Read Demon's Triad Online

Authors: Anna J. Evans,December Quinn

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Fantasy

Demon's Triad (21 page)

BOOK: Demon's Triad
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Not being permitted most sensual pleasures, Aleeza had turned her bedroom into a hedonistic cave. Silk sheets whispered against her skin as she slid between them naked.

They hadn’t compensated for the lack of a man’s touch over the years, but they’d helped her feel good, sexy. She lit the candles on the bedside table—much better than a nightlight, especially when she spoke the words that would keep them burning safely while she slept—and buried her face in the pile of soft pillows.


Anna J. Evans & December Quinn

She had a feeling one of the men would come in here soon enough. She just wasn’t sure which one it would be. Or which one she wanted it to be.

Or if she wanted it to be both of them.

“What do you mean ‘if’. Of course you want them both.” Aleeza spoke the words aloud, finding some peace in finally admitting that truth to herself.

Even if she had wanted one man over the other, she couldn’t choose just one of them. Ferrin’s outburst in the museum earlier proved that. She couldn’t have Dorand without breaking Ferrin’s heart—and her own. She couldn’t have Ferrin without losing Dorand. Not to mention whatever consequences she and Ferrin would face due to their ancestry. In her mind she pictured those two beautiful children, children who could never be allowed to exist. It suddenly didn’t matter that she’d never wanted to have kids. She’d seen the little boy, felt the baby nursing at her breast and known the profound connection she supposed was what “mother love” was all about. To realize they would never be born was enough to bring the tears.

She rolled over and turned the stereo on with a wave of her hand. She liked soft music in bed, classical and baroque. She never listened to such music anywhere else, but here in her sensual cave it felt right. She turned it up. She didn’t want the men to hear her crying.

The music rolled through her head. The tears poured down her face. She huddled under the covers, more lost and alone than she’d been before all of this started. Not to have something was bad enough. To have it so close yet be unable to grasp it was worse. And to know that her yearning had been manipulated by a murderer left her feeling tainted, weak and ashamed.

The hand on her shoulder made her jump, but not far. She knew it was Ferrin before she even turned around, so familiar was the feel of his skin, his energy.

She turned the music down enough to hear him.

“I need you to talk to me,” he said, beautiful in the candlelight. His skin glowed, his eyes only a sparkle of reflected light in the depths of his face. “I know we can’t do anything. I know I shouldn’t even be touching you, but you have to talk to me. Don’t leave me alone like this.”

Aleeza took a deep breath. “It hurts to talk to you.”

He nodded. “But it helps too.”

“Where’s Dorand?”

“In the living room. He says if he senses anything, he’s coming in. But he told me to come talk to you.”

“I don’t know why.” She adjusted the pillows so she could sit up, holding the sheet in front of her breasts. Already her nipples were hard. If Ferrin saw that, the fight would be over. Neither of them was strong enough.


Demon’s Triad

Ferrin sat on the edge of her bed, careful not to touch her even through the sheets.

“I think he figures we have some things to work out between ourselves, stuff we might not feel comfortable talking about in front of him.”

“Like the voice. And how good it feels to hear it.”


“Like the kids in the vision, the baby…”

“How it feels like they’ve died.” He swallowed hard, looking as tortured as she felt.

They stared at each other for another minute. Aleeza’s body hummed with tension.

Desire, shared grief, love…it all muddled together in her head, in her heart until she was fisting the sheet in her hands in an effort not to reach for him.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” he said.

She shook her head. Her throat was too dry to speak.

Whether he moved first or she did, she couldn’t be certain. All she knew was that one minute they were staring at each other, not touching, and the next she was in his arms, the sheet tangled beneath them as their lips joined with enough force to shatter her soul.

Together they crashed across the bed. Ferrin’s hands tangled in her hair, pressing her face to his. Their teeth ground together through their lips. She tasted blood and something inside her roared. But for once, that something was all Aleeza. The spells Dorand had cast to protect her apartment seemed to be working. There was no “other”

voice in her head, nothing but her own pure, consuming desire for the man in her arms.

