Designed for Submission (Devine Designs) (22 page)

BOOK: Designed for Submission (Devine Designs)
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He slid the scrap of lace into his pocket and then held out one hand.  She took it and when he gave a gentle pull, she allowed him to pull her forward.  He guided her across his lap, her torso lying against the seat on one side, her legs lifted to lie against the seat on the other.  She shuddered and lifted her head to look at him.  She turned to look towards the front of the car before her eyes returned to his, a silent question formed in their depths.  Logan smiled and shook his head slowly, informing her there would be no divider rising to seal them in privacy.  He didn't speak, and simply waited for her to accept his dominance of the scene.  She nodded her acceptance and lay her head down, her eyes towards the back of the seat.  She felt his hand run over her bottom and stifled a moan, when, after a brief moment, she felt the fabric of her dress being lifted.

Logan almost moaned, himself, as he bared her bottom.  Her skin was pale and her bottom round and full.  The lacy red garter belt around her waist, the thin straps ending in hooks that kept her silky stockings in place, served as an erotic frame to her round cheeks.  He saw her briefly clench her buttocks and then slowly released the tension, each cheek softening and rounding.  He adjusted her dress onto her back, one hand moving to hold it into place.  He ran his hand over the pale skin of her thighs just above the tops of her stockings, drawing a shudder and a soft moan from her.  Logan slowly drew his fingers along her legs and up the gentle curve where her thighs met her buttocks.  As he traced his finger along the crease, Elizabeth shuddered harder, knowing just how sensitive that tiny area of her body was.

Logan moved his fingers higher, until his palm rested against the smooth, bare skin of her bottom.  Bending down, he whispered into her ear, ''Beautiful,'' before kissing her cheek.  She flushed, and when he straightened, she didn't think about the driver or anything else.  All she thought about was being over this man's lap, his hand lifting in preparation.

It was the most erotic spanking she had ever received.  Logan's hand rubbed gently at a spot, lifted and came down sharply before immediately rubbing the sting away.  He took his time, as if time didn't exist.  She had no idea how long it lasted, she just knew she never wanted it to end.  By the time two-dozen swats had been applied, she was moaning into the leather of the seat, her hands clasping and unclasping, as if desperate to hold onto something.  She felt him reach down and take one hand to bring it behind her.  She almost cried when he slowly linked their fingers, connecting them in an intimate way as he continued to spank her.  Though her bottom was stinging, it was only adding fuel to the fire of her desire.  When he slid a hand between her thighs and applied gentle pressure, she willingly opened herself to him.  She felt his hand travel up her inner thigh until it was only an inch from her sex.  She flushed, thinking how sopping wet she was, knowing her desire could never be denied.

''Beautiful,'' he whispered again, and then allowed his fingers to touch her sex.  She moaned deeper, her fingers tightening around his.  Logan smiled, as he traced the outer lips of her sex, each slick and swollen with need.  He allowed only one finger to separate her lips slightly and dip into her just the barest amount.  She pushed up against him, desperate for his touch.  He removed the finger and slowly dragged it over the swollen bud of her clit.  Elizabeth turned her face to press it hard into the leather seat, her body trembling as he began to tease and flick.  Her body was past ready, as she felt herself begin to spiral towards the climax she so desperately wanted.  Logan watched her carefully, as he continued to play between her legs.  He knew she was desperately trying to stay quiet, the past still holding her prisoner, though her present was demanding she let go.

''Let me hear …'' he said softly.  ''let me hear how much you need to come, Schatzlein,'' he said, as he pressed into her again.  ''You are safe here, Elizabeth.  You are beautiful, and I want to hear your pleasure, for it will be beautiful as well.'' He kept his eyes on her, saw her head twist from side to side against the leather, letting her silence tell him that she couldn't.

Logan removed his hand from her sex and pulled her up in one fluid motion.  She sobbed once before he settled her on his lap, kneeling on the seat over him.  She released his hand only to clutch the lapel of his coat and bury her face against his chest.  He pulled her close, one hand on her back, the other holding her head against his heart.  He ached for her but knew she was fighting invisible demons he could not slay with any weapon.

