sorry, Dal. I didn’t mean it that way, honest. I didn’t know, is all. Forgive me,” he pleaded, batting his eyes as they pulled up to the garage.

“Of course. Now, let’s get your bike so you can impress what’s his name.”

“Adrian, Adrian Keys.” He giggled as he thought about the upcoming evening.

“He must really be something if you’re giggling. I’m really glad what happened with you and Rhys hasn’t stopped you from looking for your Mr. Right.”

Chase stood, frozen, as what Dal said washed over him. He was already fighting inexplicable guilt for going out with Adrian, and now Dal had to go and say something like that?

Dal nudged him when a mechanic approached. It wasn’t Ricky, his usual guy, but some ripped, tan unknown person heading their way. Chase looked up into the bluest eyes he had ever seen. The man was about the same height as Dal, maybe an inch or so shorter, and gorgeous, even with the grease smudges on his forehead and left cheek.

“I’m Kyler, and I’m assuming, from the way the other guys talk, you,” the big guy rumbled, gesturing to Chase, “are Manny, the owner of the sweet Sabre I worked on today.” The way he spoke was so matter-of-fact, Chase didn’t even think to correct his name error.

“Actually, this is Chase Manning, and yes, the blue one is his,” Dal explained.

Chase looked between the two men before his brain managed to kick in gear. “I’m Chase. How’s my baby?” He knew his lilt was in full effect, but didn’t care. The shop he used, Mickey’s, always treated him right.

After a few minutes’ discussion, Chase thanked Kyler and paid the bill. After slipping his helmet on, he mounted the bike, revving the engine a little.

Dal stepped up beside him, arms folded across his chest, waiting. Chase flipped his visor up and smiled.

“That’s the grin that’s been missing lately. Glad you’ve got your bike back. Now, do you have everything you need? All set?”

“Yes, Dad,” Chase singsonged and winked.

“Don’t tempt me, or you’ll end up bent over my knee for the spanking you know you deserve,” Dal countered and smirked.

Chase laughed as Dal took a good-natured swipe at him before heading back to his cruiser.

Once Dal got into his car, Chase shot out of the driveway, back onto the street, thrilled to be riding his bike again, even if it was still freakin’ cold out. He knew he would look good tonight, and that was all that mattered.

“Eat your heart out, Rhys. I’m going to have a great evening… without you!” Chase yelled into the roar of his bike and the wind around him.

Chapter 8

in the waiting area at Louie’s Downtown. It was five minutes until six, and Adrian was to meet him for their first date then. He was so nervous his left leg bounced, and he caught himself, more than once, toying with his lip ring. He still wasn’t entirely certain this was his best idea. He liked Adrian, but the feeling he was doing something wrong, abandoning Rhys somehow, refused to leave him alone.

He had taken his time getting ready after work, having laid out his clothes that morning in preparation for their date. He hoped that the low-slung black dress slacks, coupled with his favorite hunter green silk button-down and a pair of his chunky boots made him look as good as he knew Adrian would.

Right at six o’clock the door opened and Adrian walked in, looking just as delicious as expected. Chase took a moment to peruse the lovely view. Adrian was decked out in a pair of dress jeans that showed off his form beautifully, along with a teal cashmere turtleneck and long frock coat. It made him want to throw off Adrian’s coat and run his hands over the sweater and feel the muscles underneath.

Chase beamed at Adrian. “Hi.” Chase signed. “You look

“Thank you, Chase,” Adrian signed and said. Chase was
entranced for a moment by the light flush that spread across Adrian’s face.

After letting the hostess know they were both there and ready, she led them to a small table. She handed them menus and left after telling them their server would be Carrie.

“This is nice,” Adrian said, gesturing around the restaurant. “You come here a lot?”

“No. I had never been here until my best friend, Jamie, got engaged. They’re going to cater his reception,” Chase explained, his mouth already watering so much at the thought of scallops he didn’t need to look at the menu.

A moment later, their server, Carrie, filled their water glasses, set a basket of bread down between them, and took their order. Chase was fascinated with how Adrian used his hands while talking, even with people that didn’t understand sign.

“Wonderful.” Adrian looked down for a moment before raising his eyes to meet Chase’s again. “I was surprised you asked me to dinner.”

“Why?” Chase asked. He had noticed Adrian’s shock when he asked but had assumed it was a matter of him not being hit on by students often, ex or otherwise. Now he wasn’t so sure. “You’re handsome and smart and funny.”

“I don’t get too many invites from cute men, not after the grades have gone out.” Adrian laughed, but his eyes retained a sense of sadness that made Chase wonder if maybe he had been used before, a concept he knew all too well from when he was younger. Not that twenty-six was exactly old, but some days it certainly felt it.

Chase started to comment, but two things distracted him. One event was welcome. The other inexplicable one was not! Carrie arrived and placed their salads in front of them. After refilling their drinks, she quietly stepped away.

Chase smiled at Adrian, then tasted his first bite of salad just as Rhys walked by, escorting some young guy to a table across from theirs. He nearly choked as he tried to force the bite down his throat.

Adrian put his fork down and reached for Chase’s hand once he seemed to be breathing properly again. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” he rasped, nodding to make sure Adrian understood him. “Just went down wrong.”

After taking another drink, Chase glanced over to Rhys’s table, grinding his teeth when he noticed they were holding hands. Turning back to his dinner date, Chase stabbed his salad a little more viciously than he intended, furious at himself for even caring about Rhys being there.

They didn’t talk much during the meal, Chase finding it difficult to sign and eat at the same time. The other problem was that his gaze kept sliding to Rhys and his date, much against his wishes.

“So, tell me what you do when you’re not flirting with teachers?” Adrian asked as they sat after finishing their meals.

“I run my own IT consulting firm, plus I help out at the Coiled Dragon.”

“And when not doing that?” Adrian asked, a small smile making his handsome face enchanting.

Chase grinned back at him. “You have the sexiest voice,” he commented and winked. Chase loved how Adrian both spoke and signed. It was sexy and helped him follow the conversation better. “Hanging out with friends, dancing, reading… you know, normal things. I—” He was distracted when the man with Rhys giggled. When he looked over, he saw the little tramp touching Rhys again.
He wanted to rip the damn twink’s hands off his.
No, I don’t care what he does. He doesn’t matter to me and he’s not mine.
The little voice that asked why he kept looking then was not appreciated.

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