Delphi Complete Works of Jerome K. Jerome (Illustrated) (Series Four) (310 page)

BOOK: Delphi Complete Works of Jerome K. Jerome (Illustrated) (Series Four)
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THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. You see, she didn’t know he was a lord.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Didn’t know — ?


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. No. She married him, thinking him to be a plain Mr. Wetherell, an artist.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Where d’ye get all that from?


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. From Vernon himself. You’ve got his last letter, dear. [She has opened her chatelaine bag.] Oh, no, I’ve got it myself.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. He’s not going to break it to her till they reach here this evening.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL [she reads]. Yes. “I shall not break it to her before we reach home. We were married quietly at the Hotel de Ville, and she has no idea I am anything else than plain Vernon James Wetherell, a fellow-countryman of her own, and a fellow-artist. The dear creature has never even inquired whether I am rich or poor.” I like her for that.


DR. FREEMANTLE. You mean to tell me — [He jumps up. With his hands in his jacket pockets, he walks to and fro.] I suppose it’s possible.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. You see, she isn’t the ordinary class of music-hall singer.


DR. FREEMANTLE. I should say not.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. She comes of quite a good family.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. Her uncle was a bishop.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Bishop? Of where?


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL [with the letter]. He says he can’t spell it. It’s somewhere in New Zealand.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Do they have bishops over there?




THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. Then her cousin is a judge.


DR. FREEMANTLE. In New Zealand?


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL [again referring to the letter]. No — in


DR. FREEMANTLE. Seems to have been a somewhat scattered family.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. People go about so much nowadays.


Mrs. Bennet has entered. She is the housekeeper.


MRS. BENNET [she is about to speak to the Misses Wetherell; sees the
Doctor]. Good afternoon, doctor.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Afternoon, Mrs. Bennet.


MRS. BENNET [she turns to the Misses Wetherell, her watch in her hand]. I was thinking of having the fire lighted in her ladyship’s bedroom. It is half past six.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. You are always so thoughtful. She may be tired.


MRS. BENNET. If so, everything will be quite ready. [She goes out, closing door.]


DR. FREEMANTLE. What do they think about it all — the Bennets? You have told them?


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. We thought it better. You see, one hardly regards them as servants. They have been in the family so long. Three generations of them.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. Really, since our poor dear brother’s death, Bennet has been more like the head of the house than the butler.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. Of course, he doesn’t say much.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. It is her having been on the stage that they feel so.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. You see, they have always been a religious family.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. Do you know, I really think they feel it more than we do. I found Peggy crying about it yesterday, in the scullery.


DR. FREEMANTLE [he has been listening with a touch of amusement.]
Peggy Bennet?




DR. FREEMANTLE. Happen to have a servant about the place who isn’t a


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. No, no, I don’t really think we have.
Oh, yes — that new girl Mrs. Bennet engaged last week for the dairy.
What is her name?








THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. I think she’s a cousin, dear.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. Only a second cousin.


DR. FREEMANTLE. Um! Well I should tell the whole family to buck up. Seems to me, from what you tell me, that their master is bringing them home a treasure. [He shakes hands briskly with the ladies.] May look in again to-morrow. Don’t forget — one page Marcus Aurelius before breakfast — in case of need. [He goes out.]


The sun has sunk. The light is twilight.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. He always cheers one up.




[Mrs. Bennet comes in from the dressing-room. She leaves the door ajar. The sound of a hammer is heard. It ceases almost immediately.] Oh, Mrs. Bennet, we were going to ask you — who is to be her ladyship’s maid? Have you decided yet?


MRS. BENNET. I have come to the conclusion — looking at the thing from every point of view — that Jane would be the best selection.




THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. But does she understand the duties?


MRS. BENNET. A lady’s maid, being so much alone with her mistress, is bound to have a certain amount of influence. And Jane has exceptionally high principles.




MRS. BENNET. As regards the duties, she is very quick at learning anything new. Of course, at first -


The sound of hammering again comes from the bedroom.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. Who is that hammering in her ladyship’s bedroom?


MRS. BENNET. It is Bennet, Miss Edith. We thought it might be helpful: a few texts, hung where they would always catch her ladyship’s eye. [She notices the look of doubt.] Nothing offensive. Mere general exhortations such as could be read by any lady. [The Misses Wetherell look at one another, but do not speak.] I take it, dinner will be at half past seven, as usual?


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. Yes, Mrs. Bennet, thank you. They will not be here till about nine. They will probably prefer a little supper to themselves.


Mrs. Bennet goes out — on her way to the kitchen. The Misses
Wetherell look at one another again. The hammering recommences.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL [she hesitates a moment, then goes to the open door and calls]. Bennet — Bennet! [She returns and waits. Bennet comes in.]


Oh, Bennet, your wife tells us you are putting up a few texts in her ladyship’s bedroom.


BENNET. It seemed to me that a silent voice, speaking to her, as it were, from the wall -


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. It is so good of you — only, you — you will be careful there is nothing she could regard as a PERSONAL allusion.


