Defensive Zone (The Dartmouth Cobras #2) (13 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #romance, #hockey, #menage, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #sports romance, #bianca sommerland

BOOK: Defensive Zone (The Dartmouth Cobras #2)
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After changing into street clothes, he pulled
out his phone and checked his messages. One from Silver and one
from his sister.

He called Silver first.

"Hello?" A man, probably Asher, answered in a
brisk tone.

"Hey, is Silver there?"

"Who's asking?"

"Landon." Landon waited for Asher to call
Silver, but was met with silence. "She called me."

"She's not accepting calls right now. But
I'll give her a message if you'd like."

"No, that's all right." Landon shoved his
feet into his shoes. "Thank you."

Hanging up, Landon headed straight out, one
destination in mind. He didn't need the pompous asshole giving
Silver a message for him. He was perfectly capable of delivering it

* * * *

Silver hugged her knees to her chest, rocking
back and forth, oblivious to the shards of glass littering the
floor. Alcohol created puddles on the kitchen tiles where she'd
missed the sink and the scent beckoned.

"I don't have time for this, Silver." Asher's
soles crunched in the glass as he paced in front of her. "You knew
I had plans with Cedric."

Her bottom lip quivered. "Then go! I wouldn't
want to be an inconvenience!"

"Don't be like that." Asher threw his arms in
the air. "This isn't fair! I do my best to split myself evenly
between you two, but you're an attention whore! The world doesn't
stop turning because you want it to! The rest of us have the right
to keep living!"

Cold spilled over her flesh and she turned
her tear burned eyes up to him. "Is that what you think of me?"

"I've always known who you are." Crouching in
front of her, Asher held out his hands, palms up. "And I accept
you. I'm just not crazy about all the drama."

All the drama?
She shook her head.
Their whole relationship had been all carefree and fun, going to
parties and smoozing with the rich and famous. The lifestyle Asher
liked, but couldn't get on his own. Until her father had his heart
attack, she'd never asked Asher to deal with any family drama . .

He dealt with you coked out of your head.
And your diva tantrums. Maybe this is just too much.

True. She sighed and pressed her forehead to
her knees. Her throat ached from screaming. Her chest felt hollow
and sore. And for what? Getting Asher's attention didn't make her
any more important to him. It just proved him right. "It's okay,
Asher. Really. You and Cedric go out." Her voice hitched. "Tell him
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out like that."

"I'll tell him." Asher ruffled her hair, and
then the sound his heels grinding glass drifted away. The door
opened and Asher spoke with uncharacteristic hostility. "Can I help

"Where's Silver?"

Silver's eyes went wide and
she dragged herself up the counter to see down the hall. Little
sparks danced inside her belly as she caught sight of him, towering
over Asher.

"There you are!" Landon elbowed past Asher
and came towards her with a strained smile planted on his lips.
"You called?"

"I did." She raked her teeth over her bottom
lip, looking around at the mess she'd made. "But that was

"Before you decided you needed to tidy up a
bit?" Landon grabbed the broom leaning against the wall in the hall
and crunched through the glass until he was standing right in front
of her. "No problem. I'm not much of a neat freak."

His words made her smile, but still, she
shook her head. "Landon—"

"I told you she wasn't taking calls," Asher

Landon nodded. "Yes, but I'm not on the
phone, am I? If she wants me to leave, she can ask me herself." He
swept some glass away from her socked feet and arched a brow at
her. "So what do you say?"

Her chaotic brain calmed at his level tone.
She had no right to ask Asher to put up with her like this. She had
even less right to ask Landon. But the word came despite her


"All right. Up with you." He picked her up
and sat her on the counter. Then he glanced back at Asher. "Don't
let us keep you. There's a man waiting for you in the hall. Hot

"None of your business." Asher went to the
coat rack by the door and grabbed his coat. "Listen, you. If you
hurt her—"

"You'll sue me?" Landon laughed and the sound
was ragged, like a knife hacking at wood. He gave Asher a look like
the other man was shit he'd found stuck to his shoe. "Sorry, pal,
but the whole building heard exactly how you feel about this
situation. Not like Silver doesn't know exactly what most people
see when they look at her, but you needed to make your point loud
and clear."

