Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel) (30 page)

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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“I’ve got to leave
London tonight. I’m not going to jail over some whore.” Trevor whispered into
his mobile as he entered a black cab. He was rushing to his flat to pack his

“You promised that
we’re in this together. You’re going to get rid of Grace for me. What are you
doing about it? Are you leaving without her? Are you not keeping your end of
the deal?” Tamzin snapped. Tamzin fold her arm beneath her bosom as the other
held the mobile to her ear.

not leaving without Grace. Meet me at this address...” Trevor said before
rattling off an unknown address to Tamzin.

there in an hour.” Trevor demanded, ending the call.

is it, Tam?” William asked as he approached Tamzin from behind.

it was Gemma. I must go meet her at Regents Park for coffee. Are you fine on
your own?” Tamzin asked watching her dad take a bite from the juicy red apple.

nodded. He knew his princess was up to no good.
I’m not going to question her about it.

kissed her father on the cheek before hurrying off to meet Trevor at the
disclosed location.

Early Tuesday morning in Japan, Guy
finished his interview with a Japanese sports magazine when his iPhone rang.
Guy thanked them for their time and they thanked him for his. Frederick led the
reporters out of the suite as Guy went to answer his phone. He was surprised to
see it was Darren ringing, late Monday night, Greenwich median time.

Darren.” Guy answered.

got to speak to you. Did I wake you?” Darren asked hurriedly.

I’m in Tokyo doing a commercial and interviews. Are you alright, mate?” Guy
asked pouring himself orange juice.

don’t know how to tell you this, but Grace is in danger. Tamzin is planning
something horrible. I don’t know when or how, but it must be soon. I tried
telling Grace when she left work, but she got spooked by me. Grace ran into the
Nag’s head where she waited for your security to drive her home.” Darren said.

are you following Grace? She probably didn’t know it was you. The last time
Grace saw you was your wedding.” Guy retorted. Guy was concerned but annoyed at
Darren for following Grace.

did it because Tamzin’s plotting to do harm to Grace. Tamzin said she wants you
Guy and she plans on destroying anyone who gets in her way. Now things have
gone sour, Tamzin is making her moves on you. Grace is in her way. I’ve gone to
the police regarding Tamzin’s threats and they won’t do anything to protect you
or Grace. They say it’s an empty threat. Tamzin has gone to the press and
police saying I’ve assaulted her. Tamzin is poison Guy, don’t let Grace out of
your sight. You need to keep Grace safe.” Guy heard the seriousness in Darren’s
tone. Darren was stern about the potential harm that Tamzin will do to Grace or

don’t worry, I’m on it.” Guy said. Suddenly Guy’s iPhone lost reception. The
call dropped.

returned to see Guy sitting at a desk opening his laptop.

are you doing? We have the store opening to do.” Frederick said looking over Guy’s

can’t. There’s an emergency in London. I have to leave now.” Guy said. He
pulled up British Airways flight information.

You can’t leave. You must finish here first.” Frederick reprimanded.

my fiancé is in danger. It’s imperative I return to her right now!”Guy snapped.
Flabbergasted, Frederick looked at Guy.
did Guy pop the question to some bird and who is she?

The nausea remained with Grace for all of
Tuesday morning. It frustrated her. Grace decided to phone her GP to arrange
for an afternoon appointment. Grace called Corrie and told her that she was
stepping out to run a few errands. Corrie insisted that the errands can wait,
but Grace was adamant. She didn’t want Corrie to worry if she told her she was
going to surgery.

showered, dressed and fed Mrs. Tiddlywinks. She checked her text messages.
There was one from Guy written on Monday saying that he loved her and missed
Grace deeply. He described some of his visit to her. Grace sent a message back
to Guy, hoping it got to him. As Grace wrote the text, Alistair popped his head
into the lounge.

in case you’re wondering where I am later, I’ll be at Philippe’s flat. We are
sorting out the invites for the wedding and popping them in the post tomorrow.”
Alistair said holding the door open.

Aunt Corrie is here. She’s helping me out with work. I think I caught Amy’s flu
bug.” Grace replied looking up from her mobile.

I’ll stay away then. Give my love to Corrie. I hope you feel better soon. Cheerio!”
Alistair said closing the door,

Grace shouted.

Grace placed her
mobile vibrate, placing it in her light brown suede River Island duffle. Grace
grabbed her keys. She went into the garage and got in her Mini to drive to her

In the first class lounge of British
Airways, Guy waited patiently for his afternoon flight back to London. He sent
a text message to Grace, telling her to stay put until a member from his
security team arrived. He typed out his flight details and told her he’ll be in
London by three o’clock local time. His phone came back with Grace’s reply to a
previous text message.

Shit! I hope Grace is getting my messages!
They seem to be arriving at will!
Guy grimaced. He hoped his security
detail will reach Grace in time to prevent any harm from happening to her.

twenty one


n a crowded waiting room of her GP’s
surgery, Grace sat patiently. She waited for her name to be called by a nurse
for appointment. Grace checked her Blackberry for messages from Guy. Nothing.
To pass the time Grace read the news ticker on her app. Shock, horror and
disgust enveloped Grace.

