Dennis, Josie - Wild Heights [Classics Rekindled 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Dennis, Josie - Wild Heights [Classics Rekindled 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She did so, watching as he rubbed the head of his cock over her nipple. She arched a bit, impeded by their position. Henry glanced up as Edward began to move between the gorgeous mounds.

“Go on,” Henry urged.

Edward eased toward her mouth. “Take me, Cathy. Open your mouth to me.”

“My mouth?” she gasped, her lips parted invitingly.

“God, the thought of it,” Edward said. “Do as Henry is doing.” He breathed in a rasping breath. “Just what Henry is doing.”

Henry renewed his task, wringing another moan of pleasure from her.

“A slow lick,” Edward said.

Henry complied, dragging his tongue over her slit until she trembled. She did likewise, stroking Edward’s cock from the base to the tip. “Again.”

Henry did it again, harder this time. She must have mimicked his motions, for Edward let out a growl. “Suck, Henry!” He began to thrust in her mouth. “By God, suck her!”

Henry closed his lips over her clit and sucked hard. She began to cry out, and then the sound was muffled as she apparently wrapped her lips around Edward’s cock. She sucked and moaned, writhing on the bed as Henry thrust first one then two fingers inside of her. Edward grabbed on to the headboard, moving forward and back as Cathy’s mouth drove him over the brink. As she began to come, pressing tight against his mouth, Henry heard Edward moan. He recognized the sounds their girl made as Edward spilled his seed in her mouth. Surprise and delight. Lord, she was perfect.

Henry sat up, licking his lips to savor her taste. Edward was still shaking, his hands clasped tight on the headboard. At last he eased away from her, and sure enough Henry read the surprised pleasure on her face. Amazing.

“You taste like…you,” she said to Edward.

Edward managed a laugh. “If you say so.”

“No. Like your scent.” Her gaze fell on Henry’s still-rigid cock. “I believe I should like to taste Henry.”

Henry groaned, bringing his cock to her lips. She flicked her tongue over the head then smiled. “Like Henry.” She parted her lips to take in more of him.

He shook his head at her. “Not today, love. We have something else planned for today.”

She came up on her elbows, her eyes bright. “My surprise?”

“God, you are incredible.” Edward chuckled.

Edward climbed off the bed and retrieved the pillow. As promised it had been delivered that morning, made to his exact specifications. Henry couldn’t wait to employ it.

She tilted her head to one side as she stared at the pillow. “What is that for?”

Henry took her hand, tugging her to a sitting position. “You shall see.” He took the pillow from Edward, placing it in the center of the bed. “Trust me, it is for your comfort.”

And to better angle her lovely ass for his taking.

Chapter 7

Edward eyed Cathy with that wicked gleam she’d come to appreciate while Henry beckoned her forward. Whatever was that pretty blue pillow for?

“On your belly,” Henry commanded gently.

Oh, would he take her from behind as Edward had? Juices pulsed from her pussy at the thought of it. Stretching out over the pillow, she found it was soft on her skin. The stuffing was firm however, and her bottom was thrust into the air. She could not spread her legs very far apart.

“This is surprising,” she said.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Edward asked her.

“No.” She wriggled a bit. “But I do not see how Henry will be able to…”

“Put my cock inside of you?” Henry finished. He placed his hands on her buttocks, gently kneading until she felt herself relax. “I am using a different route to pleasure this afternoon.”

The realization struck her, startling and titillating at once. “My bottom?”

“Yes, your bottom,” Henry said, a smile in his voice. “Your luscious ass will be mine today.”

“Does that frighten you, Cathy?” Edward asked her.

“No,” she said to her own surprise. “In for a penny…”

Henry laughed then moaned as he began to knead her buttocks once more. The linens beneath her teased her breasts, and she couldn’t resist rubbing against then. Edward began to stroke her back, dropping kisses on her spine until she ached for Henry’s cock. She did not care where precisely, as long as he was deep inside of her soon.

Henry’s finger penetrated her ass then. It pinched slightly. She flinched, and he withdrew. “You are so tight.” He returned and touched her. “This is a balm, love. It will ease my way.” There was a smear of something on his finger, thick and smooth and fragrant.

The balm felt cold at first, and then it warmed as he began to thrust first one then two fingers within her. He spread her cheeks and kept up the pressure, widening her for his cock. Her ass felt a bit numb now, tingling, yet there was no discomfort. “Henry, please…”

It felt like he had three fingers in her now, but it was not enough. Edward continued to stroke and kiss her back as she finally felt the tip of Henry’s cock between her buttocks. She let out a hissing breath as he thrust slowly inside. She felt so full, her pussy aching for its possession as well. He began to move, shallow thrusts that felt strange and wonderful.

“Oh!” she cried, rubbing up against him for relief.

“Easy.” She could hear the strain in Henry’s voice. “I do not wish to hurt you.”

“My…” She gasped as he sank deeper. “My pussy, Henry.”

He withdrew slightly and surged forward again. “What of your pussy?”

She could not form the words. She felt hot and aching and on the brink of a cataclysm. Edward reached around to cup her breasts, squeezing as he intensified her need. She was so close, so ready to explode, when Henry at last began to move faster. She sobbed his name, and he finally touched her swollen flesh. His cock in her bottom, his fingers in her pussy. There was no balm on this hand, just her own juices as she clenched around him. She surrendered to the passion. Her climax seemed to go on forever as she clutched the linens beneath her. She heard Henry’s shout of completion as if from far away, lost to pure sensation. She felt the slight sting of his withdrawal soon after.

Edward kissed her, stroking her hair and murmuring words of praise. “You did beautifully, love. Did you like what Henry did?”

She struggled to catch her breath, somehow managing a nod. Henry eased the pillow from beneath her, settling her onto her back. His brows were drawn together as he gazed at her face. “I did not hurt you?”


