Deporting Dominic (14 page)

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Authors: Renee Lindemann

BOOK: Deporting Dominic
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Dominic and I barely make it to our respected areas in time to get ready for the ceremony.  We are in different colleges so we have time for quick kisses before we separate. 

“You and Dominic are really serious huh?” Cassie
asked as we put on our cap and gown helping each other.  I carefully move her tassel to the right as we get ready for our big walk onto the floor. 

“Yes it’s very serious. Cassie
, I love him so much.” I gushed as I get my cap positioned properly.

“It’s obvious to anyone who sees the two of you that you’re both in love.”

“Cassie, we really are happy. I hate we wasted all this time but better late than never.”

“Dominic is
hot I do not know how you held out this long.” Cassie fanned herself from mock heat as I laughed.

“We were both so scared of ruining our friendship that we didn’t realize what we had. I am glad that our hand was forced allowing us to confront our feelings for each other.”

“Me too you look so much freakin happier. I assume I would be too if I got to sleep next to that hunk of man,” Cassie said giggling. I roll my eyes exaggeratedly but nod my approval.

When the processional starts
I can barely contain my excitement. This day is finally here and I wonder where my family is seated in this large convocation hall.  The confetti is flying as the audience of family and friends are screaming for their graduates. I can’t shake my tears wishing my parents were here with me right now.  I catch a glimpse of Dominic and he blows me a kiss understanding the tears running down my face. 

Cassie unexpectedly hugs me,
“That’s from Dominic and your parents.”

“Thanks Cassie,” I
said hugging her back.  I turn around to face the loud audience scanning for our families.  It takes me almost five minutes to find them and I yell back to them as Morgan holds Bryce who is waving frantically at me.  I am sure he is waving at Dominic as well, after all that’s his hero.  Danny has not put in any additional appearances nor made any other attempts to see Bryce. I feel blessed and a bit sad right now. My parents were cheated out of this moment and it takes all my resolve not to breakdown. Most of my family is in tears as we wave back and forth. They feel the same way I do right now.  The ceremony starts and we take our seats.

Almost two hours later we are standing in the large lobby trying to find our family members.  Dominic and I are also hugging, laughing, and posing for pictures with friends. In every picture he is holding me either by the waist or by the hand.  Finally I hear my son calling me, “Mommy, mommy you gradualated.” 

I laugh as Bryce runs directly into my arms and I scoop him up happily.  Everyone around us gives collective “aws” when this happens.  My family is still quite tearful as I pose for pictures in my cap and gown.  I am eager to take the gown off it is blocking my cute outfit.  Dominic’s family is equally as eager with the camera, snapping the two of us a million times. I finally get Morgan to help me out of the gown but leave on my cap with my tassel to the left. 

“We are just so proud of you Samantha,” my uncle Winston manages to stammer out.
His only son my cousin Winston Jr. is in the navy stationed in Italy. 

“Thanks I couldn’t have done it without you,” I
replied giving him a big hug.  Dominic has taken off his gown as well but retains his cap. There are countless graduates and family members milling around the lobby taking pictures.  Dominic grabs my hand and I think we are posing for yet another picture. Someone somewhere snaps a picture immediately. 

“What’s the matter baby,” I ask
ed puzzled as he pulls me into the center of the room.  Without preamble Dominic goes down on one knee as my remaining free hand covers my mouth. Those around us take notice and quiet down immediately. Our families look on in wonder as Dominic pours his heart out to me. 

“Samantha Nicole Gable
, you have been my best friend for four years. I have loved you for four years. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I love you with all my heart and I would be the happiest man alive if you would become my wife,” he said his voice quavering but totally sincere. I have tears streaming down my cheeks as he produces a ring from his pocket.  I am trying to find my voice but I can only shake my head up and down as I cry gobs of tears. Dominic slips the ring onto my finger as I find my voice, “Yes Dominic. Yes I will marry you.”

Morgan and Charlie are jumping up and down beaming proudly.  My family has no idea what to make of this scene nor does Dominic’s family. However when Cassie starts applauding everyone around us follows her example. I
am wrapped in Dominic’s arms as he is kissing me with absolute love. I cannot control the tears streaming down my face as he hugs me tightly.

“I love you so much Dom,” I whisper into his ear inhaling his wonderful smell. 

“I love you Sammie baby,” he whispered back. Bryce slips away from my uncle’s hand making his way over to us. Dominic looks down to see Bryce holding his pants leg and picks him up immediately.

“Mommy you are going to marriage my daddy?” Bryce
asked folding his small arms.

We both laugh before I correct him, “Brycie mommy and daddy are getting married not marriage.”

He unfolds his arms hugging us both as Morgan and Charlie joins us for a family hug. We are soon besieged with congratulations from our families and fellow graduates. 

