Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series (28 page)

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“Damn, you’re good in that dress.”

She looked down to see she was wearing the one she’d bought for their anniversary. Jason came up and hugged her, kissing her neck.

She smiled and took his hands. “We did it. We got through the ascension.” She stared up at him. “But something is wrong. I took too much, didn’t I?”

“It was too late, my wound was already fatal.”

Cate shook her head. “No! No, I’m not going to lose you. Not now when we finally have a future.”

Jason stroked her cheek. “Cate –”

“Don’t you dare say goodbye to me.” Tears filled her eyes and inside her heart was breaking. “You can’t go, I won’t let you.”

“I love you.” He pulled her close and she could see he was crying too. “I’ll always be with you.”

There had to be another way. “Bond with me,” she said suddenly. “We can be bonded. My immortality–”

“Might not be enough. We could both die.”

“I don’t care. I’m not losing you.”

“Are you sure? If this works, there’s no going back from it. We’d be connected to each other forever.”

“I love you and don’t ever want to be without you. I know a bond is forever and I want forever with you,” Cate said. “But you have to be certain too.”

Jason smiled. “I’ve always wanted forever with you.”

Cate took a deep breath. “Breath to breath and life to life. Our minds and souls shall be bound from this day. May our minds, magic, and bodies be forever intertwined,” she said. “I take you as my bonded. This bond shall never be broken.”

Jason repeated the words and she felt pain tear through her. Her eyes flew open and she gasped as something pulled at her. Not just her magic, but at her very soul, as light washed over them. She lay against his chest, struggling to breathe as energy poured from her into him. She lay there for a few moments and waited. Nothing happened. Had she done something wrong? Was she too late to save him?

“Don’t leave me,” Cate said. “If you die, I’ll kick your Nuardan arse.”

Cate lay there and heard the steady beating of his heart before she felt a hand come up and stroke her bottom. “Hey!”

Jason grinned up at her. “You aren’t going to deny a dying man a little fun, are you?”

Cate gave him a playful slap before she hugged him. “Don’t ever do that to me again!”

“I promise. I can’t believe it’s over and we’re still here. You don’t regret the bond, do you?”

“No, why would I?” She scrambled up. “Come on, let’s see if they have a shower, bath, or something I can wash in.”


As they walked back to the house, everything seemed brighter and more vivid than it had before. If this was what being immortal was like, then it felt good.

“You look different,” Jason commented.

“Yeah, I look a mess.”

“No. When you were ascending, you looked like a goddess with beautiful wings.”

“I hope I don’t have wings now. Do I?” She felt around her shoulders. “Check my back.”

Jason ran a hand down her spine and she shivered as his touch sent a wave of desire through her. “No wings, but you look more beautiful than ever.”

Cate let out a sigh of relief and shivered again.


She’d forgotten she was still clad only in her underwear. “No, I’m hot. Really hot.”

“Yes, you are.” He slipped his arms around her, his hands running over her bare skin.

His lips gently roamed down her neck as one hand found her breast and the other hand went lower until he found heat. She gasped as his fingers stroked her sex. “Why did you seal the bond?” he murmured in her ear.

“You – you know why.” His fingers continued to stroke, sending shivers of desire through her. “You were – oh goddess!”

“I want you so badly.” Jason suddenly pulled away, making her ache with need. “But I need to know this is real. A bond is forever. In the old days it was considered a marriage. That makes you my wife.”

“I know that. I didn’t say the words just to save you. I did it because I love you.”

“Good, because I don’t know how much longer I can stay in control.” His eyes started to burn with desire.

Cate smiled and shoved the door open. “Get in then.”

In one swift move Jason picked her up and kissed her. Cate gasped and moaned as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Her tongue stroked his as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he backed her up against the wall.

Tossing her bra aside, his hands found her breasts again. He dipped his head to take one hard bud into his mouth and then the other. She arched towards him at the tender assault as waves of pleasure shot through her. They hit the floor, struggling out of their remaining clothes as the throbbing ache became an overwhelming need. His lips roamed down her stomach, as he found her aching core and thrust his fingers inside her for the first time. Cate cried out as he continued to lick and his hand stroked, sending waves of ecstasy through her.

Her hands fisted in his hair. She was so close now and bit back a scream as the first orgasm exploded through her. Then his lips found hers again as he ravaged her mouth and they fought to be closer. Powerful magic sizzled and burned around them. In one swift move he was inside her. Jason groaned and found her wet and ready for him. She parted her legs further, accepting the full, hard length of him.

Cate rocked against him, loving the feel of his hands on her, of his body laying claim to hers. He moved in and out of her heat. Again and again their bodies met and parted, moving in a wild, frantic rhythm. Over and over, he took her higher with every stroke.

