Desire After Dark: A Gansett Island Novel (19 page)

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“I totally understand. I was only tossing it out there as an FYI. Think about it.”

pressed his reawakened cock against her hip, making her groan. “Not sure how I’ll think about anything else.”

rin and Slim
returned to the hospital early in the afternoon to find Jenny and Alex sitting with her mother in the waiting room.

“What’re you guys doing here?” Erin asked, shocked to see them.

“We’re on our way to Las Vegas to meet Paul and Hope,” Jenny said.
“But I couldn’t go anywhere until I knew that Tom was okay, so we flew through Philly.”

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Erin said tearfully as she hugged them both.

“The second she got your text, she was online changing our flights,” Alex said.

“It means so much that you came,” Mary Beth said to Jenny.

“What’s the latest?” Erin asked her mom.

“He’s still in recovery,
but stable and holding his own at last check. They said he should be awake within an hour or two, and we’ll know more then.”

They took Mary Beth to get something to eat in the cafeteria and returned to the waiting room, hoping to be able to see her dad soon. The doctor came in a short time later and said they were moving him to a room in the ICU and that they could visit him two at a time.

“How’s he doing?” Erin asked.

“Better than expected at this point,” the doctor said. “He’s responding to stimuli and squeezing our hands, which are good signs. He has a long road ahead, but I’m feeling optimistic.”

An audible sigh of relief went through the room. The doctor gave them directions to the ICU and said Tom would be there in about thirty minutes.

Erin hugged
her mom while Slim rubbed both their backs.

“I’m so relieved,” Mary Beth said, wiping away tears as she hugged Jenny.

They moved as a group to the ICU waiting room, where Mary Beth and Erin were allowed in to see him first. Erin was overwhelmed by the sheer number of machines attached to him as well as the pasty gray color of his complexion. But when he opened his eyes and looked
at them, she could see that the dad she loved was still in there.

“Hey, Dad,” Erin said. “We’re all here, and you’re doing great.” She leaned over to kiss his forehead, working to contain her emotions so he wouldn’t see that she was upset.

On the other side of the bed, Mary Beth held his hand and stared at him intently.

Erin decided to give them a minute alone and left the
room to find Slim waiting for her. She stepped into his outstretched arms.

“How is he?”

“He opened his eyes and saw us there.”

“That’s good news.”

“I’m going to give Jenny a turn to see him so they can get going.” Erin left his warm embrace long enough to get Jenny, and then she returned to him, appreciative of his support during another challenging time. It wasn’t
lost on her that she was becoming dependent on the tender support he offered so willingly any time she needed him.

Chapter 20

aul Martinez had planned
every detail of their Las Vegas wedding down to the cake so that Hope could enjoy the day without having to obsess about the details. She’d been working three days a week as a private-duty nurse on the mainland, commuting back and forth on the ferry. The arrangement had been
working out well, but noticing how tired she’d been, he’d seen to the wedding details so the only thing she had to do was buy a dress and pack for her and Ethan, who was out of his mind with excitement about the trip.

Paul had shown him pictures of the Hoover Dam online, and he couldn’t wait to see it for himself. One of the many things he loved about Ethan was his endless enthusiasm for
anything that interested Paul. A man could get hooked on that kind of adoration coming from a boy who’d had more than his share of upheaval in his life.

He’d love to adopt Ethan if that option became possible. That would depend on what happened when his father was released from prison, which was hopefully years in the future. They’d cross that bridge when they got to it, but in his mind,
Ethan was already his son in every way that mattered. The two of them were inseparable, to the point that Hope worried endlessly that Ethan was annoying him. He repeatedly assured her that he loved every minute he got to spend with the boy who would soon be his stepson, and he was more than happy to take care of him when Hope was working on the mainland.

Paul couldn’t imagine anything better
than the way things had worked out for the three of them, though he wished his mother could still be at home and that Hope could still work as her nurse rather than having to commute for a job that was critical to her need to support herself. Selfishly, he wanted her at home with him. However, he respected her need to pay down the debt her ex-husband had left her with and to ensure that she
was never again in the position she’d been in after her ex was charged with having sex with the girls he’d coached at their local high school.

Standing now in their suite that looked out over the Vegas Strip, Paul adjusted the cufflinks on his shirt and donned the gray suit coat he would wear to get married.


For a long time, he’d thought this day would never happen
for him, but then Hope came to the island to work for them, and everything had changed. He’d made the mistake of fighting his growing feelings for her because she was their employee, and he’d worried his late father would’ve disapproved. But the more time he spent with Hope, the more it didn’t matter what anyone thought. He was completely in love with her and couldn’t wait to marry her, and Ethan,

Wearing a navy blue suit and a tie that he tugged at as if it were a noose, Alex came out of the adjoining room that he and Jenny were sharing. Paul was thrilled that his brother and sister-in-law had wanted to join them and that they’d be their witnesses, too. After their stop in Philadelphia to see Erin’s dad, they’d arrived late that afternoon, in plenty of time for the seven o’clock

“You clean up pretty well,” Paul said to his brother.

