Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite) (11 page)

BOOK: Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite)
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Kris raised an eyebrow. “We’ve got a considerable stash for any emergency. Also, the deposits are done. Payment’s going out to our friends at the border. I’ll tell them to prepare for an increase in trade. Last night, I briefed the men on security. Everything’s ready for Thursday’s meeting. I’ll pick you up, early.”

His boss nodded, happy. “You’ve done a stupendous job, Kristobal. Soon you’ll be heading your own division within the new organization.”

Manuel’s eyebrows shot up, but the boss didn’t notice.

“You’ve cultivated enough contacts to back you already. I guarantee you’ll do even better than I have.” He laughed, pulling the cigar from his mouth. “Start picking your men.”

Kris finally let a smile spread slowly across his lips.


Tessa reached for a bottled water on the dresser. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move in the distance. She turned, looking down at the yard. Felipe stood against the fence, cigarette in hand, staring at her window. A measured stream of smoke, as wide as his mouth, floated up in front of his face. He remained impassive, cold eyes boring into her from a distance.

She held her ground, refusing to be cowed by his unnerving behavior. In essence, he was stalking her from the fence line. Watching her, wanting to intimidate or frighten her.

It was clear he was planning something. But what? Would he disregard orders? Kris had assured her she was safe up here, but the door locked from the outside. She had no control over who came in. Right now, Felipe didn’t look like he cared about Kris’s assurances that the men would leave her alone as long as they thought she was with him. A wave of revulsion went through her, leaving her cold. Likely, her days would have been very different if Felipe had been the one to hang onto her.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out he had something against Kris. She wasn’t even sure how the other men fit into the picture. Only Felipe and Cruz had stood up to Kris—though when it came down to it, both had backed down. Her own experience with Kris was like playing Russian roulette. One minute he was the cartel boss everybody feared. The next, curious eyes were boring into her, wanting details. Then, when she least expected it, he turned into the concerned caregiver checking her injuries. Late at night, wrapped in his arms, she wanted to believe he could keep her safe. Even though life had taught her some hard lessons and she’d vowed never to set herself up for disappointment again.

She shook off a feeling of apprehension. Truth be told, she had no choice when it came to who did what to—or for—her while she was a prisoner. The best she could do was keep her head down and try to navigate this disaster for as long as possible.

Tessa pulled her hair into a topknot and inched under the water, wincing at the temperature. She couldn’t go another day without at least a body bath.
What I wouldn’t give for a hot tub or sauna.


Her head snapped back.
Kris? He’s back early.
“Um, in here. I’ll be done in a minute.”

“Actually, I brought something you might need.”

Ah, jeez. Now?
She peaked out, teeth chattering. Kris stood a few steps away, holding a large plastic bag. Her eyes opened wide. After a second, she covered her breasts with one arm and reached out.

“Th-thank you.” She ducked back into the shower stall and rummaged through the contents. Toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, loofa, razor, lotion, deodorant, hair brush, and lip balm. “

He chuckled from somewhere nearby. “Should I assume you liked everything?”

“Yes!” She pulled the loofa from the bag, adding a generous stream of body wash. “Every single thing is perfect.” Reinvigorated, she ducked under the stream despite its frigid bite.

Kris stepped in front of the stall, giving her his back. “I also brought you a towel.”

Scented bubbles slid down her shoulders as he worked the buttons on his shirt.

She paused, heart racing, to see what he’d do.

He pulled the shirttails out of his belt and slid the material down his shoulders. Hard muscles bunched, taunting her with a tempting display.
Holy mother
…parts of her did a backflip. He draped the shirt beside the towel, took the one she’d been wearing, then disappeared behind the wall. She stared at the burgundy towel, disappointed.

What the hell was wrong with her? She had to scrub clean everything, including her dirty mind. She hummed, enjoying the fragrance of exotic flowers while she finished bathing.

Once she rinsed, she shut off the water, not even bothered that the valve squeaked with every turn. She wrapped the big, fluffy towel around her, pressing her legs together to keep them from shaking.