Over the softly playing music, she heard the tortured gasps of their breath, the tearing of his shirt as she fumbled with the buttons and he took the quicker route and ripped it from his body. His bare chest against hers felt wonderful. His bare cock against her pussy would feel even better. She started tugging at his jeans.

Without breaking the kiss he helped, yanking them down and kicking them off his feet. She hadn’t had this with him before, the snuggled intimacy of a dim room, the softness of a bed. Part of her had wondered if she could ever be as aroused as she’d been pressed against that rock, against the hard earth. Now she knew that had been a groundless fear. They could be locked in a closet, they could be in a dusty attic or they could be in a grand suite in a beachfront hotel. It didn’t matter because there was nothing in the room but Ferrin.

She slid her hand down his muscular body to find his cock, rigid and swollen in its nest of soft dark hair. He gasped into her mouth when she touched it, closed her hand around it. Already his hips pumped forward and a drop of liquid told her just how ready he was.

Their energy swirled around them, glowing in the darkness, making the moment even more intimate. Their passion created its own veil to shield them, to protect them from whatever might happen. How could anything bad happen, when they felt this way, when their bodies fit together so perfectly? She spread her legs, settling him 109

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between them so the smooth skin of his cock pressed against her clit. Sparks flew through her body.

She lifted her hips, begging him to enter, but before he could something stopped him.

Something tall and blond, glowing white in the gloom.

Aleeza’s lips fell open and she stared in wonder. There was no other response possible when Dorand looked the way he did just now. He stood naked at the side of the bed, every chiseled, perfect muscle in his chest and stomach standing out in sharp relief. He looked carved of pure moonlight, and her pussy spasmed at the sight.

“You can’t do this without me,” he said, and something in his voice told her he didn’t just want them to be safe. He wanted to be a part of this, wanted them to want him there for himself and not his powers.

She’d never imagined herself as part of a triumvirate. It had never been possible for her or any Gunera that she knew of. But more than that, the idea had never made her entirely comfortable. She’d always thought a three-way meeting of magic was the sort of thing people planned carefully. Surely a hell of a lot more time needed to be spent talking and organizing something like this. They weren’t average people—they were supers, and the interaction of their power could have consequences outside the bedroom.

And then there was the Carantha question. Aleeza knew now that she wasn’t being haunted by her spirit, but that didn’t mean her men weren’t haunted by their lover’s memory. Maybe all they were looking for was a way to fill the void left in their lives.

Maybe Aleeza herself wasn’t as special to them as she wanted to believe.

But right now, she knew she had no time for deliberation. Whether they wanted her or just another third to replace Carantha, she couldn’t bring herself to care when her body hovered so close to pure bliss.

Ferrin watched her, his body poised just above hers. She could feel how badly he wanted to simply thrust into her, taking the decision away and sending Dorand back into the cold.

But he didn’t, wouldn’t. He would allow her to invite Dorand in. Maybe he even wanted it. She knew she did.

She held out her hand.

The colors around them changed when Dorand climbed onto the bed, his cock heavy and hard. Some of the green-gold faded, brightened, absorbed by Dorand’s white. Her own bright blue aura even shone through for a few moments. She noted it but was too nervous to care.

She saw the two men exchange glances, then Ferrin slid down, tugging her with him to the edge of the bed while Dorand ran warm hands up her arms to pin her wrists against the sheets. She tensed. How did they know what to do? Had they planned this?

Or were they simply in sync from years of bedding one woman together? Or maybe—110

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Ferrin spread her legs and pressed his tongue against her clit, and she stopped caring.

Her cries were just barely audible over the music, but they echoed in her head.

Ferrin rested her heels on his shoulders, circling his arms around so he could grip the tops of her thighs while his tongue swirled and teased, dipping inside her, feathering over her soft, wet skin.

Another tongue found her right nipple, flicking gently over the hard peak. She rolled sideways slightly, pressing her breast farther into Dorand’s mouth. He took it eagerly, his breath hot as he sucked her in, sending pleasure shooting down to her pussy.