“I am so happy for you Samantha. You two look so great together,” Cassie
said hugging me tightly wiping a stray tear from her pretty face.

“Thanks Cassie. I am very happy,” I squeal. Sidney pulls me from the crowd off to the side. I know she wants to discuss this proposal and everything else she has missed.

“I knew this was more serious than even you two were trying to convince,” Sidney informed. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“We both told you this was serious Sidney. I
love him so much you know that,” I replied with tears once again threatening.

“I know you have always loved him but I had no idea that he was this serious. No offense Sam.”

“It’s so much more to this Sid. We will find sometime to talk later on today okay.”

I promise her with a hug that I will tell her everything that has transpired.  We walk back to join everyone as they discuss the plans of today. 

“We are going to get everything set up at our house. You guys just show up in an hour okay,” my Uncle Winston announces.  Dominic’s family insists on helping so they make plans to follow my aunt and uncle to their house. Morgan, Charlie, and Bryce are going to help get the graduation celebration underway.  This gives Dominic and I a chance to have some alone time to consider our new engagement. 

“Okay well we will see everyone in an hour,” I
said smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Dominic has his hands around my waist smiling just as hard as I am. As we walk off we receive more congrats from several graduates we do not know and their families.  My left arm is wrapped around Dominic’s waist while his right arm is wrapped around mine. When I think my mood could not get any better it sours immediately. Standing in front of us with her arms folded tightly across her chest wearing the face of a defeated woman is none other than Annalisa. She was Dominic’s last relationship that ended presumably because of me.

“Can I please speak to you Dominic,” she
asked without acknowledging me at all.  I release my hold on him to allow him the chance to speak to her in private. I am in too great a mood to deal with leftover baggage.  I want to gloat over my ring and relive that wonderful proposal.  Dominic reluctantly releases his hold on me to walk over towards Annalisa.  I am unaware of their conversation as my mind still reels over the wonderful day that has already unfolded and it is barely noon yet. 

“I hope
you’re happy with your green card marriage,” Annalisa hisses interrupting my thoughts.  I initially laugh directly in her face but I regain my composure enough to speak eventually.

“I am sorry this has hurt you but being bitter does not suit you Annalisa,” I
replied back stifling my desire to laugh.  Dominic is thankfully, back at my side holding my hand.

“You are the desperate bitter one Samantha. That fake proposal was laughable.”

“If you are so convinced that the proposal was a fake then why are you so upset?” I question increasing my grip on Dominic’s hand.

I do not want to see you get hurt because you obviously love Dominic. I am just not convinced he feels the same way.”

“I can guarantee you there was nothing fake about my proposal.
I have never loved any woman like I love Samantha. And you of all people know exactly how true that is.”

Annalisa tried to retain her composure but it was a losing battle as the realization became apparent. “If you loved her
so much all this time why did you lead me on Dominic?”

“You are the one who helped me to realize the feelings that I had for
Sam. Regardless of blame this is neither the time nor the place Annalisa.”

“You owe me an explanation as to why you chose her over me. I love yo
u Dominic.” The tears flow as her voice trembles. We were both grateful when a friend of Annalisa moved in to console her. The friend shoots both Dominic and I dirty looks as she pulls a crying Annalisa away.

The pain on Dominic’s face was cutting into our joyous celebration. Walking to the minivan I could tell he was feeling the effects of his encounter with Annalisa.

“Today is not the day to consider your previous relationships or behavior Dominic. We are celebrating today so please put the sour face away,” I order getting into the passenger side of the minivan.  Dominic gives me a quizzical look before brandishing a resolute smile opening the driver’s side door.


Dominic drove us to the aquatic center so that we could sit on the bleachers. We found a nice spot under the tented bleacher stand to sit quietly holding one another.

“I am sorry about that scene with Annalisa. I never thought she really loved me
that much or that we were ever that serious,” he blurts. The pain and regret register on his lovely face. I caress it slowly knowing that he wants to talk whether I want to hear it or not.

“Tell me Dominic what happened?” I ask forcing his gaze on me.

“I thought we were just you know having fun but exclusive. One day we were out and when I walked her back to her apartment she said that she loved me. I didn’t know what to do or said because I didn’t feel that way. I froze Samantha and she got upset storming into her apartment. The next day we talked and I explained that I really liked her but I wasn’t in love with her,” Dominic explained. “She was upset and accused me of being in love with you. I couldn’t deny it. I apologized and that was the end of it. But I never thought she really loved me for real.”

“I understand why she would be upset. You are very easy to fall for Dominic. You can’t help who you love trust me I know,” I
said the only thing I can think to said. The pain she feels is the pain I have felt all these years watching him with other women never thinking I was good enough to be with him.  It is bittersweet to know that I was not the only woman unable to resist falling for Dominic.

