Denying Bjorn (7 page)

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Authors: Charisma Knight

BOOK: Denying Bjorn
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His senses scanned the area as he felt the creature’s temper rise. The man was mad with rage and obviously watching them. Bjorn tensed as he continued to be on the lookout, just in case.

Like Bjorn, Lars was a businessman and wished to remain low-key. He picked that much up and sensed immediately Dawn really had it in for her cousin. That damned woman was definitely skating on thin ice. How dare she manipulate and play games with the lives of others. Lars was just as much a pawn in this as he and Lydia.

As he unlocked the door to his car and Lydia slipped in, he continued to scan the area. Obviously, this Lars didn’t want a confrontation, he thought to himself as he walked around to the driver’s side, or he’d grace them with his presence now. Slipping in, he glanced over at Lydia and smiled.

“Are you okay?” He was concerned and decided not to let on that he knew Lars was lurking around. She was stressed, he could tell. Something weighed heavily on her mind. He wouldn’t push the issue. He’d wait, and dared not question Lydia’s integrity.

Although he did seek more information about Lars, he’d ask later on. Was she still involved with this man? If so, what type of relationship did they have together? He didn’t want to come off like some jealous schoolboy, but damn it, he was a smidge concerned. He’d just found happiness. Now it was threatened, and he wouldn’t give up without a fight.

Chapter Eight


Lydia sat with her back to the window of the crowded French bistro as she gazed into Bjorn’s eyes. The nervous feeling had been shed, and the palms of her hands were less clammy. She leaned on the small square table and sighed. They’d placed their order, and the waiter had brought them their drinks. She drank her soda as she and Bjorn conversed.

“So, how has your day been so far?” Bjorn asked as he sipped a cup of black coffee.

“Stressful, and yours?”

“The same,” he said with a smile as he reached out for her hand. “That’s okay because tonight, you and I are having a nice little dinner over at my place. I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve been staying up extra late working to ensure I have nothing hanging over my head Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.”

“Oh, the entire weekend?”

He winked. “Well, I was hoping to take you to a movie tomorrow night, maybe go out on the boat Saturday and Sunday.” He playfully stroked his chin. “Hmmm, maybe we’ll find something to pass the time on Sunday.”

His deep voice was rich and filled with promise. It made her body hum and her nipples tighten. Moisture gathered between her thighs, and she squirmed slightly.

His penetrating blue gaze bore into her as she crossed her legs.

“Something the matter?” He licked his lips and glanced down at her crossed legs. “Sure you’re okay?” He grinned knowingly.

She smiled and knew he was toying with her. “I’m fine,” she admitted. “Just fine.” The clenching of her core reminded her she was in need, and only he could put the fire out.

“Uh, from the looks of things, I’m not so sure.” He smiled once again.

“If you want to make it back to the office, you better behave yourself, Bjorn Jensen.”

“What will you do if I don’t behave?” He took another sip of his coffee and eyed her seductively.

Lydia laughed out loud. “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she promised. She grew serious and gave the situation some thought. She knew once they were together and it grew late, she’d have a difficult time leaving him again. She also knew that she’d spend the night in his bed.

Bjorn nodded in agreement as his face became serious as well. “Hopefully you packed enough clothes for the entire weekend.” He leaned in closer as he tightened his hand around hers. “I’ll be honest, babe. I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold off on you any longer.”

Lydia swallowed hard and suddenly wished she’d brought an extra pair of panties. Looking at the handsome man across from her, she knew she’d experience sex as a woman should. There would be no faking involved, no tensing up whenever she was touched, no wincing or projecting her mind to some faraway place. She couldn’t remember ever being this aroused by a man, not even with the dhampir Lars.

“I didn’t want you holding off the other night, but hey . . .” she challenged. “I don’t have an overnight case in the car, so I’ll have to run home and pack.”

“Sure, we’ll meet at my house.” Several moments passed before he spoke again. “I told you the reasons why I didn’t allow us to sleep together the other night. I respect you, Lydia. Honestly, our comfort levels shall determine the course we take this weekend. We’ll know if it’s the right timing.”

Lydia smiled. “It was the right timing the other night.”

Bjorn reared his head back and laughed as he swiped a blond strand away from his eye.

