Deliver Us (9 page)

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Authors: Lynn Kelling

BOOK: Deliver Us
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“No problem. I’ve always wanted to piss on Micah,” Gabriel admits, adding thoughtfully, “What does that say about me?”

“That you’re fucked-up. But we love you for it, hon,” Sam chuckles.

“What do you want tomorrow during your session?” Gabriel had asked Darrek over the phone on Monday afternoon, the day after their encounter in Darrek’s garage. Gabriel was working the late shift at work, so he’d just been sitting at home when he had decided to call, and Darrek had been taking a break from his carving work on the hope chest. “Now’s the time to ask, because once you get there, you have no say.”

“Surprise me,” Darrek replied, a happy grin hiding in his eyes.

you... that’s kind of a dangerous thing to say, you know. I can be pretty creative.”

“Creative is good. The clothespins were pretty creative, and I’ve never had anyone stick something inside my dick before. That was... startling. But fantastic.”

“You sure about this, Mr. Homegrown-Carpenter?”

“Tell ya what, if I give you free rein to be ‘creative,’ will you do something... normal... with me? Let me learn a little about you?”

“Like a date?”

Darrek chuckled softly and scuffed his toe on the carpet.

“What?” Gabriel asked. “What are you laughing about?”

“I can hear you smiling.”

“No, you can’t,” he huffed. “You don’t know me that well.”

“Yeah, I do. I know you...


Darrek laughed again, more freely.

“I’m not smiling!” Gabriel exclaimed defensively.

“Yeah, you are,” Darrek said. “And yeah, like a date. I guess. Is that okay?”

“Sounds good to me. Think if I play my cards right I can get a kiss goodnight afterward?”

“Maybe,” Darrek told him, pretending to think about it first, adding in a far-too-smoky and sensual tone, “Why, you wanna kiss me, Gabe?”

“Christ, you’re such a flirt,” Gabriel laughed. “Yeah, I want to kiss you.”


“Hey, who’s in charge here?”

“Where do you want to kiss me?” he insisted, his voice deeper than normal, almost husky, almost....

Darrek’s breath caught and he made a small needful sound through his parted lips, giving himself away.

Jeans unzipped and cock in hand, Darrek heard a rustling through the phone held carefully between his shoulder and his ear, followed by a pause and a small curse from Gabriel.

“Uh... I uh...” Gabriel said slightly breathlessly. “Wanna... I wanna rip the shirt right off of you, see your amazing, tight-as-fuck chest and suck on your nipples. Suck ’em until they’re so hard.... Gentle... at first... just brushing them with my lips... with my tongue... and then my teeth.... Bite down on ’em as hard as you could stand it... and

“Yeah... good... where else? Where else, Gabe?” he asked breathlessly.

“Mmm... um... right... right on the inside of your thighs... spread you out wide under me... hold your legs open... and then just kiss you right there, real high up... and I wouldn’t do any more than that... just... just kiss you... feather-light... and you’d beg me... you’d fucking
beg me
to do more ... oh shit... but I wouldn’t... cause I
to hear you beg... fucking

“Can I kiss you there?” Darrek asked him, “...Just like...
... just like that... spread you open and kiss you... kiss your bare thighs... kiss ’em real sweet and soft....”

“Dare... Darrek...
oh Jesus
... I uh... gghh... yeah. Yeah... want that... I....”

Gabriel whimpers and then gasps into the phone as he comes over his fist, and it’s different this time. So different. He feels bare—naked. Exposed and vulnerable. Out of control.

Then he hears Darrek grunt hard, almost growl as he comes as well, the image of him kissing Gabriel, legs spread wide and inviting, burned into both of their brains.

Gabriel’s hand slides in smooth, wet strokes along his shaft as he pulses and shudders with aftershocks, listening to Darrek orgasm.

“I want that too...” Darrek pants.

“Guess so... from the... from the sounds of it. Um... I’ll, uh... I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. See ya. ’M looking forward to it.”

“Me too.”

Darrek arrives a little early, out of both impatience and nerves alike. Sitting in the waiting room, his legs bounce restlessly. Wringing his hands, he averts his eyes when a man he doesn’t know leans against the doorway leading to the back rooms. The man stares at Darrek while sipping from a mug held in his hands.

Sam is sitting behind the desk, papers laid out in front of her. She’s pressing buttons on the phone and making notes as she listens to the earpiece. She’d asked Darrek if he wanted to review his consent form and change any of his requests or limitations. He’d declined.

After a long period of silence, with only the scratching of Sam’s pen, the clicking of buttons, and the faint blare of music from the lower floor the only sounds, Ben says to Darrek, “I know what your Master’s got planned for you today.”

Darrek’s gaze snaps up to him, buzzed-short hair and neatly trimmed goatee, dressed head-to-toe in black, but the fire, intensity and authority in his eyes causes Darrek to look away almost immediately.

“You’re in for a treat. Gonna really enjoy hearing you scream, too. Bet we’ll be able to hear you all the way at the back of the building.”

Swallowing thickly, Darrek wets his lips and scratches at the knees of his pants.