She tried to reach for his cock, but he kept her wrists help tightly in his hands. “Let us do this,” he said, a request as much as a command.

She was happy to obey, but they weren’t going to be doing anything for much longer. Already there was enough pressure built in her pelvis to make her explode off the bed. Ferrin was wickedly talented with his tongue and seemed to know exactly where to touch lightly, where to press harder and where to avoid altogether for fear of triggering her release. She knew he was trying to prolong this for her but she didn’t think it would do any good.

She’d expected this to be awkward, expected to feel like an exhibit, but she didn’t.

All she felt was the overwhelming pleasure they gave her, their caring and attention as Dorand took his mouth from her breasts and kissed her.

The kiss had the same passion she’d shared with Ferrin, just a different flavor.

Ferrin’s energy was a glass of red wine. Dorand’s the high you got after a long run. Both were intoxicating, both sensations she knew she would crave for the rest of her life.

Dorand slipped his tongue past her lips, setting her alight with white fire, pure and clean and smelling of the forest. The connection between them flared, the light in the room changed, and as Dorand’s tongue delved into her mouth, Aleeza came with a deep, shaking intensity that made her scream.

Still Ferrin did not stop. He increased his rhythm, hitting her where she was sore and overly sensitive. It was too much, more electricity than her nerves could handle.

She tried to move but he and Dorand held her fast.

She squirmed beneath them while Dorand kissed her, caressed her, swallowed her moans into the heat of his mouth. Within moments, pain gave way to pleasure and she could feel the pressure within her building again, swelling to a magnitude she wouldn’t have believed possible.

Ferrin chose that moment to thrust his finger into her, and she screamed. Her body arched off the bed so high she thought she might actually fly if the two men didn’t keep her in place. She came so hard it hurt and healed at the same time. Her pussy clamped down on the fingers Ferrin worked inside her with a vengeance. The sensation was beyond amazing, but it still wasn’t enough.


Anna J. Evans & December Quinn

“Fuck me, please. Somebody fuck me.” The words were barely out of Aleeza’s mouth before Ferrin lifted her hips off the bed. Dorand grasped her behind the knees and helped her roll back, legs over her head until her knees hit the mattress. It was a move that would have made her karate master proud, though she doubted Sensei had ever intended the defensive back roll as a bedroom maneuver.

Aleeza immediately came onto all fours, flipping her hair out of her face to watch Ferrin at the end of the bed. He stood inches away from the mattress, his cock thick and swollen, leaking fluid that she couldn’t wait to taste. As Dorand came to his knees behind her, she motioned for Ferrin to join them.

“Oh gods, yes.” She cried out as Dorand slid into her with one long, swift stroke.

Then she parted her lips and took Ferrin inside her mouth with the same eagerness.

He was too long for her to take him all, but she tilted her head back and took as much as she could, relaxing her throat and letting Dorand’s thrusts push her forward, taking Ferrin deeper and deeper. Eventually he hit a place inside her that made her want to gag, but her profound desire to give him pleasure helped her fight the urge, working through the momentary discomfort.

Soon they were moving as one, three pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly.

Ferrin’s hands were on her shoulders, his cock in her mouth. Dorand’s fingers dug into the flesh of her hips while he thrust into her slick heat, faster, deeper. Their rhythm built swiftly, each of them urged onward by the moans that filled the room, the slap of skin upon skin, the suckling sounds as cocks disappeared into hot, wet places and emerged glistening.

And as their passion rose, so did their power. Behind her closed lids, Aleeza could see fireworks of green and blue and gold, accents on a field of white that shone more brilliantly than anything she’d ever known.

“By the gods, please.” Dorand cried out behind her and began to thrust even faster, harder, ramming into her body. Ferrin did the same, fucking her mouth until she could hardly breathe, until a metallic taste rose in her throat and she did gag.

Still she didn’t stop. She wanted to stay here forever, caught between two elemental forces, fire and water, two great powers that might very well destroy her. But it would be a sweet destruction, of that she had no doubt.

BOOK: Demon's Triad
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