''Shhh,'' he whispered, as he held her.  Elizabeth knew she had failed him and felt a deep sense of loss.  She didn't know what to say, didn't know how to explain her inability to give him what he had asked for.  What kind of Submissive was she if she couldn't fully submit to a man she desperately craved to serve? She clung to him as if she were drowning, not truly aware that he was holding onto her as tightly as she clung to him.  He continued to simply be there, to hold her, to let her know she was safe.  The sound of his heart gradually calmed her, and he felt her beginning to relax.  She was terrified of what she might see, but she lifted her head to look up at him.  What she saw almost made her cry again.  His eyes were full of understanding, his lips curving slowly into a gentle smile.  His hands moved to cup her face, bending down until his forehead touched hers.  She shuddered and then relaxed into him.  She opened her mouth to apologize, to tell him that it wasn't him; it was all her.

Logan didn't let her speak.  He bent and gently kissed her lips.  She felt her lips quiver under his, his tenderness touching her deeply.  He pulled away and pressed her head against him again.  Neither spoke, the silence surrounding them as the car slid through the city streets.

''We're almost there,'' he said softly against her hair.  She opened her eyes, not wanting to let go, not wanting to face what she knew would happen.  She flushed as she climbed off his lap, remembering she had no panties on under her dress.  She knew she couldn't ask for them back.  He was not only her date, it had been understood the moment she removed them that he was also her Dominant … at least for this one moment.  She sank down across from him, turning away and drawing her shawl over her shoulders.

When the door opened, Logan exited and then turned to offer her his hand.  Elizabeth took a deep breath and slid her hand into his, remembering how he had held it tightly after entwining their fingers, wishing he would do so again.  She stepped from the car and turned her face to his.  ''Thank you, Sir,'' she said, softly.  ''I had a ….''

''Elizabeth,'' he said quietly, as he interrupted.  ''Do you want another spanking?''

Her eyes grew wide at the question, and she flushed.  Her body instantly remembered the feel of his hand caressing her bottom, the sharp quick slap of his hand, followed by another caress.  She looked away for a moment and then heard a giggle come from her throat.  She was horrified, her eyes seeing the driver standing by the open door, his lips curving into a smile.  She looked at Logan, his eyebrow lifted.  Hell, if she was going to screw this up, might as well go for broke.

''Well, Sir,'' she said, as she stepped a little closer.  ''That would depend …'' she paused and lifted her hand to put it on his heart. ''Is is going to be a repeat of your special spanking, or a whacking?''

Logan tried but couldn't contain a chuckle.  It was far better seeing her eyes brighten as she attempted to be a naughty flirt than to see the pure pain from before.  ''Anticipation,'' he said.

She considered for another moment and then shook her head.  ''With all due respect, Sir,'' she said with a gentle smile, ''without clarity, I'd have to say, no, Sir, I do not want another spanking.''

''Good answer,'' he said with a grin, and she knew she'd always wonder which spanking he would have given and knew, as well, that he would never reveal the answer.  ''Then, Schatzlein, we are not done here, not by a long shot.  Tell Master Daniel what time he should return for me.''

Elizabeth's heart almost burst with happiness.  She saw Logan smile and felt her world tilt back into balance.  She also realized that the driver was not truly a driver.  He was obviously Logan's friend, another Dominant doing his friend a favor.  When she turned, she lowered her eyes, respecting his authority.  ''Master Daniel, please return tomorrow to pick up Master Logan,'' she said softly.  She heard the door close and then saw the tips of his shoes as he stepped to her.  Daniel reached out and lifted her chin with his fingers.

''Certainly, Miss Adams,'' he said, and gave her a wink.  ''It will be my pleasure.  Have a good evening,'' he said, with a smile.  She was about to nod when he bent forward and spoke softly.  ''It was lovely watching you enjoy your spanking, Miss Adams.  Perhaps one day I will be honored to witness your voice, as well.'' She felt her face flush both with pleasure at his compliment as well as shame at her failure.  Daniel spoke again.  ''Master Logan is a very good man.  You can trust him.''

She nodded again.  ''Yes, Sir, thank you,'' she said.  Daniel nodded and stepped away.  ''See you tomorrow, Logan,'' he said, as he stepped around the car.

''Thanks, Dan. I'll give you a call,'' Logan said, his arms wrapped around the beautiful woman who had dared to take another chance.  Daniel tipped his cap before climbing behind the wheel.  As he drove away, he hoped that Logan would be able to help Elizabeth through whatever it was that was holding her back.  She was not only beautiful, she had a sense of humor, was obviously in love with Logan, and, as he was also an experienced Dom, he knew she was quivering with the submissive need to serve her Dom.  Logan led Elizabeth to the stairs.  As she put her foot on the first tread, she felt his hand slide from the small of her back up underneath her dress.  She froze, his hand now cupping one cheek of her ass.  She became instantly aware of her lack of underwear.