On the way out, she grabbed the remaining items, placing them along the sink while she brushed her teeth. Odd. Most of the same labels were sitting in her own bathroom.

“How’s the reading going?” he called out from the other room.

“Good.” She ran the brush through her damp hair. “I got through a few chapters today.” She went around the corner, working lotion into her skin. “
was heavenly.”

Kris sat by the dresser, his boots beside him. He gave her a weak smile. “You doing okay?”



The soda came first. Then he handed her a flat, warm bundle and a stack of napkins.

She held the glass bottle between her knees as she unwrapped the
. “I love good Mexican food.” She brought the sandwich
to her nose and closed her eyes, inhaling. “Those tacos from last night were delicious.” She swiped her index finger along the wrapper then licked it clean. “
, the avocado you find here makes all the difference.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He stiffened, hesitating before he bit into his

She frowned. “You have that look again.”

Mouth full, he raised an eyebrow in question.

“The one you get when you play twenty questions.”

He dipped his head, dismissing her comment.

She paused, suspicious of his uncharacteristic response. The truth dawned on her. “How could I be such an idiot?” She smacked her forehead. How could she have thought he didn’t have an agenda? “You bring strawberry pancakes, a book, body wash, and my favorite food. Get me feeling grateful for your thoughtfulness, then what? See if I’ll spill my guts?”

“I haven’t asked you anything.”

“Yet.” She got up, setting her
aside. “Did you think I’d sell out my friends over shampoo?”

He sat back. “Can’t a guy do something just to see you smile?”

Awareness settled in, reminding her of the first night. “I’ve yet to meet one that would.” She folded her arms across her chest, fuming at her stupidity. “What if I didn’t give in? What would you do tomorrow, promise to get me out of here alive?”

“We’re almost past this, trust me.” He got up. “A few—”

“You make it sound so easy,” she blurted. She wasn’t about to share her emotional baggage with him or any other man. Kris, upon whom she was dependent for
right now, was not only her captor, but too unpredictable for her peace of mind. She just hadn’t figured out why. “How am I’m supposed to trust you? I was kidnapped. I’ve been beaten and chased and tossed around.” Fine, that wasn’t him, but he was still involved. “You’re the man holding me
.” Her voice cracked. “Did you forget that little detail?”

The muscles along his jaw became more pronounced.
I’ve gone too far
. She cringed inwardly. The feral expression made the dark circles under his eyes more pronounced. A knock at the door kicked up the tension in the room.

“What?” he barked.

Endless seconds passed before the caller, clearly one of his men, finally spoke up. “You’re needed inside. We got trouble.” Footsteps retreated down the stairs in a hurry.

Her chest caved in on herself. “Heather?”

“Don’t concern yourself with what’s happening.” He yanked his shirt off its makeshift hanger. “Go to bed.”

Kris melted against the rough wall with a sigh of relief. The hammering of his pulse echoed in his ears. Things had gotten out of hand in a flash. One minute he was struggling with lust, the next he was trying to figure out why things had gone so wrong. An impossible task when all his blood rushed south.

Tessa, all fiery, was a sight to behold. Her brilliant eyes, flaming hair, and heaving chest were enough to strike any man speechless. The shirt he brought was a similar cut and quality to the one he’d lent her previously, but lacked pockets. Every delectable curve and attribute was outlined under the white material.

He pulled the wrinkled shirt she’d worn for the last several days across his face and dragged in one calming breath after another. The cool cement underfoot mocked him for walking out of her prison in his bare feet. Damn it! There was no way he was going back for his boots. Right now, the only thing he wanted to put on was a condom, and that wasn’t gonna happen. The stairs offered a ready escape while his cock urged him to turn around.

He glared at the city lights spread out in the distance. Roughly five million people lived within the metropolitan area. Yet fate sent him the one woman who could melt his resolve with a simple look.

