Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles) (43 page)

BOOK: Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles)
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My phone chiming with a text wakes me from a nightmare. I’m still snuggled up under Eric, the way we fell asleep last night, and that brings me great relief. My dream, though nowhere near as violent as the other night, still wasn’t that pleasant and I’m glad to be free of it.

The text is from Talon, asking if I want to join them in going out. Shortly after I finish reading it, I hear Eric’s phone go off too. I personally don’t want to move. Not from this spot, except I don’t have a choice.

I carefully untangle myself from Eric and climb out of bed, headed for the bathroom.

When I come out, Eric’s eyes find mine in a sleepy haze. “Go back to sleep,” I tell him softly as I climb back onto the bed and settle back in his open arms.

“How’d you sleep?” he asks.

“Good, still tired though.” I smile as he holds me tighter against his chest. “Talon wants to know if we want to go out with them around town today.”

“Grrr,” he growls playfully in my ear.

“My thoughts exactly.” I snuggle into him, unintentionally rubbing up against the erection I feel pressing against my back and his breathing hitches. I smile and wiggle again.

“I thought you wanted to go back to sleep?” His voice is husky, but playful.

“I do,” I grind again, “later.”

He puts his fingers under my chin, turning my head and he leans over me, slanting his lips against mine in a passionate kiss that is heady and makes me feel complete.

I sigh and he steals his chance, sliding his tongue in along mine and I roll toward him onto my back. He readjusts himself so that he’s lying down a little more and his hand slides down along my neck, between my pecks, over my abs until he finds my dick. Still soft, but waking up. His hand cups my cock and his fingers tickle along my balls. I shiver and my dick starts to harden. He smiles, pulling back from our kiss to look me in the eyes.

I smile as he starts to gently stroke my cock as it hardens and lengthens. “The advantage of sleeping naked,” he smirks before he disappears under the covers, pushing them up so that I can’t see what he’s about to do.

All I feel is his hot breath caressing my cock.

His tongue jets out in various spots along my pelvis. Licking, then kissing, sometimes nibbling into my flesh and I groan. Not seeing him is torture, but it’s almost like closing your eyes. I have no choice but to focus on the sensations he’s providing for me to feel and savor.

He pushes my leg up and out, then slides his hand up, along my thigh toward what I so desperately want him to grab on to, but he doesn’t. Instead he traces his fingers around my pelvis, from one hip to the other. It almost tickles and I squirm. “Stop that,” I scold him, but it only makes it worse. He rolls himself over my other leg, planting himself in the space he’s made. His hands slide up my thighs, over my hips, and yet he hasn’t touched me. I can see a wet spot forming on the sheet as my cock twitches with the release of pre-cum.

His hands continue to trail over my body, working their way higher, peeking out from the sheets to graze my nipples, and tug on their rings. I arch my back as pleasure overcomes every other sensation in my body the moment his tongue finally glides from base to tip of my cock. His tongue flicks against my barbell, bringing new pleasure and that small twinge of pain that comes with tugging on it. It’s not really painful, it’s simply a sensation that isn’t soft and it never fails to bring me to new heights.

His nails glide down my chest, not scratching or painful, just sending goosebumps all over my skin. I shudder and he sucks my cock into his mouth. “Oh god,” I groan as his tongue lavishes me. His mouth is hot, wet and it feels sensational along my overly sensitive erection.

His hands move further south. I feel one of his fingers tickle along that sensitive spot just under my sack and I nearly explode in his mouth.

He senses this because he slows down his ministrations, bringing me back level and out of the danger zone of coming. But he doesn’t keep me there long.

When his hand returns, it is toying with the tight ring of my entrance. Only playfully, but the intention is there and I grip the sheets. “Don’t stop,” I say softly and he doesn’t. His mouth slides up and down my cock, my hips thrust gently with him, bringing my orgasm to the surface and I put my hand on his head, stilling him. “I’m gonna come,” I tell him and he settles back down, pulling his hand away from my hole and his mouth stills, wrapped around the crown of my cock and he sucks gently on it. I shudder. “Jesus,” I groan. “That…wow,” I breathe out and I feel his lips stretch in a smile but he doesn’t stop sucking me. His tongue dances over my piercing. I could come just from what he’s doing right now.

AFTER a few more sucks and licks, he slips, letting my cock fall from his mouth in an audible pop before he starts kissing his way up my abs, to my chest until he is free of the blanket. I smile when he breaks free. His hair is a wild mess of bright color against the white sheet and I reach up, smoothing it down and take his face in my hands, bringing him to my lips and I kiss him, hard.