“Likewise. You even managed to shave without cutting yourself.”

“Fuck off,” Paul said, laughing. The two of them had been needling each other their entire lives. Why should his wedding day be any different? “Even though you're a consistent pain in my ass, I’m glad you’re here.”

“So am I. Cost me a freaking
fortune to book it last minute, so I’ll be sending you the bill.”

“Please do. I’ll happily pay it.”

“I’m just kidding. Money well spent.”

“I should’ve thought to ask you sooner. Sorry that I didn’t. I was so focused on making everything nice for Hope that I didn’t think of it.”

“No worries. We were fine with inviting ourselves.” Alex made a big production out of straightening
Paul’s tie. “You ready for this?”

“You know it. Can’t wait.”

“She’s awesome, and so is Ethan. You got it right, brother.”

“I’m glad you approve.”

“I do, and Mom and Dad would’ve loved her, too.”

“I agree.”

The bedroom door opened, and Hope came out wearing a sexy, form-fitting off-white dress that landed just above her knee and three-inch heels that did
wondrous things for her already-exceptional legs. She’d spent the afternoon at the spa downstairs, and her hair had been done in an elaborate updo that left her future husband dazzled by the sight of her.

Paul couldn’t seem to do anything but stare at the gorgeous woman who would become his wife in just over an hour.

She ran her hands over the skirt of her dress in a move he recognized
as nerves.

Alex nudged him out of the stupor and nodded toward Hope, telling him to go to her, to acknowledge her with more than just a greedy stare. He didn’t need to be told twice. Crossing the room, circling the sofa and the seating area, he went over to her, taking her hands and stepping back for an up-close look.

“Is this okay?” she asked.

” he asked with a laugh.
“It’s incredible.
are incredible.”

The smile that stretched across her face indicated her relief at his approval.

“Do I really get to marry this sexy, beautiful woman?”

“If you still want to.”

It pained him to think that she’d question his commitment at this late date, but he understood. Life had conditioned her to be wary, and he was determined to change those
expectations until all she knew was happiness and joy. Because he couldn’t wait, he took a taste of her sweet lips and had to remind himself that not only did they have somewhere to be, but they also had an audience.

There’d be plenty of time for more kissing later. For now, they had a wedding to get to.

The jovial group of five headed to the wedding venue Paul had chosen from the
hundreds of options. It had been the classiest one he could find, and he’d opted for an outdoor ceremony in a gazebo. Despite the general cheesiness of Vegas, Hope loved everything about the place, from the music he’d chosen for them to the bouquet of white roses to the boutonnieres for the three “men.”

Ethan wore an adorable little suit and was bursting with excitement as Paul pinned the
flower on his lapel. He looked up at Paul with adoration Paul would never grow tired of. “Thanks for bringing me.”

“Where else would you be when your mom and I get married?”

Ethan shrugged. “Sometimes kids get left at home for stuff like this.”

“Not my kids.”

“I’m not really your—”

“Yes, you are.” Paul squatted down to Ethan’s level and put his hands on the boy’s
shoulders. “As of today, you’re my son.”

Ethan hurled himself into Paul’s arms, probably crushing the white rose, but who cared about such things at a time like this. “Thank you.”

“Aww, buddy, thank
. You and your mom are the best thing to ever happen to me.” He held Ethan for another minute. “What do you say we go get married?”

Ethan nodded and pulled back from Paul, subtly
wiping his eyes with his sleeve and nearly reducing Paul to tears in the process.

Alex did double duty, giving Hope away and serving with Ethan as Paul’s best men while Jenny was Hope’s matron of honor. They recited traditional vows, exchanged the rings they’d bought earlier in the day and shared a long, and according to Ethan, totally gross kiss. And then they were husband and wife, and
Paul wanted to shout from the rooftops of the craziest place he’d ever been that this beautiful woman and her adorable son were now his family.

Life didn’t get much better than this.

ust before midnight
back at home on Gansett, Mac locked up after another fun gathering with family and friends. He loved the time they’d spent with their island clan during the holidays, but
he was ready for some alone time with his lovely wife after a frustrating few days. With that in mind, he shut off the lights and headed upstairs.

Tonight was the night to finish what they’d started multiple times. Both kids were back to full health, and he’d made sure Maddie had a three-hour nap that afternoon so she would be ready to have friends over, among other things.

He looked
in on both kids and saw they were sound asleep, Thomas snuggled up to his favorite bear and Hailey with her thumb in her mouth. Perfect.
All systems go
. In their room, he saw no sign of Maddie so he went into the adjoining bathroom through the open door.

