Delicious (The Delicious Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Delicious (The Delicious Series)
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Chapter 9

I’ve known Ernest for three weeks. During these weeks, the sex has been explosive. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again.  He has taught me a lot of things about myself and who I am. I’ve discovered this part of me that I didn’t know existed because with Dorian I was never able to express myself. With Ernest it’s different, I feel careless and free. He gives me what I need and he is not shy to tell me to accept myself the way I am. I never thought I was such a wild creature that was waiting to be discovered. He made me come to peace with myself and accept me for who I am. Now, I am not shy anymore. I can face my darkest fantasies without being shy. Ernest it’s different, he doesn’t belong on this planet. Now that he has gotten under my skin, I know I will not be able to feel the things that I used to because the only thing I can feel right now it’s my heart beating unconditionally for him. I got used to his motorcycle and now I don’t bitch like I used too. Whenever he comes to pick me up I get on it without complication, I think it’s starting to grow on me. Everything about him is starting to grow inside of me. These feelings I’m having are taking over without any control. They’re all over the place and I don’t know how to control them. He’s not only under my skin now but also in my heart. In two days, I am going to Queen’s, far away from Toronto and from the people I love. In the beginning I thought I could have handled it, now I just don’t know anymore. God, please help me. I need you more than ever! I turn on the side and I look at the white wall. Flashes of his gorgeous face start invading my mind and suddenly a tear runs down my eyes. We’ve never talked about our age difference because to us was never a problem; I was never ashamed of him and he never of me. He carried me in his arms sometimes when I complained how much we walked. I’m a lazy ass but it wasn’t because of it, I wanted to be in his arms as much as I could. Being held like that made me believe and have faith even though there is no future for us. I try very hard to stay away from that territory. This will be over soon and after we will both go in our separate ways. Ernest and I are not meant to be together!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

At noon I arrive at work.
Nela is baking fudge cakes as usual. It’s quite today and I kind of like it, I am not in the mood dealing with costumers. I wear my apron and I look outside the window. The sun is shining today and the sky is clear. I wanted to call in sick today and go to the beach with Laila but after I thought about it, I changed my mind. I want to spend as much time with Ernest as I can before I leave. When I think about it, it hurts so much but there is nothing I can do. This adventure is coming to an end and I have to accept it even though it may take some time. The engine of a car get’s my attention and I come back to planet earth. When the door opens and the driver comes out I almost puke.

, what the hell are you doing here?”

, I need you to answer this question for me.”

I look at him shake my head. He really is delusional!
                                                                             “No it’s not going to happen. Get out.” If I had a weapon close I would have used it at him willingly. Every time I see his face all I can see is disgust and betrayal.

m not leaving from here until you hear me out, Jenny. What the hell are you doing, going out with Ernest? Are you in denial of his age?”

“Don’t you dare talk about
, Ernest. You’re the last person to talk to me about him.”

He takes a step closer leaning by the counter watching me furiously.

“He’s older than you but that doesn’t matter and you know it.”

“Do not talk to me about morals. You cheated with my
so-called best friend and now you have the nerve to

I take a step closer being face to face with him.

“Oh you’re speechless now? I wonder why.”

, I am begging you, don’t do this. Don’t move on. I love you.”

can take that love of yours and shove it right up your ass, Dorian. Move on, forget me. I will never take you back. Not in this life and certainly not in the next.”

“You’re hurt
. I understand but you cannot push me out of your life completely. We shared some magical times, Jen.” 

“Have you broken up with

“Yes I dumped her. I realized we had nothing in common except

, Dorian, I can’t even deal with you right now. You made your choice the moment you left me.”

“I know, Jen,
and I am asking you for forgiveness. Please give me another chance.”

“I am going to tell you one last time. Forget about me and the relationship we had. I moved on, you should too.” He takes a step closer and kisses me in my open mouth. I bite his lower lip and push him away.

“You have indeed moved on with the
DILF.”                                                                                     “That’s none of your concern. Leave now before I bring Nela in here and she can show you her gratitude.”

He takes a deep breath and turns around and swears loudly. Thank God there is no one in the store otherwise they would think he is crazy.

“Jen, I won’t give up on you.” He says after a few moments. When he turns around to face me, a tear is running down his face. I’ve never seen him crying before. Never!                                         “Dorian, I will never take you back. You made your bed.” I start walking away without looking back. Where was he when I was hurt? I know where he was, cheating behind my back with my ex best friend. Now you tell me who’s the bad guy?                                                                                    


“Why, Laila, WHY?”

I look at the beers in her hand and I feel already mortified. It’s Friday night and she’s on a mission getting
us drunk. Why? I have no clue!

“Because I feel miserable and I need to cry. I need to let it all out and the alcohol helps me do that.” She hands me a beer and starts opening one for herself. I sit down on the floor putting one leg on top of the other taking a sip of the beer. Maybe after all this is what I need a relaxing night with my best friend.

