Delphi Complete Works of the Brontes Charlotte, Emily, Anne Brontë (Illustrated) (577 page)

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For some time I have looked upon
as a sort of era in my existence

It may prove a true presentiment
or it may be only a superstitious fancy
the latter seems most likely
but time will show

Anne Brontë

Let us next take up the other two little scraps of paper.  They are dated July the 30th, 1845, or Emily’s twenty-seventh birthday.  Many things have happened, as she says. 
She has been to Brussels, and she has settled definitely at home again.  They are still keenly interested in literature, and we still hear of the Gondals.  There is wonderfully little difference in the tone or spirit of the journals.  The concluding ‘best wishes for this whole house till July the 30th, 1848, and as much longer as may be,’ contain no premonition of coming disaster.  Yet July 1848 was to find Branwell Brontë on the verge of the grave, and Emily on her deathbed.  She died on the 14th of December of that year.

, 1845.

My birthday


I am twenty-seven years old to-day

This morning Anne and I opened the papers we wrote four years since
on my twenty-third birthday

This paper we intend
if all be well
to open on my thirtieth

three years hence
Since the
paper the following events have taken place

Our school scheme has been abandoned
and instead Charlotte and I went to Brussels on the
of February

Branwell left his place at Luddenden Foot

C. and I returned from Brussels
in consequence of aunt’s death

Branwell went to Thorp Green as a tutor
where Anne still continued

Charlotte returned to Brussels the same month
after staying a year
came back again on New Year’s Day

Anne left her situation at Thorp Green of her own accord

Anne and I went our first long journey by ourselves together
leaving home on the
of June
sleeping at York
returning to Keighley Tuesday evening
sleeping there and walking home on Wednesday morning

Though the weather was broken we enjoyed ourselves very much
except during a few hours at Bradford

And during our
excursion we were
Ronald Macalgin
Henry Angora
Juliet Augusteena
Rosabella Esmaldan
Ella and Julian Egremont
Catharine Navarre
and Cordelia Fitzaphnold
escaping from the palaces of instruction to join the Royalists who are hard driven at present by the victorious Republicans

The Gondals still flourish bright as ever

I am at present writing a work on the First War

Anne has been writing some articles on this
and a book by Henry Sophona

We intend sticking firm by the rascals as long as they delight us
which I am glad to say they do at present

I should have mentioned that last summer the school scheme was revived in full vigour

We had prospectuses printed
despatched letters to all acquaintances imparting our plans
and did our little all
but it was found no go

Now I don’t desire a school at all
and none of us have any great longing for it

We have cash enough for our present wants
with a prospect of accumulation

We are all in decent health
only that papa has a complaint in his eyes
and with the exception of B.
I hope
will be better and do better hereafter

I am quite contented for myself
not as idle as formerly
altogether as hearty
and having learnt to make the most of the present and long for the future with the fidgetiness that I cannot do all I wish
seldom or ever troubled with nothing to do
and merely desiring that everybody could be as comfortable as myself and as undesponding
and then we should have a very tolerable world of it

By mistake I find we have opened the paper on the
instead of the

Yesterday was much such a day as this
but the morning was divine

who was gone in our last paper
is come back
and has lived with us two years and a half
and is in good health

who also departed
is here too

We have got Flossy
got and lost Tiger
lost the hawk Hero
with the geese
was given away
and is doubtless dead
for when I came back from Brussels I inquired on all hands and could
hear nothing of him

Tiger died early last year

Keeper and Flossy are well
also the canary acquired four years since

We are now all at home
and likely to be there some time

Branwell went to Liverpool on Tuesday to stay a week

Tabby has just been teasing me to turn as formerly to

Anne and I should have picked the black currants if it had been fine and sunshiny

I must hurry off now to my turning and ironing

I have plenty of work on hands
and writing
and am altogether full of business

With best wishes for the whole house till
and as much longer as may be
, —
I conclude

Emily Brontë

Finally, I give Anne’s last fragment, concerning which silence is essential.  Interpretation of most of the references would be mere guess-work.