When the waiter finally brought their food, they ate in silence. Lydia’s breath caught as Bjorn’s magnetizing gaze intensified. There was no need for words, she thought to herself as she continued eating her cuisine.

She’d almost forgotten about Dawn and Lars, but she froze almost immediately when a shadow seemed to grace the entire restaurant in the blink of an eye. At first she thought she was hallucinating, but the look on Bjorn’s face told her otherwise.

Bjorn dropped his fork and turned his head slightly to the right, into the sea of people.

“What was that?” Lydia trembled slightly. She took a small guess, but didn’t want to admit to herself that Lars could be in the room. Judging from Bjorn’s body language, it had to be the dhampir.

“Think we have company.” He continued searching the room with his eyes, but to no avail. He turned back to face her. “This could pose a problem.”

“You mean, you’ll change your mind about this weekend?”

“No, darling, there’s nothing that could ever make me change my mind about you.”

Lydia chewed at her lip nervously. “Are you so sure about that?”

Bjorn laughed. “Of course I am. Doll . . . what’s wrong? Come on now,” he coaxed. “I let you in on my secret. Now it’s your turn.”

“I don’t have any secrets.”

“Who are you trying to fool, yourself or me?” He gazed at her before releasing a smile. “Look.” He wiped his mouth with the brown cloth napkin. “I see your difficulties with your cousin. Obviously something bad has happened between you both. Babe, I’ve been around for thousands of years. I know jealousy and hatred when I see it, and your cousin is filled with both.”

Lydia shook her head as her bottom lip trembled. “Something very horrible did happen between us, just a few evenings ago.” She looked at him. “We argued. She knew I was out with you, but I didn’t want to tell her.”

He frowned. “Why not? We’re grown and have nothing to hide. Dawn does not dictate whether or not we see each other. We are the governing factor of that. No one else.”

“But . . .”

“What are you so afraid of?”

His gaze penetrated hers for a few moments, and for a few seconds, she came close to spilling everything, but she just couldn’t. “I’m afraid that I’ll mess this up between us.”

“You could never,” he assured her. “I have faith that you’ll tell me whatever it is that’s bothering you, but once again, I can’t promise that I won’t ask if you don’t tell me soon. I’m trying to give you some space because whatever it is, it’s major and something you must make peace with, or else it will eventually tear you—and us—apart.”

She cringed. That’s exactly what the secret she was harboring would do, whether she told him or not. If Dawn had her way, she’d spill her guts about their former lives.

“I understand,” she admitted.

Bjorn smiled and glanced at his phone. “Damn, I missed a few calls. I’ve got one more meeting and I’m finished for the day.” He took out his wallet and caught the waiter’s attention. “Okay, babe, this day will be over before we know it.”

“Yes, I can’t wait.” She smiled.

* * * *

Feeling full, Lydia sat behind her desk as Bjorn quickly made his way toward his office. She unlocked her computer, put her headset on, and checked the voice messages. Many voice mails were business, and there were two hang-ups, but the last call was one that sent a chill slithering up her spine.

Lydia cringed at the dark voice that caused goose bumps to erupt over her flesh. A prickly sensation soon followed. It was Lars.

“I don’t take kindly to being toyed with. I saw you both in the garage and the restaurant,” he stated. “Once you get this message, meet me in the stairwell of the second floor. We need to talk. If you don’t meet me, I will come to your office.”

After the message ended, Lydia soon found she couldn’t breathe. Lars didn’t sound too happy, and she cursed Dawn for even getting him involved. It didn’t take much brainwork to figure out that Lars wouldn’t stand down, not after he traveled all this way to see her, when he thought she’d wanted to see him. Now the man needed an explanation. He needed closure, and it was up to her to give it to him.

She looked around the office. At least now the day was at a leisurely pace. She pondered whether to meet Lars. She needed to send him back to L.A. Then she’d tell Bjorn her horrid secret tonight—or, maybe sometime during the course of the weekend.

Wringing her hands, she slipped out the entrance to the lobby and down the stairs, to the second level. She gulped when she saw the tall man clad in black. His pale features resembled chiseled marble as he frowned. In an agitated manner, he swept his shoulder-length black mane away from his eyes, which narrowed to slits as she approached him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked in a low voice.