I’m paying for every one of my sins tonight

All he wanted was an early night and some much needed sleep. Why hadn’t he just locked himself in one of the several rooms he’d rented and put her out of his mind?
Because you want her…

He entered the kitchen, barefoot and bare-chested with the shirt thrown haphazardly over his shoulder. Bags of take-out and empty beer cartons littered the counters. The TV blared from the next room. Nothing he didn’t expect. He gave Jaime a quick nod in question.

Jaime stood by the counter, biting his nails. “I found this downtown.” He handed Kris a sheet of paper.

Tessa and Heather smiled at him from the flyer. A man’s arm hooked around Tessa, resting high on her ribcage.

Tension strained his shoulders. Did she meet up with someone? If so, who? Up to now, they’d dismissed Heather’s constantly changing story.

“They’re on the news.” Felipe pulled a beer from the fridge. “The cops haven’t even started a search.”

“Anything else on them?”

“Nothing.” Felipe crossed his arms casually. “They’re asking the public to call in with any information.”

Kris smirked. “So Monterrey’s finest are on the job.”

Felipe scoffed. “I’ll find out who’s on the case and have Cruz talk to him.”

Cruz’s “talks” were simple.
Plomo o plata
. Lead or silver. Not a single guy had chosen to take a bullet, not when money could change someone’s mind so easily.

“Um,” Jaime’s Adam’s apple bounced in his throat. “Things might get complicated.”

Both men turned, freezing the teenager in place.

His eyes went from Kris to Felipe and back. “S-some big shot’s coming in from the U.S. next week, so their disappearance is getting more attention than usual. The government wants to start a nationwide search for the kidnappers.” He pressed his lips together, taking a step back.

Kris looked from the page to Felipe. “What’s the news on your guest?”

Felipe shrugged, tossing back the last of his beer. “She should be off our hands tomorrow.”

Kris considered the situation. A net that big could muddle the plan to bring everyone together for the raid. There were so many layers involved, so many things that could go wrong as it was. But he’d just found a reason to keep Tessa and Heather for a little while longer without rousing suspicion. “Hold onto her until after the meeting.”

“What?” Felipe’s cheeks went slack. The beer bottle nearly slipped out of his grasp.

“If things escalate, we might do well to move the girls. Releasing them in Mexico City would draw attention away from our area while our visitors arrive. If not, we deliver Heather, as requested.”

Felipe pursed his lips. “Juarez won’t be happy.”

“Juarez will see the bigger picture.” And hopefully, they wouldn’t send someone to collect Heather. “Besides, we’ll know where to find her.”

“All this crap over one annoying bitch.”

“No,” corrected Kris. “All this
because the kidnapping was botched.”

Felipe’s back stiffened.

Jaime retreated a step, glancing from one man to another. Cheering echoed down the hall as a sports announcer yelled “Gooooooooooal”.

“No use bitching now.” Felipe grabbed a bag of mixed nuts off the counter. “I’m going back to finish watching the finals.”

Kris glared.

“Why don’t you come along? They’ll probably shut the hell up. At least I can watch the rest of the game in peace.” He disappeared down the hallway.

Kris pulled on the rumpled shirt but didn’t bother with the buttons. He stopped before following Felipe, giving Jaime a quick nod. “Good job with the information.” He kept a straight face as the boy’s skinny chest puffed up.

As Felipe had predicted, when he entered the TV room, all activity stopped. No small accomplishment in a room full of avid soccer fans.

Cruz, who faced away from the doorway, twisted to see what had brought everyone to a standstill. “Heeeeey! Welcome-welcome.” His attention went back to the flat screen taking up most of the far wall. “There’s an empty chair here. Come on over.” He cheered while one of Monterrey’s
took the field.

Kris did a quick head count. Fourteen. Three sharing a bottle, the rest having beer. Not a weapon in sight. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the game, except for Felipe. But then, he was the only one not going for the local team.

BOOK: Desire & Deception (Entangled Ignite)
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