Asher snorted. "Whatever, man. Honestly, I
hope she tears your heart out and eats it raw. You're stupid enough
to deserve it."

Landon ran his tongue over his teeth and
nodded slowly. "Got it. Anything else?"

"Don't be here when I get back," Asher said
before striding out and slamming the door behind him.

"We'll see." Landon swept up the rest of the
mess without looking at her. "Now that he's gone, you want to tell
me what happened?"

"Anne, the secretary, told Oriana she
overheard that I had plans to trade Sloan. Oriana called me and . .
. ." Tears spilled over and her throat locked. She struggled to get
out the rest. "She asked what else I planned to take away from her.
I tried to explain that I didn't want any of this, but she hung up
on me. She hates me."

"I doubt that." Lips in a thin line, Landon
stared at the colorful pile of glass of the floor. "So, after she
hung up you threw a few bottles?"

"Not exactly." Silver brought her fingers to
her mouth and nibbled off the opal colored polish. This was it.
This was the moment when Landon would decide he didn't want to hang
around her anymore. "When I tried to talk to Asher, he closed his
bedroom door in my face."

"Some boyfriend."

"No, it's not like that. You don't get it. I
can be very . . . ." She dropped her gaze to her toes.

"So let me get this straight," Landon said.
"You got the door slammed in your face, so you just came in here
and started breaking things."

"No. I knocked."

"What did he say when he answered."

"He didn't."

"Ah." After patting her jean clad knee,
Landon resumed cleaning up the glass. Then, without a word, he
turned and headed for the door.

Don't go.
She pressed her hand to her
throat and whispered the words.

Landon stopped. "I'm sorry, what did you

"I said—" Her voice sounded weak. Pathetic.
She swallowed twice to get it back to normal. "Please. Don't leave

"Why not?" He returned to the kitchen and
rested his hip against the counter. When she didn't answer, he
tapped his fingers on the countertop. One dark brow arched, he
waited a little longer before calmly saying. "This is called an
adult conversation, Silver. It goes both ways."

Condescending bastard.
Her spine went
stiff and she scowled at him. "Forget it."

"No. I won't forget it. You could have hurt
yourself here because Asher didn't have the decency to answer you.
Not that I'm saying the way you reacted wasn't a little
over-the-top, but you don't need a daily reminder that you don't
matter to him." He pressed his fingers to her lips before she could
object, bending down a bit to her eye level. "How about next time,
you call me. If I don't answer, leave a nice long message—get it
all off your chest. I will
call you back as soon as I

"You really mean that, don't you?" She cocked
her head, studying his face for any hint of a catch. "So what

"Now, how about you go put on something comfy
and we settle in for a movie marathon." He strolled into her living
room like he owned the place and found her DVD collection. His brow
shot up. "Are these Asher's?"

She hopped off the counter and went to check.
"No, those are mine."

"You like old Westerns?"

"Yeah. So?"

He grinned. "So we have a lot in common.
Rock, paper, scissors for who gets to pick first."

Ridiculous, but she went along with it, lost,
and settled into the sofa while he set up
The Good, The Bad, and
The Ugly
in the DVD player.

Then he handed her the remote. "Just give me
a sec, I'm going to raid your kitchen for snacks."


"One word about your figure and
going to spank you."

Ten minutes later he plopped down on the
couch, setting down a bowl of popcorn and two bags of chips on the
cushion between them.

"If it's not too late, maybe we can watch
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
next?" She popped a piece
of popcorn in her mouth and glanced over at him. "It's one of my

"Sure. Then

"All right . . . ." She chewed slowly,
leaning forward, her mouth watering as he ripped open a chip bag
and then slipped an all dressed chip between his lips. Spices
sprinkled over his bottom lip and chin. She had to tear her eyes
away from the tasty sight. "How long you planning to stay?"

"Not sure." He winked. "But I fully intend to
be here when Asher gets back."


