Desired By The Archangel: Book Two (Angel Paranormal Romance) (Braving Darkness 8) (4 page)

BOOK: Desired By The Archangel: Book Two (Angel Paranormal Romance) (Braving Darkness 8)
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Chapter Ten

Hurrying out of the cave, she began to make the trek down the mountain. Wind whipped up the slopes, blasting against her ears. Her eyes watered as the wind assaulted them. She didn’t care. She had to get away from it all.

Michael leaving her alone to figure this all out without him was too much. Her mind rebelled. There was nothing left for her there if he was gone. Magdalena hurried down the mountain trail out of sight from the cave entrance. She heard people calling behind her, but no one gave chase. They couldn’t stop her. Maybe they wanted her to go. She was just getting in the way with her negative attitude and doubts. They’d be better off without her.

As she descended the mountain, she realized she’d left without any food or water and was wearing the thin uniform of gauzy fabric that most of the inhabitants had begun wearing. It was comfortable to sit in meditation for long hours inside the climate-controlled compound, but it did nothing to keep her warm.

She cursed herself for her lack of foresight.
She needed a break. She’d go back up the mountain before nightfall. For now, she needed to get away from the constant demands of her position in the group and clear her head.

It took her an hour to walk down the mountain to where the trees began to grow again. The early summer warmth had melted most of the snow below the cavern entrance, and as she approached the forest, the air became warmer and more comfortable.

Her lips were parched and her face felt sunburned. There had to be a creek or something nearby where she could get some water to drink. If she didn’t find some water, this whole excursion would end in her being critically dehydrated.
No matter.
She’d figure it out. She hadn’t been on her own and free from external control in her entire life.

Before the war, she’d been a young teenager with parents and teachers and rules. In the dome, she lived a life of complete regimentation. In New San Diego, she still had to contend with the rules and authority of the compound. She never felt she made her own choices or did things for herself.

Even the momentary sense of freedom was liberating. A thrill ran through her and a smile broke over her chapped lips. She didn’t care that she was thirsty as hell. She was free for once in her life. It felt fantastic.

Flocks of small birds sang in the forest, and squirrels chattered overhead as they munched on pine nuts. She found a cone and tried to pull the nut out of it. Taking the little white seed, she popped it in her mouth. It tasted good but made her even thirstier.

Magdalena continued on, keeping her senses open for the sound of running water as she munched on pine nuts. Her mind began to relax as she walked, feeling the subtle tranquility of nature all around her. She broke through a clearing and found herself on the bank of a small stream. Completely relieved, she sank to her knees and cupped her hands under the water. After drinking her fill, she stood and found a place to cross the stream. Walking aimlessly, she continued through the forest.

A while later, she came to the edge of a road and began to walk down it. After about a mile, she ended up at the edge of a small village that consisted of a gas station and a few other buildings. She went into the gas station through a broken window and looked around. Even way out here, the place had been completely looted long ago. She shrugged. People needed to eat.

Maybe it was time to go back to the compound. The sun was tipping toward late afternoon, and she felt better than she had in a long time. Stepping out through the broken window, Magdalena heard the sound of tires screeching to a halt. Fear jumped up her throat when she saw what had made the sound.

Pyramid Corp soldiers jumped out of a jeep and hurried toward her, heavily armored and holding guns. Magda screamed, but there was no one to hear her cry. The men grabbed her and forced her into the back of the jeep.

“Let me go,” she screamed.

“You’re a human, escaped from the dome. You’re coming with us. We have strict orders to get back all the kids who’ve been stolen. We’ve tracked a whole lot of you up here,” said one of the soldiers.

“You tracked us?”

“You kids all have genetic signatures that can be tracked. The attacks on the domes set us back, but we’ve been reequipped and we’re getting our property back.”

“Property?” she asked as the jeep lumbered down the road. “We aren’t anyone’s property.”

“Oh, yes, you are. You’re property of Pyramid Corporation and the Anu. Don’t forget it. You owe us your life, kid. Now shut up and tell us how to get the rest of the kids and this might be easier for you.”


He slapped her and another soldier got out something that looked like a Taser on steroids. Electricity sparked between the two prongs the guy pointed at her face.

“They’re in the mountain with alien technology guarding the entrance. Good luck getting in there.”

“That’s not your concern. Where is the entrance?”

Magda sighed. She didn’t want to be Tased. She doubted they could do anything to the group so she told them about the cave entrance before crossing her arms and leaning back against the side of the jeep.

