Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7) (32 page)

BOOK: Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7)
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pretty clear
?" Alex asked.

The printer stopped, filling the room with silence.

"Well?" Nate said.
"Take the thing, and let's go."

"I can't just take it."

"Why not?"

"I can only bring small things into the spirit realm.
A wallet, a set of keys, the clothes on my back.
Not a damn novel."

"How the hell does that work?"

"I'm not sure.
I never read the demonic handbook."

One officer looked at the other.

"Did you print something?"

"Just my fantasy lineup, but I used the printer in Tom's office."

Are you sure?
The last time the captain found football crap on the printer she nearly shot us."

Alex clenched his fists as the less lazy of the two officers rose to his feet.
He took the first step through the maze, heading toward the printer.

Dropping to one knee, Alex looked up at Nate.

"Watch my back."

"What are you—?"

You're my eyes up front.
Get me out of here."


The time for questions was over.
Alex rejoined the living realm and stood up at the printer.
He grabbed the stack of papers and turned toward Kylie without making eye contact with the officer.
He walked slowly, confidently, like he was just as much a part of the police station as anyone else.

"Huh?" the officer said.

Alex didn't stop.
Conflicting with his cool, relaxed demeanor was Kylie and Nate.
The pair ran around him frantically.
They stuck their heads inside offices, through walls.
He smiled as he watched Kylie bouncing around.
She threw so much energy into helping him.

"The offices are all clear!" she shouted.
"At the end of the hall up here, take a right."

"That cop's coming," Nate said.
"He's not running, but he's on his way."

Alex nodded.
He wished he'd dressed differently.
If he wore a dress shirt and slacks there was a good chance he could move about the station without any questions.
But anyone would stop someone wearing jeans and a tank top.
He filed that note away for the next time he needed to visit a police station uninvited.

Kylie was standing at the end of the hall when something caught her attention from the side.
She looked at Alex, panic in her eyes, as her hands flew up.

Someone's coming!"

He kept calm.
Outside of an office ahead of him a plastic paper bin was fixed to the wall.
He slipped the police report into the container.

"What are you doing?

He already was.

Kylie was on the verge of losing her mind when a man rounded the corner.
He spotted the officer following Alex, coming from the other direction.

"Hey, Lewis."

The officer named Lewis nodded in greeting.

Alex watched from the safety of the spirit world as the two men talked.

"Did you see a guy in a white tank top walking down this way?"

Boyfriend of yours?"

"Screw you."

Alex walked around the pair, dipping into an office for a moment, and approached Kylie.
She was breathing hard, a hand to her chest, an action Alex thought funny and adorable.
She tried to lean on a wall, only to almost fall through.
Nate was still vigilant, poking his head through doors and peering around corners.

"Kylie, you've got to relax," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Trust me, I've been a part of some crazy shit."

She managed a smile before pushing hair away from her face and adjusting her glasses.
"I'll bet."

"Sneaking around a police station.
It's nothing, really."

"If you say so."

The two officers went their separate ways, taking one last friendly jab at each other.

"All clear!" Nate shouted.

Alex returned to the paper bin and grabbed the report.

"Now," he said.
"How do I get out of here?"

The remainder of the
went without incident.
Kylie led him down another hallway, and finally to an exit door.
No alarms went off, no flashing lights.
The crisp night air was a welcome relief as he walked along the station toward the street.
He smiled to himself at the irony.
After dressing for the possibility of using his wings it turned out he didn't need to.

"You guys did great back there," Alex said.

That was intense," Nate said.

"Nah," Alex shook his head.
"Imagine having a bunch of mindless vampires trying to rip your throat out."

thought it was intense."

"It was," Kylie agreed.
"It's just Alex isn't scared of anything."

"That's definitely not true."

"Oh, really?
What gets to you?"

He thumbed through the police report.
He had the feeling that Kylie would soon find out.


The sounds of quiet whispering pulled Alex from his dreams of kissing Cindy.
Slowly his senses returned.
He felt the uncomfortable bed beneath him.
Opening one eye, the curtain was billowing slightly as the heater underneath the window spat air.
He was aware of a hand holding his own.
A real, flesh-and-blood hand.
Craning his neck, his eyes fell on Meagan Sinclair, Kylie's mother, sleeping soundly next to him.

Memories of the night returned.
Meagan was waiting for him in the motel parking lot, wanting to speak with Kylie.
Alex wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and get a fresh start in the morning.
However, he simply didn't have the heart to send Meagan away.
He'd promised her access to Kylie, was even getting paid for it.

It was chaotic and noisy, even though there were only two people alive.
Kylie, Nate, and Meagan talked, laughed, shared stories, all while watching TV.
Alex held Meagan's hand while talking with his wife.
He managed to tune everyone out and focus on Cindy, all the way up until he fell asleep.
Meagan never made it out of the room.

Alex slowly peeled himself out of bed, moving slowly.
Meagan didn't awaken.
She simply turned over and curled into a ball, adjusting on the pillow.
She'd kicked her shoes off sometime in the middle of the night, making herself right at home.