Her silk-covered back was to him and her hair swept up in a messy bun, leaving her elegant neck exposed. He approached her, placed his
hands on her hips and had started kissing that lovely stretch of skin when he noticed the thermometer in her mouth.

Groaning, he dropped his forehead to her shoulder, wishing he could get the message to his hard cock that it was game off—again. The poor guy had been through hell this week. “What’s wrong?” She’d been fine all night, laughing and talking with their friends while serving as
the ultimate hostess, as always.

The thermometer beeped, and she removed it from her mouth, giving it a passing glance. “I’m not sure. I started to feel woozy while I was getting changed. Hope I don’t have what the kids had.”

He wanted to moan, but this was no time to be selfish—or so he told his cock. “What’s your temperature?”

She took another look at the thermometer. “Hmm,
perfectly normal. That’s odd.”

Something about the way she said that had Mac taking a closer look at her. “Are you fucking with me?”

An inelegant snort of laughter spewed from her, and then she bent in half, crippled with laughter.

“Oh, this is
, Madeline.
This is freaking war!
” Mindful of her pregnancy, he was careful but insistent when he picked her up and carried her
into the bedroom, putting her on the bed.

He looked down at her smiling face and the beautiful eyes that danced with unabashed mischief. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”

“Come on. You have to admit that was funny.”

“I’ll admit no such thing.” It took everything he had to maintain a scowl when a smile was trying to bust out. “Your behavior lately has been terrible. If
I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get me to spank you again.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, yes, I would.”

A flush of heat moved from her chest to her face, and he went harder than stone at knowing the thought of being spanked turned her on. “I’m very sorry for messing with you, Mac. It’ll never happen again.”

He laughed out loud at that. “Yes, it will.
You should take your punishment like a big girl.”

“No, Mac,
please don’t

“Is this one of those cases where no means yes? Feel free to nod in the affirmative.”

The little vixen bit her lip and nodded. And in case he wasn’t already so turned on he was about to explode, she raised her hips so he could feel the heat of her arousal against his cock. Fucking hell. She was going
to be the absolute death of him. But oh what a way to go.

“Turn over, naughty girl, and take your punishment.”

“I’m scared.”

Though he knew her comment was part of the role-playing game, he couldn’t bear the thought of her being afraid of him, even in jest. “You know I’d never hurt you, baby. Tell me you know that.”

“I do, I know.”

“Then turn over and take what’s
coming to you.” He smiled and winked at her as he helped her into the position he wanted her in. God, yes, just like that, propped up on her elbows, her silk-covered, delicious ass raised for his pleasure and her golden eyes watching him warily over her shoulder. Could she be any hotter?

Mac made a slow production of raising her nightgown, letting his fingertips slide over the backs of
her legs, making them quiver. He loved the way she reacted to his touch. He loved playing these games with her, and the way she teased him, even if he’d never admit that to her.

There were times, such as now, when he still couldn’t believe that
was his life—that
was his life. How had he ever gotten so lucky as to find his perfect match?

He nearly lost his shit when he saw
that she was bare under the nightgown, further proof that she’d planned to have her wicked way with him. “Mmm,” he said as he peppered her ass with kisses that had her squirming and panting.


“Shhh, let me have my fun.” After days of frustration, he ought to be in an all-fired rush to
her, but now that she was laid out before him, he wanted to take his time, to savor her,
to drive her as crazy as she made him.

“Come on.”

He delivered a light spank to her left cheek, drawing a surprised gasp from her that nearly finished him right off.
Christ have mercy
. Biting his lip to give himself something to focus on other than his needy cock, he gave the right side the same treatment. He kept up a steady pattern, moving from left to right, rubbing each spot
afterward to ramp up the effect for her.

Judging by the sounds she made, the scent of her arousal and the way her legs moved farther apart with every spank, his efforts were having the desired effect.

… I’ve learned my lesson. I’ll never torment you again.”

That earned her another set of spanks. “Now you’re lying to me, too? This is not good, Madeline. Not good
at all.”

She made a noise that was equal parts frustration, laughter and desire.

“Tell me what you want.”

what I want.”

“You have to say it.” One of his favorite things was getting her to talk dirty, which she wouldn’t do without his encouragement.

“Mac! I want you to make love to me.”

“You’ll have to be more specific.” He dragged two fingers
down her backbone and into the crevice between her cheeks, where he found the abundant evidence of how much she loved their game.

She dropped her head to her forearms. “I want you to make me come.”

Mac could almost picture the bright red blush that would be flooding her cheeks and decided he wanted to see that. “Turn over.” He helped her onto her back, and sure enough, the blush
was every bit as spectacular as he’d expected. “How do you want me to make you come?” Pressing against her clit, he said, “With my fingers or my tongue or my cock?”

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