Defying the North Wind (4 page)

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Authors: Anna Hackett

BOOK: Defying the North Wind
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, she’d hit him a low blow. “Damn you.” How could he say no to the plea in her eyes? “Fine. We’ll carry out your plan, but only after we go through some contingencies. I will not risk your life. I will not let him get close enough to hurt you.”

Her smile was blinding. “Deal, WindKeeper.”

“And first we get some sleep.” He wouldn’t have her going after Caecius after being awake all night. A part of Luca wanted them to tumble into a bed together, to give him the chance to explore her toned, oh-so-tempting body. But she needed rest, so he thrust his own needs aside.


He pressed a finger to her lips. “No buts. Rest or you aren’t part of the plan.”

Her lips thinned but she nodded. “Okay, I’ll sleep, but after that we go catch us a bad guy.”


“It’s perfect.” Rayne stared at the small, dead-end canal in the early morning light. Buildings closed in on all sides. “Despite being too pretty to be the perfect location for a trap.”

Luca didn’t say anything. He was crouched by the water’s edge. Brooding.

Yeah, he wasn’t seeing the lovely old buildings with their faded butter-yellow paint, or the arched windows, some filled with jaunty flower boxes. No, he stared at the still, murky water like it would give him the answers he needed.

Boy, he did not like it when he didn’t get his own way.

“Luca? It’s a good plan. I’ll find a boat and take it out on the Grand Canal. I’ll use my breeze to whip things up and put on a little show. Once I have Caecius’s attention, I’ll lead him back here, right to you.” She’d thought it through during the night. She’d found it hard to sleep knowing Luca had been in the bedroom next to hers. It’d been too easy to imagine his big naked frame sprawled in the small guest bed. She’d focused on the mission instead.

Still silence.

She sighed. “I’ll act like I’m trying to escape him. He won’t suspect a thing.”

Luca rose in a fluid move that made her want to lick her lips. “I still don’t like this. I don’t want you hurt.”

She touched his arm. Felt his bunched muscles under her fingers. “I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it a long time.”

He wrapped his hand around hers. “I know. But I have this strange urge to take care of you.”

Rayne’s belly flip-flopped. No one had ever wanted to take care of her before.

Luca tugged her closer and she let him. She liked the solid, warmth of him. Right now, with gruff concern on his strong features, it was easy to forget what he battled every moment of every day.

His hands slid into her hair. “For some reason, the idea of you getting hurt scares me senseless.” He frowned. “And nothing scares me.”

Her breath caught in her chest and she felt herself softening—hell, melting. “Luca.” His name came out as a husky whisper.

He dipped his head and his lips brushed hers. A too brief taste that left a hungry edginess in her belly.

“Don’t get hurt,
?” he said.

It took her a moment to find her voice. She couldn’t reconcile that oh-so-gentle kiss with this forceful man. “

“You’ll lure him straight here. No detours. No unnecessary risks. If he does something unexpected, it doesn’t change the plan. You come here.”

She pressed her lips together. “Remember we talked about you giving me orders?”

Luca’s arms wrapped around her. One of his thighs slipped between her legs and her entire body lit up, hot all over.

“Non-negotiable, Rayne. And I’ll be following, riding the wind.”

She struggled in Luca’s hold. “No. If he senses you, it’ll mess up the entire plan—”

Luca stilled her struggles. “Non-negotiable. Please.”

One tiny word and she turned to mush. She huffed out a breath. “Fine.”

He gave her a rare smile. Damn the man for being so handsome.

“I told you I could get you to follow my orders.”

She made an enraged noise and slammed her hands against his chest. “Arrogant man—”

He laughed and picked her up. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Now he kissed her. Like she’d imagined. Like she wanted.

His firm, full lips moved over hers. The force of the kiss pushed her head back. His tongue raided her mouth and she met it with her own. Her hands slid into his dark hair, tugged. With a groan, Luca backed her against the wall of the nearest building.

The kiss went on, leaving them both breathless. Rayne pushed against him, writhed, her body on fire.

She had no idea how much time had passed before he broke the kiss. He rested his forehead on hers and she was damned pleased to hear his raspy breathing.

“Stay safe,” he growled.

She nodded. “You, too.” She swallowed, trying to get her brain to start firing again. “We need to find a boat. A fast one.”

