Delphi Complete Works of the Brontes Charlotte, Emily, Anne Brontë (Illustrated) (558 page)

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‘I do not tack remembrances to Mrs. Williams and your daughters and Miss Kavanagh to all my letters, because that makes an empty form of what should be a sincere wish, but I trust this mark of courtesy and regard, though rarely expressed, is always understood. — Believe me, yours sincerely,

‘C. Brontë.’

Miss Brontë twice visited Mrs. Gaskell in her Manchester home, first in 1851 and afterwards in 1853, and concerning this latter visit we have the following letter: —

TO MRS. GASKELL, Manchester

, 1853.

‘My dear Mrs. Gaskell, — Would it suit you if I were to come next Thursday, the 21st?

‘If that day tallies with your convenience, and if my father continues as well as he is now, I know of no engagement on my part which need compel me longer to defer the pleasure of seeing you.

‘I should arrive by the train which reaches Manchester at 7 o’clock p.m.  That, I think, would be about your tea-time, and, of course, I should dine before leaving home.  I always like evening for an arrival; it seems more cosy and pleasant than coming in about the busy middle of the day.  I think if I stay a week that will be a very long visit; it will give you time to get well tired of me.

‘Remember me very kindly to Mr. Gaskell and Marianna.  As to Mesdames Flossy and Julia, those venerable ladies are requested beforehand to make due allowance for the awe with which they will be sure to impress a diffident admirer.  I am sorry I shall not see Meta. — Believe me, my dear Mrs. Gaskell, yours affectionately and sincerely,

‘C. Brontë.’

In the autumn of 1853 Mrs. Gaskell returned Charlotte Brontë’s visit at Haworth.  She was not, however, at Charlotte’s wedding in Haworth Church.



‘My dear Miss Wooler, — Your letter was truly kind, and made me warmly wish to join you.  My prospects, however, of being able to leave home continue very unsettled.  I am expecting Mrs. Gaskell next week or the week after, the day being yet undetermined.  She was to have come in June, but then my severe attack of influenza rendered it impossible that I should receive or entertain her.  Since that time she has been absent on the Continent with her husband and two eldest girls; and just before I received yours I had a letter from her volunteering a visit at a vague date, which I requested her to fix as soon as possible.  My father has been much better during the last three or four days.

‘When I know anything certain I will write to you again. — Believe me, my dear Miss Wooler, yours respectfully and affectionately,

‘C. Brontë.’

But the friendship, which commenced so late in Charlotte Brontë’s life, never reached the stage of downright intimacy.  Of this there is abundant evidence in the biography; and Mrs. Gaskell was forced to rely upon the correspondence of older friends of Charlotte’s.  Mr. George Smith, the head of the firm of Smith and Elder, furnished some twenty letters.  Mr. W. S. Williams, to whom is due the credit of ‘discovering’ the author of
Jane Eyre
, lent others; and another member of Messrs. Smith and Elder’s staff, Mr. James Taylor, furnished half-a-dozen more; but the best help came from another quarter.

Of the two schoolfellows with whom Charlotte Brontë regularly corresponded from childhood till death, Mary Taylor and Ellen Nussey, the former had destroyed every letter; and thus it came about that by far the larger part of the correspondence in Mrs. Gaskell’s biography was addressed to Miss Ellen Nussey, now as ‘My dearest Nell,’ now simply as ‘E.’  The unpublished correspondence in my hands, which refers to the biography, opens with a letter from Mrs. Gaskell to Miss Nussey, dated July 6th, 1855.  It relates how, in accordance with a request from Mr. Brontë, she had undertaken to write the work, and had been over to Haworth.  There she had made the acquaintance of Mr. Nicholls for the first time.  She told Mr. Brontë how much she felt the difficulty of the task she had undertaken.  Nevertheless, she sincerely desired to make his daughter’s character known to all who took deep interest in her writings.  Both Mr. Brontë and Mr. Nicholls agreed to help to the utmost, although Mrs. Gaskell was struck by the fact that it was Mr. Nicholls, and not Mr. Brontë, who was more intellectually alive to the attraction which such a book would have for the public.  His feelings were opposed to any biography at all; but he had yielded to Mr. Brontë’s ‘impetuous wish,’ and he brought down all the materials he could find, in the shape of about a dozen
letters.  Mr. Nicholls, moreover, told Mrs. Gaskell that Miss Nussey was the person of all others to apply to; that she had been the friend of his wife ever since Charlotte was fifteen, and that he was writing to Miss Nussey to beg her to let Mrs. Gaskell see some of the correspondence.