He groans into my mouth and his hips grind against mine. Our cocks are pinned between us, the friction is enough to bring back the spark of orgasm. I pull back from kissing him to look in his eyes. They are heavy with lust, need and love. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of telling you that I love you,” he whispers as he presses his forehead against mine. He grinds his hips against me, bringing back the pleasure once more. Though I wish he’d take me again, like he did yesterday, I’m sore and I think he knows that.

His hips flex and grind again and he rears up, pressing his hips against mine and I look down our bodies. Side by side. “Do that thing…like the other day,” I plead.

His eyes meet mine, he’s concerned, I am too a little bit, but I nod, encouraging him. “Please?” I ask softly and he leans up and settles himself on his knees, our cocks rubbing together. He gathers both of them in his meaty palm and strokes upward.

My eyes roll up, feeling the friction of our cocks rubbing together and the motion of his hand, and he continues doing just that. The pleasure I thought I was feeling earlier triples and grows hotter and more intense the longer his hand strokes our cocks together. I try my best to watch him, but the pleasure is so intense my eyes can’t stay open, even in an attempt to savor the sensation.

He keeps going, my hips grinding upward and his into mine. He adds his other hand, wrapping up both of us between them as we both thrust in and out of his hand, our motions are opposite, his down to my up, and it creates more friction, our barbells clicking, the tugging and…”Ahh!” I cry out as he moans. “I’m, oh fuck.” My orgasm erupts from me in a garbled mess of panting and moaning, his own orgasm matches mine and then he takes my cock into his hand, stroking out my orgasm and I can feel us both emptying, this time, all onto my stomach.

I swallow and shake my head. “No,” I cry out, but his hand never leaves mine as he moves quickly, leaning down and…I open my eyes to see him, a satisfied smile on his face as his tongue strokes along my stomach, licking up our combined essence. “Oh god that…fuck me, that’s hot,” I breathe. The sludge disappears a little more with each lick, as each little drop disappears into his mouth.

I sigh in relief when it’s been cleaned up. Eric has a smirk of satisfaction on his face. “What?” I ask him playfully.

“I didn’t have a towel, so.” He finds another little drop, up near my shoulder and licks it up to finish his sentence.

“Good god, how far…”

He laughs, “I think there is one on the pillow above your head, though I’m pretty sure that last one was mine.”

I laugh, “Are they that distinctive?”

“Yeah, I like the taste of yours,” he teases with a chuckle and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down onto me and holding him close. He laughs a little harder and rolls over, pulling me with him.

I extract my arms from around his neck and I push myself up, looking at him. “I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing you tell me you love me,” I whisper his words from earlier back to him and his hands stroke up along my back, comforting me.

“Good, because I love you, Calvin,” he tells me in a voice dripping with love and sincerity. It sends warmth flowing in my veins and my heart rate picks up a little more.

“I love you, Eric,” I breathe and he wraps his arms around me, bringing me down to kiss him, hard and heavy.

We spent the rest of that day in bed. Ordering room service for breakfast, then eventually turning the TV into the bedroom and we ate junk food all damn day. That day quickly rose to the top of my ‘best days ever’ list. Though that list contains days that involve Calvin, literally not much more.

The next day, we went out sightseeing in Seattle. We went to the Space Needle and then down into Pike’s Market where we walked around and watched the fish guys. Watching them reminded me a lot of the band and how we all function well together. Working as a team when needed, but at the end of the day, we could all go home to be ourselves.

Jessica had left me a message that I never did check. At least not until after the Seattle show where everything went to hell in a hand basket. Had I checked it, I may have been able to warn the security team, but then again, the message left a lot to be desired on the details front. Jess had called to warn me that Sam had run off somewhere and she didn’t know where that somewhere was and she was concerned that it might have something to do with Dex. In the end, all any of us would have been able to do is speculate further about where Sam really went.

That didn’t stop the guilt though. Raine was attacked by Sam, well more so some guy from her past, but Sam was the mastermind behind the whole scheme. Lucky for Dex’s instinct and an amazing crew, we’d been able to find her.

I did eventually tell Mills about the voicemail, but he’d said that they were already on alert because of some calls that Raine had received. The message, which he listened to and promptly deleted for me, was too vague to know if she knew anything further and she’d never called again. Mills reassured me that they’d done everything they could within their protocols, but it still happened anyway. When he’d told me that, I knew he was riddled with guilt over what happened too.

With what happened, I didn’t get all the gory details, it brought our family together, proving we really are more than just friends. We’d done everything we could to protect what is ours.

Dex’s drums got trashed, though the chick was either extremely smart or beyond stupid. Though she’d spray painted them, she punctured the heads of some of his set which are easily replaced. He’d still have to play Portland and more than likely, Los Angeles with spray painted drums. In the end, Raine was physically okay, and though I wonder about her mentally, Dex seemed to think that with time, it would all get better.

BOOK: Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles)
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