Defiance (5 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

BOOK: Defiance
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It was worth a shot because if she
didn’t do something then she’d end up in the slave market. The door of the cell
slid open, and David stood there, looking at her like she was a meal he wanted
to eat. She shivered.

“You want to use the bathroom? Maybe
take a shower? We’ll be here at the station so might as well take advantage of
me not being in the cockpit.”

She nodded, her brain already
racing. This might be her only chance. He took her arm and led her from the
small area, toward the back of the ship and into a bedroom. From what she could
tell, there was only one bed, which gave her a whole new perspective on
and David’s relationship.

He led her to the small bathroom,
and she stared at it like it was heaven. The camp had cleaning facilities, but
they worked sporadically at best. In fact, that they worked at all was mainly
due to Mr. Meier.
She’d never seen such
luxuries, like clean water and white towels. She couldn’t remember the last
time something was so sterile.

David took hold of her wrists and
used a key type device to deactivate her handcuffs. As he explained how to work
the facilities the tension between them was thick enough to cut with a knife,
but he simply stepped back and let her have her privacy.

Jordan stripped off her nightgown, stepped
into the sonic shower, and followed the directions that David had given her,
pushing a button to turn it on. It was the oddest sensation, a type of water
that sanitized and evaporated at the same time. Minutes later, it was over and
she was clean, cleaner than she’d been in a long time. Usually, she only bathed
when it rained, but with this device she’d be taking a shower every day.

She grabbed a towel and wrapped it
around her body before stepping out of the cubicle. David sat on the bed,
holding some clothes, and seeing him sitting there, waiting for her, made her
feel all funny inside. The moment almost felt natural, normal even, although
that was ridiculous. There was nothing normal about this situation, and as soon
as she returned to Earth she’d go back to being a boy. That was where she
belonged, not here, and certainly not with these two slavers.

“I found some clothes,” David said.
“They might be somewhat big…”

His voice trailed off as he looked
at her. His green eyes widened as he stared at her with something akin to
hunger on his face. Her heart thundered, and she took a hesitant step back. She
held out her hand.

“I’ll, uh, dress in the bathroom.”

He stood, but he didn’t hand over
the clothes.


“Drop the towel,” he ordered.

She shook her head no.

“Drop the towel,


“Because I want
to see the perfection of your body.”

“I don’t think that would be a good
idea,” she whispered.

“I think it would be an excellent

“I’ll fight you,” she said. “I’ve
trained my whole life to fight against men. Men hurt women.”

He pulled her into his arms and
held her against his body. His heat flooded through her, causing her pussy to
grow slick as arousal pumped through her blood, and she had this overwhelming
urge to do as he said and shuck her towel. Something primal tore through her
when he leaned over and she felt his breath against her skin. Her nipples
beaded into hard berries, and the soft towel became sandpaper over her
sensitive breasts. He buried his nose in her neck and took a deep inhalation. David
moaned, and the sound rumbled down her spine, making her insides quiver.

“Your smell drives me crazy,” he
murmured. “I may not be
, but I can still tell you’re
turned on.” He licked up her neck to hear earlobe and took the lobe between his
teeth to suckle.

Her knees turned to jelly, and it
was his arms that held her upright. Without really knowing what she was doing,
she turned her head, and his mouth settled on hers. Somewhere in the back of
her mind was the fact that this was her first kiss, but everything was soon obliterated
as she was swept up in a torrent of unwanted need. His tongue traced the seam
of her lips, and she opened on a gasp, giving him the opportunity to surge
inside. If she had any doubts that she wouldn’t like to be kissed by a rogue,
they were immediately obliterated as raw pleasure coursed through her body.

David’s tongue twined with hers,
danced, jolting a salacious moan from her. He explored each hidden corner as he
plunged in and out, sweeping aside any doubt that this was exactly what she wanted
at this moment. She was on fire from his kiss alone. One of his hands came up
to hold her head immobile while his other swept around her rib cage to pull her
closer to his chest.

It was madness, and she wasn’t sure
what she was doing. Her hands moved up to capture his face as he moaned again,
deep in his throat. Oh, this was so out of the scope of anything she knew. He
might be a scoundrel, but she’d never, in her whole life, ever felt like this
with any of the men she knew back on Earth. In the next second the towel had
been pulled from her body and she found herself lying flat on her back on the
bed. She blinked and stared at him as he worshiped her body with his hungry

“You’re beautiful,” he said

She wanted to tell him to leave her
alone, but her mouth wasn’t cooperating with her brain. Neither was her pussy. She
could feel her juices leaking out, and although she was still a virgin, her
sexual education had happened as a young “man” sitting without other young men
bragging about all the fucking they’d done. But before she could shake off the
carnal haze, David straddled her body and bent his head to close his mouth over
one turgid nipple, lavishing it with his tongue and teeth, tugging tenderly
until she lay beneath him writhing.

He worked his way down her body,
taking a moment to lick her belly button until she squirmed. She didn’t want to
be teased; she wanted more. As he continued his downward path, he bypassed the
apex of her thighs and pushed her legs far apart. She had a moment of
embarrassment as he studied her unblinkingly. Then he leaned forward, and his
tongue touched her slit. She couldn’t control her hips as they bucked at the
unbelievable sensation. The tongue touched her again, as if it had a mind of
its own, and worked its way past the lips that hid her clitoris.

“You’re so wet,” he said
approvingly. “And you taste divine.”

He pressed his tongue against her
again, as far as it would stretch, dipping into the slit. She moaned and
wiggled her hips, wanting more, wanting him to lick. Obviously understanding her
silent plea, that’s precisely what he did. As soon as his tongue rasped against
her sensitive nub, her body arched like it had touched a live wire. Her hands
buried in his hair, pulling it almost too aggressively.