“I just wish we had both been honest about our feelings sooner

“Dominic we were not the same people then that we are today. This was when it was right unless you are having regrets about us,” I demand as my body stiffens.

“This feels so right as it should be Sammie. I hope you understand there was nothing phony about my proposal. I love you so much and I want to marry you. I want to make you happy.” Dominic said this with so much honesty and sincerity that I practically feel proposed to all over again.

“I love you too Dominic. I am just so happy right now. I feel complete with you by my side.”

Dominic places his hand on my cheek catching the lone tear that strays down my cheek. His kiss is so soft and so tender I melt under its simplistic intensity. As he continues his kisses he pulls me to straddle his lap. I am lost as his hands trail down my nearly naked back. Slowly my hips grind against him as he moans.

“Geez I want to make love to you so badly,” he murmurs.
“When will you be off?”

“I wanted to talk to you about that,” I stutter, “I was thinking since we are going to get married right away that maybe we could abstain until our wedding night.”

“What? Why Sammie?” He is full of alarm as his beautiful face frowns with displeasure.

“I just want our wedding night to be special. And I know enough about your faith that p
remarital sex is a no-no.” I tried to sound confident but I really just want to be naked in bed with him.

“But we have already crossed that line and I love that line we have crossed.” Dominic’s face is pleading with me to reconsider.

“I know I love it. I mean I really, really love it but I thought it would be something special if we waited. I was hoping that in the next few weeks we could you know date since we kinda skipped that portion of our relationship.”

“I think that we should go out on dates but do we really have to stop the sex? These last
few days have been killing me. I want you so much right now especially wearing this dress or seeing you in those black panties.” 

I could feel him harden underneath me as an indication that he was dead serious.

“I just want our wedding night to be special. What if we can have our wedding at the campus ministries? I would feel bad knowing that we couldn’t abstain for just a few short weeks. I want to understand your faith Dominic,” I explained trying to remain as still as possible.

“I understand Sammie. We can try but it’s going to be hard, literally. I am so attracted to you and I enjoy our sex life immensely.”

He moved my hips with his hands against his hardened crotch.

“Ah Dominic. I do too baby. You make me feel so good when we make love. I just want to have this one special thing as part of our wedding night.”

“You do still want me Sammie?” Dominic said this in a way that if sex were words he discovered how to pronounce it. I am so turned on in spite of my girlie nature. I want to rip him out of his clothes and have my way with him. 

“I want you almost every second of every day Dominic. I love you so much baby.
We can still make out right?”

To answer my
question Dominic kisses me. He is all tongues I drown under the intense passion moaning loudly. 

“I love you Sammie. I will do whatever you want but be prepared we will be making out a lot,” he
moaned between kisses. It’s the heartfelt smile that reassures me that he is okay with this decision. 

“What all can we do without violating the rules?” I ask wondering if I should ask Father Foster on our next visit. 

“We can do what we are doing now and maybe a little more touching but no penetration,” Dominic said waggling his eyebrows. I laugh burying my face in the crook of his neck.

“I am sure we can work with that. Our wedding night will be so special for both of us.”

Dominic lifts my chin so that I am gazing directly into his beautiful brown eyes. 

“I need you to know Sammie that no matter what happened before. It’s always been you. I want to marry you more than anything else in this world. You and the kids are my whole life. I now know that you are the only woman I have ever loved and will ever love.”

I immediately lose control of my emotions once more as I blubber out my response, “Dominic I am so happy to hear those words. Since the first day I met you I knew you were the only man for me. I am so in love with you it scares me sometimes.”

“Why Sam? I promise you I will not hurt you or the kids.”

“I know it’s just the thought this may come to an end someday or you may change your mind frightens me.”

“Mi angel, you never have to worry. I am not going anywhere. We are going to make babies and raise our family

Our very private moment is ruined with the guffaw sounds of yet another bitter woman. I am really starting
to think this is bitter ex day, some unofficial holiday of previously scorned women.

“I think I have a toothache just listening to you two,” Mackenzie
said laughing. It is not a real laugh as it is laced with pain. It is more of a defense mechanism designed to protect Mackenzie’s fragile ego.

“Excuse me but you could go away and then our words would not affect that lovely smile of yours,” I
said still straddling Dominic’s lap. He drops his head against my chest in despair.

“I am surprised that someone who recently graduated would fall for such bullshit,” Mackenzie
spat venomously. 

“I am surprised that one so pretty is still hung up on the guy she tried to seduce in the men’s locker room. Please just go away and let us celebrate our engagement,” I brag unable to resist the opportunity.

“Engagement? You mean you were for real? Samantha you must be very desperate. He is just using you so he can qualify for the Olympic swim team in Beijing.”

This statement would have hurt me before but I know with every fiber of my being that Dominic loves me.

“And if he does I will be right there with him as his wife cheering him on in Beijing.”

