Delphi Complete Works of Hesiod (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics) (12 page)

BOOK: Delphi Complete Works of Hesiod (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics)
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Fragment 19 — Scholiast on Homer, Il. xii. 292: Zeus saw Europa the daughter of Phoenix gathering flowers in a meadow with some nymphs and fell in love with her. So he came down and changed himself into a bull and breathed from his mouth a crocus . In this way he deceived Europa, carried her off and crossed the sea to Crete where he had intercourse with her. Then in this condition he made her live with Asterion the king of the Cretans. There she conceived and bore three sons, Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys. The tale is in Hesiod and Bacchylides.

Fragment 20 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. ii. 178: But according to Hesiod (Phineus) was the son of Phoenix, Agenor’s son and Cassiopea.

Fragment 21 — Apollodorus , iii. 14.4.1: But Hesiod says that he (Adonis) was the son of Phoenix and Alphesiboea.

Fragment 22 — Porphyrius, Quaest. Hom. ad Iliad. pert. p. 189: As it is said in Hesiod in the “Catalogue of Women” concerning Demodoce the daughter of Agenor: ‘Demodoce whom very many of men on earth, mighty princes, wooed, promising splendid gifts, because of her exceeding beauty.’

Fragment 23 — Apollodorus, iii. 5.6.2: Hesiod says that (the children of Amphion and Niobe) were ten sons and ten daughters.

Aelian , Var. Hist. xii. 36: But Hesiod says they were nine boys and ten girls; — unless after all the verses are not Hesiod but are falsely ascribed to him as are many others.

Fragment 24 — Scholiast on Homer, Il. xxiii. 679: And Hesiod says that when Oedipus had died at Thebes, Argea the daughter of Adrastus came with others to the funeral of Oedipus.

Fragment 25 — Herodian  in Etymologicum Magnum, p. 60, 40: Tityos the son of Elara.

Fragment 26 — Argument: Pindar, Ol. xiv: Cephisus is a river in Orchomenus where also the Graces are worshipped. Eteoclus the son of the river Cephisus first sacrificed to them, as Hesiod says.

Scholiast on Homer, Il. ii. 522: ‘which from Lilaea spouts forth its sweet flowing water....’

Strabo, ix. 424: ‘....And which flows on by Panopeus and through fenced Glechon and through Orchomenus, winding like a snake.’

Fragment 27 — Scholiast on Homer, Il. vii. 9: For the father of Menesthius, Areithous was a Boeotian living at Arnae; and this is in Boeotia, as also Hesiod says.

Fragment 28 — Stephanus of Byzantium: Onchestus: a grove . It is situate in the country of Haliartus and was founded by Onchestus the Boeotian, as Hesiod says.

Fragment 29 — Stephanus of Byzantium: There is also a plain of Aega bordering on Cirrha, according to Hesiod.

Fragment 30 — Apollodorus, ii. 1.1.5: But Hesiod says that Pelasgus was autochthonous.

Fragment 31 — Strabo, v. p. 221: That this tribe (the Pelasgi) were from Arcadia, Ephorus states on the authority of Hesiod; for he says: ‘Sons were born to god-like Lycaon whom Pelasgus once begot.’

Fragment 32 — Stephanus of Byzantium: Pallantium. A city of Arcadia, so named after Pallas, one of Lycaon’s sons, according to Hesiod.

Fragment 33 — (Unknown): ‘Famous Meliboea bare Phellus the good spear-man.’

Fragment 34 — Herodian, On Peculiar Diction, p. 18: In Hesiod in the second Catalogue: ‘Who once hid the torch  within.’

Fragment 35 — Herodian, On Peculiar Diction, p. 42: Hesiod in the third Catalogue writes: ‘And a resounding thud of feet rose up.’

Fragment 36 — Apollonius Dyscolus , On the Pronoun, p. 125: ‘And a great trouble to themselves.’

Fragment 37 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. i. 45: Neither Homer nor Hesiod speak of Iphiclus as amongst the Argonauts.

Fragment 38— ‘Eratosthenes’ , Catast. xix. p. 124: The Ram.] — This it was that transported Phrixus and Helle. It was immortal and was given them by their mother Nephele, and had a golden fleece, as Hesiod and Pherecydes say.

Fragment 39 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. ii. 181: Hesiod in the “Great Eoiae” says that Phineus was blinded because he revealed to Phrixus the road; but in the third “Catalogue”, because he preferred long life to sight.

Hesiod says he had two sons, Thynus and Mariandynus.

Ephorus  in Strabo, vii. 302: Hesiod, in the so-called Journey round the Earth, says that Phineus was brought by the Harpies ‘to the land of milk-feeders  who have waggons for houses.’

