Read Delecto - Games of Mastery (part 1) Online

Authors: Katrina Liss

Tags: #romance, #erotic romance, #hot romance, #sexy books, #sexy romance, #romance series, #sexual books

Delecto - Games of Mastery (part 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Delecto - Games of Mastery (part 1)
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I'd never
experienced such a sublime erotic torture as this.

My insides were
screaming for more. And he provided exactly what I needed. His
fingers slid around my wet sex, venturing down my slit, rubbing
softly at my clit. Back and forth. In me, outside me, all around
me. Those wonderful fingers whipped me into a mad frenzy, working
magic on my body and mind. Heated shivers ran up and down my spine,
racking my whole body with a surge of such heightened sensation I
wanted to burst with pleasure.

Oh Sebastian
...” I groaned his beautiful name
loudly, grabbing at him with wild hands, out of control. My nails
dug themselves into his backside, down the back of his pants,
grabbing handfuls of his firm, muscular flesh... I started to lose
it, to thrust against his hand and rub against his cock with my
hip, not giving a damn what I was doing. “
Oh God, oh God..
you stop.

I was going
somewhere wonderful, tipping over the edge, into the unknown...

Use me,
any way you like...this is so fucking beautiful.”

His words and
the deep sense of enjoyment of his tone spurred me on, and in
twenty blissful seconds, I was at the point of coming. Heat was
pouring from me. Pleasure oozing from every cell of my body, while
it dammed up inside me, like a raging storm about to burst from the

Three of his
fingers wedged themselves tight inside me, stretching and pushing,
taking me gloriously close to my limits of pain. He pounded them
into me. And I wanted more and more. I didn't think I could ever
get enough of this.

Harder, give me harder
...” My voice was harsh
and hoarse, and I sucked his ear, madly, as I started to

He grabbed my
hair, pulling my head back and his tongue slipped back in my mouth.
I erupted in a wild mind-shattering orgasm, spasming around his
fingers as they gave me all I needed. Thrusting so hard, and
deeply, burying themselves inside my body.

Uhh...” A strange guttural sound left my mouth and entered his,
everything contracted tightly, over and over, and I rose out of my
body for a timeless moment, hovering somewhere so bright and
beautiful, somewhere so sublime, I never wanted to return to myself

I surrendered.
Completely and utterly. Hanging onto him like he was life itself.
My mind and body were his. He could have them, if he could make me
feel like this. I wanted him to keep me locked away here, to keep
doing this to me, over and over, to keep me hanging here, in this
beautiful place. This was the purest state of paradise I'd ever
been in.

He withdrew his
fingers, slowly inching them out, caressing my ass with the wet
pads of his fingertips. I immediately felt the loss of their hard
strength. I felt empty inside. Dying for him to replace their hard
width and length. He hugged me close and kissed me deeply and
slowly, his hand moving up the inside of my blouse, under my bra
and around my breast, gently squeezing and possessing, rubbing my
nipple with his thumb.

perfection,” he groaned, against my mouth, and I thrilled at the
sound of the words.

Who was this
man, this sex-god, who could make me combust and melt like
chocolate in his burning hands? To take me to such heights of

I knew
instinctively, there was so much more to experience than this.
There was a world of pleasure waiting for me that I had no concept
of. What had I been feeling before? A very poor example of what sex
could be. All my previous experience faded into nothing compared
with this. It was raw and basic and came from somewhere deep within
my soul. He'd unleashed something animal and wild, and my God, I
wanted so much more of it, and of him.

His lips seared
mine, his scent and body texture invaded every cell of my being as
I floated in his stormy swelling ocean.

orgasm faded, the heat and pleasure quickly ebbing away, bringing
me back to earth with a heavy, painful, cold, bump.

Reality sank
in. And it was a horrible reality. A complete contrast to the
experience I'd just had. My brain and logic took over and told me
the truth.

