Descent (39 page)

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Authors: Charlotte McConaghy

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction/General

BOOK: Descent
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Chapter 42

As the sun rose, Harry and Anna found themselves making their way separately to Luca’s room. They stopped opposite each other at his door.

‘It seemed right for as many of us to be together as possible,’ Anna said.

Harry nodded. ‘I thought the same thing.’

‘Will he understand?’

Harry’s answer was slow in coming. ‘I don’t think so, An. But I don’t want him to be alone. Not today, not in the night to come.’

She nodded and, taking each other’s hands, they entered together. What they found was not at all what they’d expected.

Luca was standing within the arms of a girl. For some reason, anger kindled within Anna. ‘Hey!’ she exclaimed. ‘What are you doing?’

Anna’s first thought was that this girl, whoever she was, was taking advantage of a very sick man. Her eyes when they turned to the intruders were bright, cold, crystal blue. Anna had seen her fair share of beauty—indeed, her best friend was one of the most beautiful women in the world—but this girl who had her arms around Luca had to be the most striking person she had ever seen. It was in the cold depths of her gaze, and the severity of her mouth.

Anna’s sense of alarm heightened. What the hell was this woman doing? But then she looked at Luca.
He was standing up straight, and when he met her eyes, he smiled a little sadly, a little ruefully, and she knew something was different. She took an unsteady step forward, tears welling in her eyes.

‘It’s okay,’ he told her as he put his arms around her, and the simple fact that
was the one trying to comfort
made Anna burst into tears of overwhelming relief.

‘You’re back,’ she wept, holding him tightly.

He stroked her hair and didn’t say anything, then he let her go and moved to embrace Harry, who was almost as emotional as she was. After a long time they pulled apart and the three of them stared at each other.

‘You don’t know how worried we were,’ Anna whispered. ‘You were so—’

‘I know. But it’s going to be different now,’ Luca told her firmly, the old intelligence and compassion in his eyes. ‘I’m going to be better. Better than the monster I’ve been turning into for the past two years.’

The resolution almost sent Anna into another fit of tears. But something stopped her. The woman with the long blonde hair and the terrifying blue eyes was staring at Luca, clearly unaware of Anna’s scrutiny, and her face was transformed.

Anna wondered then whether someone would ever look at her the way this woman was looking at Luca. Everything harsh in her face melted away to reveal a mouth that was soft, a smile that was wide, and eyes so warm they heightened her beauty even further.

Luca turned at the same time to look at her, and what was even more astonishing was that
he returned her look!
Anna’s jaw dropped. How the hell had this happened? And when?

Belatedly, Luca turned back to his friends. ‘Sorry. This is Tzenna. Tzen—this is Anna and Harry, two of my best friends.’

The woman turned to them and extended her hand. ‘I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s a pleasure.’

‘Huh?’ Anna asked vaguely, startled by the charm of someone so young. ‘Luca’s told you about us? When?’

‘Not Luca,’ Tzenna smiled. ‘Everyone has heard about the Strangers.’

‘Oh,’ Anna replied. ‘Of course.’ There was a silence. ‘Luca, have you ... have you heard what’s going on?’

He shook his head mutely.

‘We’re in trouble,’ Harry said with a sigh, and went on to explain everything.

‘How many El~araih does Accolon have guarding him?’ Luca asked, his voice low.

‘About two thirds of their number,’ Harry said in the same sombre tone.

He and Luca exchanged a glance. ‘Too many, then.’

‘One would be too many,’ Harry replied.

‘Where is Jane?’

Anna couldn’t help but glance at Tzenna. She was listening intently, her eyes never leaving Luca’s face.

‘She’s gone,’ Harry said. ‘She and Fern were in the dungeons, but we went back down before and they were just—gone.’

Why were they there? And how did they get out?’

‘Accolon had them sent there,’ Anna told him. ‘And when we got there the bars were ... bent out of shape.’

Luca stared at her uncomprehendingly.

‘It looked like someone had set them free.’

‘No way. Not possible.’ Harry shook his head dismissively.

‘Well has anyone talked to Mia?’ Luca asked.

Anna and Harry looked at each other guiltily. ‘I will,’ Anna offered. A moment later she rubbed her eyes, blinking as she looked at the people in the room.

‘Mia had a very good question,’ Anna said softly, guilt sharp as a knife within her. ‘Where the hell is Jack?’

