Desires (24 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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“Did you work here?” Stacie couldn’t imagine any mother
running a sex club and employing her own daughter as a sex worker.

“I used to help out with the admin side of things, but
nothing else. If I indulged, it was strictly for pleasure only,” Angel said. “I
also heard that you are a bit of a dark horse yourself.”

Stacie looked at her, concerned. What was she talking
about? Stacie was no dark horse. Her life was dull, dull, dull. There certainly
wasn’t anything for her to be a dark horse about. “What do you mean?”

“I heard you went into the orgy room last night.” Stacie
stared at her. Her heart started to jack-hammer and her stomach roiled. “Don’t
look so frantic, I know about everyone in this building, no one escapes my
clutches, I can tell you. So what did you think?”

“Sorry?” she answered, as her mind tried to process the
horror of Angel knowing.

“What did you think?” Angel repeated.

“It was okay.” She paused, wondering if Angel thought
she had slept with someone else other than Dan. “Dan joined me.”

“So, you enjoyed it then?” Angel said with a grin.

“Yes, it was okay,” she answered yet again. Why would
Angel ask? Maybe she was doing a little customer satisfaction research. Impishly,
Stacie wondered what Angel would do if she gave negative feedback.

Stacie didn’t wish to tell Angel exactly how much she
blanked everyone else in the room out and just concentrated on Dan. The orgy
room wasn't exactly what Stacie would have thought an orgy room would be, people
swapping partners and experimenting with others, but then Stacie was learning
that Desires wasn't exactly what she might have thought it was at all.

“Tell me, Stacie,” she said, taking another sip of her
coffee as the waiter arrived with a rack of toast and a small tray with little
pats of butter and tiny pots of various spreads. “What turns you on the most?” Angel
spread a slice of toast with jam and took a bite.

The answer sprang instantly to the forefront of Stacie’s mind. Stacie
hesitated, wishing she could just not answer. But Angel was the boss and knew
most of her personal details anyway. She sat there, looking at her, waiting for
the answer.

There is no way she could tell Angel how much Dan turned
her on. The shrewd woman would no doubt divine that Stacie had developed
feelings for Dan and she would probably be escorted off of the premises. Her
heart raced faster. God, she had to think of something, just to get Angel off
her back.

“I enjoy having my clitoris sucked,” she finally said
weakly. It was true, very true in fact, just the thought made her wild and hot.
Better still if Dan was doing the licking.

Angel smiled. “God, yes that is fucking amazing. I have
a slight confession to make,” she said, wiping her mouth with the napkin. “I
have to have that at least once a day, it’s my addiction. I’m not all that bothered
about cock, but the clitoris, fucking hell…what an explosion, I just love the
build up and sensation, fucking hell…” she paused. “Mind blowing or what?”

“Yes, I must admit I’d forgotten how amazing it is.”

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll make sure Dan gives you one of
our ‘keep it quivering’ leaflets, regardless if you come back or not.” She
paused and took a sip of her coffee. “Are you coming back?”

“I’m not sure,” Stacie said, taking a sip of her own
coffee to hide her sudden confusion.

“Does all the testosterone put you off?”

Stacie almost choked on her drink as she attempted to
answer her quickly, “No.”

“It can get too much, that’s why I’m pleased there is
plenty of girl on girl action here also. Has Dan shown you around Desires?”

“Only a little,” she replied. Over Angel’s shoulder she
saw Dan walk into the room. Stacie’s heart began to race and she firmly quelled
the smile that threatened to spread over her face. Angel turned around to see
what had caught Stacie’s attention.

“Dan, come here,” Angel commanded Dan. He obeyed with no

“Good morning, Dan,” Angel said, then glanced at her
watch with a quirky smile, “Only just, mind. Stacie said you needed your beauty
sleep, so she left you to it.”

“You should have woken me,” he told Stacie, taking a seat
at the table to Stacie’s left.

“Sorry, I just thought I should leave you.”

“Nah, wake him up, get his cock hard and shag him
senseless for breakfast. A bit of sausage is much more appetizing than
scrambled eggs.”

Stacie looked at Angel, shocked at the way she spoke
about him. Then she looked at him. His face was impassive, she couldn’t tell if
he minded or not—or even if he enjoyed it or not.

The waiter arrived taking Dan’s order and cleared the

“Anyway, I have work to do. Enjoy the rest of your time
here at Desires, Stacie, and I hope you will come back,” Angel said, before standing
up and leaving them alone.

Stacie was left wondering what on earth to say to Dan
when his coffee arrived. They sat making general chitchat, but Stacie found it
hard work. She had to work hard not to let her emotions show and she was
struggling to put what Angel said about having him for breakfast out of her

“What would you like to do today?” he asked her as his
full English breakfast arrived. She watched him squirt the ketchup all over the
place then dive in with his knife and fork.

“Not really sure, anything you suggest.” A question was
playing on her mind. Best to get it out in the open. “When did you speak to
Angel about me?” she blurted.

“Last night. She caught up with me when I was getting
some air. Why?” he asked, looking at her as he filled his fork again.

“Just wondered.”

“Angel knows everything about everyone in this place,
it’s her job to make sure everyone’s happy,” he said. “You look tired.” He put
the fork into his mouth.

“I didn’t sleep much.”

He swallowed. “Was the bed uncomfortable?”

“No, I just couldn’t sleep. My mind was working
overtime,” Stacie said. She watched him eat his food. Just the actions of him
filling his fork and putting it into his mouth were fascinating to her. At
least he had good table manners, not talking until he’d emptied his mouth, not
like Graham who would happily talk through a mouthful of food, spraying bits

“I hate that, all you want to do is sleep and your brain
begins thinking about anything and everything,” Dan said.