Fragment 40A — (Cp. Fr. 43 and 44) Oxyrhynchus Papyri 1358 fr. 2 (3rd cent. A.D.):  ((LACUNA — Slight remains of 7 lines))

‘(The Sons of Boreas pursued the Harpies) to the lands of the Massagetae and of the proud Half-Dog men, of the Underground-folk and of the feeble Pygmies; and to the tribes of the boundless Black-skins and the Libyans. Huge Earth bare these to Epaphus — soothsaying people, knowing seercraft by the will of Zeus the lord of oracles, but deceivers, to the end that men whose thought passes their utterance  might be subject to the gods and suffer harm — Aethiopians and Libyans and mare-milking Scythians. For verily Epaphus was the child of the almighty Son of Cronos, and from him sprang the dark Libyans, and high-souled Aethiopians, and the Underground-folk and feeble Pygmies. All these are the offspring of the lord, the Loud-thunderer. Round about all these (the Sons of Boreas) sped in darting flight.... ....of the well-horsed Hyperboreans — whom Earth the all-nourishing bare far off by the tumbling streams of deep-flowing Eridanus........of amber, feeding her wide-scattered offspring — and about the steep Fawn mountain and rugged Etna to the isle Ortygia and the people sprung from Laestrygon who was the son of wide-reigning Poseidon. Twice ranged the Sons of Boreas along this coast and wheeled round and about yearning to catch the Harpies, while they strove to escape and avoid them. And they sped to the tribe of the haughty Cephallenians, the people of patient-souled Odysseus whom in aftertime Calypso the queenly nymph detained for Poseidon. Then they came to the land of the lord the son of Ares........they heard. Yet still (the Sons of Boreas) ever pursued them with instant feet. So they (the Harpies) sped over the sea and through the fruitless air...’

Fragment 40 — Strabo, vii. p. 300: ‘The Aethiopians and Ligurians and mare-milking Scythians.’

Fragment 41 — Apollodorus, i. 9.21.6: As they were being pursued, one of the Harpies fell into the river Tigris, in Peloponnesus which is now called Harpys after her. Some call this one Nicothoe, and others Aellopus. The other who was called Ocypete, or as some say Ocythoe (though Hesiod calls her Ocypus), fled down the Propontis and reached as far as to the Echinades islands which are now called because of her, Strophades (Turning Islands).

Fragment 42 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. ii. 297: Hesiod also says that those with Zetes  turned and prayed to Zeus: ‘There they prayed to the lord of Aenos who reigns on high.’

Apollonius indeed says it was Iris who made Zetes and his following turn away, but Hesiod says Hermes.

Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. ii. 296: Others say (the islands) were called Strophades, because they turned there and prayed Zeus to seize the Harpies. But according to Hesiod... they were not killed.

Fragment 43 — Philodemus , On Piety, 10: Nor let anyone mock at Hesiod who mentions.... or even the Troglodytes and the Pygmies.

Fragment 44 — Strabo, i. p. 43: No one would accuse Hesiod of ignorance though he speaks of the Half-dog people and the Great-Headed people and the Pygmies.

Fragment 45 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. iv. 284: But Hesiod says they (the Argonauts) had sailed in through the Phasis.

Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. iv. 259: But Hesiod (says).... they came through the Ocean to Libya, and so, carrying the Argo, reached our sea.

Fragment 46 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. iii. 311: Apollonius, following Hesiod, says that Circe came to the island over against Tyrrhenia on the chariot of the Sun. And he called it Hesperian, because it lies toward the west.

Fragment 47 — Scholiast on Apollonius Rhodius, Arg. iv. 892: He (Apollonius) followed Hesiod who thus names the island of the Sirens: ‘To the island Anthemoessa (Flowery) which the son of Cronos gave them.’

And their names are Thelxiope or Thelxinoe, Molpe and Aglaophonus .

Scholiast on Homer, Od. xii. 168: Hence Hesiod said that they charmed even the winds.

Fragment 48 — Scholiast on Homer, Od. i. 85: Hesiod says that Ogygia is within towards the west, but Ogygia lies over against Crete: ‘...the Ogygian sea and......the island Ogygia.’

Fragment 49 — Scholiast on Homer, Od. vii. 54: Hesiod regarded Arete as the sister of Alcinous.

Fragment 50 — Scholiast on Pindar, Ol. x. 46: Her Hippostratus (did wed), a scion of Ares, the splendid son of Phyetes, of the line of Amarynces, leader of the Epeians.

Fragment 51 — Apollodorus, i. 8.4.1: When Althea was dead, Oeneus married Periboea, the daughter of Hipponous. Hesiod says that she was seduced by Hippostratus the son of Amarynces and that her father Hipponous sent her from Olenus in Achaea to Oeneus because he was far away from Hellas, bidding him kill her.

‘She used to dwell on the cliff of Olenus by the banks of wide Peirus.’

Fragment 52 — Diodorus  v. 81: Macareus was a son of Crinacus the son of Zeus as Hesiod says... and dwelt in Olenus in the country then called Ionian, but now Achaean.

Fragment 53 — Scholiast on Pindar, Nem. ii. 21: Concerning the Myrmidons Hesiod speaks thus: ‘And she conceived and bare Aeacus, delighting in horses. Now when he came to the full measure of desired youth, he chafed at being alone. And the father of men and gods made all the ants that were in the lovely isle into men and wide-girdled women. These were the first who fitted with thwarts ships with curved sides, and the first who used sails, the wings of a sea-going ship.’