They stopped in a small outpost of tents where she was taken out of the back of the car and deposited in a tent, arms bound and tied to a chair.
Great. Just great.

Magdalena looked around, trying to get her bearings. What had she gotten herself into? Her cowardice and lack of commitment came hurtling down on her all at once. She'd been stupid to run away from the mountain. Now she was stuck in her worst nightmare, back in the arms of Pyramid Corps.

A soldier walked through the tent flap and looked her up and down. He licked his lips as he regarded her. The man wore a Pyramid Corp uniform, unbuttoned to show his hairy chest. Magdalena grimaced. This wasn't her day.

"You've been a bad girl," he said, walking toward her. "There are punishments for girls like you." He strode up to her and kicked her legs apart. She gasped and gawked at him.

"What are you doing? The Anu would kill you if you defiled their breeding stock," she said, hoping it would scare him off.

"But here you are, no baby. You aren't a breeder," he said, bending over to breathe in her ear. These soldiers were rougher and dirtier than the people who ran the domes. His breath blew against her ear and smelled of garlic. She turned away, trying not to take in the stench.

He yanked her shirt open, revealing her bra underneath. She gasped, angry and startled. He looked her in the eye as he reached inside her bra, gripping her breast. Magdalena pulled against the restrains on her hands, wishing she could break this guy’s neck.

"Get off me," she screamed.

"Quiet, you little bitch," he barked, slapping her hard across the face. Pain seared over her cheek and lips. She could feel her jaw crack. He pulled her bra down, exposing her breasts. She spit at him, her lips swelling with pain. She tasted blood.

He pulled his belt out and fastened it around her mouth before he began to pull down her pants. He gripped her mound as a loud crash and screams came from outside.

The tent rumbled and the earth shook as if there was an earthquake or a herd of elephants running through the camp. Magda looked around, whimpering and afraid. Was it the Anu?

The tent flew back, leaving her and the soldier in the open air surrounded by broken tent stakes. Michael stood before her, swathed in white cloth, his wings full and mighty around him. As if a vision from heaven, he came to her. With the flick of his hand, the soldier flew through the air and hit the trunk of a tree with a loud crack.

He unbound her hands and mouth before pulling her clothes back on. He picked her up in his strong arms. "Are you all right?" he whispered into her ear as he launched into the air.

"I am now that you are here," she said, holding him tightly. He smelled of jasmine and honey and light. She'd never been so relieved in her life. Michael beat his wings and they flew through the air toward the mountain. "Where were you?" she asked. "Why did you leave me?"

"I was called back by the Council. They decided they do not support my involvement here. They commanded I leave Earth and have no direct communication with humans for the foreseeable future."

"No!" she gasped, it was worse than she thought.

"I have defied them. I will lose my place on the Council, or worse. But I will stand for what I believe in, and I believe in you and your people. I will help you overcome the Anu."




Chapter Eleven

"Don't ever leave me again," she said as he carried her through the cavern and down the hall to their chambers, his wings tucked inside his skin. He laid her gently on the bed and climbed beside her. Michael placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and Magda ran her hands up his strong arms, encircling him and pulling him closer.

After the encounter with the Pyramid soldier, she wanted her angel even more than ever. "Michael," she breathed as he kissed her neck and ran his hand over her breast.

"Dearest Magdalena, I will never leave you," he said between kisses.

Michael flicked the cloth at his shoulder and his clothing fell away from his perfect body. He held himself over her, naked and magnificent, his hardness pressed against her stomach. She moaned lightly as he pushed her shirt up and ran his tongue over her tight stomach. Her body responded to his touch, sending a tingle through her core and pricking her nipples into buds.

He removed her shirt and bra, licking and kissing her breasts with gentle but passionate kisses. Hooking his fingers in her pants, he pulled them down and off after removing her shoes. When Magda was completely naked under him, he withdrew and held out his hand.

"Come," he said. "You are tired and dusty; let me wash you."

A hot bath with Michael sounded like a dream. She sighed with pleasure as he helped her up from the bed. They went to the bathroom and held each other, kissing and touching as the bath filled. Michael stepped in first, and held out his hand for Magda to join him in the deep, wide tub. The hot water felt like a miracle after her harsh day, and she sank in beside her angelic lover.