“Leave the boy alone, Ben. Jesus Christ. Don’t be an ass,” Sam mutters as she takes notes from the voicemail messages.

“Just giving him something to look forward to,” he grins before receding back into the shadows.

As soon as he is called, goes downstairs, and sees Gabriel there waiting for him — sees he’s wearing only a pair of low-hanging jeans, just like last time—Darrek’s heart starts to hammer away in his chest. It’s different as soon as they spot each other. Different from Darrek’s first session, different even from when they were together in the garage, different than when they spoke on the phone and Darrek told Gabriel that he wanted to spread his legs and kiss the insides of his thighs.

Darrek bows his head and waits for instruction.

“Clothes off. Feet spread and hands clasped behind your back,” Gabriel instructs, folding his arms and watching as Darrek does as told as quickly as he can. “One of my rules, slave, since you will
be gagged today, is that whenever I address you and you are permitted to speak and respond to me, you will address me in the proper way, and end every statement or question or scream of anguish with ‘
’ We clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

Then he’s standing there, completely naked in the dim light, arms held tightly together behind his back. There are a few candles burning on nearby surfaces, and loud, heavy music, thick with bass, thrums from hidden speakers. A nearby metal table is laid out with a number of things that Darrek keeps trying to sneak looks at. He can’t make sense of what the objects are, though, the ones that are
at least, since there’s a black cloth draped over half of the table, hiding many of the objects from view. But he does recognize the long leather strap with a thick handle that sits near the edge. Darrek is quite familiar with such things. He also stares unabashedly at the black and red bench nearby. The top of it is almost like a table, but padded and set at a slight incline, down away from the kneeler, which is also padded in blood-red leather.

Gabriel follows his gaze and asks, “Ever had your ass spanked, slave?”

Getting hard just from the anticipation, the mere thought of Gabriel spanking him, Darrek tries to remain still and fights back a blush as his cock swells between his spread legs. Gabriel steps closer and runs his fingertips up and down Darrek’s shaft. It twitches under the touch, curving up now as he gets more erect. Gabriel’s eyes flick over to the table and he quickly grabs something from it, fastening a leather cock ring tight enough around the base of Darrek’s dick and balls to make him swallow a groan.

Continuing to get even harder under Gabriel’s light, tickling touches, now at the head of his cock, he feels the leather bite into his flesh, and knows that he won’t be getting any relief until it’s removed.

“Ye-yes, sir,” Darrek answers, and it’s been a delayed response, being so very distracted by Gabriel’s hand playing over him.

“Really? Well, did you like it or was it a punishment when you were spanked?”

“I um...”

Images flash through Darrek’s mind, initially of himself as a child, then as a teenager, but those are filled with shame and he tries to block them out.

“Go ahead. Honesty, please,” Gabriel says, and he sounds almost uninterested in the offhanded way he says it, “I’ll know if you’re lying.”

He goes to the table and picks up something else Darrek doesn’t recognize: a small circle of leather that’s wider than the cock ring he already wears, imbedded with silver snaps and a smaller, thinner strap looped over the middle of one end.

“Well, my daddy used to give me a whipping with his belt when I was bad,” Darrek admits, watching Gabriel turn the item over in his fingers. “That was a punishment, s-sir. But recently, I... uh... I was with a girl....”

“What was her name?” Gabriel interrupts, stepping close to Darrek and beginning to fit the circle of leather around his balls. Darrek holds his breath for a second as Gabriel closes his fingers around his testicles and tugs them far away from his body in order to get the leather snapped into place above them in the space between his balls and where the soft flesh of his sac meets his body. Once fastened it keeps them stretched out.

“I’m waiting,” Gabriel prods.

“B-beth? Beth Ryan, sir.”

“Go on.”

Ache and discomfort radiates from his crotch, and the words aren’t there at first, especially when Gabriel brings the thinner leather strap between the orbs of his stretched-out balls, separating them and snapping the divider into place.

“The... the... the girl—Beth—she was... she was pretty kinky,” he says a little breathlessly, thinking now that maybe if he just keeps talking it’ll distract him. “She spanked me pretty hard... with her hand, and tied my wrists to the headboard. I got... I got off on it. Then, when she s-saw how hard I was, she r-rode me, while I was tied up... like that. That’s why... that’s why I c-called. That’s why I came here. Well, one of the reasons, at least. S-s-sir.”

“You know what that means, don’t you, slave?” Gabriel asks, brushing the pad of his thumb over the reddening, sensitive surface of Darrek’s balls, from where they’re forced out between the leather restraints. He sees Darrek’s jaw clench and the small sounds he’s swallowing back, the veins standing out in his neck.

“No, sir,” he admits.

“That means you got off on it when Daddy spanked you, too,” he says simply with a dark twinkle in his eyes.

“No!” Darrek barks, frowning at the insinuation, his breathing coming harder.

“Are you sassin’ me, boy?” Gabriel hisses, squinting at him.

“No. I’m sorry,” Darrek says quietly after a pause, biting his tongue but still retaining defiance in his eyes.

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