Fragment 54 — Polybius, v. 2: ‘The sons of Aeacus who rejoiced in battle as though a feast.’

Fragment 55 — Porphyrius, Quaest. Hom. ad Iliad. pertin. p. 93: He has indicated the shameful deed briefly by the phrase ‘to lie with her against her will’, and not like Hesiod who recounts at length the story of Peleus and the wife of Acastus.

Fragment 56 — Scholiast on Pindar, Nem. iv. 95: ‘And this seemed to him (Acastus) in his mind the best plan; to keep back himself, but to hide beyond guessing the beautiful knife which the very famous Lame One had made for him, that in seeking it alone over steep Pelion, he (Peleus) might be slain forthwith by the mountain-bred Centaurs.’

Fragment 57 — Voll. Herculan. (Papyri from Herculaneum), 2nd Collection, viii. 105: The author of the “Cypria”  says that Thetis avoided wedlock with Zeus to please Hera; but that Zeus was angry and swore that she should mate with a mortal. Hesiod also has the like account.

Fragment 58 — Strassburg Greek Papyri 55 (2nd century A.D.):
‘Peleus the son of Aeacus, dear to the deathless gods, came to Phthia the mother of flocks, bringing great possessions from spacious Iolcus. And all the people envied him in their hearts seeing how he had sacked the well-built city, and accomplished his joyous marriage; and they all spake this word: “Thrice, yea, four times blessed son of Aeacus, happy Peleus! For far-seeing Olympian Zeus has given you a wife with many gifts and the blessed gods have brought your marriage fully to pass, and in these halls you go up to the holy bed of a daughter of Nereus. Truly the father, the son of Cronos, made you very pre-eminent among heroes and honoured above other men who eat bread and consume the fruit of the ground.”’

Fragment 59 — Origen, Against Celsus, iv. 79: ‘For in common then were the banquets, and in common the seats of deathless gods and mortal men.’

Fragment 60 — Scholiast on Homer, Il. xvi. 175: ...whereas Hesiod and the rest call her (Peleus’ daughter) Polydora.

Fragment 61 — Eustathius, Hom. 112. 44 sq: It should be observed that the ancient narrative hands down the account that Patroclus was even a kinsman of Achilles; for Hesiod says that Menoethius the father of Patroclus, was a brother of Peleus, so that in that case they were first cousins.

Fragment 62 — Scholiast on Pindar, Ol. x. 83: Some write ‘Serus the son of Halirrhothius’, whom Hesiod mentions: ‘He (begot) Serus and Alazygus, goodly sons.’ And Serus was the son of Halirrhothius Perieres’ son, and of Alcyone.

Fragment 63 — Pausanias , ii. 26. 7: This oracle most clearly proves that Asclepius was not the son of Arsinoe, but that Hesiod or one of Hesiod’s interpolators composed the verses to please the Messenians.

Scholiast on Pindar, Pyth. iii. 14: Some say (Asclepius) was the son of Arsinoe, others of Coronis. But Asclepiades says that Arsinoe was the daughter of Leucippus, Perieres’ son, and that to her and Apollo Asclepius and a daughter, Eriopis, were born: ‘And she bare in the palace Asclepius, leader of men, and Eriopis with the lovely hair, being subject in love to Phoebus.’

And of Arsinoe likewise: ‘And Arsinoe was joined with the son of Zeus and Leto and bare a son Asclepius, blameless and strong.’

Fragment 67 — Scholiast on Euripides, Orestes 249: Steischorus says that while sacrificing to the gods Tyndareus forgot Aphrodite and that the goddess was angry and made his daughters twice and thrice wed and deserters of their husbands.... And Hesiod also says:

‘And laughter-loving Aphrodite felt jealous when she looked on them and cast them into evil report. Then Timandra deserted Echemus and went and came to Phyleus, dear to the deathless gods; and even so Clytaemnestra deserted god-like Agamemnon and lay with Aegisthus and chose a worse mate; and even so Helen dishonoured the couch of golden-haired Menelaus.’

Fragment 68 — Berlin Papyri, No. 9739:
‘....Philoctetes sought her, a leader of spearmen, .... most famous of all men at shooting from afar and with the sharp spear. And he came to Tyndareus’ bright city for the sake of the Argive maid who had the beauty of golden Aphrodite, and the sparkling eyes of the Graces; and the dark-faced daughter of Ocean, very lovely of form, bare her when she had shared the embraces of Zeus and the king Tyndareus in the bright palace.... (And.... sought her to wife offering as gifts)


 . . . Lacuna . . .

....and as many women skilled in blameless arts, each holding a golden bowl in her hands. And truly Castor and strong Polydeuces would have made him  their brother perforce, but Agamemnon, being son-in-law to Tyndareus, wooed her for his brother Menelaus.

BOOK: Delphi Complete Works of Hesiod (Illustrated) (Delphi Ancient Classics)
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