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Authors: Shayla Black

BOOK: Delicious
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Table of Contents
“Wickedly seductive from start to finish.”
—Jaci Burton, national bestselling author
“A lusty page-turner from the get-go,
lives up to its title, grabbing readers from the very first chapter and not letting go until the very end with a shuddering climax worthy of any keeper shelf.”
—TwoLips Reviews
Wicked Ties
“A wicked, sensual thrill from first page to last. I loved it!”
—Lora Leigh,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Not a book to be missed . . . Just be sure that you have something cold to drink while reading it, and hopefully someone there afterward to ease away the ache.”

A Romance Review
“Absolutely took my breath away . . .
Wicked Ties
wound itself around me and refused to let go. Full of passion and erotic love scenes.”

Romance Junkies
Strip Search
(Writing as Shelley Bradley)
“Packs a hell of a wallop . . . an exciting, steamy, and magnificent story . . . If I had to rate this book out of ten, it would certainly get a fifteen! Twists, turns, titillating and explosive sexual chemistry, and memorable characters—readers can’t ask for more.
Strip Search
is highly recommended!”

The Road to Romance
“Blew me away . . . a great read.”

Fallen Angel Reviews
“An exciting contemporary romance with suspenseful undertones . . . the love scenes are particularly steamy. This book would be perfect for readers who enjoy their romance with a hint of suspense.”

Curled up with a Good Book
“The twists and turns in
Strip Search
make for an intriguing climax . . . Bradley is a master of tying love and mystery together. I highly recommend this book.”
Bound and Determined
(Writing as Shelley Bradley)
“This story explores one of my favorite fantasies . . . a desperate heroine takes a handsome alpha male hostage. Much sexy fun is had by all. Especially when the yummy captive turns the tables!”
—Angela Knight,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Steamier than a Florida night, with characters who will keep you laughing and have you panting for more!”
—Susan Johnson,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A searing, frolicking adventure of suspense, love, and passion!”
—Lora Leigh,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Will have you grabbing for the nearest fan (or man)!”
—Jess Michaels, author of
“A flawless story that grips readers from page one and doesn’t let up.”

The Road to Romance Reviews
Titles by Shayla Black
Titles by Shayla Black writing as Shelley Bradley
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Heat trade paperback edition / March 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Black, Shayla.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-18574-2
I. Title.
PS3602.L325245D46 2010

Chapter One
’M going to sink inside you so deeply, you won’t ever forget I was here.
Alyssa Devereaux shuddered at the memory of that growled promise, as she’d been surrounded by taut muscles and male need.
Luc Traverson. Even his name caused heat to stab her belly with want. He’d kept every bit of that promise; she’d never forgotten him for a moment.
The night he’d spent in her bed had been amazing, magical. Considering she’d long ago given up on fairy tales, that was saying something. Being enveloped in Luc’s steely strength had been paradise. Under his stare that night she hadn’t just felt like a desirable woman, but like the
woman. The intimacy . . . oh, God. Sizzling. Way beyond making her toes curl, he’d given her a whole new definition of pleasure. His endless dark eyes had burned as he’d slammed her with powerful strokes, his long, midnight hair draped around their faces, cutting off all reality but his whispered demands and rough breathing as he rode her from one orgasm to the next.
He’d brought her body to a fever pitch—to places she’d never believed a man could take her. He had done it again and again. For six hours. Never tiring, never satisfied. Greedy, rapacious, and amazing.
She’d had enough sex in her life to know they’d shared something more.
The next morning . . . gone. No note, no explanation. A few days later, he’d sent flowers with an apology for any discomfort or pain he might have caused. She’d been pissed off, a bit hurt . . . but not terribly surprised.
Still, she wasn’t willing to give up. For the chance to see Luc again, Alyssa had broken her own rule and called him. Twice. He’d never returned her calls personally. Instead, his assistant had called merely to say that he would keep his terms of their arrangement. Nothing more.
She’d been nothing to him. Yes, she’d known before their night together that he didn’t respect her. They’d first met when she’d stripped at his buddy’s bachelor party a few years back. Somehow, she’d hoped opening herself completely to Luc would change his mind.
Still, he was everything she’d ever wanted in a man: attractive, successful, capable of deep caring, sensitive, sexy . . . She wasn’t giving him up without a fight.
“Afternoon, boss lady.” Tyler Murphy sent her a long, low whistle, his stare taking a meandering path down her body as she emerged from the back of the club and stopped before the stage. “You’re looking very fine.”
“Tyler,” she greeted the sandy-haired giant. “Your job is to watch the patrons, not me.”
“Since we’re not open yet, there’s no one here to bounce. Besides, I’m not into ogling drunken frat boys or horny married men. What color are your garters under that little black skirt?”
Her bouncer was former law enforcement of some variety—he’d never said which kind—college educated with a degree in engineering. Tyler had a lot going for him. Why he’d taken a job here as a bouncer was anyone’s guess. But in the few months he’d been with her, he’d proven himself indispensable. There were days her business
It was too bad, really, that her heart didn’t need Tyler as well.
From beneath her lashes, she sent him a chiding stare. “I’ll never tell.”
“Aw, c’mon. Throw a guy a bone.”
Alyssa glanced down at his crotch. “Looks like you’ve got your own.”
Tyler winked and sent her a flirty grin. “All for you.”
He was good-looking, built like something on the front of a bodybuilding magazine, smart, funny, dependable. But after long days of running Sexy Sirens—Lafayette, Louisiana’s, most notorious strip club—and trying to start up a new restaurant, by the time she fell into her solitary bed at night, it wasn’t thoughts of Tyler that made her ache. That honor was reserved solely for Luc Traverson.
And after a bit more than three months apart, he would be here today.
Feel me. Yessss. You’re so tight, so good. That’s it, sugar. Come for me. Again.
Luc’s voice, sin wrapped in velvet, dipped in honey, wouldn’t leave her head. Even the memory made heat rise inside her. Thoughts of that night always had the power to daze and stun her. She wanted it again. Him again.
“Hello? Earth to Alyssa.”
“Sorry. The restaurant is weighing so heavily on my mind these days.”
He stared at her from green eyes that saw too much. “So clean plates and menus give you that flushed, wanna-get-fucked look?”
“Go find some drunken slobs to rough up.”
“I’d rather be with you.”
Tyler crossed his arms over his wide chest. His biceps bulged under his body-hugging black T-shirt. He really was gorgeous. And he wanted her; he’d made no secret about that. She could do worse.
“What’s his name?” Tyler sighed.
“The man who put that needy look on your face. I don’t know whether I want to bust him up or shake his hand.”
“There’s no one in my life.” Which, technically, was true. Other than her hookup with Luc, she hadn’t had sex in years.
At this point in the conversation, Tyler usually teased that he’d be more than happy to be that someone. This afternoon, he seemed to sense something was different.

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