I had just
allowed my new legal client, of six hours acquaintance, to finger
me to orgasm, by his front door, on the point of leaving.

Oh God, what
have I done?

I pushed him
away in horror.

Don't touch me
,” I snapped, acute embarrassment
swamping me, as I gathered my skirt from the floor, pulling it up
again and fastening it hastily.

touch you?” He laughed in obvious amazement. “I think it's a little
too late for that,” he pointed out in an equally snappy tone, his
eyes blazing. “And don't tell me you didn't love my touch. I know
exactly what you felt. Every squeeze around my fingers told me how
much you loved me fucking you. So shut the hell up,

I gasped at the
truth of his words.

We looked at
each other, the both of us still breathing harshly in the aftermath
of our encounter.

He placed his
fingers on his lips. Those same fingers which had been inside me,
moments ago. He stared at me, so intensely, and his eyes were
glowing angrily, wickedly. He raised his eyebrows, daring me to
deny my pleasure.

I didn't deny
it, I couldn't. That would be a barefaced lie which he wouldn't

His eyes
closed, and he sucked my taste from his fingers, one by one.

I was rooted to
the spot, absorbing the sight of him, with utter fascination, as he
sucked each finger slowly, teasing me mercilessly. His eyes opened
and he locked onto my dazed expression.

Mm, I
love your taste. My tongue wants you. It wants to lick every inch
and slowly take you apart.” I
want him to do dismantle me into erotic little pieces
with his mouth.

My eyes widened
in shock. I'd never experienced anyone so base as he was. And he
was connecting to something base inside me.

I drew in a
sharp breath, and shivered with need and desire. A long, long sigh
escaped from my mouth.

My God, what
had I let him do to me? My reason had been abducted, taken
somewhere and drugged, surely?

Give me
my car key back. I'm suddenly stone cold sober.” I'd have to risk
the drive. I couldn't face him today, or tomorrow, or ever

His eyebrows
rose, and he shook his head.

you're not, and no I won't. I want to see you again tomorrow. To
look at your face after you've had a sleepless night wondering
about us. The big us, where we get together. The whole amazing ten
yards where we
fuck each other
” His face was set in a serious expression.
My chest heaved with something heavy and profound settling in my
heart. Something I didn't understand and didn't want to. It felt
dangerous, like I was teetering on the edge of a dark chasm, about
to fall into the unknown. An abyss of feelings. A place I hadn't
been before. He continued to speak, to torture me further. “Think
of my body covering yours. Hot and heavy. Your legs tightly clamped
around my hips, pulling me in―all the way―every inch of me deep
inside you. My hands holding yours captive, my mouth all over you.
Think about that―dream about that. And how I'd feel inside you.
Like iron. Filling every space you have. Fucking you...
till you lose...your...mind.
” My
eyes rolled backwards in my head and my legs were weak with wanting
him so badly. My stomach and sex muscles tightened so hard, it took
my breath away,

Seb, stop it...
” I groaned.

How the hell
could I ever stop thinking about him? And all that?

No, no.
I don't want to stop. I can see it in my head and I want it. And so
do you. I can feel and smell and taste you everywhere. And that's
going to be thinking
All. Fucking.

He turned
abruptly, opened the heavy door and walked outside, stuffing his
hands in his pants pockets. He exhaled loudly, and looked over his
shoulder at me as I hovered in my shocked state in the doorway
behind him.

Come on,
I'll walk you to the front gate,” he said harshly. I followed him
out and stood at his side on the doorstep, keeping myself at a
comfortable distance.

rather go alone.” He was too much to be with, to listen to and to
handle. His free manner of speaking made me squirm with inner
embarrassment and fly to the heavens at the same time, and I
couldn't take it. I didn't want to be in his company any more. I
didn't trust myself to be with him at all.

Oh shit, this
is all so wrong.