But here is Mr. Nicholls’s actual letter, unearthed after forty years, as well as earlier letters from and to Miss Nussey, which would seem to indicate a suggestion upon the part of ‘E’ that some attempt should be made to furnish a biography of her friend — if only to set at rest, once and for all, the speculations of the gossiping community with whom Charlotte Brontë’s personality was still shrouded in mystery; and indeed it is clear from these letters that it is to Miss Nussey that we really owe Mrs. Gaskell’s participation in the matter: —


, 1855.

‘Dear Mr. Nicholls, — I have been much hurt and pained by the perusal of an article in
for this month, entitled “A Few Words about
Jane Eyre
.”  You will be certain to see the article, and I am sure both you and Mr. Brontë will feel acutely the misrepresentations and the malignant spirit which characterises it.  Will you suffer the article to pass current without any refutations?  The writer merits the contempt of silence, but there will be readers and believers.  Shall such be left to imbibe a tissue of malignant falsehoods, or shall an attempt be made to do justice to one who so highly deserved justice, whose very name those who best knew her but speak with reverence and affection?  Should not her aged father be defended from the reproach the writer coarsely attempts to bring upon him?

‘I wish Mrs. Gaskell, who is every way capable, would undertake a reply, and would give a sound castigation to the writer.  Her personal acquaintance with Haworth, the Parsonage, and its inmates, fits her for the task, and if on other
subjects she lacked information I would gladly supply her with facts sufficient to set aside much that is asserted, if you yourself are not provided with all the information that is needed on the subjects produced.  Will you ask Mrs. Gaskell to undertake this just and honourable defence?  I think she would do it gladly.  She valued dear Charlotte, and such an act of friendship, performed with her ability and power, could only add to the laurels she has already won.  I hope you and Mr. Brontë are well.  My kind regards to both. — Believe me, yours sincerely,

‘E. Nussey.’


, 1855.

‘Dear Miss Nussey, — We had not seen the article in
, and very possibly should not, if you had not directed our attention to it.  We ordered a copy, and have now read the “Few Words about
Jane Eyre
.”  The writer has certainly made many mistakes, but apparently not from any unkind motive, as he professes to be an admirer of Charlotte’s works, pays a just tribute to her genius, and in common with thousands deplores her untimely death.  His design seems rather to be to gratify the curiosity of the multitude in reference to one who had made such a sensation in the literary world.  But even if the article had been of a less harmless character, we should not have felt inclined to take any notice of it, as by doing so we should have given it an importance which it would not otherwise have obtained.  Charlotte herself would have acted thus; and her character stands too high to be injured by the statements in a magazine of small circulation and little influence — statements which the writer prefaces with the remark that he does not vouch for their accuracy.  The many laudatory notices of Charlotte and her works which appeared since her death may well make us indifferent to the detractions of a few envious or malignant persons, as there ever will be such.

‘The remarks respecting Mr. Brontë excited in him only amusement — indeed, I have not seen him laugh as much for
some months as he did while I was reading the article to him.  We are both well in health, but lonely and desolate.

‘Mr. Brontë unites with me in kind regards. — Yours sincerely,

‘A. B. Nicholls.’


, 1855.

‘Dear Miss Nussey, — Some other erroneous notices of Charlotte having appeared, Mr. Brontë has deemed it advisable that some authentic statement should be put forth.  He has therefore adopted your suggestion and applied to Mrs. Gaskell, who has undertaken to write a life of Charlotte.  Mrs. Gaskell came over yesterday and spent a few hours with us.  The greatest difficulty seems to be in obtaining materials to show the development of Charlotte’s character.  For this reason Mrs. Gaskell is anxious to see her letters, especially those of any early date.  I think I understood you to say that you had some; if so, we should feel obliged by your letting us have any that you may think proper, not for publication, but merely to give the writer an insight into her mode of thought.  Of course they will be returned after a little time.

