Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)

BOOK: Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)
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The World’s Greatest Poems





By Delphi Classics, 2015






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The Ancients







Medieval Poetry


Dante Alighieri

Geoffrey Chaucer

John Gower

Traditional Medieval Ballads

Renaissance Poets


Sir Thomas Wyatt

Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

George Gascoigne

Nicholas Breton

Anthony Munday

Richard Edwardes

Sir Walter Raleigh

Sir Edward Dyer

John Lyly

Sir Philip Sidney

Thomas Lodge

George Peele

Robert Southwell

Samuel Daniel

Michael Drayton

Henry Constable

Edmund Spenser

William Habington

Christopher Marlowe

Richard Rowlands

Thomas Nashe

William Shakespeare: Play Extracts

William Shakespeare: Poems

Robert Greene

Richard Barnfield

Thomas Campion

Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex

Sir Henry Wotton

Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford

Ben Jonson

John Donne

Joshua Sylvester

William Alexander, Earl of Stirling

Richard Corbet

Thomas Heywood

Thomas Dekker

Francis Beaumont

John Fletcher

John Webster

William Drummond

George Wither

William Browne

Robert Herrick

Francis Quarles

George Herbert

John Milton

Henry Vaughan

Francis Bacon Viscount St Alban

James Shirley

Thomas Carew

Sir John Suckling

Sir William D’Avenant

Richard Lovelace

Edmund Waller

William Cartwright

James Graham, Marquis of Montrose

Richard Crashaw

Thomas Jordan

Abraham Cowley

Alexander Brome

Andrew Marvell

Restoration and Eighteenth Century Poets


Earl of Rochester

Sir Charles Sedley

John Dryden

Matthew Prior

Isaac Watts

Lady Grisel Baillie

Joseph Addison

Allan Ramsay

John Gay

Henry Carey

Alexander Pope

Ambrose Philips

Colley Cibber

James Thomson

Thomas Gray

George Bubb Dodington, Lord Melcombe

Other books

A History of Forgetting by Adderson, Caroline
Last Rites by William J. Craig
Empire by Professor Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri
In Sheep's Clothing by Susan May Warren
BooBoo by Olivier Dunrea
The Quilt Before the Storm by Arlene Sachitano
Five Flavors of Dumb by John, Antony