''Is your ankle hurting?'' he asked, leaning forward just a bit.  She shook her head, feeling his hand slide across her bottom to cup her other cheek.  ''Is there a problem with the stairs?'' he asked, his hand again sliding.  She began to tremble and knew it would be a great idea to get inside her apartment.  She shook her head again and he squeezed her cheek.  ''Then, shall we continue?'' he asked, his question breathed into her ear.

She took the first step and then the rest, his hand never stopping its sliding back and forth across her bottom.  She didn't even attempt to unlock the door; her hands were trembling as she handed the key to him.  Once inside, he locked the door and stepped closer, taking the shawl from her shoulders and dropping it onto the chair.  Elizabeth felt her heart move into her throat as he walked her backwards until she was pressed against the wall.  He bent down, his lips kissing her forehead, her cheek, the tip of her nose, before he moved to take her mouth.  Before his lips met hers, he whispered his earlier words: ''We aren't finished, Elizabeth.''

He kissed her so softly she wondered if he had actually touched her.  She felt just the tip of his tongue slide across her lower lip, and her knees began to shake.  ''No, we aren't done … not by a very, very long shot.''

Logan kissed her until she was breathless, her body pinned by his much larger one, his erection evident, pressing into her as he held her against the wall.  His hand ran up her back, the pearls pressing into her skin.  Logan released her and moved back only a few inches.  ''From this moment until Master Daniel returns, you are mine; is that understood?'' he asked.  She nodded her head, feeling the need to submit sweep over her with a force she had never known before.  He tilted her head up until he could look into her eyes.

''I'm going to clarify it for you,'' he said bending to kiss her once before he continued.  ''You will do as I say, exactly as I say.  You will obey me in all things, or you will be punished.  Your safe word will be 'red', exactly like the color of those incredible panties I have in my pocket.'' He smiled, seeing her flush and her eyes widen.  ''Do you understand, Schatzlein? Is that enough clarity for you?''

''Ye … yes, Sir,'' she said, her eyes lowering, as expected from a proper Submissive.  She spoke again, surprising him.  ''Sir, may I ask a question?''

He nodded.  ''Yes, Elizabeth, you may,'' he said, softly.  ''You may always asks questions, if done so respectfully.  I will answer if I see fit.''

''Thank you, Sir.  What … what does Schatzlein mean?'' she asked, her heart pounding.

Logan smiled and reached out to lift her chin.  ''That I will answer.  It means, 'little treasure','' he said, and her face filled with pleasure.  He smiled and kissed her once more, before stepping back.  She knew it was time.

''Take off everything except the pearls, and stand at attention,'' he said.  She was trembling but reached up to undo the clasp of her dress.  Her hands slowly took the straps and drew them down her body, baring her breasts.  Her breasts were round and full, the aureoles were a dusky rose, topped by strawberry-colored nipples that were already hard with her arousal.  She pulled the dress down off her hips.  Logan didn't move as she slowly stepped out of the dress.  She slipped out of her shoes and he smiled.  She was incredibly tiny compared to him, and he felt the need to protect her grow.  She unhooked a stocking from the garter belt and rolled it down her leg before drawing it off her foot.  She repeated the motion with her other stocking.  She slowly slid the garter belt down and stepped from it, laying it aside, on top of the pile of clothing.  Entirely nude, she stepped forward and he watched as she put her arms behind her back, hands cupping opposite elbows, her legs spread shoulder-width apart.  She stood with her back straight, her chest out, in order to present her breasts to her Dom.  It was obvious beyond any doubt that she was not playing a game.  Every inch of her being was proclaiming her as submissive, and yet strong, beautiful and absolutely delectable.

Logan took his time, allowing his eyes to rove up and down her small frame.  With her head bowed respectfully, he could not see her eyes but imagined them both bright with her expectation, as well as growing ever softer with desire.  Her raven hair made her skin appear even paler.  Her breasts were full and round, her nipples standing at attention.  His hands ached to reach out and pull her towards him, but he knew he had to wait.  She kept her pubic hair neatly trimmed in a sleek black triangle that seemed to guide his eyes directly to the very core of her femininity.  Her arousal was already visible, glistening on the pale skin of her inner thighs.  He knew he was looking at the evidence of her earlier need, a need that had been denied.

BOOK: Designed for Submission (Devine Designs)
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