Satine finally left Accolon’s room when it became clear that there was nothing she could do to make him change his mind. He’d come too far and the hold on his mind was too strong. Without even realising it she sank to the ground, her head in her hands.

Footsteps rounded the corner and stopped where she sat. ‘There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.’

She looked up, but couldn’t manage to smile at Harry. He sat down next to her.

‘I know what you tried to do,’ he told her softly. ‘I know you tried to stop him, in your own way.’

‘My own way?’ she repeated softly, her voice horrorstruck. ‘Do you mean lying and cheating and deceiving? Is that my way, Harry?’

He shook his head quickly. ‘That’s not what I meant. Your way is sacrificing your own happiness in order to save those around you. You do it time and time again. You give up everything for your people.’

‘It didn’t even work,’ she said, her head resting on her knees. ‘I couldn’t stop him. I tried to ... I told him that I wanted him...’ Suddenly there were tears in her eyes. ‘I’m a bad person, Harry. I told him horrible things. Oh, gods, I never stop hurting the people who love me.’

‘Stop. You did what you had to. A last resort. We needed you to at least try.’

But Satine wasn’t listening anymore. She was in a tent on a snowy morning over two years ago, with a man she loved, and a knife in his heart.

‘Accolon is not the man I want,’ Satine whispered, starting to cry. ‘I killed the only man I want.’

Chapter 43

The darkness was suffocating, crushing, a heavy weight that threatened to close in around her. Jane couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face.

Suddenly there was a flash of light. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something made of flame, something winged dive towards her, but as soon as she turned to look, it was gone. It happened again on her other side and Jane tried desperately to see what it was, but once again, as soon as she looked, the flames disappeared. Her heart started thumping as panic slithered through her.

Where was she?

And then there was something much worse than the darkness.

A voice, slicing into her head, making it throb with pain.

You’re prettier this time, my sweet.

Jane shivered in horror as the velvet voice made its way through her. Her terror was consuming. Nothing could create more fear than that voice.

But it makes no difference. This time nothing you do will stop me,
it whispered, and it was full of so much malice and hatred that it sank into Jane’s very bones, terrifying her into a silent stupor.

She would not let him have her. She would not give in. It was for this reason alone that she had entered the world of darkness, so that she could defy and defy again.

There is always a way,
she threw back.
And I will find it.
She heard his laughter in her mind, jarring and sharp.

You’ve always been so confident,
he whispered, as though they were old friends.
I wouldn’t have it any other way. What use is a pathetic, whimpering child to me? Your arrogance is amusing, Jane.

It won’t amuse you when I destroy you for good this time,
she replied.

Oh, silly girl,
he whispered caressingly.
You will soon come to realise the full extent of my power, and then you will understand that there is nothing you can do to stop me this time.

With that he sent a bolt of pain into her head and she moaned aloud.

That’s right, moan like the filth you are. Soon he will realise too.
He paused and sent her an image of Fern, hatred in his eyes.
That’s what you fear most, isn’t it? For him to realise what a fraud you are? For him to hate you as you deserve?

With all the strength she could muster she sent the image reeling back at him, and then a vision of her own. It was still Fern, but this time it was the memory of their first real kiss. She had not wanted him to see her inner thoughts, but if she could use them as a weapon, then so be it.

But still he only laughed.

Very good, my dear. Very good. But you cannot wound me with pathetic visions of you and your precious love—nothing can save you. Not him. Nothing.

Jane clenched her teeth.
Your words don’t frighten me,
she sent to him.
They are only words.

In reply he sent a pummelling of pressure on her mind, making her scream into the darkness. Her body felt like it was being torn, but she couldn’t see any wounds.

Not even your powers can hurt me,
she whispered, using everything she had to keep her thoughts strong and calm.
You are pitiful. You are alone. You will not break me, no matter how you try, for I have love and passion in my heart, and nothing can break that.

Wretched child,
he laughed.
I am only biding my time. Playing with you because it pleases me to see you squirm.

She trembled and tried not to show her fear. She had goaded him, hoping he would not call her bluff.

Don’t underestimate me, sweetling. You are scum. Remember that.

Then he was gone. Or, his voice was gone. She could still feel his presence, reeking with hatred.

Darkness surrounded her. And then the fiery winged beasts were upon her, and she knew, finally, what Valkyries truly looked like. She had no weapons, no defence. They descended upon her with speed and strength, ablaze with fire and striking at her with their talons. Jane screamed and tried to dive out of the way, but there was nothing for her to hide behind, nowhere for her to run.