“You wanted me here.”

“No, I did not.” She averted her gaze from his hypnotizing one as she sucked in a breath. “Look. You know how Dawn is.” She looked at him again. “I didn’t call you out here.”

“So, everything she said was a lie?”

“Lars, you know Dawn’s up to no good. We’ve been having our difficulties again.”

The man’s jaw tightened, and a deep rumbling sound resonated in his chest. “I haven’t the patience . . . for these games.” His voice was deep, dark, and unnerving as his eyes cut through her soul. “You know I still want you.”

“You can’t have me, Lars. It’s over.”

“Because of him . . . the one you’re with?” Anger flashed in his dark eyes.

“You were there today,” she insisted. “Why were you spying on us?”

The vein between his eyebrows began to dance, and his lips formed a cruel, thin line as his eyes bore into hers. He reached out to stroke her cheek, drawing her into his dark embrace. She moaned as his head dipped. Black eyes mesmerized her, and for a few moments, she’d forgotten where she was.

Lydia shook her head and glanced around. A door had just closed. “What was that?” she asked, panic-stricken. “Did someone just walk past?”

Lars smiled a wicked smile. “No, my dear. Perhaps you should stop sneaking around if you want to protect your relationship. Oh, and I take it you haven’t told him of your tawdry past?”

Lydia frowned. “Leave me alone, Lars. Go back to L.A., please!”

“No problem, but just remember. When he no longer wants you, I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.”

“Why me? You can have any woman you want,” Lydia challenged. She didn’t need Lars hanging around, making things worse for her and Bjorn. Dawn already had that department covered.

“True,” the dhampir said before baring fangs. “I’ve yet to find anyone to replace you, but they’ll do. None of the women I’ve met can hold a candle to you.” With that, he walked toward the exit.

“Good-bye, once again, Lydia.” He turned to face her. “I do wish you luck in your endeavors.”

“Good-bye, Lars,” she said as relief swept over her. “Have a safe trip back to L.A.”

“I will, my love. You have a wonderful weekend.” With that, he disappeared through the door, leaving Lydia’s heart thumping erratically against her rib cage. She held her head as she suddenly became woozy. Lars had done something, but what, she didn’t know, and that gave her cause to worry as dread set in.

Heart still in her throat, she returned to her desk. The phones had died down, and she had a few seating charts to set up. Dan and his clients left, and she shuddered to think what the conference room looked like. She’d all but forgotten about the meeting.

She returned to the room and was thankful everything was cleaned up. Inhaling deeply, she walked over to grab a large bottle of soda that was left behind. Other than that, the empty pizza boxes were disposed of properly, and she had to put away the paper plates, but that was it.

Five o’ clock approached, and before she powered down her computer, Bjorn called her. “Doll, I’m getting ready to jump on a conference call with a client. He was running late. I’m sorry.”

“How long do you think you’ll be?” she asked.

“Maybe half an hour, forty minutes is the worst-case scenario. Hopefully shorter. You don’t have to wait around. Go home, do what you have to do, and meet me at my place.”

Honestly, the thought of being alone with Dawn made her stomach churn, but she needed to pack a few things. “Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“Okay, well, I’ll be out as soon as I’m finished.”

“Okay,” she said as a nervous twinge grew in her stomach. She so couldn’t wait until they started their weekend.

Chapter Nine


“Oh, that feels so good,” Lydia groaned as Bjorn gently massaged her neck and shoulders. She sat firmly between his legs, his cock straining against her back. Every so often, they’d roll their hips while enjoying the erotic friction between them.

A sigh slipped past her lips as she admired his home. The living room was a myriad of earth tones, and the large, plush black-and-red sofa seemed to swallow them up. It was so soft, she’d trade her bed in for it. She’d hoped he’d take her here, in the living room, but he had already told her if they were to have sex tonight, it would take place in his bedroom.

In the background, soft classical guitar played. Earlier, when they’d arrived, Bjorn cracked open a bottle of Pinot Noir, and she’d been in heaven ever since. He leaned in close and delivered soft kisses just beneath her ear and along the crook of her neck.

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