Derailed (Terminal Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Derailed (Terminal Book 2)
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“I want you to fuck me hard and fast right here, Des.” Her hands hastily begin unbuttoning my pants. It doesn't take much to get me hard, just looking at her pulling her shorts down over her heart-shaped ass and gripping the support post of the pier while she bends in front of me does the trick.

“Hold on, babe.” I grab her hips and thrust deeply into her while strangers have fun above us on the Ferris wheel. Just the thought of being watched from the shadows keeps me going. I like to perform for an audience and I always hope I am giving them the best show possible.

“Harder, Des,” Lexi begs, and it drives me to pound into her harder and faster than I have before. She's moaning and mewling in pleasure and pain as I drive her to her release. Her walls begin to quiver around my cock, egging me on.

I shudder my release into her and kiss her back. “Fuck, Lex. You never cease to amaze me.” I moan into her back as I pull out and help her pull her own pants up.

“Right back ‘atcha, Des.” She winks and presses into my body. I wrap my arm around her and together we walk back to the car, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

Chapter 11


Landyn hasn't been doing well at all. He's actually fucking everything up and if we don't get this album finished, there will be a lawsuit on our hands and quite frankly I don't want a fuckin’ lawsuit. Evan and Tim have already decided to ship us off to Europe to finish recording, we leave in two days. Ready or not.

I walk in his front door and see him sitting on the floor with luggage surrounding him and clothes everywhere. Lowering my sunglasses, I turn around the room in awe, mouth dropped open and everything.

“What. The. Fuck.” I can't believe what I'm seeing. He sits there in exasperation, listless, sad. “Dude, stop being a fucking pussy and go talk to her. Say goodbye.” I walk further into the room and drop my glasses to the coffee table by the stupid fucking couch that I can't pronounce. “We need your head in the game, fans are counting on you. The fucking label is counting on you. Dude... I am counting on you.”

He looks up at me and inhales sharply through his nose. “I know.”

For the next hour we talk about the shit we did as kids and our promise that we would live our dream and make something of ourselves. Do something that mattered to us. We don't talk about chicks. We talk about our music and our future. Looking at my watch, I see that it's time to go meet Lexi. I'm taking her to stay at my place for the first time.

“Gotsta go, Lan.” I stand and pull my coat on. Big day tomorrow. Y'know, packing for a few months overseas and all.” I shrug and offer him a salute.

“Yeah.” He stands and scratches his chin. “I think I might know a little bit about that.” He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “I'm gonna pack up tonight and run a couple of errands tomorrow.”

Landyn walks me to the door and rests his hand up high on the jamb. “Hey, Des.”

I turn around and shield my eyes from the bright orange rays of the setting sun with my hand. “Yeah?” I call back to him.

“Think I can fix it?”

“I dunno. You're gonna try aren't you?”

“Yeah, I think I am.” He nods and tosses his hand up in a single motion wave.

I pull my keys out of my pocket and bounce off the curb and around my car to the driver's side door. Climbing in, I pull out my cell and press the speed dial for Lexi.

“Hey, Des.” She purrs into the receiver. “You on your way?”

Her eagerness brings a smile to my face.

“Sure am. I'll be there in twenty-ish. Have your bag ready you're staying with me for a couple of days.”

“Yes, sir.” She teases.

Ending the call, I turn over the ignition and pull onto the road. I'm nervous and excited to share another part of me with her. Drumming my thumbs on the steering wheel, I find myself humming “Lust and Craving” and I get it. I fucking get it!

I pull up and Lexi is standing on the step waiting for me. Her bag is over her shoulder, she has a lollipop stick poking out of her cherry red lips, and her legs look so long in those shorts. I roll down the passenger window and she leans in the car like a common street walker.

“Fuck, Lex, you look sexy.” I run my right thumb over my bottom lip, while squeezing the steering wheel and re-positioning myself to accommodate my sudden growth. Smiling wide, she stands up, steps away from the car and casually turns around making sure I can see her heart-shaped ass. “If you don't get in this fucking car this minute, I will put you over the hood and fuck you until my flight.”

Lexi grins around her lollipop and opens the car door. “Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a bunch.” She winks and looks at my lap. “Too late. Looks like you're already bunched up.”