BENNET. Many of the most popular I was compelled to reject, purely for that reason.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. We felt sure we could trust to your discretion.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. You see, coming, as she does, from a good family -


BENNET. It is that — I speak merely for myself — that gives me hope of reclaiming her.


A silence. The two ladies, feeling a little helpless, again look at one another.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. We must be very sympathetic.




BENNET. It is what I am preparing myself to be. Of course, if you think them inadvisable, I can take them down again.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. No, Bennet, oh no! I should leave them up. Very thoughtful of you, indeed.


BENNET. It seemed to me one ought to leave no stone unturned. [He returns to his labours in the bedroom.]


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL [after a pause]. I do hope she’ll LIKE the Bennets.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. I think she will — after a time, when she is used to them.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. I am so anxious it should turn out well.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. I feel sure she’s a good woman. Vernon would never have fallen in love with her if she hadn’t been good. [They take each other’s hand, and sit side by side, as before, upon the settee. The twilight has faded: only the faint firelight remains, surrounded by shadows.] Do you remember, when he was a little mite, how he loved to play with your hair? [The younger Miss Wetherell laughs.] I always envied you your hair.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. He was so fond of us both. Do you remember when he was recovering from the measles, his crying for us to bath him instead of Mrs. Bennet? I have always reproached myself that we refused.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. He was such a big boy for his age.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. I think we might have stretched a point in a case of illness.


The room has grown very dark. The door has been softly opened; Vernon and Fanny have entered noiselessly. Fanny remains near the door hidden by a screen, Vernon has crept forward. At this point the two ladies become aware that somebody is in the room. They are alarmed.




VERNON. It’s all right, aunt. It’s only I.


The two ladies have risen. They run forward, both take him in their arms.






THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. But we didn’t expect you -


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. And your wife, dear?


VERNON. She’s here!




Fanny, from behind the screen, laughs.


VERNON. We’ll have some light. [He whispers to them.] Not a word — haven’t told her yet. [Feeling his way to the wall, he turns on the electric light.]


Fanny is revealed, having slipped out from behind the screen. There is a pause. Vernon, standing near the fire, watches admiringly.


FANNY. Hope you are going to like me.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. My dear, I am sure we shall.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. It is so easy to love the young and pretty. [They have drawn close to her. They seem to hesitate.]


FANNY [laughs]. It doesn’t come off, does it, Vernon, dear? [Vernon laughs. The two ladies, laughing, kiss her.] I’m so glad you think I’m pretty. As a matter of fact, I’m not. There’s a certain charm about me, I admit. It deceives people.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. We were afraid — you know, dear, boys — [she looks at Vernon and smiles] sometimes fall in love with women much older than themselves — especially women — [She grows confused. She takes the girl’s hand.] We are so relieved that you — that you are yourself, dear,


FANNY. You were quite right, dear. They are sweet. Which is which?


VERNON [laughs]. Upon my word, I never can tell.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. Vernon! And you know I was always your favourite!




VERNON. Then this is Aunt Alice.




[Vernon throws up his hands in despair. They all laugh.]


FANNY. I think I shall dress you differently; put you in blue and you in pink. [She laughs.] Is this the drawing-room?


VERNON. Your room, dear.


FANNY. I like a room where one can stretch one’s legs. [She walks across it.] A little too much desk [referring to a massive brass- bound desk, facing the three windows].


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. It belonged to the elder Pitt.


FANNY. Um! Suppose we must find a corner for it somewhere. That’s a good picture.




FANNY. One of your artist friends?


VERNON. Well — you see, dear, that’s a portrait of my great- grandmother, painted from life.


FANNY [she whistles]. I am awfully ignorant on some topics. One good thing, I always was a quick study. Not a bad-looking woman.


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. We are very proud of her. She was the first -


VERNON [hastily]. We will have her history some other time.


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL [who understands, signs to her sister]. Of course. She’s tired. We are forgetting everything. You will have some tea, won’t you, dear?


FANNY. No, thanks. We had tea in the train. [With the more or less helpful assistance of Vernon she divests herself of her outdoor garments.]


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL [she holds up her hands in astonishment].
Tea in the train!


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. We were not expecting you so soon. You said in your telegram -


VERNON. Oh, it was raining in London. We thought we would come straight on — leave our shopping for another day.


FANNY. I believe you were glad it was raining. Saved you such a lot of money. Old Stingy!


THE ELDER MISS WETHERELL. Then did you walk from the station, dear?


FANNY. Didn’t it seem a long way? [She laughs up into his face.]
He was so bored. [Vernon laughs.]


THE YOUNGER MISS WETHERELL. I had better tell — [She is going towards the bell.]


VERNON [he stops her]. Oh, let them alone. Plenty of time for all that fuss. [He puts them both gently side by side on the settee.] Sit down and talk. Haven’t I been clever? [He puts his arm round Fanny, laughing.] You thought I had made an ass of myself, didn’t you? Did you get all my letters?

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