Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series (9 page)

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“Is something wrong, sweetheart?” Her face suddenly grew concerned.

“Cate saw my eyes glow last night,” he grimaced and his shoulders slumped.

“Oh dear. What happened?”

He briefly explained. “Mum, I don’t know what to do. It’s getting harder to hide the truth from her.”

“Well, she
the most powerful Denai ever born, but more importantly she knows you well.”

“I managed to brush it off.”

“Why not just tell her?”

Jason gaped at her. “Mum, you can’t be serious. You always said keeping my secret was the most important thing. Only you, Doug and Lex know what I really am. You told me never to tell anyone.”

“Yes, but I’ve seen what a hard and lonely existence you’ve had. You never let a woman get close to you and it breaks my heart to see it.”

“No, I’ve been foolish. I let my guard down. I just need to put some distance between me and Cate, find someone else.”

“Do you want someone else?”

“Gods no, but…”

“You’re in love with her. I’ve known it since the day all those centuries ago when you came home and told me about the mysterious woman with the sapphire eyes that you tried to help, who vanished without a trace.” Marina touched his cheek. “You should tell her how you feel.”

“I can’t.”

“But you need to, it’s eating you up inside. Trying to lose yourself in someone else will only make it worse. Tell her the truth – all of it. Even you deserve some happiness in life.”

“Yeah and what if she never speaks to me again? Or worse, what if I tell her my secret and someone else finds out? I don’t care what happens to me, but I’ll die before I ever let anything happen to her.”

“At least you would have someone to share your life with, the chance to settle down and…”

Jason shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve stayed here for too long. I should leave before…”

“What about Cate? She needs you, she relies on you as her partner and friend and I know how much she cares for you. You owe her more than that.”

“But what if the Ashrali or someone else finds out about me?”

“You can’t run forever and you don’t have to anymore. You have friends and allies here including Cate, the future Grand Mistress.”

“Even the Denai wouldn’t stand a chance against them.”

“Wouldn’t we? We’re immortal and we’re still alive despite ten thousand years of opposition. I just want you to have a chance at happiness – of a normal life.”

“I’m not normal though, am I?” Jason smiled. “But you know I’m happy, Mum. Being here with you, Cate, and the team have been the best years of my life.”

“Good, then don’t you dare walk away from it, my boy. I love Cate too and I won’t watch you break her heart,” Marina replied. “If you try to find your passion somewhere else, don’t think your love for Cate will just disappear. We can’t choose who we love. I may have only spent a brief time with your father, but he was my soul mate and I shall never love in the same way again.”

Jason sighed and shook his head. “I can’t tell her. At least not right now. She has enough to deal with.”

“There’s never going to be a right time. I have a feeling the truth will come out sooner or later,” Marina said. “Don’t forget about Sunday dinner, it’ll be nice to have you home for once.”

“You know work…”

A loud boom came from the direction of Cate and Ian.
Now what?

Hurrying back to the examination room, he found the machine next to Cate had been blown to pieces.

“Gods all frigging mighty, Sis!” Ian was fuming. “What the hell did you do that for?”

Cate pulled the tangled wires off her arms and chest. “I didn’t mean to – it was an accident.”

“Yeah, right! I know how annoyed you get when you’re impatient, but seriously, couldn’t you have just turned it off instead of blasting it to bloody hell?”

“Serves you right! That’s payback for you and Steve murdering my car.”

“We didn’t murder it!”

“No, you mercilessly tortured it then twisted it into a useless hunk of metal.”

For once Jason was very glad he was an only child. When the McCray’s fought, they really clashed and anyone around them should quickly head for cover.

“Erm – Cate, if you’re done, we really need to get back to work.” Jason braced himself.

“Sis, you’re the one who said we could use the car.”

“Yeah, but that was before I knew you were carrying out one of Steve’s bloody experiments! You knew there was a risk to my car yet you…”

“Cate!” Jason said, more loudly this time.

She turned to glare at him. “What?”

“We need to go. Now!”

“Fine. I’ll see you later, Brother.”

chapter 10


Cate could feel the beginnings of a migraine, which wasn’t surprising given some of the horrific things she’d seen as they spent the day searching the compound for the elusive drug. Even so, she didn’t feel half as bad as she normally did after having multiple visions.

Seline was right about one thing, maybe she did need to take energy more often to keep up with the demands of her powers. But she didn’t like to feed on Jason all the time; she was afraid of draining him too much, despite how powerful he was.

“So, what did Seline say about your powers?” Jason asked as he carried in two bowls of pasta for their dinner.

“She said I’m in transition, that I need to start preparing for the ascension and just feed more often or it will only make it harder for me to cope.”

“That makes sense, you should take her advice.”

“Some of us need to feed more often, which is why we meditate and recharge our batteries, so to speak, by utilising ley lines under the city.”

Ley lines were streaks of natural magical energy running through the Earth that could be tapped into, to add power to spells and rituals. Denais manipulated them in times of need or just to recharge their strength – especially after using their compulsion or Touch.