Celebrity Chef Trevor Hare in Sex Scandal!
Must answer to charges brought by Spanish Police of statutory rape and assault
of a minor!

Grace read the accompanying article to the headline, she felt her nausea turn into
horrible retching. She threw her hand over her mouth to suppress her
A nurse appeared in the waiting

Knowles, Grace Knowles.” The nurse announced to the waiting area. “Dr. Mills is
ready to see you.”

regained composure. Grace grabbed her handbag to follow the nurse down hallway.
As they walked Grace wondered if she should’ve called the police as Alistair suggested
on the night of the engagement party. She wondered if it was Trevor who
followed her to the Nag’s Head.

million thoughts race in Grace’s mind before they came to the doctor’s office.
The nurse knocked on Dr. Mill’s office door. When the nurse heard the prompt
‘Enter’, she opened the door for Grace. Graciously the nurse pulled out a chair
for Grace. Grace thanked the nurse as she thought her knees might buckle from
the terrible discovery that Trevor was an insane man.

look rather peak.” Dr. Mills said looking up from her computer screen. “Would
you like some water?”

please.” Grace replied.

Mills got up from her desk, retrieved a cup from the water cooler and drew
Grace a cool cup of water. Dr. Mills gave Grace the cup. Grace drank it slowly.

have some news for you, Grace.” Dr. Mills began once she saw that Grace was a
bit better. “I hope it doesn’t take you by surprise.”

looked at Dr. Mills anxiously for the news.
wrong with me?

assure, you don’t have the flu. But, we did a dipstick analysis on your urine
sample that you provided when the nurse did your vitals. And it came back with
an answer to your illness.” Dr. Mills said. “You’re pregnant.” The words fell
on Grace like World War II air raid bombs.

eight weeks Grace was having unprotected sex with Guy. Not once did either
Grace or Guy think of using a condom or the fact that unprotected sex leads to
pregnancy. Any thoughts of Trevor vanished into thin air. Judging by Grace’s
reaction, Dr. Mills saw it was a shock to Grace.

seems this pregnancy isn’t planned. You’re stunned by the news. I’m sorry this
came as a shock to you. The symptoms you described and urine results all lead
to pregnancy. Morning sickness can strike any time of the day and so can
extreme bouts of exhaustion. You need to slow down and rest. Your position at
work, does it allow you to rest?” Dr. Mills inquired.

a business owner. I own a bakery. I think I can sort some time out.” Grace
rambled with her eyes wide. “Can there be a mistake or false positive?”

When was your last period, Grace?” Dr. Mills asked.

had to think back.
It was two months ago
before Guy re-entered my life! Why didn’t I keep track of my period?!
was fairly regular and felt ashamed in having to admit she not kept up with the

you and the father in a fairly stable relationship? Do you want this child? Do
you think he wants this child?” Dr. Mills pressed. She noticed Grace’s face
flushed red in embarrassment.

Grace stammered.
What’s Guy going to say
when I tell him? Does he want this baby?
Grace was flustered.

see. Here is a prescription for some prenatal vitamins. On this paper I’ve
included the number to our in-house midwife. You’ll need to contact her so she
can see you. Your midwife will contact St. George’s hospital for your
ultrasound appointment and to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. This is done
between your eighth and twelfth week.” Dr. Mills said getting up from her
chair. She walked over to her file cabinet and pulled out a nappy bag. It was
filled with information for Grace. Grace felt her hands shake as she took the

is a kit I give all my patients. It’s filled with tons of helpful information
and resources. Look through it.”

shook her head in disbelief. Her mouth went dry.
I’m pregnant.

you be fine, Grace?” Dr. Mills asked.

I think so.” Grace murmured.

got up, clutching the nappy bag tight to her chest.

Grace. Good luck.” Dr. Mills said holding the door for Grace.

Grace replied before she exited the surgery.

Trevor left his flat in the nick of time.
The paparazzi and media were at his solicitor’s office for a press conference.
It gave Trevor a few minutes to get his backpack, passport and money together.
He’s cutting it close. Trevor persistence on getting to the location on time
hurried him along. He didn’t want Tamzin waiting.

walked the streets of London in a hooded parka and dark sunglasses even though
it was grey and raining.
I’ve got to get
on the tube! I need to get lost in the crowd. Once I’m done with this part,
Grace will be mine.

Tamzin was lost.
I should’ve taken a cab or had my driver take me!
Tamzin scowled.
Trevor insisted on Tamzin taking a bus or the tube to the location. Tamzin
hated the cold, damp weather. It was late and the rain was increasing. Tamzin
was grateful to have put on her fedora before she left, it was to protect her
hair from the rain. Tamzin hid her eyes behind Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses.
She wore black yoga pants and a black jumper. Strangers in the streets didn’t
notice Tamzin.

looked around. She decided to go into Boots to see if someone can guide her. A
security guard was kind enough to answer Tamzin’s questions. Tamzin thanked him
and turned to leave. As she opened the door to walk right out of Boots a woman
walked in.

me. Thank you.” The woman said politely.

