Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles) (56 page)

BOOK: Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles)
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The pleasure he elicits from me as he pounds into and out of me is almost too much to maintain straight thoughts. His hand quickly replaces mine on my cock, but I fight the urge to come. “I have an idea.” I smile at him.

His eyes roll around in his head momentarily before finding mine. “Oh?”

“I want you to ride me,” I tell him and I can see the idea creep over him, much the way his idea did me and he pulls himself from me. I find the bottle and lube myself up while he cleans up and switches positions. Straddling me, he reaches between us, taking my cock in his hand and lining himself up to slide down my cock. Watching his cock bounce, I can’t keep my hand away anymore. I take it in my hand and watch as he settles down on top of me.

The pleasure is evident, not only in the lust filled expression on his face but the drops of pre-cum falling from his cock. I rub my thumb up over his barbell as he bottoms out inside me. He settles, and I stroke his cock slowly before he starts to move up and down my shaft. “Fuck,” he cries out as he pushes down and pulls up at the same time as I stroke his cock. “Jesus Eric, this is…oh my god.” His eyes close and pleasure rocks through him, racing through his veins as he slides up and down on top of me.

Taken by the pleasure he’s giving me, I stop moving my hand along his shaft, but he helps by putting his hand over mine. “I want your cum on me.” I groan as he slams back down on me and I start to match his thrusts. He pulls my hand off of his cock and he leans forward, pressing his hands on my chest as he brings his hips to grind against mine.

“Fuck!” I throw my head back and Calvin claims my mouth, swallowing my cries.

“I want to fuck you, come for me,” he whispers in my ear as I explode inside him. He moans and shudders on top of me, swallowing me whole before stilling and then extracting me from him. “Roll over,” he says and I lazily do so but I’m not a two hit wonder. He knows that, but he also knows that I can’t stop until he’s fully satisfied.

It only takes him a moment before he’s lining up, pushing himself inside me and I can’t help but take my soft cock in my hand, stroking it gently as he starts pounding into me. My cries of pleasure fill the room as Calvin isn’t very gentle. My cock gets hard as steel once again and I stroke myself harder, hoping to find a second release, but it doesn’t come before Calvin is crying out my name and exploding inside me.

WE showered and snuggled into bed after that. Though he did wake me up a couple hours later, spooning me, and we both got off for a second time, we never left each other’s arms that night.

We spent Sunday at the farm house with Mary-Beth and a constant flow of people, casseroles and flowers. The day was hard enough as it was without having people telling me how sorry they were. When Billy showed up, this time without his wife, he asked me to talk, outside and alone. I reluctantly agreed.

He’d brought me out there, asking me about where I’d really been, saying that when Mary-Beth asked about looking me up, I didn’t have a record and it didn’t make sense to him anymore that I had been locked up.

So I explained to him that my father had sent me away, to an institution that was hell bent on curing the gay from me. He caught on quickly but didn’t press. He apologized profusely for what happened to me and for all the times we’d fucked around and it got me in trouble.

When I asked him about his wife, he said that she didn’t know and that it really isn’t a part of who is he. I wanted to think that he was lying, but there was some strange truth in his tone. He chalked it up to experimental teenage years and he moved on from it. Eric joined us after a bit, lighting up a smoke and I ended up having one too. Billy didn’t say much else, other than to tell me that he was glad I’d found someone.

Who Eric and I were, celebrity wise, went unnoticed all day Sunday and then Monday too. Eric had called Addison to let her know that the regional paper would be running an obituary that would have my name, with Eric’s in parenthesis next to it. She’d assured both of us not to worry. She’d put a lid on anything if it popped up Monday, which as far as I knew, it never did.

At four o’clock Monday, Eric and I walked back into the funeral home, this time with Mary-Beth. She really is a sweet lady and I made a vow to stay in touch with her.

She’d told me yesterday that some years ago, my father, unable to handle it himself, leased out the land surrounding the farmhouse but that according to my father’s will, the house and land were now mine. I told her no. It was hers and I would be signing it over to her when I got the deed from the attorney’s office. The same went with the money he’d left me. I don’t know how much it was, but I didn’t care. Mary-Beth broke down over that one pretty hard. She honestly had no idea what she was going to do now that my father was gone. I hope I brought her some peace in the chaos of the last few days.

Eric joined me casket side, and this time I was able to say good-bye to my father with a little less anger and a few more tears. After spending the time I had with Mary-Beth, I honestly believed she was trying to change the mind of my father and maybe he’d finally realized his mistakes. Though I am a very long way away from forgiving him, knowing that gave the clearance I needed in order to grieve his passing.

The true moment of collapse came a few minutes before five. Eric and I had snuck out of the room to let Mary-Beth be with her family. While we were standing in front of the funeral home smoking, something caught my attention. A lot of somethings actually. With the setting sun behind them, like a slow-motion action movie, my entire world came walking across the parking lot.

I lost it in Eric’s arms as Talon, Kyle, Dex, Raine, Addison, Casey, Mills, Beck, Tori and Rusty approached us.

“We’re family,” Talon said as he stood next to us. “And family sticks together.”

“Always,” Dex agreed.

I was then swooped up in hugs, condolences and the most overwhelming love I could have ever imagined feeling.

The sound of them caused a commotion inside and Mary-Beth came out. “Calvin, who are all these people?” she asked me in a curious tone.

“Mary-Beth, I’d like you to meet my family, my friends, and my band.”

“Your band?” Her tone was even more curious now.

“Yes ma’am. We’re 69 Bottles.”

“Oh sweetheart, if it ain’t something I can square dance too, I ain’t got a clue what you’re talking about.”

We all laughed. “Well, then let me introduce you.”

I introduced Mary-Beth to everyone, explaining who they were and what they did and she accepted them all with open arms.

They all filed in and overtook the funeral home to pay their respects to my father. I noticed then that the casket spray was from Cami, Tristan and the Bold family and I nearly lost it again.

When the visitation was over, the twelve of us overtook Sammie’s and he had no problem kicking out the regular crowd for us. We ate, we talked, we were the family that we’ve all grown to be. It was the most amazing night. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to be surrounded by, but best of all, I had Eric by my side. He is my absolute everything. I cannot imagine my life continuing without him by my side.

The next day, while standing graveside, saying one final goodbye to my father, Addison graced the audience with a very heartfelt version of ‘Amazing Grace’ and it was exactly what I needed to hear.

Everyone, along with Eric, stuck around until I was ready to walk away, long after everyone else had gone on to the farm house for conversations that I didn’t want to have. I was ready to leave this Podunk town once and for all.

Though I told Mary-Beth that I would be in touch and that she was more than welcome to use my phone number any time she wanted, she was satisfied with that and I told her that I would be taking off from the cemetery. I think she was a little sad to me see me go, but we said our goodbyes and off she went.

Standing in a big ol’ circle, surrounded by my friends, my family and the love of my life, I realized that this all started five months ago

With a rock band.

A tour bus.

Four amazing friends who would find their soulmates along the way.

It’s been one hell of a wild ride and I couldn’t ask for a greater group of people to have taken that journey with.

Eric is my rock, my salvation, my hero, my talisman and the love of my life.

“Are you sure you’re ready to do this?” Eric asks me.

"I’m pretty sure I’ve put it off long enough and I know that if I don’t do it now, I might never do it. Not to mention the fact that I’m tired of it haunting me,” I tell him as I place the thick yellow envelope on the table. Mary-Beth had given it to me when my father passed away.

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