Desires (30 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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“It might be,” she said, slowly undoing his belt. She
popped the button and drew down the zip, tugging his jeans and shorts down to
his hips to release his towering penis.

“What do you think?”

“Well, it’s quite interesting,” Stacie said, sitting
back on her heels as she wrapped her hands around his cock. “But what were you
planning on doing with it?”

“What would you like me to do with it?”

“I’d quite like you to make love with me.”

“I can do that.”

Stacie reached behind her and tugged off her shoes
before lying back on the bed. Instead of diving in, Dan went back down to her

His mouth engulfed her clitoris, sucking and licking
hard. Still twanging from before, it sent jolts throughout her body. His tongue
manipulated and teased, and he slid two fingers inside her, pressing upwards to
hit her G-sport.

She thrashed her head wildly from side to side on the
pillow, grabbing at her own breasts, pinching her nipples. Dan continued his
manipulations, ramming his fingers in and out as his clever tongue sent her
inexorably down the path to bliss. Stacie tried her hardest to hold out but she
screamed wildly as her whole body erupted into an electrifying spasm, forcing
her to thrust her hips high off the bed, jerking her body spasmodically as her
orgasm crashed through her.

Stacie’s body was quivering with aftershocks when she
felt Dan lift his body up and over hers. She jerked as he thrust his penis into
her hyper-sensitive pussy. He plunged his cock in and out of her, filling her
deeply, urgently. He took hold of her right leg and lifted it in the air,
hitting her G-spot with every pound. Stacie moaned without inhibition, watching
his facial expressions as he concentrated on his rhythm. She took her hand down
to where they were joined, feeling his penis moving in and out of her soaking pussy.
A mere touch of her hand on her quivering clit had her almost there. Dan
clasped her close to him, his plunges becoming more urgent and forceful.

He moved her hand away, replacing it with his own. He
rubbed her clit hard and Stacie closed her eyes, welcoming the crest. She
wrapped her legs around him and screamed her rapture to the walls, as Dan
juddered his own orgasm, gasping in her ear as he dropped on top of her.


Chapter Eleven


Stacie woke up and stretched. A lazy smile spread over
her face as she remembered where she was, back at Desires. She turned over but
the other side of the bed was empty. She sat up to look around the room but he
was nowhere to be seen. Stacie worried for a second, but then lay back down
again. He wouldn’t have gone far.

She snuggled back down into the duvet, remembering last
night. She had forgotten, well actually never really knew, just how wonderful
and fun sex could be, and how incredible an orgasm felt. All those years with
Graham just shoving his knob into her, her only thoughts being, “Here he goes
again,” or passing the time counting the cracks in the ceiling. She felt alive

Her mobile phone gave its text message chirp from inside
her bag. Stacie leaned down and hooked her finger under the handle, dragging
the bag up onto the bed and digging about till she found it.

, how did it go? Xxx
, Chrissie had texted her. Stacie smiled, wondering how she could
adequately describe last night in only a text. She decided to call her instead.

“Hello lovely, and how’s you?” Chrissie said.

“Oh, not so bad…” Stacie teased.

“Well?” Chrissie said, clearly impatient.

“Well what?”

“You know bloody what. Spill!”

“Fucking hell, Chrissie, Wow, wow, wow, bloody hell wow.
I think I’m still leaking.”

“Nice one, good girl, you go for it.”

Dan appeared from the bathroom soaking wet, towel draped
round his hips, looking more ravishing than ever. “Oh my God,” Stacie said,
stretching out on the bed and looking him up and down.

“What? Tell me!”

“He has just come out of the bathroom, dripping wet.”

“Well darling…there’s only one thing for it…Go and

“Oh I will. I’ll be in touch,” she told Chrissie then
hung up. She crossed her arms and aimed a severe glare at Dan, who looked at
her in surprise. “You are aware you could cause serious health problems wandering
around like that?”

Dan grinned. “Really?”

“Oh yes. Come here.”

Dan came around her side of the bed, removing his towel
from his waist. He stood there naked, his cock already semi-hard.

Just then the alert on her phone bleeped. Frowning,
Stacie reached for it and looked at the display.

“Oh, bugger!” she said, looking at Dan in horror.


“I can’t believe I forgot!” Stacie leaped out of bed,
and started pulling on clothes.

“What is it?”

She turned to him. “It’s my mum’s birthday. I completely
forgot. I need to go, I have to get her a present and go and see her.”

“Will you come back?” Stacie’s heart gave a little flip
at his plaintive tone of voice and she went over to him, zipping up her jeans.

“You just bet I will.” She stood on her toes and kissed
him, tasting his toothpaste and reaching round to grope his naked bum. She gave
it a cheeky slap, then went into the bathroom to quickly wash her face and
brush her teeth. She went back through into the bedroom and pulled a high-necked
sweater out of the wardrobe, pulling it over her head before dragging a brush
through her hair at the dresser mirror. “I’ll only be a few hours,” she said,
sitting on the bed to put on her boots. “What are you going to do while I’m

“Miss you,” he told her, sitting next to her and
planting a kiss on her lips. “I will watch television all alone, trying not to
think too much about you and what we could be doing.”

“You’re making it very hard for me to leave,” she said,
kissing him back.

“I want to make sure you come back,” he replied.

“Just try and stop me.”

“There’s a ball tonight, do you fancy going?”

“The receptionist mentioned it, have you been to one
before?” Stacie stood up and went to the dresser to put some make-up on.

“Yeah. It’s usually a good night,” he said, turning on
the bed to look at her.