Kylie and Nate sat on the floor.
The television was still on, but neither one was listening.
The two were in yet another argument.

"I'm telling you, you look really good."

"No, I don't."

"How the hell do you know?
You can't even see your reflection."

"Because I can look down and see!"

"You have really nice legs.
It's a fact.
You're not very good at taking compliments, are you?"

"Shut up."

"Quiet down.
You'll wake up Alex."

"Guys," Alex said, standing up.
"I'm already awake."

Nate pulled a resisting Kylie to her feet.

"Dude, check it out.
I showed her a new trick."

The jeans Kylie had worn since Alex first met her were gone.
In their place were a pair of black shorts.
She still wore her sandals, but their color had changed to match her magenta shirt.

Alex nodded and flashed a thumbs-up.

"And check out the legs!" Nate added.

He shook his head and looked down at Meagan.
She was relaxed, at peace.
The sight brought on a small smile.

"She hasn't slept like that in a while," Kylie said.
"Thank you so much, Alex."

"For what?"

"Just…for everything.
Just her talking to me, it's helped out so much."

Alex nodded and reached out to gently shake Meagan.
She roused from sleep and slowly opened her eyes.
When she realized she wasn't in her own bed the early morning grogginess vanished instantly.

"Oh, Alex, I'm so sorry."

Laughing, he shook his head, not bothered at all.

"It's okay."

"What time is it?"

"Almost eight o'clock."

She sat up and stifled a yawn, smiling.

"It's been a long time since I stayed overnight with a man in a motel room."

"Oh my God," Kylie said, covering her face.
"That's so gross, Mom."

"Is Kylie here?" Meagan asked.
"Did she hear that?"

Alex laughed as he glanced at Kylie.
She was horrified, but her mother only joined Alex in laughing.

"Yeah, she did."

"Hey, I'm still a woman," Meagan said.
"Oh, the stories I could tell."

Kylie covered her ears.

"And we would
to hear those stories," Nate said.
"Tell her, Alex."

"I don't think so."

Meagan took Alex's hand and found her daughter.
The two shared an
I love you
and a
before Meagan agreed it was time to go and let Alex get to work.

"Alex," Meagan said.
"Walk me to my car?"


The two left the room and headed for the stairs.
Alex assumed something was on Meagan's mind, and waited patiently for her to bring it up.

"Thank you for last night."

Alex laughed quietly to himself at the phrasing.
Cindy and he had used that very phrase many times, but in a much different context.

"No problem."

"What's going to happen to Kylie?
When all this is over?
Will she stay here?
Go to Heaven?"

"That's all up to her."

"Ah, so there
a Heaven?"

"I don't know.
Believe it or not, I don't have all the answers," he said, smiling.
"Maybe Heaven is already all around us."

"If that were true, gas wouldn't be so expensive."

They shared a laugh as they arrived at her car.
Meagan opened the door, but didn't climb inside.

"My daughter will never grow up," she said, her voice cracking.
"She'll never get married, have children."

Alex didn't know what to say to ease her pain.
Perhaps there was nothing to say.
Even knowing, like he did, that death wasn't the end, only helped so much.

"She does like that boy, doesn't she?"

They drive each other crazy, for sure.
But he's been great for her.
Me, too."

Meagan smiled.
"Call me when you're here tonight.
I won't stalk you like last night.
You take care of my daughter for me."

"You got it."

She drove away, and Alex rejoined Kylie and Nate in the room.
They were hunched over the police report on the dresser, both trying to get a peek at what might be inside.
Kylie stood up, embarrassed, but Nate didn't budge.

"Is it time to crack this thing open?" Nate asked.

Alex peeled his shirt off as he passed the both of them, heading for the bathroom.

"After a shower and breakfast."

"Not to be negative," Kylie said.
"But what are you going to find that the police couldn't?"

"I'm not sure.
But I do have an edge over the police."

"What's that?"

"I get to interview the murder victim."

"Kylie, let Alex shower," Nate said.
"Stop slowing him down to stare at him."

I am not!
Screw you, Nate."

Alex left the two to argue.

Thirty minutes later, Alex was munching on a bagel with cream cheese when he grabbed the police report.
He took a deep breath as he walked to the desk in the corner.
He knew it was going to be a long day reading, and rereading, until his eyes grew tired.

Kylie and Nate moved to stand behind him.

"No," he told Kylie.
"I'll holler if I need you."

"Why?" she asked, frowning.

He didn't know what was in the police report, but was certain not much of it was pleasant.

"This just…isn't for you.
At least not yet.
Let me look it over first."

She nodded and sat on the edge of the bed to watch TV.

"Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not sure I want to read about my own murder."

Alex read through every page, with Nate watching over his shoulder.
There was a mountain of information, and he didn't know what was pertinent or not.
Kylie's birthday, the hospital she was born in, the name of her high school, how well she did with her grades.
There was no cause of death listed.
They also didn't know where Kylie was murdered.
In truth, it seemed the police didn't know much of anything.
There were statements from both Meagan and Zoey.

BOOK: Demons LLC (Damned and Cursed Book 7)
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