One of them caught her in the chest, raking through her skin and tearing it open. Blood spurted onto the ground. Jane had never known such agony; there seemed to be no way around it, no way to make them stop. All of Fern’s lessons were gone from her mind.

A voice came to her from far away; but this time it was not the despised, feared voice, but the one voice she loved above all others.

‘They aren’t really here, Jane,’ she heard Fern shout, and then, miraculously, she saw him run towards her through the darkness. The Valkyries disappeared in an instant, as did the wounds on her body.

‘What happened?’ she breathed. ‘Are you real?’

‘I hope so,’ he replied with a smile, and that’s how she knew it was him. No smile like that could ever be part of a nightmare.

‘Are you all right?’ he asked quickly, looking over her body. ‘Come on, let’s get moving,’ he muttered, looking around them.

‘Moving to where?’ She spread her hands. ‘There isn’t anything here.’

Suddenly they were standing alone on a wide path in a forest, surrounded by huge trees. It was twilight. It wasn’t a normal forest though. All the trees were dead, and the sky was blood red.

Jane shivered. ‘Where are we?’ she whispered. It was silent except for the rustle of leaves. And yet ... there was something about the depth of stillness, the eerie colour and the absence of any life that made her cold to the bones. Instinctively she reached her hand out behind her and felt Fern respond by taking it in his own. The warmth and strength of his grip was deeply comforting.

‘Nowhere real,’ he said firmly.

‘Why did you follow me, Fern?’ she asked, her voice low. ‘How could you do something so irrational?’

Fern looked at her in disbelief. ‘Was it any more irrational than when you jumped in on your own?’

‘It’s different for me,’ she insisted. ‘I told you before—’

‘I know what you told me. But it’s not different. Whoever has the courage to fight will be able to destroy them.’ His eyes were intense. ‘Fear is the only thing stopping us.’

‘I know that!’ she snapped. ‘I was listening to your sister! But it’s easier said than done, fighting with nothing in our hands to hold on to.’

Her words sank into the air around them, air that was heavy and thick and somehow cold too.

‘Should we walk?’ she said.

‘Which way?’ he asked. They turned back and forth and Jane bit her lip. Both ways looked exactly the same. There was not a single landmark anywhere except dark, ominous trees.

‘North then,’ he said suddenly, pointing down one path.

‘How could you possibly know if that’s north?’

Fern just shrugged.

Jane rolled her eyes but followed him nevertheless. They began walking. It was as though they were making no progress at all, just walking in the one spot.

‘It shouldn’t be this quiet,’ she said, wincing as her bare feet trod on something sharp.

‘We’re in a nightmare,’ he said flatly. ‘I’m surprised it is this pleasant.’

‘Jesus, Fern—it’s precisely after saying stuff like that that the heroes get attacked and torn to pieces. Don’t tempt fate.’

He looked at her sideways but didn’t say anything.

‘Do you think he’s doing this to torture us? I mean, is this the build up?’

‘I don’t know, Jane,’ he said shortly.

‘Can’t we talk, please, so that I don’t have to think about what’s going on?’

Fern shrugged. ‘I don’t know if we have anything to talk about.’

‘What do you mean?’

Suddenly it all came back to her—in the chaos of getting to the cabin she had completely forgotten what had happened only hours before in the dungeon.

‘Are you angry with me?’ she asked softly.


‘I would understand if you were, Fern. I deserve it after what I said.’

Fern sighed, turning to face her. ‘Trust me, Jane—you are not the one I’m angry with. Plus I’m just ... sad. Don’t you see?’

‘See what?’

‘We’ve come to the end. Surely, after everything, we’ve finally come to the end.’

She felt sick, suddenly. ‘The end of what?’

‘The end of us.’

Jane closed her eyes and concentrated on calming the turmoil in her stomach.

‘How could I ... how could I do that to her?’ he asked softly. ‘After everything that has happened, I don’t know if I could live with myself if you and I ... You were right—it was my fault. I was being negligent. What if I end up hurting you the same way?’

In that moment the nausea subsided. Something washed over her. White-hot rage. Fury, as acute and potent as she’d ever known it.

What the hell are you talking about!
’ Jane screamed, her voice ripping through the silent forest like an explosion. Fern stepped back. ‘How could you say something so completely ridiculous? After everything we’ve been through, all the words of love you’ve spoken to me, all the things we’ve shared, you could actually be stupid enough—no,
enough—to tell me we won’t ever be together?’