July the
, 1845. 
Yesterday was Emily’s birthday
and the time when we should have opened our
but by mistake we opened it to-day instead

How many things have happened since it was written

some pleasant
some far otherwise

Yet I was then at Thorp Green
and now I am only just escaped from it

I was wishing to leave it then
and if I had known that I had four years longer to stay how wretched I should have been
but during my stay I have had some very unpleasant and undreamt-of experience of human nature

Others have seen more changes

Charlotte has left Mr. White’s and been twice to Brussels
where she stayed each time nearly a year

Emily has been there too
and stayed nearly a year

Branwell has left Luddenden Foot
and been a tutor at Thorp Green
and had much tribulation and ill health

He was very ill on Thursday
but he went with John Brown to Liverpool
where he now is
I suppose
and we hope he will be better and do better in future

This is a dismal
wet evening

We have had so far a very cold wet summer

Charlotte has lately been to Hathersage
on a visit of three weeks to Ellen Nussey

She is now sitting sewing in the dining-room

Emily is ironing upstairs

I am sitting in the dining-room in the rocking-chair before the fire with my feet on the fender

Papa is in the parlour

Tabby and Martha are
I think
in the kitchen

Keeper and Flossy are
I do not know where

Little Dick is hopping in his cage

When the last paper was written we were thinking of setting up a school

The scheme has been dropt
and long after taken up again and dropt again because we could not get pupils

Charlotte is thinking about getting another situation

She wishes to go to Paris

Will she go

She has let Flossy in
and he is now lying on the sofa

Emily is engaged in writing the Emperor Julius’s life

She has read some of it
and I want very much to hear the rest

She is writing some poetry

I wonder what it is about

I have begun the third volume of Passages in the Life of an Individual

I wish I had finished it

This afternoon I began to set about making my grey figured silk frock that was dyed at Keighley

What sort of a hand shall I make of it

E. and I have a great deal of work to do

When shall we sensibly diminish it

I want to get a habit of early rising

Shall I succeed

We have not yet finished our Gondal Chronicles that we began three years and a half ago

When will they be done

The Gondals are at present in a sad state

The Republicans are uppermost
but the Royalists are not quite overcome

The young sovereigns
with their brothers and sisters
are still at the Palace of Instruction

The Unique Society
above half a year ago
were wrecked on a desert island as they were returning from Gaul

They are still there
but we have not played at them much yet

The Gondals in general are not in first-rate playing condition

Will they improve

I wonder how we shall all be and where and how situated on the thirtieth of July
if we are all alive
Emily will be just
I shall
be in my
Charlotte in her
and Branwell in his
and what changes shall we have seen and known
and shall we be much changed ourselves

I hope not
for the worse at least

I for my part cannot well be flatter or older in mind than I am now

Hoping for the best
I conclude

Anne Brontë

Exactly fifty years were to elapse before these pieces of writing saw the light.  The interest which must always centre in Emily Brontë amply justifies my publishing a fragment in facsimile; and it has the greater moment on account of the rough drawing which Emily has made of herself and of her dog Keeper.  Emily’s taste for drawing is a pathetic element in her always pathetic life.  I have seen a number of her sketches.  There is one in the possession of Mr. Nicholls of Keeper and Flossy, the former the bull-dog which followed her to the grave, the latter a little King Charlie which one of the Miss Robinsons gave to Anne.  The sketch, however, like most of Emily’s drawings, is technically full of errors.  She was not a born artist, and possibly she had not the best opportunities of becoming one by hard work.  Another drawing before me is of the hawk mentioned in the above fragment; and yet another is of the dog Growler, a predecessor of Keeper, which is not, however, mentioned in the correspondence.  Upon Emily Brontë, the poet, I do not propose to write here.  She left behind her, and Charlotte preserved, a manuscript volume containing the whole of the poems in the two collections of her verse, and there are other poems not yet published.  Here, for example, are some verses in which the Gondals make a slight reappearance.

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