Cate felt the first crash of orgasm and couldn’t hold back any longer. She screamed his name and clung to him, pulling him tighter. Still he moved within her body, taking her to heights of pleasure she’d never felt before. She watched his eyes burn brightly as the magic continued to swirl around them wildly.

Jason kissed her again, taking her mouth as he took the rest of her, in long deep strokes. His tongue tangled with hers as their bodies melded as one, fitting together perfectly.

Another orgasm tore through her, shaking her, and she drew her mouth away to gasp for air as her body shook from the onslaught. She felt his body jolt against hers as they came together in a powerful explosion of love and magic.


Cate didn’t quite remember how they had made it up to one of the bedrooms. All she knew was she’d never felt so happy, so at peace, in her entire life as she lay in Jason’s arms. In her husband’s arms. “Husband,” she murmured. “That’s going to take some getting used to.”

Jason smiled and kissed her hair. “I quite like it.”

“It just doesn’t feel real.”

“Which part of everything we just did didn’t feel real?”

“I don’t mean that. I mean the bond. I said the words and now we’re joined together. Forever. Which is great, but–”

“Then what’s wrong, love?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just being silly.” Cate shrugged. “Let’s see if there’s any food around here.”

Cate tried to pull free of his embrace, but he wouldn’t let her. “No, not until you tell me what’s bothering you.”

“I don’t know. A bond should mean something, other than a way of saving your life.”

“To me it does.”

“It does to me too.”

As they went downstairs, Jason couldn’t help feeling she was holding something back, but he couldn’t sense what exactly. The sight of her wearing only a shirt was making it hard to concentrate. They found bread and cold meat in the kitchen that had been well preserved and Cate started making sandwiches.

Jason suddenly felt nervous. “I was planning on asking you this after the ascension was over, but I thought I’d wait – oh hell!” he said and got down on one knee. “Forget the bond, will you marry me?” He held up his hand to reveal the ring Lydia had given them.

Cate put her hand over her mouth in shock as he slipped the ring on her left hand. “I know the odds aren’t in our favour, but I love you and I want you to be my wife. I know the bond might not feel like a real marriage, so let’s do it for real.”

Cate threw her arms around him and kissed him. “I love you so much.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Yes! But what about the–”

“The Ashrali? I don’t think we have to worry about them so much now we’re bonded. Your magic makes it harder for them to sense me.”

“If not, we’re in this together now. No matter what. So don’t even think about trying to run away from me.”

“I won’t, but I don’t think your parents are going to be very happy.”

“They’ll get used to it. Maybe we should keep this a secret for now. About the book, my ascension, and about us.”


“The moment Gran knows we have the Grimoire – I don’t know. I just have a bad feeling something awful is going to happen.” She glanced over to where it lay glistening on the table. “So many people have lost their lives for that thing. I thought it was the solution, but now I’m starting to wonder if it’s the problem”

“The book belongs with your family. It’s your legacy, no matter who craves its knowledge.” He stroked her hair. “You found it, it belongs to you now.”

found it. I couldn’t have done this without you.” Cate rested her head against his chest.

“Whatever happens next, we’ll get through it together.”



The coven was already gathered when Cate arrived. Seline glared at her as she hurried over.
You’re late!
The Grand Mistress said accusingly.
You’ve been gone for two days. Where were you?

I was busy searching for Myrus and leads on the Grimoire.

You should be here preparing for your ascension. Did you find anything?

Cate shook her head.

You’re hiding something from me. I can feel it.

Cate sighed. Keeping everything a secret was going to be impossible.
I’ll explain after the circle. There are a few things I need to tell you.

Seline’s eyes narrowed with suspicion.
What do you have to tell me?

Not now, Gran. You have a circle to lead.

Does it have to do with Talbot?

Not just him.

Seline said nothing else and turned back to the circle.

“She isn’t going to take it well,” Ceri commented.

Cate frowned at her. “What do you mean?”

“About the bond. Yes, I can feel it and you’re glowing. It’s hard not to notice. She’ll get over it eventually. She never liked your father either.”

“Are you angry too?” she asked nervously.

“No, but I advise you to be cautious. You bonding with a Nuardan is going to cause a few shock waves. I can’t say Kal will be very happy either, so make the most of this time,” said Ceri. “Go away for a couple of weeks and enjoy yourself.”

You really think Gran will let me?
Cate asked in thought, so Seline wouldn’t overhear them.

You’re your own woman. Don’t let Seline control your life. Once you have ascended, I think it’ll be time for you to get some training and learn more about your Ashrali side. You need to learn to control your new powers.

New powers. She hadn’t used them to see how strong they were. In truth, she was afraid of what might happen, but she would have to know sooner or later. Maybe it was time for a break. Elaris and training could wait for a couple of weeks, she decided, and she couldn’t wait to see Jason.