“I have a boat. Let’s go.”

They moved along canals Rayne had never seen before. They came out on a slightly larger waterway and she saw some boats lined up, tied to a small dock.

Luca led her over to a sleek little speedboat. It was all polished wood, old-school, with a smooth wooden wheel.

“She’s stylish on the outside and built for speed on the inside,” he said.

Rayne leaned over and ran a hand across the boat’s sleek wood. “She’s beautiful. Owned by Venti Enterprises?”

He shook his head. “She’s mine. Don’t get to use her much.”

“I’ll take care of her.”

“I don’t care about the boat.”

They stared at each other for a long moment. Then Rayne straightened her shoulders. “Ready to lure out an evil Tempest Wind?”

“No. Not like this, but let’s get it over with.”

Luca helped her into the boat and she started the engine, causing the floor to throb beneath her feet. Luca untied the rope and watched her, his face hard and serious. She tossed him a jaunty salute, breathed deep, then pulled away from the dock.

She revved the boat and zoomed away. She didn’t look back, didn’t want to see him disappear. She had to take it slow through the smaller canals, but then she turned the wheel and pulled out onto the Grand Canal. She zipped past a lumbering vaporetto. God, she loved the throb of the powerful engine and the speed as she raced across the water.

As she zoomed under the arch of the Ponte dell’Accademia, she called on her power and let it loose. She felt her breeze grow, joining the wind generated by the boat. It whipped around her, blowing her hair in her face.

It felt good not to hide her ability, to revel in her power. The other Aurae didn’t know what they were missing by hiding their nature. What did it feel like for Luca when he used his ability? To have so much power at his command?

Then she sensed him. She looked up at the bright blue morning sky. She couldn’t see him, but she knew he was watching from above. It made her feel…protected. Not so alone.

He had immense power, but how did it feel for him to summon it and also feel its dark edge? To have the very thing you loved, a part of you, also try to seduce you? His wind gave him strength but it also stirred him to anger, inflamed him to fury.

She turned the wheel and bade her wind to skip along the water. She felt a fresh gust of air twine with hers and she smiled. She didn’t think Luca played very often. His wind brushed her face, a cool caress that brought her his scent. Then it was gone.

Okay, back to business.
Rayne used her breeze to stir up the water, whipping little white peaks across the usually calm surface. As it turned choppy, she saw the passing boats rock, their passengers gripping railings. She turned the speedboat in a wide arc, saw water lap at the houses perched on the edge of the canal.

Come on, Caecius.
She urged her breeze to reach out over the city. Over the canals, through the alleys and arches and squares.
I know you’re here, come and find me.

“Your kind are supposed to be dead.”

One hand on the wheel, she whirled. He stood in the boat, so close she could reach out and touch him. She slowed the engine.

Up close, she didn’t think he looked anything like Luca. His bearded face was hard and cold. There was no hint of humanity in his dark eyes and rage emanated off him in waves. She knew Luca had the potential for the same in him, felt the contained power, but in Caecius, nothing was contained. It leaked out like an ugly toxic spill.

“You didn’t do as good a job of killing us as you thought,” she said.

“We had the best minds of the Renaissance work on the poison. You should have all died painful deaths lying in your own blood.”

“I’d say I’m sorry to disappoint you…but I’m not.”

He took a step forward, rocking the boat. “I’ll kill you now. I don’t want my WindKeeper to discover you and use your—” a dark gaze slid down her body “—charms to beat his vice.”

“Do you worst,
Vento Tempesta
.” She wrenched the wheel and jammed the accelerator down.

The boat turned violently. Caecius lost his balance and fell overboard, but before he hit the water, his body dissolved into the wind.

Rayne whipped around and focused on outrunning the Tempest Wind.

They roared down the Grand Canal for several more feet before she turned sharply into a narrower canal. She saw the startled faces of onlookers on the pathway beside the water.

The Northeast Wind slammed into the water ahead, causing huge ripples. The ride turned choppy and Rayne gripped the controls, trying to steady the boat.

Suddenly, an enormous wave reared up ahead of her. The boat hit it and went airborne. It flipped and suddenly she was falling, her arms flailing.