Chapter Eight


Loud moans woke Silver moments before her
alarm went off. She glared at her clock, missing the days when 6 am
was bedtime. Not that she really
to get up now. Owning
the team meant setting her own schedule, but showing up late would
only prove that she wasn't taking her job seriously.

Which means Dean wins. So not happening.

Pushing up from the bed, she gave a cat-like
stretch, rolling her eyes as the moans grew even louder. Asher and
Cedric were obviously having fun. And probably wanted her to join
them. Arousal sped up her pulse and she nibbled at her bottom lip.
Some make-up sex would be a good way to start the day. She hated
fighting with Asher and he hadn't been too happy to find her asleep
on the sofa with her head on Landon's lap.

Maybe he's jealous.
The thought made
her smile, he wouldn't be jealous if he didn't care. She'd never
wanted him to be all possessive, but things had changed. They'd
either drift further apart or they'd take their relationship to the
next level. The idea scared her a little, and yet . . . she didn't
want to lose him. Most of the last eight months were a blur, but
that first moment when she
noticed him would stick
with her forever.

Laughter all around her as she explained to
the judge she thought the no parking only applied during the winter
like some signs back home. This lawyer at her side, paid on a
promise of a retainer once her agent finalized her latest gig. Hot
guy in a light grey Armani suit. He'd put a comforting hand on her
shoulder and rose, cleared his throat.

Armed with a photo of the faded sign, Asher
had approached the judge and pointed to the illegible words.
"Seasonal parking is one possibility. Or maybe no parking during
earthquakes? Hurricanes? Signage shouldn't be a guessing game, your

Once the case was dropped, Asher had brought
her back to his place and they spent the night having hot sex.
Cedric showed up that morning after a business trip and Asher had
introduced him as his boyfriend. Slightly awkward, but Cedric
hadn't seemed to mind. Two weeks later they were both living with

We had something. We just need to find it

After shedding the pink, plaid pajama pants
and white tank top she'd slept in, she made her way to Asher's
room. A grunt made her pause. She held her breath and stepped into
the open doorway.

Asher's tanned flesh glistened with sweat as
he grasped Cedric's hips and slowly eased his dick between Cedric's
quivering ass cheeks. He thrust in to the hilt and pressed his
chest to Cedric's back, kissing the nape of his neck and panting as
he drew out.

"I love your ass. You're still so fucking
tight." He rocked forward and raked his fingers into Cedric's messy
brown hair. "I could spend the day inside you, just feeling you
clenching around me."

Cedric pressed his forehead to the mattress
and jutted his ass up, spreading his thighs to take Asher deeper.
"More. Give me more."

Silver swallowed as Asher rose, gliding out
then slamming back in. They really were beautiful together, slender
bodies, pale gold sunlight accenting their faded tans. Cedric had a
softness to him, sweet passion in contrast to Asher's animal lust.
And that lust seemed so harsh at times, devoid of love, but for
Asher to let himself go like that with anyone was something
special. He used to let go with her . . . but not anymore.

Give him a reason to! Put yourself out

She whispered his name, just loud enough to
be heard over Cedric's pants. "Asher?"

Asher turned his head without slowing,
looking right at her as he spoke. "It's all yours, love. Take it.
Tell me how much you want me."

"I want you!" Cedric gasped as Asher pounded
into him. "Pleasepleaseplease!"

Licking her lips, Silver stepped forward.

Asher smoothed his hands down Cedric's sides
and went still. "You what? If you couldn't tell, we're in the
middle of something."

"I know, I just—"

"Just what?"

"Do you want me to . . . ." Suddenly, she
felt ridiculous. They obviously didn't need her. Seeing her,
standing there naked, had no affect on Asher. And Cedric didn't
seem to notice her at all.
What a stupid idea.
She took a
step back and shook her head. "Never mind."

Digging his fingers into Cedric's hips, Asher
narrowed his eyes at her. "What is it, Silver? You're feeling
needy? Maybe you should have had your 'friend' take care of that
last night."

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