I am sick to death of his exes attacking me right now.

“I guess with all those mouths to feed you need a daddy around for the kids,” she sneered. I am off Dominic’s lap before he can catch me I am heading down the bleachers. The stupid sandals are preventing me from moving as fast as I want to get to her. Mackenzie is relaxed in a swimming suit and shorts. It occurs to me that she could not really see us at the top row of the bleachers as her face falls when she takes in my appearance.

“Yeah bitch I clean up nice,”
I think to myself. Mackenzie’s eyes follow my entire outfit from my sandals to my newly cropped locks.

“I do not care what your beef is with Dominic or with me but if you ever bring up my kids again you will be very
, very sorry Mackenzie. Now if you want to call Annalisa and form some sort of Dominic support group then by all means, be my guest. But this is the last time you have anything smart to said about my relationship with Dominic. He is mine I am his, we are getting married end of story. He is no longer available to you or any other female on this campus. So if you want to be a dear and spread that around at your next lonely girls meeting I would appreciate it.”

I move closer to her hoping to intimidate her but she doesn’t back down. I can appreciate her tenacity but it is going to get her slapped in the face.

“You are the lonely one using your kids to trap Dominic,” she laughed this time meaning it.

“Correction I was lonely,” I said
slipping my hand in Dominic’s hand, “We have a graduation slash engagement party to get to. Enjoy the water alone.”

you really chose her over me? If you just needed your green card you could have picked someone prettier.”

did choose someone prettier. It’s Samantha and our kids every time,” Dominic added with an icy stare. Mackenzie returns his icy stare unable to formulate her next set of words. She is still standing there fuming when we make our way to the minivan. 

“Samantha I am so fucking
sorry right now,” he apologized his face near tears.

“No Dominic this is exactly what needed to happen. You need to know that if we do this
for real, it will not just be another one of your ‘relationships’ where you leave a broken heart behind with no consequence. This is real Dominic and I will not let you treat me like you have done other women in the past. You had better be damn sure you are doing this for love because if it’s for any other reason I deserve to know,” I advised loudly. Dominic flinches under my words as I get into the passenger side of the minivan.  He walks around to the driver’s side of the van opening the door getting in quickly. The air conditioner is blowing cool air, cooling my burning skin but not my internal rage.

, I meant what I said. I want to marry you because I love you so much. I am sorry that I was such an animal before I realized my feelings for you. I honestly never thought that any of the girls I was with in the past ever truly cared for me except I now know Annalisa. I can assure you that this isn’t some booty call or bid to stay in the country. If I can’t be with you in the way that we are now I would rather go back to Guadalajara. I love you Samantha and these two incidents should show you just how much.”

“Dominic, please do not hurt me. I can’t take any more pain,” I wail
ed loudly. I do not want to end up like Annalisa and Mackenzie. Dominic grabbed me from my seat pulling me to his lap. He wraps his arms around me dropping his head against mine.

“Samantha I love my country. It is a beautiful place to live and raise a family. The problem is you are not there. Being deported would mean that I would not be able to see you everyday. I would not be able to read Bryce a bedtime story. I would not be able to talk to Charlie about sports and things that bother him. I wouldn’t
be here to protect Morgan from teenage boys. I wouldn’t be able to hold you every night while you snored in my arms. I love you so much I would never ever hurt you.” Dominic reaches into his pocket producing his cell phone. I sit rather uncomfortably on his lap not saying a word as he dials.  After about thirty seconds the other line on the phone rings.

“Papa es Dominic,” he
said into the phone.

“Felicitaciones mi hijo,” his father replies. “Estamos tan orgullosos.”

“Gracias papa. He propuesto matrimonio a Samantha papa.” I hear a barrage of Spanish that I cannot translate as Dominic’s father Luis speaks. Dominic nods his head as his father speaks occasionally saying, “Si papa.”

Dominic hands the phone to me paralyzing me with fear.

“Samantha this is Luis Castillo, Dominic’s father,” he introduces. “I know you and my son have been friends for years. Do you love my son?”

“Mr. Castillo
, I love your son with all my heart and I have consented to be his wife.” I said this turning away from Dominic so that he cannot hear what his father is asking me.

“Are you a catholic Samantha?” He
asked his voice stern but pleasant.

“No but I will be,” I respond honestly.

“You are converting? Why did Dominic not say this?”

I try to move off Dominic’s lap and get into the passenger seat but he holds me in place.
I lean forward and whispered my answer, “He doesn’t know it’s a surprise.”

Mr. Castillo continues to speak to me about the importance of a solid marriage
and family values. Eventually he allows me to speak to Sofia, Dominic’s mother. She gushes and cries over the phone her English extremely broken. I am trying to follow her words as she wishes us a long and fruitful marriage with lots of babies. 

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