Demon Soul (44 page)

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Authors: Christine Ashworth

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Demon Soul
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Kellan shifted from one foot to the other. “We never were the hugging kind, you and me, if that’s what you’re waiting for.”

Gregor stifled a sigh. “What are your plans?”

“Don’t know. Hadn’t thought too far ahead.” He shrugged. “Didn’t think you’d care much.” He lifted his chin in defiance.

“You stubborn son of a bitch. You’re family. Of course we care. Of course I care.”

“Then I guess I’ll stay for a little bit.”

“Okay then. Okay.” Something that might have been relief flickered across Gregor's face.

“Did someone say beer?” Justin broke in.

"I want some chicken." Kellan moved to the kitchen.

Rose stood, annoyed. “Hey now. Isn’t anyone going to introduce me?”

Gabriel reached for Rose’s hand and drew her to his side. “Gregor, this is Rose. We’re going to get married at some point. Oh, and she’s a Soul Chalice,” he added, and grinned down at his love.

Gregor, coming toward her with a hand out, stopped in surprise. He dropped to one knee, took Rose’s hand, and kissed the back of it. “Welcome, Healer of Souls,” he said, and his eyes shone brightly. "Angelkind are always welcome on this side of the veil.”

Maggie whistled. “I

Rose’s eyes widened. “Oh, but I’m not a – what?”

Gregor's eyes twinkled. “You are mainly human, yes, but Angelic blood runs in your veins as well. Otherwise, you would not be a Soul Chalice.” He looked from Gabriel to Rose. “You are well mated,” he said, and smiled when Gabriel slid his arm around Rose.

“Let’s go get some food, shall we? Before Kellan eats all the chicken." Justin grinned at Gregor. "I’m starving.”

“You’re always starving,” said Gregor.

“True,” Justin agreed, and they headed toward the kitchen, Maggie falling in behind them.

Gabriel kept his eyes on Rose’s face, her cheeks lightly flushed with surprise. “How about that. You’re part angel!”

Rose shook her head and tightened her grip on Gabriel’s waist. “Alice’s adventure in Wonderland is nothing compared to my life. Absolutely nothing.”

Gabriel brought her around to face him, and lifted her up for his kiss. “Don’t worry, Rose. I’m here. I’ll help you through your Wonderland, if you let me.”

Rose kissed him, and pulled back to look him in the eyes. “I’d rather it were you than anyone else.”

"Have you thought about kids? Like, how many we should have?" Gabriel nuzzled the fading silver scar on her neck, planted a few quick kisses up to her ear.

"Kids? Rabbit hole," Rose warned, her eyes wide. "I'm falling."

Gabriel grinned and swept her off her feet. "I've got you. No worries."



Many thanks to Jenn Reese, my very first critique partner from years back who always encouraged me to keep on writing. We’ve come a long way, girlfriend! Thanks also to the Los Angeles Romance Authors and FF&P chapters of RWA. Your help and support has been vast.

Huge thanks to my brother Greg Cunningham, who a few years ago gave me an unused Mac G4 – that gift gave mobility to my writing. Thanks also to the crew at my local Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, where most of DEMON SOUL was written.

Most of all, thanks from the bottom of my heart to Heather Howland, Crescent Moon Press Acquisitions Editor, who saw beyond my terrible three-line pitch to the shiny 100 first words of the manuscript and requested to see more. Your faith in me has bolstered my own.

And to Liz Pelletier, writer and Editor Extraordinaire, who does more in 24 hours than seems possible for one woman. Because of your hard work, this is a much better book than it was six months ago – thank you, thank you, thank you!

About the Author

Christine Ashworth is a native of Southern California. The daughter of a writer and a psych major, she fell asleep to the sound of her father's Royal manual typewriter for years. In a very real way, being a writer is in her blood-her father sold his first novel before he turned forty; her brother sold his first book before he turned twenty-five.

At the tender age of seventeen, Christine fell in love with a man she met while dancing in a ballet company. She married the brilliant actor/dancer/painter/music man, and they now have two tall sons who are as brilliant as their parents, which keeps the dinner conversation lively.

Christine's two dogs rule the outside, defending her vegetable garden from the squirrels, while a polydactyl rescue cat named Zaphod holds court inside the house. Everything else is in a state of flux, leaving her home life a cross between an improv class and a think-tank for the defense of humans against zombies and demons.

Please drop by and visit Christine at her website at

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