He stroked his thumb over her cheek. “Then why are you crying?”

She wiped at her tears, just noticing them. “It was so much, Henry. I…It was so much.”

Edward smiled and held her close. “It is never enough.”

“What was in that balm?” she asked drowsily.

“Herbs from the apothecary’s. To relax you.” Henry kissed her brow. “We had him mix in some heather.”

“Heather?” she whispered.

“So it would smell like you,” Edward explained.

They held her close as her body slowly recovered from her climax. The three of them were tangled limbs and mingled breath as the afternoon went on toward evening, and she fell into a light doze.

* * * *

That evening Cathy wriggled in her seat, the performance of the Pickerings’ youngest daughter going on forever. She could scarcely pay attention, her mind filled with what they’d shared that afternoon. It had been astounding, really. Henry and Edward both seemed to take such pleasure in her own. She should not be surprised. It thrilled her to see them climax as well. It was a curious thing, this passion among the three of them.

Her bottom, however, had not fully recovered. Whatever magic the balm had imparted had since worn off. She was not in pain precisely, just aware of herself as she had never been before.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Henry asked in her left ear.

She managed to nod. “The performance is pleasant enough.”

“But not short enough,” Edward put in softly at her right.

She giggled, earning a look of displeasure from Mrs. Pickering. Schooling her expression, she sat as straight as her bottom allowed.

“Are you sore?” Henry whispered.

“Not precisely,” she answered.

“Good.” Edward sighed in obvious relief.

They stayed pressed close to her side as the eldest Pickering daughter sat before the pianoforte. She began to play adequately, and Cathy tried to focus on the music. It was nearly impossible with Henry and Edward so close she could smell their scents. That brought to mind their tastes, and she swallowed. Who would have thought such a thing was possible? She loved everything about them now, and was even more certain that taking this time with them would keep her long into the lonely life that stretched before her.

They’d said they would not leave her for the Season every year, not any longer. She was but one woman, however. And an inexperienced one at that. A smile curved her lips. Perhaps not so inexperienced now.

“That look on your face,” Henry teased. “Do I want to know what occupies that mind of yours at present?”

“Stop it, Henry,” she chastised.

Edward chuckled and opened his mouth, no doubt to say something outrageous, when the girl at the instrument ceased and stood with a bow. Polite applause filled the room, and Cathy breathed a sigh. The evening was nearly over.

Refreshments were served in the adjacent parlor, and Henry and Edward served as her escorts. They went to retrieve their drinks, leaving Cathy alone for the moment.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Clarisse Middleton asked her.

The girl wore a sour expression, one Cathy did her best to dispel with a bright smile. “Quite, Miss Middleton. What of you?”

“Not in the least.” Her eyes narrowed. “I daresay I have learned much from watching the spectacle, however.”

Trepidation flickered over Cathy’s skin. “What do you mean?”

“You and the two gentlemen,” she hissed. “I saw it all.”

“What, precisely, do you believe you saw?” Cathy asked.

Clarisse’s hands fluttered about in the air. “The looks. The glancing touches. I can guess what earned you their exclusive attention.”

Cathy pursed her lips for a long moment. “You should not spread such lies,” she bit out.

“They are not lies!” Clarisse cried.

Cathy winced as all eyes turned toward the two of them. Struggling to maintain her composure, she pulled Clarisse toward an empty corner of the parlor.

Looking about to make certain no one paid them any attention, she leaned closer to her. “Lower your voice, you harridan.”

Her eyes widened. “Harridan?”

“Miss Middleton, is there a problem?” Henry asked.

The look on his face was thunderous, his body rigid.

Fool that she was, Clarisse gave a nod. “Indeed there is, Mr. Heath. I was to have Mr. Linden this year.”

“Does Mr. Linden not have a say in that?” Edward said as he joined them, his voice deceptively calm.

She dimpled up at him. “Of course! I simply meant that…now that your parents are dead you are the master of Thistle Grange. As I am now out, it is most fortuitous.”

“The loss of my parents is fortuitous?” Edward asked.

“No, no.” Clarisse’s cheeks flushed. “I meant that with Mr. Heath so…occupied with Miss Earling, you would at last be free to court me.”

Edward’s cheeks reddened. “Listen to me and heed my words, you grasping bitch,” he growled low. “I would not dance attendance on you if you were the last eligible young lady in England.”

Clarisse blanched, looking toward Cathy and Henry for assistance. “I had thought…That is, my mother was certain…”

“And do not let me hear of your spreading that filth I overheard you say to Miss Earling,” Henry said. “She is so far above you, you cannot touch the hem of her skirt.”

Clarisse’s mouth gaped, her lips flapping like a fish pulled abruptly from the lake. “Miss Earling…”

Cathy turned sharply, cutting her from her notice and setting her from her mind. Grasping bitch, indeed! To think to use the death of Edward’s parents to her advantage.

“I believe I have grown tired of this company,” she said. “Let us find the Pickerings and make our farewells.”

“I shall call for the carriage.” Edward turned to Henry. “Do see to our coats?”

The gentlemen left, and she kept herself turned away from Clarisse. She could feel the hateful glare on her back, however. With a huff, the girl finally left her in relative peace.

In a matter of minutes the three of them were tucked into Edward’s carriage and headed for Earling Manor.

“What a horrid girl,” she said.

“I nearly wrung her neck for saying that about our parents, Edward.”

Edward nodded. “I’ve never slapped a woman, but she seemed to be begging for it.”

They grew silent for a stretch, and then Cathy sighed. “What of her accusations? She all but said the two of you are involved with me.”

Edward shook his head. “She could not possibly know anything. She had a plan, is all. She thought to get you out of the way, putting forth that you and Henry were a match.”

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