Faliaster sat on a very powerful source that lay right beneath the palace. Only the Grand Mistress could open it, but ley lines could be used by those that knew how. Though tapping into one too quickly could be deadly.

“But meditation takes too long sometimes. Gran says I should get a lover and use sex as a way of getting more energy.” Jason choked on his beer and she laughed. “Don’t worry — I don’t plan on using you for that.”

He took another gulp of beer. “Why not? I mean, you can use my energy any time you need it.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t seem right. I shouldn’t have to rely on you so much. You take care of me enough as it is – which you needn’t do. I can look after myself.”

“I don’t mind supporting you. For one thing you can’t cook, me doing it is part of our agreement. Plus you’d live on caffeine and chocolate if you could,” he said and frowned. “Do you share power when you have sex?”

Cate almost choked herself. Goddess, this was getting way too weird!

“No, I don’t. Hell, that’s way too personal for me. With my powers I could end up killing someone. Gran said I should just get energy from a guy during sex. I’ve done that before –with Finn.”

She watched him gulp down some more beer. “That Celtic bastard…” His anger wasn’t a surprise.

Cate knew Jason and Finn loathed each other. “I learnt from that mistake already.”

“Well, if you need – to use anyone – use me. For energy I mean.”

She shook her head. “I can’t.”

“Why? I don’t mind.”

“I – it just wouldn’t feel right,” she said, flushing with embarrassment.

“I’m your only option – other than sleeping with some random guy.”

“I’ll find a way around it.”

The awkwardness between them carried on through dinner.

Jason cleared the table and placed everything in the dishwasher. “Do you mind if I pop out for a while?”

“No, why would I? I’m just going to sit and meditate for an hour or so. May as well, whilst I have the time.”

“Okay, see you later.” Jason teleported out.


Cate breathed a sigh of relief. She could do with some time alone for a while. Settling down in the spell circle, she crossed her legs and closed her eyes, soon feeling the hum of the ley line which ran underneath her house.

Slowly feeling the tingle of energy as it began to flow through her body, Cate started to relax before images suddenly flashed before her eyes, memories of the night before as she was forced to search for something. She saw an image of a large, blue, leather-bound book. Then she found herself standing on the balcony again just as Jason bent to her kiss. Gasping, her eyes flew open as she found herself back in her living room and saw the silver orbs that had been sparkling around her, instantly vanish.

What was it about that stupid dream?
she thought.
Goddess, I need a drink!

Heading to the kitchen, Cate opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer. She needed to banish all thoughts of sex and Jason from her mind.

Just then her phone chimed; picking it up she saw a message from Jade.

‘Hey sweetie, my mum is in the city tonight. Fancy meeting us for a drink?’

Shoving the bottle back into the fridge, she text back, ‘Sky in 10 minutes. Meet you there.’


The club was pulsing with music, energy, and people as Jason walked in and headed to the bar. Gods, he really needed to clear his head and take his mind off Cate for a while.

“Rough day?” Lex asked as he came over.

“Something like that. Give me a double, will you?”

“I’m guessing it has something to do with a certain witch. Gods forbid I ever fall in love.” Lex passed him the drink.

“My mum says I should tell her the truth about everything. How I feel and what I am.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, mate.”

“I agree. Gods below, I don’t know what the hell to do.” He dropped his head into his hands.

“Look for your own place to live for a start. Speaking of Denais, there’s one heading your way.”

Jason turned to see Angie, a pretty redhead with green eyes. She was tall and big-breasted, but she didn’t have Cate’s otherworldly beauty or her smouldering eyes that could look deep into someone’s soul. He’d known Angie for centuries and knew she’d always held a candle for him. It wasn’t that Angie wasn’t attractive, but she wasn’t his type.

Ah hell!
he thought.

Angie was wearing low-rise leather trousers, spiky heels and a sparkly green halter that showed a fair amount of her cleavage and midriff. “Hey stranger,” she gave him a flirtatious smile, “I was hoping you’d come.”

Jason mentally sighed. Fuck, he really shouldn’t have chatted her up, much less suggest they go for a drink sometime. He knew he’d live to regret it.

You’ve only got yourself to blame, Talbot

Damn, all he’d been trying to do was take his mind off Cate. Now he just needed to drown his sorrows for a while.

“Buy me a drink?” Angie suggested.

Lex gave him a look.
Might do you good to have some female company for once, my friend.

“Sure, what’ll you have?”

“Martini. Dirty.”

Lex got the drink and Jason gulped down some more of his beer.

“Strange seeing you without your shadow for once,” Angie commented. “Kind of nice actually.”

Jason gritted his teeth; damn he had
liked this woman. “Cate’s my partner. Naturally, we spend a lot of time together.”

“I know how dedicated you are to the job, but is it true you actually live together? That hardly seems ethical.”

“My relationship with Cate is none of your business or anyone else’s.”

Angie’s smile faded. “Sorry, I just want to be clear. You’re not really a couple, are you? Cate and I are part of the same coven and you know what a bitch she can be.”

