Designed for Love

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

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Designed for Love
Roseanne Dowell
Books We Love Ltd. (2012)

Fate, kismet, or whatever you want to call it is, it turned Interior Designer, Wendy Seidel’s world upside down. From a chance meeting at the airport to Florida and back to Ohio, she can’t believe the strange circumstances that throw her and Bill Johnson together, after he literally knocks her off her feet at the airport.












Books We Love Ltd.

(Electronic Book Publishers)

192 Lakeside

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, Alberta, T1X



2012 by Roseanne Dowell


art by: Michelle Lee Copyright 2012


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and Acknowledgements


book is dedicated to all my family and friends who supported and encouraged me
through all the years of my writing


special thank you to my friend and fellow author, Gail Branan for time and
patience in reading and editing this book


Chapter One


"What the hell?" My carry-on bag
slid across the floor and slammed into the wall. My feet slipped out from under
me, I landed flat on my back, and someone fell on top of me, pinning me to the
floor. The breath knocked out of me, I lay still a moment.

"What the hell do you think you're
doing?" I finally caught my breath and pushed him off. "Everyone's
always in such a big hurry."

"Why'd you slow down? You darned
near stopped in front of me." He stood up, brushed himself off and held
out his hand to help me up. "Sorry."

I knocked his hand away, got to my knees
and stood. I didn't need his help. Not his or anyone else's for that matter.
What I needed was to find my bag and get on to my gate.

"Look, I'm sorry. It was entirely my
fault. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry." He held his hand out to me
again, but I ignored it. "Here, let me get that for you." He hurried
to pick up my bag, but I grabbed it first.

"Look, Mister, I have a plane to
catch, so excuse me if I don't have time to chat." I straightened up my
bag, grabbed the handle and started toward my gate. Good looking in a rustic
sort of way, I had to admit. Probably worked outdoors or at least spent a lot
of time outside. Not that it made any difference. I didn't have time for him.
Or any man for that matter. I had a career to build, and men didn't figure into

It wasn't that I didn't like men. I did.
Even dated occasionally. Eventually I'd like to have a relationship, even get
married. But relationships and marriage took time, not a priority right now. My
career came first. Something about him, though.

I couldn't resist looking back. Great. He
stood watching me with a silly smirk on his face. Nice eyes, soft gray. I loved
gray eyes. Maybe because my grandfather had gray eyes. He lifted his hand and
waved at me. Heat burned my face, and I hurried off in the direction of the
gate, looking at the signs above. Only at Gate 2. Not even close. Of course my
gate was at the farthest end of the airport. Thankfully, there was plenty of
time to get there.

I avoided a heavyset man, hell bent on his
mission. I hated this time of year. Everyone was in such a big hurry.

To make matters worse, my butt hurt but I
resisted rubbing it. Didn't need to look like any more of an idiot. Ah, Gate
11, finally. Now I could sit down and relax, since there was still forty-five
minutes before my flight. I took a book out of the side pocket of my carry-on
and settled back to wait. Not that I could concentrate, anger at my boss raged
inside me. Who in their right mind set up a meeting with a client right before
New Years? And in Florida,
no less. Obviously, Nick didn't care that I had plans for New Year's Eve.

So I was getting out of Ohio, big deal. Sure, my friends thought I
was lucky, especially with the predicted snowstorm. Didn't make any difference
to me, I liked snow.

glanced out a window. Already it was coming down pretty heavy, and there was
still a good half hour before my flight.

Damn it, I hated flying. I could have
sent the samples just as easy. What was so important they required me to
personally bring them? I thought we'd settled everything before the client
left. Why the sudden change? They could have at least waited until after the

Nick, my boss, promised I'd be home by
New Year's Eve. Yeah, right. I knew how these things went. First this problem,
then that one. I'd be lucky to be home in time for my nephew's birthday on the
sixth. Nick better not have any funny ideas. This was strictly business. I'd
heard about his reputation with women. So far he hadn't shown an interest in
me, and I certainly didn't have a problem with that. Good-looking though Nick
was, nothing about him attracted me. Definitely not my type. Not that I had a

"Looks like we're on the same
flight," a masculine voice said.

I looked up and almost groaned out loud.
This couldn't be happening. What were the chances we'd be on the same flight? I
tried to ignore him, but something drew my eyes to his.

"Bill Johnson." He extended his
hand toward me. "I really am sorry about knocking you down."

I shrugged and shook his hand. "No
problem." A quiver started deep in my stomach when he held my hand a bit
longer than necessary. Rough, calloused hands. Does hard work. Maybe
construction. I pulled my hand away and turned my attention back to my book. I
hated talking to people at airports. Lord, please tell me he doesn't have the
seat next to me. I couldn't be that unlucky, could I?

Of course I could.