“People seem to think the hymen is deep
inside a woman.” His finger brushed against her opening before sliding in a
little. “But it’s right here.”

He blew against her opening, and
she couldn’t hold back a little shiver of enjoyment. He licked up and down,
driving his tongue in and over her nub, and worked her until her cries were
echoing all around. When he took her little clit between his teeth and sucked
hard, she immediately splintered apart. Stars lit up behind her closed eyes as
she reached the zenith and floated on bliss.

“You are magnificent,” he said as
he kissed her thigh, and the words were the dash of reality against the
heaviness of her well satiated limbs.

With a gasp she pulled back,
panting, beyond mortified. What had she done? She’d allowed the enemy a part of
her that nobody had ever had before, and the betrayal she felt against herself
was overwhelming. They stared at one another, her gaze searching the cool depths
of David’s glittering eyes, but she couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was

“Oh no,” she whispered. “What’ve I

“You’re so responsive,” he said,
his voice gruff with passion.
“And honest with your passion.
A man can get jaded out here, among the slavers, but you, Jordan, you—”

She pushed him off her and grabbed
the towel to cover
. He got to his feet, but
she held out a hand. “Don’t!”

, I won’t hurt you.”

“You’re a human traitor! You took
me from my only family. You plan to sell me. You’ve hurt me in ways you haven’t
even comprehended.”

He flinched and shook his head.

“And the first chance I get, I’ll

“There’s nowhere for you to go,
,” he
said. “Think about it. This is a
station in
space. Humans are nothing but slaves. Right now
a slave. Escape would be foolish.”

She reached out and grabbed the
clothes that had fallen out his hand. “Not trying to escape is what would be
foolish. And I can’t believe you’re willing to settle for this type of life.”

She rushed into the bathroom and
shut the door. Her heart raced and her body yearned to return to his embrace,
but she ignored it. She could never, ever, surrender. Tears rose in her eyes,
and she impatiently wiped them away. She refused to cry because what was done
was done. Her stupid body might want to go back to David, but her brain looked
for a weapon.

So she took a deep breath and
pushed the unbelievable experience to the back of her mind. She had to forget
how he made her feel, how even now her body felt empty without his hands
touching her, and instead she dressed in some weird clothing. Although they
were too big for her, at least they weren’t see-through. She rolled up the pant
legs and the sleeves and took a deep breath. Her eyes landed on the lid of the
towel dispenser. It was just a door that stayed bolted, for the most part, and
she opened it to inspect the hinges. It was flimsy enough that a few tugs and
pulls managed to tear it off, and now came the difficult part of her hastily
put together plan. Truthfully, she didn’t want to hurt David, but he and
left her no choice. She couldn’t stay here and meekly
follow along while they sold her into being a sex slave. Her rash and foolish
actions had brought them to this station, so she had to take advantage of this.
She’d rather steal on board a ship going back to Earth. Surely there was some
type of vessel heading toward her home planet that she could slip onboard to
steal a ride. She’d have to do some research although she didn’t have a clue
where to begin that investigation.

She put the small door panel behind
her back and opened up the bathroom. David stood with his back turned toward
her, staring at a
that was streaming data.
She didn’t even give him a chance to turn around. She rushed at him, brought
the panel up and hit him over the head with a solid whack. He fell forward, and
his forehead smacked against the bulkhead.

winced as he fell like a
stone. She dropped the door panel and checked to make sure he was breathing. He
had a lump on the back of his head as well as the front, but he seemed fine, so
she stood and squared her shoulders. She’d always followed through on her
decisions, and this was no exception. She ran from the room, being careful to
look around corners to make sure
wasn’t nearby.
She noticed the door to the ship was wide open and with a feeling of relief,
ran for it. As she rushed outside, she ran into a big body and stumbled back. A
man stared at her in surprise. A tool
belt hung around his hips, so she realized he must be working on the repairs. Like
she always did when confronted by strangers, she dropped her shoulders and
tilted her face down to step around the worker. He grabbed her arm, and, in a
panic, she turned toward him and brought up her knee between his legs. He
grunted and let go of her to grab his crotch, so she took off running.

ran for all she was worth,
weaving and winding among the startled looking
They all tried to reach for her, but fear and desperation had her slipping by
them. She darted out of the hanger into the main part of the space station, and
it was there that she slowed down to figure out where the heck she was. But a
hand came down to haul her up by the back of her shirt, and as she kicked and
spun at her new abductor, she came face to face with a fierce
raider. He wore some type of military insignia on his
lapel, and at his hip was a blaster.

He said something to her in his
language, and she stared at him blankly. Then he spoke in the common tongue,
English, and she was thankful that she’d learned it as a child in school.

“How did a human get onto this

“Let go of me, asshole,” she said
back in her accented voice.

He shook her until her brain
rattled in her head and laughed at her obvious distress before pulling her
along behind him. She felt the stares of a thousand eyes boring into her, but
she knew none of them would help her. It finally slammed into her head how right
David and
had been and that she was a very stupid
girl for trying to escape the relative safety of their ship. Her mother always
said she was too headstrong, and now, she may have just left the frying pan and
jumped into the inferno. The
raider dragged her
away, and she stumbled along, unable to get on her feet before she was thrown
into a room.

“Stay here until I finish business
and find the Commander,” the big brute said.

The door banged shut, and she was
left with a small glowing beacon that gave more shadow than light. The room was
some type of storage room with all types of machinery shoved aside. And from
one darkened corner came a small, hiccupping sniff.
spun and strained her eyes,
trying to make out the shape of who was there before the darkness coalesced
into a girl.

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