“Do your seatbelt up and zip your lip.” I playfully snarl and throw the car into first pulling away from the curb.

Lexi is bouncing in her seat like she's riding an invisible cock. Smiling like she just hit her G-spot. I can't help but snicker when I turn to look at her. She's a fucking child and it's hilarious.

“What in the actual fuck are you doing, babe? You excited about something?”

“I'm going to stay at your house.” She sings. “I've never slept over at your house.”

“My apartment.” I correct her. I am not home long enough to own a home. We travel far too fucking much. Landyn needs roots, I need a fucking pillow. “And you won't be sleeping much, hope you got some rest last night.”

Leaning across the console she rests her head on my shoulder and stuffs her lollipop in my mouth. “I'm gonna miss you when you're gone.” She admits and goes quiet.

“I know, babe. Why wouldn't you miss me? I am that fucking awesome.” I smirk and press the candy back into her mouth as I try to keep the conversation light. I take the next left turn toward my apartment and as we get closer, I don't feel very playful. People are walking with their children or their pets enjoying the beautiful breeze and I'm with my girl about to say goodbye for three months.

She sighs and sits up in her seat, looking out the window. “Seriously, Des.”

“I know, babe.” I reach across and take her hand. “I know.” I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss her knuckles. I pull into my stall and climb out of the car, walking to the passenger side and helping Lexi out. Throwing her bag over my shoulder, I hold her hand and together we walk into the building.

Down the hall is that chick that always flirts with me, and I just realized that since I have been with Lexi I don't find that girl attractive. She doesn't do it for me anymore. A look of disappointment washes over her when she notices Lexi's hand in mine. I raise my hand in a greeting and she smiles politely, unlocking her own door and stepping inside.

“You know her?” Lexi asks as we enter the stairwell.

“Nah, just a neighbor.” I assure her, and it's the absolute truth.

As we reach the fourth floor, I pull my keys from my pocket and slide the right one in the lock. “Okay, babe, for the next two days we do not leave here. Food will be delivered and we're gonna have a LOT of sex.”

“You say the sweetest things.” She presses her mouth to mine and sweeps her tongue over my lips. Smiling she blinks and cocks her head to the side. “Now open the door so we can have a lot of sex.”

“Yes, ma'am.” I obey and swing the door open, insisting she enters first. Stepping past me, she slows her stride and pauses just inside the door taking in her surroundings. Turning around, her eyes are filling with tears and her hands cover her mouth. I close my door and lean against it waiting for her to say something.

“What's this, Des?” she asks her voice shaky.

I place her bag on the hook by the door and lead her into the center of the room by her hand. She squeezes mine tightly in return as we walk further into the candle lit room.

The room is warm and glowing a pale yellow from the flames, flowers and hanging drapes of some fucking sort. I hired a designer to make the next two days as memorable as possible. Sheer material hangs around a big puffy pillow thing in the middle of the floor and all I can think is that it looks like the perfect place to give her a massage. I shake my head at the feminine thoughts and turn to look at her.

“I want to do bad things to you in nice places.”

“How romantic.” She swoons and wipes her eyes with an embarrassed chuckle.

“You remember when I took you to Pothos and we had a little viewing party?”

I walk around her and run my fingertip up her arm. She closes her eyes and nods.

“Did you like that?”

Wetting her lip, she swallows and nods again.

“Did you know I don't just like letting people watch me? That I have other things I like to do?”

Lexi's breathing is excitedly jagged as her mouth twitches nervously. “I've heard,” she manages to answer.

“I want to be honest with you and share with you. I know that I can trust you completely. Are you in a place where you can trust me?” I ask sincerely. Trust is the only way this is going to work.

“Des, if I didn't trust you. I wouldn't be here.” Lexi opens her eyes and looks directly at me. Her answer pleases me and I'm sure it shows on my face.

“Fantastic.” I take a step back just to look at her. She's dressed very rock-a-billy tonight, and it's extremely alluring. Reaching up, I unbutton her checkered blouse and pull it off her body. I lean in and kiss her collarbone as I unclasp her bra and drop it to the floor beside her shirt. I walk away from her and pull a chair into the space. Sitting down, I cross my arms over my chest and ask her to remove her shorts.