It’s Grace!
Tamzin knew she had the
right directions.

“It’s a slight wait.” The chemist said
taking the forms from Grace. “Thank you for completing your forms and you’ll be
pleased to know that all your prescriptions during maternity are free.”

thanked the chemist. She went off to pick a Boots blue hand basket.
I might as well shop whilst I wait.

Gingerly Grace
walked the aisles. Grace felt a strong need to browse in the baby aisle. She picked
up baby powder, opened it, sniffing the sweet magical scent. Grace felt her
stomach flutter from nerves.

Oh god, I hope Guy wants this baby. I hope he wants and loves this
baby as much as I do.
The realisation that Grace
wanted this baby hit her like a lorry. All doubts of not keeping their baby
washed away. Another thought hit Grace,
will Aunt Cat and Corrie think?

decided to leave the baby aisle. She needed to focus on the present. She walked
over to the shampoo aisle to look for shampoo.

Tamzin follow Grace around Boots. She watched Grace pick baby powder to sniff.
Tamzin’s stomach flipped when she saw Grace touching a soft baby blanket.
She can’t be pregnant with Guy’s baby! She
isn’t pregnant!

returned to the pharmacy area to pay for her things and collect her vitamins.
She didn’t realise that a stranger stood behind her in a grey hood sweatshirt.
As Grace turned to leave, she bumped right into the stranger’s chest dropping
her wallet. He bent over to pick it up, coming eye to eye with Grace. Grace
immediately recognised the face. It was Darren.

don’t say a word. Don’t say my name and act calm. I’m here on behalf of Guy.
You’re in danger. Tamzin wants to do you harm. We need to go back to your flat
and stay there until security arrives.” Darren said handing Grace her wallet.

do you mean I’m in danger?” Grace asked.

not talk here. I don’t know if you’re being followed. Let’s get you home.”
Darren replied. Grace nodded as she looked around.

I parked my car around back.” Grace replied.

took her arm. They walked out of Boots. Tamzin watched as they walked away. The
stranger turned his head to see if anyone was following them. Tamzin saw his
Darren! That bastard is with her!
Tamzin’s mobile rang. It was Trevor.

are you?” Trevor growled.

on my way.” Tamzin hissed.

It was the longest twelve hour flight of
Guy’s life. Guy did manage to sleep albeit a restless sleep. Guy dreamt of
Grace in danger. He saw her screaming for help and begging for mercy.

the plane banked over the London Eye on its descent into Heathrow, Guy felt a
slight sense of relief. He wanted to be on the ground to see Grace safe. Guy
sent an email to security, but didn’t hear a word from them. Frederick looked
over to Guy looking out the window.

hope she’s worth it.” Frederick said putting down the Financial Times.

is Fred. I love her with all my heart. I can’t imagine life without her.” Guy
said rubbing his face. He was trying to rub out the exhaustion. His face no
longer clean shaven and creased from worry. Dark stubble hugged his tight jaw
line. Guy’s temple throbbed.
I want Grace
to be safe.
Guy couldn’t close his eyes without seeing Grace.

hope she doesn’t take away from the game. You need to focus on the pitch. I
can’t lose money on you after I lost money on Darren.” Frederick retorted.

Grace and I’ve been through a lot. Not once have I lost it over a girl. Money
doesn’t mean a bloody damn thing, if I don’t have someone I love to share my
wealth and happiness. I played a great last season and my goal won the Barclay
Premier cup, so Fred, FUCK OFF!” Guy said angrily. Guy got up and pushed pass
Fred’s legs to go to the loo.

Grace and Darren sat in Grace’s Mini
Cooper. Grace drove to her flat unaware of her mobile vibrating profusely. All
of Guy’s text messages appeared on her phone.

makes you think Tamzin is after me? I think you’re paranoid.” Grace said as she
manoeuvred her Mini.

not paranoid. Far from it. I know Tamzin. Three years I’ve been with Tamzin.
She doesn’t want you in her way, Grace. She wants Guy. Tamzin is a crazy,
greedy, bunny boiling bitch. If you are in her way, she’ll do anything to get
rid of them. She may try to kill you. She’s like her father, William.” Darren

do you know this?” Grace asked clutching steering wheel tight as she turned down
a street.

said it during a phone tap. Old Bill’s investigating Tamzin and William.”
Darren replied.

aren’t the police here to help?” Grace asked.

think it’s an empty threat. I know it’s not an empty threat. Tamzin’s angry
with me about my son, Max and losing the Premier. She and her father are bent
on revenge. They want me dead. They want you gone, so Tamzin can marry Guy.
I’ve been in hiding. I’m unable to practice football or go about my business.
Everything’s done through my solicitors. When we did the tap we only found out
about you because Tamzin wanted me to put in a good word to Guy. She made her
threat when I told her Guy only wants you.” Darren replied.

BOOK: Delicious (A Rumour Mill Novel)
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