I could hardly
look him in the eye now. I was completely mortified, by everything
that had happened. I felt a wild blush take me over, growing a
pace, storming forth. Glowing like a radiant fire, throwing out its
blaze upon my face and neck. My stomach was rolling with emotion
and guilt and a multitude of other things, making me feel
nauseated. Self disgust was riding high, top of the list, alongside
the guilt...I'd enjoyed all that so much, and I really didn't
deserve that pleasure.

He turned and
stood looking for a moment, examining my confusion. My horrified,
embarrassed, disgusted, and totally enraptured expression. He
stared hard at me, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms.

Why the
outraged virgin? You were willing, and we both enjoyed every second
of that. Don't tell me you've never been ripped to pieces by an
orgasm before? I don't believe you haven't. Hasn't any man turned
you on that much, or ever made you feel like you're inside out?”
his harsh tone of voice softened toward the end, gently coaxing my

No, no
one has ever made me feel like that,” I whispered, my eyes
downcast. I could honestly say, I had never experienced anything so
heady, or to have behaved so wildly, so recklessly, uncontrolled,
and beyond myself, writhing all over him like a nest of cobras on
heat. “And I've only just met you Seb. I don't do this kind of
. This is so not
me. I shouldn't have done that. You shouldn't have done

The silence
strained between us, heavily. I flicked my eyes up at him to see
him studying me with a look of pure disbelief. I averted my gaze
quickly, I really couldn't feel any more mortified.

Why not?
We've spent some time together, I think we know each other quite
well. Long enough and well enough to have some hot, penetrative,
finger sex. If you hadn't wanted it, I'd have known. And all you
needed to say was the simple word stop... or no... at any time. I
didn't hear those words, Amanda. What I did hear was
Oh God... and

” I'm cringing like hell now. How he
loves speaking his mind. I raise my eyes and try to compose myself

His face

here. I don't want us to part like this.” He took hold of my hand,
and pulled me toward him. Unexpectedly, he dropped the sweetest,
softest brush of a kiss on my lips, and peppered a swathe more
across my face. His fingers slipped into the back of my hair,
massaging my head sensuously. My heart and stomach flipped with
desire, my mind instantly forgetting every negative thing I'd just
thought. “You're so beautiful, how could I not want you like
crazy?” he murmured against my skin. Heat flooded through me yet
again, from my head to my toes as his mouth captured mine in a mind
blowing kiss.

Then he
released me and his hand dropped as he unzipped his pants and freed
himself. His eyes were begging me. “Hold me.” With a wildly
thumping heart, my eyes dropped to his very substantial hard penis.
He took my hand and placed it into position around the end and
closed my fingers on him with a firm squeeze.

This is
how I feel about you. All afternoon I've felt this way. Release me,
for God's sake...”

With his other
hand, he held my hair tight in his grip, wrapping it round his
wrist, holding it up and back, and making me face him. His look was
strong and direct, his eyes burning into mine,

I stared like a
doe, standing before a rampant stag, awaiting her ritual rutting. I
had no will of my own; no choice but to submit to the desires of
this magnificent creature.

I began rubbing
my hand on him, sliding up and down. I took his smooth head in my
palm and squeezed it gently, rubbing my thumb around the emerging
moisture. The expression of pleasure and delight on his face was
enchanting. How gorgeous this felt. How naturally he moved in my
palm. My breathing was escalating with my excitement, matching his.
I was raging with lust for him, dying to do it. Excited to my core.
I wanted to give him what he wanted. I moved my hand on him giving
him some real friction. Long strokes. I glanced down at his cock
hungrily, as his moisture oozed and spurred me on to release the
flood. I wanted to see and feel him come all over my hand. To feel
that heat and wet stickiness. It was powerful, exhilarating. Like I
was standing on the highest diving board, about to create a wave
around me as I entered his pool of masculine perfection.

His head moved
closer, and his teeth nipped at my tender lower lip, gently
teasing. I could see the blur of his aroused green eyes as he
stared at me from an inch or two away.

BOOK: Delecto - Games of Mastery (part 1)
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