The conversation drifted to a halt. The only thing on
Stacie’s mind couldn’t be said, and anything else she thought of was just inane
small talk.

“I might just step outside while you eat. I need some
air,” she told him in the end. His mouth was full so he just nodded.

Stacie almost ran from the room. How long could she hold
out before he started noticing her weird behaviour? She wandered down the
corridor until she got to the back door leading to the patio.

She opened the door and the cold air hit her. Stacie
stepped outside, everything looked sad and cold. She walked across the patio
and toward the deserted garden. Stacie stood on the frosty grass inhaling the
cold winter air. She filled her lungs then released, seeing her breath
cascading out into the air.

Hearing voices, she turned to see a man and woman come
out. They stood under the heaters and lit cigarettes, beginning to gossip.
Stacie paid little attention to anything but stared unseeing at the garden, thinking
about Dan and what she should do. She didn’t feel that saying anything would
help the situation, because of the contract, that damn fucking contract. Maybe
she should step back into the real world and see where it took her?

After about ten minutes of serious thinking and no conclusions,
Stacie wandered back into the building. It had started already. There were many
more people hanging around in raunchy outfits than there had been before. She
made her way back to the restaurant to find Dan chatting to the barmaid. Stacie
walked in and smiled.

“Hello there, I was just about to come and find you,”
Dan said.

“Were you?”

“Yes, of course,” he said and took a step closer. “You okay?”

“Fine. So, what are we doing today?”

He started to walk toward the door and she fell in step
beside him.

“Do you fancy the grand tour?” he asked, opening the
door for her.

“You mean there’s more I haven’t seen yet?” Stacie
walked through, out into the corridor.


“Why not.”

Dan took hold of her hand. The intimate gesture
quickened her breath, but she barely had time to savour it before he was leading
her toward the back of the building. Instead of turning to the patio she had
just come from, he went through another set of double doors. This corridor was
dimly-lit and there were many anonymous doors leading off. He took her straight
past them before finally stopping at one that looked no different from the
others. He opened it to reveal a staircase lit with candle-bulbs in black iron

At the bottom was a corridor which led off in both
directions. The wall was bare brick with yet more doors. The same candle bulbs
and sconces were placed between the doors, and the floor was bare concrete
slabs. She followed Dan down the corridor past at the large wooden studded doors.
They almost looked like dungeons. Stacie guessed that was the intention. They
had probably been storage cellars at one point in the mansion’s history.

It was cool and clammy down here and she shivered. She
saw Dan up ahead holding a door open and hurried her steps toward him.

“Come in,” he told her. She entered the room.

The eerie flickering bulbs lit brick walls and a cold
concrete floor. At Dan’s encouraging, she stepped further in and saw a bed with
shackles and a neck brace, a cast iron cage hanging off the ceiling and
restraints left, right and centre.

The other equipment in the room she couldn’t begin to
identify, but Dan pointed out a stool spanker, a punishment bench and a sex
swing. There was a wall full of bondage equipment, whips, paddles, handcuffs,
chastity belts for him and her and ropes in all different colours. Stacie
couldn’t believe her eyes, there was everything, dildos, nipple accessories,
gags, chains, feathers and bondage clothing including masks. Stacie was freaked
out all over again. She was just coming to terms with Desires, but being faced
with evidence of some of the things people liked to do to each other was

“Have you used this room?” she asked, picking up a grooved

“Only to get equipment out of,” he told her. He reached
behind him and picked up a whip. “Come here.”

“No, I don’t think so,” she said, stepping back away
from him.

“I will not hurt you, I promise. If I do, you can have the
weekend free on me. Trust me.”

Stacie stared into his eyes, seeing nothing but calm
reassurance there. She moved closer to him, still a little anxious, but wanting
to trust him. Maybe he could show her what people saw in all this.

“Bend over the bench,” he said with her looking deep
into his eyes whilst he ran the leather strands through the palm of his hand.
Stacie positioned herself over the bench, tensing up and closing her eyes. She
heard the gentle whistle of the whip as it approached and cringed away, scared
it would hurt. To her surprise, it was soft and gentle, almost like a caress. Dan
trailed the tails of the whip up her back, then whipped her bottom again, a
tiny bit harder. Shivers ran down her spine and Stacie wriggled on the bench. She
felt Dan moved closer behind her, then felt his hands on her, undoing her jeans.
She froze and he stopped.

“Trust me,” he said again.

Stacie relaxed. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. He
certainly wouldn’t want to jeopardise their friendship.
Or his earnings
, the cynical part of her interjected.

Dan pulled down her jeans. The cool air hit her flesh.
She felt his hand caressing her bottom, running his hand softly over her skin.
His hand moved away and Stacie clenched her buttocks, anticipating his next
move. Surely it would hurt more without the protective denim covering her
tender skin. Dan put a light swing into his wrist with no force at all and
again gently lashed. Stacie felt no pain, only a light burning sensation,
heating her skin.

“Well what do you think?” she heard him ask.

“It’s not too bad.”

“Not all bondage involves pain. I just thought I would
show you.” He put the whip back and she pulled her jeans back up, a little
disappointed the demonstration was over. “And in here,” he told her, while
walking through to an adjoining room, “is the cell.” Stacie looked into the cold
cell with cast iron restraints set in place. It looked evil, freezing, not
inviting at all. There was even a small metal bed pan situated in the corner.

Dan closed the door and crossed over to the other side
of the room, opening another door. There were more of the ubiquitous flickering
lights, which illuminated a St. Andrew’s cross against the far wall, complete with
handcuffs and feet restraints, and another wall full of various bits of
equipment she couldn’t begin to imagine the use of.

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