Seline took her hand and a feeling of dread suddenly came over Cate as the usual invocation was said.

Hush, Catherine!

But Gran, something…
Suddenly her senses became flooded with feelings of pain and despair; the sound of a thousand screams echoed through her ears.

There were more cries as one by one each of the witches doubled over, writhing on the ground in pain.

Cate covered her ears and could barely see through the images flashing past her vision. Closing her eyes, she reached for her magic, desperately trying to block it all out and gain control, but it only seemed to make it worse.

She could hear someone shouting her name, but it was a whisper amidst the chaos.

Cate saw figures moving and someone yanked her up; the familiar burn of anti-magic drowned out the agony as Tasha gripped her arms behind her back. She saw Raven, Marcus the Null, and several Mija hovering nearby. The entire coven, including Seline and Ceri, lay on the floor, overwhelmed by the same onslaught that had crippled her.

“What are you doing to them?” Cate demanded.

Tasha smiled. “Impressive, isn’t it? We finally found a way to overpower you all.”

Marcus dragged Seline to her feet. Blood was pouring from her eyes, but she glared up at Raven defiantly. “I knew you would show your hideous face sooner or later. How dare you defile my temple?”

Raven slapped Seline across the face, hard enough for her head to snap back.

Cate? I’m coming.
Now the chaos was gone she could clearly hear Jason and sensed Devas outside.

How can I sense you?
she asked in surprise.
Tasha is holding me.

The bond and the ascension must have magnified your powers.

What about the Devas?

Let me worry about them.

What are you going to do? Phelps has hold of me. I can’t move.

Cate saw a flash of lightning outside the temple and knew he was already here. It gave her some small hope, but she didn’t know what good his powers would be against two Nulls.

“It’s my temple now.” Raven smiled. “I’ve been waiting for this day for so many centuries, but I commend you, Seline. You’re the only Grand Mistress who has given me a good fight. You diminished my ranks and almost destroyed my Covenant. Even your daughter did this to me.” Raven motioned to her scarred flesh. “But of course, this day was inevitable. It’s my destiny.”

“It’s your destiny to die a slow, agonising death,” spat Seline and struggled against Marcus.

Raven only carried on smiling as she sat down on the Grand Mistress’s throne. More lightning flashed outside, as Tasha dragged Cate up onto the dais. “Don’t think your Mavis will save you. He’s no match for my Deva.”

Cate smiled, despite her fear. “Clearly you know nothing about him then.” Movement caught her eye and she turned to see an old woman enter the temple. She instantly recognised her as the fortune teller she’d seen in Stoneridge. “You!” Cate said in disbelief. “I should have known you were working with the Covenant.”

“I work for no one, witchling,” the old woman replied. “I simply go where I am needed.”

The woman held a blood red ruby on a chain, the size of a baby’s fist, and Cate winced as its radiating power threatened to overwhelm her senses once more.

“Impressive, is it not?” The old crone gave a toothed grin. “It is an ancient amulet from the Old World that renders all witches of your kind powerless. Not even the strongest of you can defeat it.”

“Enough talking, Helga. Get on with it. I want my powers back,” Raven said impatiently.

Helga turned her one good eye on Raven. “Do not rush me. This will take time.”

“But I’ll get what I want, will I not? I will be Grand Mistress and the Goddess Marked will die by my hand. The prophecy will never come true, that is what you saw,” Raven said uncertainly.

Tasha gripped Cate tighter. “Let me kill her now before the Nuardan tries to save her.”

“Not yet,” said Helga. “First things first.” She pulled out a wicked-looking knife. “Hold out her hand. Show me her Mark.”

Tasha yanked Cate’s arm forward and held out her right hand. Helga slashed her knife across the seven pointed star, so that blood dripped from the open wound. Then the crone took a drop of blood from the blade and sucked it off her finger. “Sweet, yet spicy. You have ancient power in you, girl. Not just from the witches, the power of the Elder Races,” Helga murmured. “Long forgotten, but it’s still there. Such a pity. It would have been interesting to see what destiny had in store for you. So young and so untrained, that makes you more dangerous still.”

“I’ll kill you!”

“No, that you will not, for I am beyond your powers. Do not think your bonded can save you. The Death Dealers have already come for him.”

Death Dealers? Devas. She could sense them now; three of them, besides the one that served Raven.

“The Ashrali will reward me well for bringing in a Nuardan,” said Raven. “Now your strength will restore my power.”

“Her blood will end the curse, but you need the strength and power of the Grand Mistress to get what you truly desire.” Helga let the drops of Cate’s blood drip into a small vial that she handed to Raven.

“You may kill me, but you will
be Grand Mistress,” Seline snarled.

Cate reached out to Jason again and felt the burn of kinetic energy.
Get inside the temple!

I can’t. I’m surrounded.