The wind caught her. Instantly she knew it was Luca. As she looked down, she saw her body dissolving.

Oh, God
. She didn’t have the power to turn into the wind itself. Luca however, could not only turn himself, but anyone he touched, into the wind.
She was flying!

She couldn’t see Caecius, but as Luca streamed them over the heart of Venice toward the sea, she knew the Tempest Wind was hard on their trail.


Chapter Five

Luca felt Caecius coming. Like a wave of aggression pumping from a rioting crowd.

As they raced away from the Grand Canal, Luca flew deeper into the maze of Venice’s waterways. He flew straight through one narrow canal and below saw the water turn violent, boats capsizing. People’s screams filled the air. With Rayne held tight to him, Luca flew under a small bridge.

Behind him, the bridge shattered in a spray of rubble.

Damn you, Caecius
. The dead end canal was no longer an option. With Caecius so enraged, Luca couldn’t afford to risk him infecting all the people nearby and creating a brawl.

Luca flew higher and headed toward the open sea. He had to find somewhere less populated. Ahead he saw the arch of islands that separated the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea.

Suddenly Caecius roared over him then darted downward toward the last island, where a bell tower speared high into the air.

San Giorgio Maggiore. With its church, bell tower and old monastery, it now housed an arts center and library and was filled with tourists during the day but quiet in the evening.

. Luca wheeled and gave chase.

As they neared the island, Luca wished he could set Rayne down somewhere safe. But there wasn’t time and he knew she’d never forgive him.

Luca saw Caecius rematerialize and land in the top of the bell tower. Luca followed.

He took solid form, so did Rayne. He held her in his arms until she found her balance. They both turned to the Tempest Wind.

The bell tower was undergoing renovations. A large, yawning hole was uncovered in the center of the structure. Red barricade tape surrounded the opening. Above, the huge bells hung, silent. Scaffolding filled much of the space. Luca glanced to the right, saw the stunning views of Venice. He caught sight of Piazza San Marco and the burned-out shell of the Hotel Venti. His resolved hardened.

“It will end here, Caecius.”

“Yes, I think it will.” Caecius spread his arms wide. “But I will not go back to my prison. I
being free. Watching men succumb to their true instincts. I love breathing in their anger. You’ll give in to it soon, Venti. I feel such fury in you.” Caecius’s gaze swung to Rayne. “You want to keep her safe but we both know I’m not the biggest danger to her.” Dark eyes burned into Luca. “You’ll hurt her eventually. You’ll use your fists on her, mar her skin, leave her hurting.”

Luca watched Rayne’s face pale. No, he wouldn’t believe the Tempest Wind’s lies. Luca controlled his vice, not the other way around.

And he wouldn’t let Caecius poison Rayne.

Luca launched forward. He smacked into his foe and they hit the ground, wrestling for dominance. Both their winds roared up, tearing through the bell tower and rocking the bells above. The dull
of metal against metal echoed around them.

Suddenly Caecius gave a giant heave and knocked Luca off him. The Tempest Wind jumped to his feet and ran. Straight at Rayne.

Luca charged after him. No way he’d let the Tempest Wind touch her. He saw Rayne ahead with her legs spread, braced to fight.

As Luca dived forward, Caecius turned into the wind. Luca’s momentum carried him forward through the streaming particles of the Northeast Wind. Instead of hitting Caecius, Luca slammed into Rayne.

She fell backward, skidding along the ground. Right toward the gaping opening in the center of the tower.

Luca reached out, trying to grab her.

She crashed through the tape and tipped over the edge, her hands scrambling to stop her fall. But she disappeared, her scream slamming into Luca.

“No!” Luca jumped to his feet and dived over the edge. Turning into the wind, he streamed after her. Caecius’s laughter rang in Luca’s ears.

He caught her and slowed their descent. Some sort of scaffolding cage intended for the restoration work lay beneath them. They touched down inside it.

He yanked her to his chest. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

She held onto him, tight. “I’m fine.” Her voice was a little shaky. “Wish I could turn into the wind.”

He patted his hands down her arms, over her sides. She looked fine, if a little dazed, her only injury a tiny graze on her arm. But she was fine.
, blood was pounding through him, leaving him lightheaded. He didn’t think he’d ever forget that moment of watching her fall over the edge.

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