“So what happened? What did the asshole want?” Laila was never a fan of Dorian. They disliked each other so much sometimes I had to get in between to stop them from killing each other. If it weren’t for me, these two together would not have lasted for one second alone.

“He wants to make amends.”

“Excuse me? He wants

“You heard me
, Laila. He broke up with Meri and now he’s back. I told him to go fuck himself.” She smiles at me with pride.

“That’s my bitch.” We click our bottles and we drink right away.

“What’s going on with Ernest?” Ernest is a hot topic at the moment. Every time I hear his name I become vicious. Don’t ask me, I don’t have an answer!

“Nothing much.”

“What do you mean nothing much? Have you talked to him about you leaving in two days?”

“No, we haven’t really talked about anything.”

how do you feel about this whole thing?” I take a sip of the beer feeling already nauseated. Thinking about it makes me want to jump of the window so I don’t have to deal with these feelings.

“I feel okay. I will get over it, you know me.”

I smile at my best friend and get up to grab another beer. As a non-alcoholic person, I must admit I like beer better than liquor. It goes down smother and the taste is amazing. Now I know where to rely on when I feel like shit!


Chapter 10

“Hey are you okay? This is the twentieth voice mail I’m leaving you. Call me
, Ernest.”

I press the end button and look outside the window. I am leaving today at noon and by the looks of it I will not be saying goodbye to him. It’s been two days since I haven’t spoken with
him, I don’t know if he’s okay or not. I will wait a bit more and I will search for him. This is bullshit; he can’t ignore me like this especially when he knows this is my last day of seeing him. I throw the phone on the bed and go in search of my mother. She’s somewhere in the house crying and hiding from me because she knows I can’t stand when she cries. She’s very emotional so whenever she is alone she lets it all out. I understand she is upset but crying doesn’t work very well with me. Never was I a fan of it and I’ll never be. Crying is for losers not for strong females like me, and you!


“Laila, stop crying. You will see me next summer. It’s not going to be the end of the world woman.”

“Who’s going to deal with me now that you’re gone? Huh? Tell me
, Jenny.”

Laila for you, the number one drama queen in Canada. I didn’t doubt for a second she was going to get in the school of arts for acting. She has it in her and most of the time it comes out naturally. I always tell her she is going to win an Oscar one day for her amazing skills and when she does, she is going to dedicate the speech to me since I predicted it first.

“Seriously you can stop now. I am not going to die, I am just moving for a few years but I’m coming back and we will keep in touch. So please, stop crying or else you won’t get to see me ever again.” 

She wipes a tear from her face and looks up at me.

“Fine, I won’t cry but you will never stay away from me. I’ll come and haunt you in your dreams.”

“Oh I don’t doubt it for a second, Laila. I know you better than you know yourself.”

I hug her tightly and she almost strangles me when she raps her hands around my neck.

“Oh, Jen, I can’t believe you are going to leave me. I am going to miss you so much. We’re going to Skype every day.”

, Laila, we will. I promise you.”


“Have you heard anything from
, Ernest?”

“No it’s like he has vanished from the face of the earth. I hope he calls me soon or otherwise I am going to pay him a visit.” I let go of
Laila and go in search for my phone hopping there would be a missing call or a message. Just something!                                                                                     


At exactly one o’clock I leave the house in search of Ernest. I tell my mother I am going to see a few friends that I haven’t had a chance to say goodbye. I leave my house furiously thinking about only one thing, slapping him hard in the face for ignoring me for two days. How can he do this to me? After what we went through in these couple of weeks now he ignores me? No, just
! Whatever he’s doing it’s not going to work very well because I need an explanation and a proper goodbye. He can’t just forgive me like nothing. I must mean something to him,
! Before I enter the subway I call him one more time. After the fifth ring it goes straight to voice mail and this time it won’t let me leave a message because the inbox it’s full. I throw the phone inside the bag and I start running down the stairs like a mad woman. I swipe the metro pass and take a deep breath. I don’t know why but deep down I have a bad feeling. Whatever I am about to face, it’s not going to be pleasant. I am willing to take a chance wherever the road might lead me!


As soon as I start walking towards Yorkville I call him again and again. No answer! Ugh, this cannot be happening to me especially today. I throw the phone one more time in the bag ignoring the killing ideas in my head. They’re telling me to murder him for putting me through this misery and you can imagine what else goes in our heads when we don’t hear from someone for two days. Not just everyone, just that special one! It’s about to rain so I start running instead of walking fast. When I reach the final destination I open the door and I greet the concierge and he greets me back.

“Miss Jenny, how are you today?”

The old man get’s up from the chair and greets me kindly.

“I’m fine Frank, thank you.”

I make my way to the elevator when Frank’s voice gets my attention.

“I’m afraid Sir Ernest is not in.”

“Oh? When did he leave?” I keep my cool because I don’t want to give anything away. Frank
looks at me.

“It’s been a while.” This is definitely fishy! Not even he has been here but now he has left God knows where.

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