Denied (20 page)

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Authors: Marissa Farrar

BOOK: Denied
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Lily didn’t know
what was happening.

Between all the explosions and gunfire, her mind was in a whirl. Some people said you experienced clarity at a time like this, an ability to think clearly and rationally, despite the terror running through your mind, but Lily barely knew which way she should be looking. All she knew was that Monster was hurt and Cameron was dead, and now someone else was trying to kill them.

“Hello, Merrick.”

A deep, male voice called over to them, and the gunfire ceased.

The scent of Monster’s blood, combined with the acrid stench of burning metal and rubber, filled her nostrils. Morning had fully risen to bring with it another clear blue sky, only marred by the trail of black smoke from the scorched aircraft streaming across the perfect sky.

She looked over to see a massive black Land Rover. Standing outside of the vehicle were three men, each of them armed. One of the men had hold of Jess, his hand clamped over her mouth, and her arms wrenched behind her back. Her blue eyes were bulging and bloodshot, the same, frightened animal look she’d had on the airplane haunting them. She looked over to Lily, and Lily recognized the plea for help, but there was nothing she could do.

Seeing them with the other girl almost broke Lily’s heart. She thought they’d sent her to safety, but instead she’d sent the woman into another trap.

The man who had spoken smiled. Even with all of the chaos, Lily could see he was gorgeous, with olive skin, silky ebony hair, and eyes so dark they were almost black.

She felt Monster stiffen beside her.

“Rodriguez!” he snarled.

The man leaned back against the vehicle, crossing one ankle over the other, apparently relaxed despite the number of bodies lying around.

“Hello, Merrick,” the man said again. “I’ve come to claim what you owe me.”








Like what you’ve read? Book three of the Monster Trilogy,
, is now up for pre-order! Keep reading for the blurb, and click the link so you don’t miss out!

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Coming May 30

Delivered, Book three in the Monster Trilogy. Now available for



Captive at the hands of a dangerous adversary, laser-therapist Lily is the payment for a debt that wasn’t her own. More lives are at risk than hers alone, but her need to help others may just put her in the position she fears the most. Can she resist the seductive charms of Monster’s enemy, or will she fall victim to both him and the men around him?



Fighting for his life, the once disfigured and housebound Monster’s only reason for living is getting Lily back. When a figure from his past re-enters his life, Monster has to untangle his past from his present in order to figure out his future.



Will Monster and Lily find their way back to each other, or will forces both internal and external keep them apart for good?







I always feel like when I’m writing my acknowledgments, I’m standing on a stage as though I were winning the Oscars and thanking all the people who put me here.

In reality, we authors—especially indie authors—rarely get a chance to do such a thing, so we do what we always do, and that’s write our thanks to all the people who support us.

So, as always, I want to thanks my fabulous team. My editor, the lovely Lori Whitwam, who is as much a friend as an editor, even though we’ve never actually met, and who never charges me enough for her services! I’d also like to thank the two proofreaders who worked on this book, Kim Hayes and Karey McCormish, I hope you both enjoyed the story.

Thanks, as always, to my family for putting up with a dirty house and microwave dinners while I tap away at the keyboard, and to my mum for always being my biggest champion.

Final thanks goes to all my wonderful readers who have made my dream my reality. I couldn’t do this without you, and I’ll always work my hardest to make sure you have a faithful book in hand.

If you want to stay updated about my new releases, please sign up to my new release list on my blog. You will receive notification of when a new book comes out, together with exclusive previews and sales!

Thank you once again.



About the Author



Marissa Farrar is a multi-published romance, fantasy, and horror author. She was born in Devon, England, has travelled all over the world, and has lived in both Australia and Spain. She now resides in the countryside with her husband, three young children, a crazy Spanish dog, and two rescue cats. Despite returning to England, she daydreams of one day being able to split her time between her home country and the balmy, white sandy beaches of Spain.

Even though she’s been writing stories since she was small and held dreams of being a writer, her initial life plan went a different way.

In her youth, inspired by James Herriot, she decided to become a vet, and would regularly bring home new pets to her weary parents. Upon discovering her exams were never going to get her into a veterinary degree, she ended up studying Zoology. Once she completed her degree and realised she’d spent the majority trying to find time to write, she decided to follow her dream of being an author. Seven years later, she was published and two years after that she was able to say goodbye to the day job.

However, she’s continued to collect animals!

Marissa is the author of twenty novels, including the dark vampire ‘Serenity’ series. Her short stories have been accepted for a number of anthologies including,
Their Dark Masters,
Red Skies Press,
Masters of Horror: Damned If You Don’t,
Triskaideka Books; and
2013: The Aftermath,
Pill Hill Press.

If you want to know more about Marissa, then please visit her website at
. You can also find her at her facebook page,
or follow her on twitter @marissafarrar.

She loves to hear from readers and can be emailed at
[email protected]

Also by Marissa Farrar


Contemporary Fiction Novels






The Serenity Series:


The Vengeful Vampire
(free short story)

(free first novel of the series!)






The Dhampyre Chronicles:


Twisted Dreams

Twisted Magic


The Spirit Shifters Series:


Autumn’s Blood
(free first novel)

Saving Autumn

Autumn Rising

Autumn’s War

Avenging Autumn

Autumn’s End




(Please note, the prequel to Underlife,
Go Back
, is now free to download from Amazon)









Copyright © 2016 Marissa Farrar



Warwick House Press


Edited by Lori Whitwam

Cover art by Marissa Farrar


License Notes

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.



Publisher’s Note

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.










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