Her shorts join the small bundle just at her feet, and she stands before me completely naked. This is a sight I could stare at for hours. Her perky nipples greet me from her heavy breasts. Her long legs meet her amazing ass. I shift in my seat and undo my belt slowly pulling it from the loops of my jeans. She stands with her arms at her sides, comfortable in her own skin waiting patiently for the next request.

“C'mere,” I whisper as I pull the belt from the last loop with a snap of the leather. She steps toward me and stops just in front of my knees. I spread my legs and hang my arms to my sides, allowing the leather to loop on the floor beside me. “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are?” I stand and press my lips to her shoulder and step behind her.  I lean in and whisper in her ear, “I am going to need you to get on your knees now.”

Taking a deep breath, she lowers herself to the floor sitting high on her heels with her hands on her thighs. She assumed the role willingly and doesn't even try to talk to me – it's perfect. She does understand. She gets it.

“Rest your head and shoulders on the chair in front of you.” She leans forward and tucks her hands under her face on the seat. I run my fingernail up her spine and brush her hair from her face. “Not your hands, I need those behind your back.” She wrinkles her brow for a moment before sliding her hands out and doing as I ask having them meet behind her. I kneel down behind her and slide the belt up under her arms and do it up on the tightest notch possible, binding her arms above her elbows.

“Do you trust me, Lexi?”

“I do.”

“You know I am not going to hurt you, right?”

“Yes,” she closes her eyes and replies quietly.

“Good girl. Now, up on your knees and spread your knees shoulder width apart.”

Once again she complies without question or hesitation and soon her perky ass is up where it can be admired properly. “Mmmm, mmm, mmm. Very nice. Thank you, Lex.”

Rocking back on my heels I stand and walk to another room, momentarily leaving her alone. I grab a blindfold and a small box from my nightstand before I take off my shirt, tossing it onto my bed to be dealt with another day. Turning back, I see one of the sexiest sights ever. My girl, kneeling while bound, waiting for me to return.

Entering the room, I approach her from behind and position myself against her backside. Unbuttoning my pants, I can press myself into her with a little less pressure. Leaning over her, I tie the blindfold around her eyes and run my hands down her body.

“How are your arms? Can you wiggle your fingers?”

“It feels a little tight. This is hurting my shoulder.”

“Time for a new position. No touching me unless I ask you to. Can you do that?”


I undo the belt and massage the feeling back into her arms before helping her to her feet. Her eyes are still covered so she relies on me to guide her to her next position. We walk to the plush carpet in the center of the room and I lay her down on her back. Binding her hands by the wrists with hemp rope, I raise her arms above her head and bend her knees just so I can fit between them.

Dipping my head I bite her hip, and she lets out a whimper. I allow my tongue to lick the place I just nipped, dancing on her, causing her to take sharp intakes of air as I travel toward her wet pussy. My palm runs up her body, between her breasts and my fingers surround her neck. Pressing myself between her knees, my mouth finds her right breast as my fingers knead her left breast, pinching and squeezing rhythmically. I make sure to rub myself against her bare pussy every chance I get, causing her to press up into me and circle her hips.

“You need to calm down, baby, or I won't let you come tonight.” I growl into her ear before I bite down on her lobe. She inhales sharply and nods her head. I retrace my path back to my kneeling position between her legs and reach for the box.

“I have another present for you. This one is going to be a LOT of fun.” I assure her as I take the glass toy out of the ice pack. Unhurriedly, I run it up her leg to the apex between her thighs. I'm careful not to insert it in her. Instead I trace the outside of her lips with it and keep a keen eye on her expressions.

“Ahh, have you figured out your present?” I ask as I tease her labia and avoid her clit. Trailing the toy up over her hip, past her belly button, I circle her nipples with it and Lexi gasps. The cool glass causes her nipples to bead into tight little pellets and goose bumps raise in the wake of the toy.


“Do you like it when we play with toys, Lexi?”

“Yes,” she replies quietly.

I follow the trail once again to her pussy and press it onto her clit. Instantly she moans and pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth. Removing my rock hard cock from my jeans, I drive into her as I continue to circle her nub with the toy. It takes a very short amount of time before her walls begin to massage my shaft and she's screaming out my name.

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