‘Jane, I—’

‘I could understand if you needed time,’ she hissed, trying to quieten her voice but not succeeding. ‘I understand that you need time to grieve. But am I truly worth nothing to you? To actually say

He shook his head slowly, staring at the ground.

‘You’re supposed to be on my side!’ she yelled.

‘I am,’ he tried.

‘Well you’re not acting like it. I’m so sick of all this
crap, Fern,’ she said finally. ‘You’ve tried to do this before—to push me away for my own safety, so that sometime in the distant future you won’t hurt me. But instead of that, how about you just stop hurting me now and be with me? Seems to solve quite a few problems.’

Still he didn’t say anything, and his silence drove her crazy.

‘You know what? Everyone thinks you’ve grown, that you’ve finally given up your childish ways, but you haven’t at all. You’re still just as terrified of commitment as ever, and you’re making excuses so that you can sound like the noble one in all of this. You make everything so hard!’

‘It’s not that, Jane.’

‘Then prove it. Stop being a scared little boy. Stop telling me you love me, and
actually love me!

She flung the words at him and watched as they hit. His eyes lit up with flames. He took a shaky breath, and then, grabbing her by the arms, he thrust an angry kiss on her lips. Furious, Jane pulled away and started to hit him over and over again in the chest. He endured, his jaw tight, the flames in his eyes jumping.

‘How dare you!’ she screamed. ‘You can’t just—’

But she didn’t get any further, because he kissed her again, and it came to her then, the memory of his lips against hers, the feeling of being in his embrace. Her arms went around his neck urgently, and his hands moved to her back, pressing her against him.

But suddenly he froze, wrenching himself away from her.

’ he hissed. A long, straight sword had materialised in his hand and he moved quickly into an alert stance, letting go of her so abruptly that she stumbled. He eyed everything around him warily. Jane’s heart was beating too fast, her hands still trembling with
anger and love and sadness all at once. She struggled to calm down. There was silence in the forest. Calm down, she told herself.
Calm down and focus on what you are here for!

‘Why would I have a sword if I didn’t need to use it?’ Fern muttered, still looking carefully around him.

In that moment he spotted something a short distance to his left.

There in the grass was a pure white stag with huge antlers and dark, liquid eyes.

A cry caught in Fern’s throat. Jane turned to see what he was staring at and she gasped in horror.

The white pelt of the stag was covered in blood.

They ran to the beast and knelt down beside it. Its breathing was shallow, its chest heaving. Fern had never seen such a creature. So large and proud, even in its dying pain.

There was a huge gash in its chest, and blood was oozing steadily out of it.

He looked at the sword slowly. Jane saw him do so and shut her eyes.

‘No, Fern—don’t.’

‘I have to,’ he said softly, knowing it was the only thing they could do.

‘No, wait,’ Jane said desperately. She leant in closer to the beast to see the wound. She touched it gently, noting the depth and size of it.

‘It isn’t that deep, Fern. I might be able to save it. Find something to bind the wound with.’

He looked at her, knowing what she proposed was completely useless. He nodded though, and turned to help her.

Jane looked desperately down at her linen dress, and sighed as she ripped off the hem and tied it around the animal.

She sat back and looked at the stag. ‘I don’t think there’s anything more I can do. We’ll just have to hope that the wound heals before it starves to death.’

Fern nodded. They walked back to the path. ‘Jane,’ he said lightly, ‘wait here for a moment, I need to go ... relieve myself.’

‘Now? We’re trapped in a nightmare and you need to go to the loo?’

He just shrugged. ‘Don’t move from this exact spot. Promise?’

‘I won’t move an inch. Just hurry!’

Fern retraced their steps back into the forest and found the stag. The poor beast was distraught, breathing shallowly. The dressing wasn’t going to do anything—not without food and water and care.

Slowly he raised the sword. He was certain that the stag was here for precisely this reason—to unsettle him, to make everything harder. He could easily just walk away. But he was who he was, and even though none of this was real, he wouldn’t feel right about leaving something so clearly in pain. So with one swift movement, he severed the mighty animal’s neck, killing it instantly and ceasing the sounds of its whimpers. Blood poured out onto the grass, and though Fern had seen his fair share of violence, this was somehow deeply saddening.

Kings of the forest, stags were called in most countries of Paragor. A myth, like the unicorn had been until very recently. Beautiful in a way that was indescribable. And he had just slaughtered one.

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