Michael reached to the side of the tub for a jar of scented oil and drizzled it into the water. It smelled of almonds and honey, the richness filling the air. She smiled and let out a soft moan, closing her eyes. Michael sat beside her, so close she could feel him hard and warm against her. He poured the oil over her exposed breasts and ran his hands over her skin. It felt soothing in the luxuriant liquid.

The aroma filled her nose as his hands slid over her flesh, gripping her breasts and gently tweaking her nipples. He ran his hand lower, still slick with oil, and he cupped her mound in his strong grasp. She groaned, leaning back. He held her in his arms, her hair dipping into the water. One hand gripped her breast as the other massaged her mound, not yet plunging between her folds.

"My beloved," he whispered in her ear before he claimed her mouth with his. His slick finger pressed against her opening, caressing the tight bundle of nerves that screamed to be touched. 

She groaned as her nipples hardened even further. Michael pushed one finger inside her as he flicked her bud. Magda gripped him, the rich scent of almonds and honey filling her senses. 

"You are mine and I am yours, my darling," he said as the pressure built inside her. He pushed a second finger into her core and began to pump in and out in a tantalizing rhythm. Magda's mouth dropped open as the tide of pleasure resounded through her. Her body contracted as the waves thrashed against the shore. 

Michael pulled her onto his lap, lifting her over his length. She looked deeply into his bright blue eyes, running her hand along his jaw line. How she adored him. He gripped her hips firmly in his hands and began to lower her over his long, thick manhood. His tip pressed against her still throbbing slit. She opened her mouth in shock as he pushed inside her. Biting her lip, she let out a low moan. Michael licked her breast as he pushed her ever further down over him. 

"Oh god," she groaned as his manhood stretched her wide. He pushed against her inner walls, filling her with himself. She gripped his shoulders and threw back her head. 

With a final thrust, he was deep inside her, filling her utterly. He sucked her breasts into his mouth, one after the other, holding her tightly in his loving arms. He caressed her hips and cupped her ass, squeezing as he slowly pulled back. 

Magda ran her hands through his flowing hair, groaning with pleasure at the feeling of him filling her. 

She opened her eyes and looked into Michael's face. He smiled softly at her and a wave of total peace swirled through her. Michael thrust slowly but firmly against her core as he held her ass. The pleasure burst anew and she groaned as an orgasm shocked her with its power. 

Her heart exploded and the world erupted in fireworks. As if in the fourth dimension, she felt herself mingling with Michael. Their bodies and souls seemed to become one in the infinite space of all existence. 

"Michael," she screamed as the orgasms collided and jettisoned off each other. She didn't know where his body ended and hers began. She didn't know where his soul ended and hers began. 

Kaleidoscopic light radiated from their writhing bodies, pulsing with her pleasure and his. Energy coiled through his manhood, hooking into the base of her spine, pushing all her fears and limitations away. The energy wrapped around her spine, coiling like a snake, up through her chakras, opening and cleansing each one with life and vigor.

Her sex chakra burst open in a radiant orgasm that pulsed up into her solar plexus. Yellow light swirled in her belly, empowering her with its vitality. That coiled into her heart, which burst open with luminous green energy. Each energy center connected with Michael's, tying them together by unbreakable cords. 

The energy pushed into her throat which burst forth with clear blue, allowing her words and thoughts to become as one. Her expression clean and clear, the energy wrapped around the base of her brain and radiated through her third eye.

The indigo light of psychic awareness radiated from her forehead, opening her even further to the higher dimensions. The psychic insight wrapped with Michael's and propelled her even higher.

The energy finally shot out of the top of her head in magnificent violet light that pulsed through her skull, reaching through the mountain and into the sky. The universe opened to her as she pulled energy deep from the ground, running it through her body and connecting to the vastness of space.

A full kundalini awakening.

She gasped as her world opened beyond anything she could have imagined. Michael's eyes grew wide as he shot his seed inside her. He kissed her passionately as the throes of his climax racked him.

As they caught their breath together, Magda slipped from his lap and sat beside him in the warm water. Nothing would ever be the same for her. Her mind, body, and soul felt fused to Michael, and she had understanding far beyond anything an eighteen-year-old human would ever imagine knowing.

She was at a loss for words as she leaned against his chest, listening to his heart beating. Running her dripping hand over his chest, she caressed him gently, sending her total love to him through her touch.

Finally, he kissed the top of her head and helped her out of the water. They dressed and had lunch before heading back out into the cavern. Magda had been reborn.


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