Damn it! She needed to do something, but with Tasha holding her she couldn’t move and fidgeted in frustration.

Raven gulped down a potion and gasped as flames burst over her for a moment before vanishing. Cate looked away; the curse Ceri had placed on Raven was gone. She could feed again now, on whoever she chose to.

The rest of the coven would be no help either, they were all immobilised by the amulet’s power. She didn’t think Helga was an ally, but she hadn’t thought her an enemy either. She tried to call her brothers, but that didn’t seem to work. She sensed someone coming and felt a ray hope.

Cate turned to look. It was Odin and he was carrying the Grimoire. “It was right where you said it would be, Wise One,” he said to Helga.

Cate gaped at him. “How the hell did you get that?”

“Your magic shielded it well, but I have been a Mavis for a very long time. I know the same magic you and Talbot used.” Odin smiled. “Once I knew where the book and the missing pages were located, it was simple to take them. I can’t tell you how good it feels, knowing that you fucking Denai are all about to die. And you will never enslave anyone else the way that bitch enslaved me!” He glared at Seline.

“You let down the temple’s wards,” said Seline, realisation hitting her. She tried to make a grab for her former Mavis. “How did you break free?”

“I freed him,” Raven told her. “Even permanent compulsion can be broken.”

Odin placed the Grimoire down at Raven’s feet. “For you, my lady.” He got down on one knee. “I am, as always, your servant.”

“Thank you for your loyalty.” Raven’s fingers wrapped around Odin’s throat. Light flashed over him before his body exploded. Raven drew in a breath. “I haven’t taken a life like that in over fifteen years. I’d forgotten how good it feels.”

Raven’s dark eyes turned on Cate. “You cannot kill her, not yet. You need the power of the Grand Mistress,” said Helga.

Raven grabbed Seline, who stifled a scream as light started to pour out of her.

“No!” Cate cried and struggled, stamping on Tasha’s foot. The Null gripped her tighter.

Cate looked at Helga, who stood watching.
Stop her!
She directed her thoughts at the old crone, hoping she would hear.
Help me. You can’t do this!

Helga flicked a glance in her direction.
This is not my doing, witch. This is destiny at work.

You said it was my destiny to kill Raven! Or was all that a lie?

You have the power, girl. Use it.

Cate reached for her magic again and doubled over as she felt Jason get hit.

“What’s wrong with you?” demanded Tasha. “Is the ascension finally coming on?”

Seline crumpled to the floor, still alive, but a new aura of power now shone around Raven.

“More. I need more energy,” said Raven and reached for the Grimoire. A burst of light shot from the book and it slid away from her. “I don’t have the power!” Raven glared down at Seline.

She laughed. “You fool! You think taking my power is as easy as that? I am still Grand Mistress till I die or until I willingly give it up.”

“So be it.” Raven strode across the dais and grabbed Cate by the throat. “Now the prophecy will never come true.” Raven’s eyes turned black as she accessed her death magic.

Cate gasped, powerless to resist and let the magic burn through her. She collapsed to the floor, unmoving.

“Well?” Raven demanded.

Tasha felt for a pulse and found none. “She’s dead. You did it.”

“Finally. Kill them all!” The hovering Mija lunged towards the defenceless witches.

Seline glanced over at Cate. “You haven’t won yet,” she said and chanted words of power. The ground suddenly began to tremble.

Jason hurried inside the temple. His shoulder hurt like hell, but all he cared about was getting to Cate, having seen what had played out through her eyes. He looked down as tendrils of light shot up from the ground, cracks appeared on the floor, and he felt a charge of raw, natural magic. Seline had opened the source.

“You’re too late,” Raven told him triumphantly. “Your witch is dead.”

“No, she’s not.” He grinned as Cate staggered up.

Raven stared at her in disbelief. “But you were dead.”

“Feel this!” Her hand shot out as she blasted a column of silver fire at Raven, flinging the other Denai across the room.

Jason fired a lightning bolt at Helga, shattering the amulet. Energy reverberated through the air and the remaining witches slowly began to recover.

“How did you survive?” Tasha glared at Cate and raised a hand to repel any magic.

“Probably because I’m immortal and bonded to him. It’ll take more than a little touch to kill me.”

Jason raised his hand again, but Helga vanished. Raven staggered up and made a grab for Seline.

She smiled and stood resolute. “Don’t let this bitch survive, Catherine.”

“Your reign is over!”

“Yes it is, but you will never be Grand Mistress. My power will never be yours.” Seline turned and threw herself into the swirling vortex as the source opened before them. The power was incredible, sending violent waves of energy through the temple.

“Mother, no!” Ceri screamed as she vanished from sight.

Tasha advanced on Cate, but Jason was too quick, stabbing the Null in the chest. “Rest in hell,” he murmured as Tasha fell to the floor, dead.

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