“Yes sure, go on then. Do I get to wear a ball gown or
do I need to go naked?” she asked him, waggling her eyebrows at him in the

“Totally up to you, but I don’t think you will make it
out of the door if you go naked,” he said.

“Listen, I’d better go, otherwise I’ll never go and my
mum won’t get her present.” She blotted her lips on a tissue and came over to
him, leaning over to kiss him lightly so as not to ruin her lipstick. “I’ll see
you in a few hours,” she told him. He hugged her round the waist, planting a
kiss on her tummy. She rested her hands on his head, feeling light-headed and
giddy with delight. These were not the actions of a man who was just being paid
to spend time with her. The more time she spent with Dan, the more she was convinced
he returned her feelings. She just had to get up the courage to ask him.

“No problems,” he replied. She reluctantly walked to the
door and opened it. “Missing you already,” he called.

Stacie looked back. He sat sadly on the bed, pulling a
puppy-dog face. She gave a little wave and left, letting the door swing shut
behind her. Her smile could have rivalled the sun as she danced down the
corridor and trotted down the stairs.

“Morning,” Stacie heard as she walked past the
reception. She stopped as she saw Bailey’s head popping up from under the desk.

“Morning,” she replied, giving Bailey a smile then
continued walking to the main door.

Stacie got in her car and looked back at Desires for a
moment, thinking about Dan. She analysed every look, every word, every gesture,
for meaning. Every time she convinced herself that, yes, he did like her, that
little voice in her mind squashed it, reminding her that she was paying for his
company, paying for him to be nice to her. But Chrissie was right, the only way
she would find out would be to ask. Whatever the answer was, at least she would
know. But when was the right time?

She drove reluctantly out of the car park, heading into
town. She browsed awhile before picking out a nice necklace and earring set and
a card. On the way back to the car park, she passed by a shop that sold kinky
underwear and sex aids. She’d passed it many times, always hurrying by,
embarrassed. When she and Graham had come into town together, he had always
expressed his disgust at the shop, and the people who patronised it. Today, she
stopped and came back to it, deeply curious. She’d heard mention of various
stimulatory toys and oils, but she actually had no idea what they were talking
about. About the only thing she’d even heard of was a vibrator. She glanced up
and down the street. What if someone saw her going in? She walked past,
pretending to be looking in the window of the jewellery shop next door, until
the street was relatively empty, then darted in.

The first few racks were full of various types of
lingerie, bras, panties, matching garter belts, in a rainbow of different
colours and a myriad of different styles. After the first few racks of frilly
underwear, simple bras and panties gave way to more seductive ensembles. Satin
garters dangled from ruffles of black and crimson lace, and tiny strings hung
below curtains of gauze sewn to bras with holes in the front, clearly designed
to show nipples.

In one alcove, a rack full of bemusing garments made of
leather and decorated with studs caught her eye. There was even a riding crop
displayed prominently next to the display. Stacie shied away from the racks of
scary leatherwear that looked like something you’d put on a horse. She picked
up a black and pink garment that looked like a bra – but had no cups! It was as
if someone had cut out the entire cup from the bra, leaving just the wire, and
then decorated it with a bit of ribbon and lace.

She needed something dainty and pretty, yet sexy at the
same time. She daringly picked out a pink open nipple
with crotchless panties. Browsing farther into the store, she was stunned to
see the variety of kinks that were catered for, right here on the high street.
If it hadn’t been for Desires, she wouldn’t even have known what half these
things were. Remembering what Dan had said about being tied up, down in the
dungeon, she chose a blindfold, lace handcuffs, and tickle ties.

A display of rainbow bottles and tubes caught her eyes
and she was shocked when she saw bottles of something called Dick Lick. Picking
one up, she discovered it was pretty much what it said it was. You put it on
your guy’s dick, and lick it off. She picked out a bottle of the
strawberry-flavoured one and added it to her basket. She gave the inside of the
shop one more glance before going to pay. Time was running short, but she would
definitely have to come back here.

She was glad the assistant put her purchases in a plain
brown paper bag, though. She might be becoming more sexually liberated, but not
enough to parade her purchases through the town centre. She’d had her mum’s
present gift-wrapped in the shop. She sat in the car and wrote out the card
before reluctantly heading to her mum’s house. She’d much rather be going back
to Desires.

Her mum loved her present, but Samantha spent the entire
time talking about her perfect life and her wonderful kids and when was Stacie
going to start looking for another man? She’d already let one slip away, and she
wasn't getting any younger, you know. Stacie tried to hide her distaste for her
sister’s lack of any social graces, but managed about half an hour before she stood

“Sorry, Mum, I have to go. I’m meeting someone.”

“Who?” Samantha demanded. “Who’s more important than Mum
on her birthday?”

“It’s a man actually,” Stacie hadn’t intended to reveal
anything about Dan, but her sister’s pointed comments about her failed marriage
and letting Graham ‘slip away’ like he was such a good catch, had stung.

Samantha was actually speechless. For about ten seconds.
“You? A man? Where did you meet him?”

definitely wasn’t going to reveal. “Um, a friend introduced us. It’s early days
yet. Listen, I’m sorry Mum, I do have to go. Enjoy the rest of your birthday.”
She got up and kissed her mum on the cheek. “Bye, Samantha.”

As Samantha blustered behind her, Stacie grabbed her bag
and swept out the door, almost running back to the car.

She couldn’t get back to Desires quick enough. Once
parked, she opened the boot and smiled in anticipation as she grabbed her bag
of raunchy gear. She couldn’t wait to show Dan. Stacie flew through the hall to
reception. Bailey was seated behind the reception desk.

,” Stacie said.

“Hi, Stacie, how are you?” Bailey answered, a happy
smile on her face.

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