He ground his teeth together. “We’re just friends, that’s all. I hardly would have asked you out if we were a couple, would I?”

Her smile brightened. “Good. Now that’s cleared up, I…”

Jason stopped hearing what she was saying as he felt a familiar presence enter the club.
Oh hell!


There were some perks to being the Second. A flash of the amulet soon got everyone to steer clear of Cate as she entered the club. Jade was perched on a bar stool, wearing a dark red, corset dress, trimmed with black lace, that barely covered her backside, and black thigh-high boots. Beside her was a woman with short, spiky blonde hair, dressed in black leather. Mel was Jade’s mother, a fellow Denai, and somewhat infamous in the coven and throughout Magickind as one of the oldest surviving witches. Everyone called her ‘the Executioner’, as she was often called in to carry out death sentences. Mel and Jade both liked to dress sexily when they weren’t working and they made Cate feel a bit frumpy in her jeans and vest top.

The sounds of buzzing thoughts and emotions filled Cate’s head the closer she got to people. Part of her feared Seline was right and had hoped she wasn’t, but now she was starting to realise it wasn’t just a flux in power. She really was in transition and the ascension was only weeks away. The pounding music only made it seem worse, but Cate slammed her mental shields fully up and headed over to the bar.

“Hey kid!” Mel smiled when she saw Cate. “How are you doing?”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I’m a conduit. I sense power and your energy levels are through the roof.”

“Goddess! You’re in transition,” Jade squealed. “Finally! We should celebrate.”

“That’s not the only thing different about you.” Mel observed her amulet.

“Yeah, but Gran and I reached a compromise,” Cate replied.

She laughed. “Ceri was the only other person I knew who could compromise with the old dragon.”

Cate chuckled. Mel was the only Denai that could badmouth Seline without fear of reprisal.

“What do you want to drink, sweetie?” asked Jade. “I bet Lex has some champagne somewhere.”

“Becoming the Second and being close to ascension is not something to celebrate,” replied Cate. “My head hurts just being here. Get me a beer.”

“Transition is worse for empaths and telepaths, than it is for the rest of us. I vaguely remember being really hungry for energy. You’ll need to feed a lot more often,” Mel said, “but having an Elemental around does come in handy.”

“So Gran tells me. How long before you ascended? I remember Jade only had to wait a month.”

“Depends on the witch, how strong you are, and how long it takes for your powers to fully emerge. Any sign of Ashrali abilities yet?”

Cate shook her head. “No, and part of me hopes there won’t be any.”

“Transition is a bitch. I kept shifting into my wolf form non-stop and my crystal’s powers were all over the place. I got hungry too, but that was for sex just as much as energy,” Jade told her.

“You get more through sex than by normal feeding,” Mel agreed and grinned. “Good thing you have a man like Talbot around.”

Jade smiled. “That’s one male I’d love to take a bite out of.”

Cate groaned. “Not every Denai has sex with her Mavis.”

“Of course they do. The Mavis Order was founded by a Denai’s lover and Elemental, and then later they became more than just energy sources or a way to produce children. They help us in lots of ways,” said Mel.

“Jason isn’t my lover,” she repeated for about the hundredth time that day. “And we’re definitely not having children together.”

“That’s what I don’t get. How could he not be? I know you want him, even though you try to deny it,” Jade said, looking puzzled.

“Talbot may be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a good man. Doug and I have known him for a long time. I’ve never seen him with a woman, the way he is with you.”

“You’re going to have to give in to that sexual tension some time.” Jade took a sip of her drink. “You won’t be able to ignore the attraction now the ascension is coming. It heightens all of your emotions.”

Cate knew that already, but she didn’t think it was affecting her. “I don’t feel any different,” she denied. “Enough about Jason. Let’s go find a table.”

Just as they all grabbed their drinks, her senses tingled. She turned and her eyes locked with a familiar set of grey ones. There was Jason, sitting with Angie. She stopped dead for a moment, before quickly turning and walking after Mel and Jade. So that was where he’d gone off to.

“What the hell is Jason doing with Angie?” Jade voiced the same thought that was running through her mind.

“Looks like they’re having a drink together,” Mel commented as she sat down in a private booth and threw up a ward to stop anyone overhearing them.

The sounds of the club settled to a dull mute and Cate was glad for the reprieve, but it was taking all her concentration just to keep the voices at bay. She gripped her glass tighter and Jade took her hand. It was enough to drown out everyone else, but she still felt all of Jade’s concern.

“Talbot should be over here helping you through this.” Mel glared over at Jason.

“He can’t be with me every minute of every day,” Cate replied.

“He should be with you when you’re out in public like this.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to make this worse for you.” Jade’s sympathy made her head ache and she pulled her hand away. “We could…”

“I’m fine,” Cate insisted as she took another gulp of beer.

“Drinking alcohol during transition isn’t a good idea. It’ll interfere with your senses and probably make you drunk before you know it,” said Mel, looking worried.

“It’s just one drink. We found the body of an unknown Denai today.”

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