Taking a peek at the ticket sticking out
of his coat pocket, I groaned. Seat 16A. No way, what were the chances? I hoped
he'd take the hint and leave me alone.

"Are you staying in Fort Myers?" He sat
down next to me.

Figured, no such luck. I nodded. Maybe if
I didn't contribute to the conversation, he'd go away. I kept my eyes on my
book but couldn't concentrate. I had the irresistible urge to look at him, but
ignored it. What was it about him?

"Visiting or business?"

I looked up from my book. He just wasn't
going to quit. "Business, no time for pleasure." Maybe that would
shut him up.

He smiled. "Everyone has time for
pleasure. All work and no play..." He let the rest of the saying hang.

I put the book in front of my face.
"I guess I'm a dull boy then." Why didn't he just let me read in
peace. I couldn't be much ruder. Some people just couldn't take a hint.

Bill laughed. A big hearty laugh that
caused people to stare. I wanted to crawl under my seat. "What's so

"Honey, you look like anything but a
boy." His gaze took me in from top to bottom and came to rest on my

Okay, I'm well endowed and wished I had
left my jacket on. Not that there was much to see through my bulky sweater, but
enough. Heat rushed to my face again. Crap, why did I blush so easily? My face
was probably as red as my hair. "Okay, so I don't look like a boy. Just
finishing the saying. And DON'T call me honey!" I put the book in front of
my face, turned away from him, and tried to read. Lord, spare me friendly
people. Especially men.

The last thing I needed was a man trying
to pick me up. I wished he'd just go away. I could call airport security, but
didn't want to cause a scene. He'd done enough of that.

"Since you won't tell me your name,
I don't know what else to call you."

"Don't call me anything." I
slammed my book shut, stood, and walked to the window. What more did I have to
do to let him know I wasn't interested? I stared out the window. Things didn't
look good outside.

"Full blown blizzard." Bill's
deep voice came from behind.

I felt his breath on my neck and shivered
from the warmth of it. Or was it from his nearness? Whatever it was, I didn't
like it. I looked at my watch. Still almost a half hour before takeoff. So far
they hadn't cancelled the flight.

As if my thoughts magically conjured it
up, a voice came over the PA system. "We regret to inform you that all
flights to and from Cleveland
Hopkins Airport
have been cancelled until further notice. New flights can be rebooked as soon
as we resume our schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience. Airport shuttles are
standing by to take you to a hotel. If you can't get a room, you're welcome to
stay at the airport. Concession stands and restaurants will remain open for
your convenience.

Great, just great. What more could go
wrong? At least I could go home. If I could get a cab, that is. With the way it
looked outside, I had a feeling most of the roads were closed, too.

I moved away from Bill and took my cell
phone from my purse, got the number for the cab company from information, and
punched it in. Crap, a recording. "No cabs due to weather." Terrific.
I punched in information for the number of the Sheraton Hotel. Hopefully, they
still had a room. Spending the night sleeping in an airport wouldn't improve my

"Sheraton Hotel, how can I help
you," a female answered.

"Yes, I'd like a room for the
night." Please don't tell me they're all booked, I prayed. I didn't care
what kind of room as long as it had a bed.

"Yes, I have one room left. Two
double beds. One hundred and fifty dollars."

I let out a low whistle. A bit more than
I cared to spend, but no matter. "I'll take it." I read my credit
card number, grabbed my bag and raced to the exit while I spoke. Now to find an
airport shuttle. Talk about luck, a shuttle parked just outside. I pulled the
door open, and someone bumped into me.

"We have to stop meeting like

I turned and looked into familiar soft,
gray eyes. "Are you following me?" This was beginning to feel creepy.
What was with this guy?

"Don't flatter yourself." Bill
let out a low chuckle. "We can share a ride if you don't mind. Give the
driver a break."

He followed me into the car. "Sheraton
Hotel and..." He looked at me. "Where to?"

What were the odds he'd be going to the
same hotel? This was getting scary. "Sheraton."

"No kidding. Hey, maybe we can get
together for a drink or something."

Like I couldn't guess what the or something
was. I shook my head. Jerk. What made him think I'd even want to have a drink
with him? "No thanks, I have work to do." I looked out the window.
How the driver managed to see where he was going was beyond me. All I could see
was white. Thick, white, blowing snow. This was by far the worst snow storm I
remembered. I just hoped it let up by morning like the weatherman promised.


Chapter Two


It amazed Bill the driver found his way
through the blinding blizzard and pulled up in front of the Sheraton. The girl
heaved a sigh of relief. Poor thing had really been tense. For all her bravado,
she really was scared.

Bill opened the door and reached for her
hand to help her out. It didn't surprise him when she ignored it. Smug little
thing. Attractive or not she had an attitude. Independent too. But he liked
that about her. Wasn't the type to take flack from anyone.

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