‘I confess that the course most consonant with my own feelings would be to take no steps in the matter, but I do not think it right to offer any opposition to Mr. Brontë’s wishes.

‘We have the same object in view, but should differ in our mode of proceeding.  Mr. Brontë has not been very well.  Excitement on Sunday (our Rush-bearing) and Mrs. Gaskell’s visit yesterday have been rather much for him. — Believe me, sincerely yours,

‘A. B. Nicholls.’

Mrs. Gaskell, however, wanted to make Miss Nussey’s acquaintance, and asked if she might visit her; and added that she would also like to see Miss Wooler, Charlotte’s schoolmistress, if that lady were still alive.  To this letter Miss Nussey made the following reply: —

TO MRS. GASKELL, Manchester

, 1855.

‘My dear Madam, — Owing to my absence from home your letter has only just reached me.  I had not heard of Mr. Brontë’s request, but I am most heartily glad that he has made it.  A letter from Mr. Nicholls was forwarded along with yours, which I opened first, and was thus prepared for your communication, the subject of which is of the deepest interest to me.  I will do everything in my power to aid the righteous work you have undertaken, but I feel my powers very limited, and apprehend that you may experience some disappointment that I cannot contribute more largely the information which you desire.  I possess a great many letters (for I have destroyed but a small portion of the correspondence), but I fear the early letters are not such as to unfold the character of the writer except in a few points.  You perhaps may discover more than is apparent to me.  You will read them with a purpose — I perused them only with interests of affection.  I will immediately look over the correspondence, and I promise to let you see all that I can confide to your friendly custody.  I regret that my absence from home should have made it impossible for me to have the pleasure of seeing you at Brookroyd at the time you propose.  I am engaged to stay here till Monday week, and shall be happy to see you any day you name after that date, or, if more convenient to you to come Friday or Saturday in next week, I will gladly return in time to give you the meeting.  I am staying with our schoolmistress, Miss Wooler, in this place.  I wish her very much to give me leave to ask you here, but she does not yield to my wishes; it would have been pleasanter to me to talk with you among these hills than sitting in my home and thinking of one who had so often been present there. — I am, my dear madam, yours sincerely,

‘Ellen Nussey.’

Mrs. Gaskell and Miss Nussey met, and the friendship which ensued was closed only by death; and indeed one
of the most beautiful letters in the collection in my hands is one signed ‘Meta Gaskell,’ and dated January 22, 1866.  It tells in detail, with infinite tenderness and pathos, of her mother’s last moments.
  That, however, was ten years later than the period with which we are concerned.  In 1856 Mrs. Gaskell was energetically engaged upon a biography of her friend which should lack nothing of thoroughness, as she hoped.  She claimed to have visited the scenes of all the incidents in Charlotte’s life, ‘the two little pieces of private governess-ship excepted.’  She went one day with Mr. Smith to the Chapter Coffee House, where the sisters first stayed in London.  Another day she is in Yorkshire, where she makes the acquaintance of Miss Wooler, which permitted, as she said, ‘a more friendly manner of writing towards Charlotte Brontë’s old schoolmistress.’  Again she is in Brussels, where Madame Héger refused to see her, although M. Héger was kind and communicative, ‘and very much indeed I both like and respect him.’  Her countless questions were exceedingly interesting.  They covered many pages of note-paper.  Did Branwell Brontë know of the publication of
Jane Eyre
,’ she asks, ‘and how did he receive the news?’  Mrs. Gaskell was persuaded in her own mind that he had never known of its publication, and we shall presently see that she was right.  Charlotte had distinctly informed her, she said, that Branwell was not in a fit condition at the time to be told.  ‘Where did the girls get the books which they read so continually?  Did Emily accompany Charlotte as a pupil when the latter went as a teacher to Roe Head?  Why did not Branwell go to the Royal Academy in London to learn painting?  Did Emily ever go out as a governess?  What were Emily’s religious opinions?  Did
ever make friends?’  Such were the questions which came quick and
fast to Miss Nussey, and Miss Nussey fortunately kept her replies.

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