Defenseless (9 page)

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Authors: Corinne Michaels

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Military

BOOK: Defenseless
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“Charlie,” her mother cuts her off. She says her name but shifts her gaze to me, then back to Charlie. “Darling, you don’t look so well.”

“I’m great!” She giggles.

“Mr. Dixon?” She addresses me with questions in her eyes.

“There was a waiter. He was feeding her drinks. And she’s not feeling well.” I hope she understands.

“Of course, she would drink too much.” She shakes her head with disapproval.

The need to defend her arises. “No, ma’am. Something was added to her drink.”

“Oh!” she says as her hand touches her chest. “Pretty brazen considering where we are, but I’m not surprised. Would you mind helping Charlie return home?”

“I’m not going nowhere,” Charlie slurs. “Mother. I’m fiiiiine.”

“Of course, I’ll watch over her. But we’re not going home.” I look into her mother’s eyes. Priscilla doesn’t move or flinch, but her eyes say she knows there’s more behind my words.

She steps forward, “She’s very important to me.”

“I understand.”

“She has a bag in the trunk. Always. It’ll have everything she needs.”

I nod.

Charlie grips my arm with both hands and I wrap my arm around her. When I inhale, her honey scent filters in. My hand glides up and down her arm as we stand there. I won’t even let go of her for a second. I can’t believe someone drugged her. I was with her the entire time. I’m going to murder someone.

“Don’t worry about me, Mom,” Charlie says in a hushed voice as her eyes start to drift closed. “Keep the coffee on.”

I look at Charlie, and then at Priscilla quickly, and catch her nod. Her code for a mission? Her mother wraps her arm around her waist before she kisses her cheek.

“I love you, Ch—” she stops, looks at me quickly. “Charlie.”

Not another word is said as we head out the door.

Now to get the name of that son of a bitch waiter, cut off his balls, and feed them to him.

We get to the car and she starts to get sick. “I’m sorry,” she says as I hold her hair back. “I’m so tired.”

I keep her body from falling to the ground as she lets it out. “I know, beautiful. Puking is good, get it out.”

Once she’s finished, I scoop her into my arms and load her in the backseat. She can’t even hold herself up. I rush to her car and grab the bag, head back to my car, give the driver our destination, and climb in. Charlie leans against the glass, but I want her closer. As soon as she’s situated in my arms, her eyes close, and we head off.

We’re silent on the drive to Andrews. Charlie sleeps in my lap as I try really hard not to consider all the things she spurs me to feel. I’ve never been so goddamn possessive, or protective. Her being drugged causes me to literally want to go guns blazing and kill everyone who came near her. No one should’ve gotten that close. No one should’ve had an opportunity to slip something in her drink.

So instead, I let my mind wander to my own parents and how they’ve fared with my and Garrett’s choices. My brother is a doctor in Virginia. He had it all and lost it. He had a successful practice, made a ton of money, slept around on his wife, and was the most miserable son of a bitch I knew. His gold-digger wife Michelle caught him banging his nurse and took every penny she could. He packed up, moved to Virginia, and is now dating Annika. She’s fine, but a carbon copy of Michelle—she only wants his damn money. Each time we talk, I wonder, why? Why the hell would he live a life he hates so damn much? We only get one, might as well make it the best we can.

Which then brings me back to Jackson’s offer.

It makes no sense why I put it off. I love this company—clearly. There’s just something about making it permanent. As of now, I can walk away at any time. If I become his partner, I would be tied to this forever.

Before I get too deep, I grab my phone and set some things in motion.

“Hey, jackass.” Liam’s voice fills the line.

“Why did we become friends again?” I wonder aloud.

“Because my wife told me we had to.”

“You know there was a minute I thought that kid was mine. She and I had a moment,” I tease. My relationship with Liam really turned after the mission to rescue Aaron. I saw how hard it was on him, but he manned up and did what was right. He earned a great deal of my respect. Plus, he loves my goddaughter as if she were his.

He scoffs, “Yeah, by immaculate conception.”

“She slept with me in her mind.”

“What do you want, asshole?”

I gaze at Charlie sleeping in my lap. I called Liam because I trust him. I also know there’s no chance he’s involved in all the shit that’s been going down with Cole Security. When you feel threatened, you tighten your circle. Liam is about to be one of two people who know anything.

“I need you to find out who the waiters were at the party I attended tonight.”

“You couldn’t get his phone number on your own?” he jokes.

Charlie shifts and releases a moan as she clutches her stomach. “Funny. No, Charlie was drugged.”

Liam shuffles, and I hear a door close. “Is she all right?”

“She’s fine. I was with her, but this was our second close call.”

“I take it this needs to be done without anyone knowing?”

“Yeah, man. I need the office left in the dark about what’s happening. That way I can rule that out.”

Liam sighs and then takes a long pause. I can only imagine what he’s thinking. His wife, the woman he’d die for, works there. The last thing he needs is to worry about her safety when he’s deployed, but if she leaves, it could shift the balance. “Natalie is my priority. I need to know she’s safe.”

“Liam, I would take a thousand bullets before I would let anything happen to Lee.”

“I know, and Aaron already told her that when he says it’s time to leave, she needs to leave. I don’t know what you got going on there, but Lee loves you guys and the job. So, I’ll do what I can. I have some buddies in DC. Let me see what I can dig up. Send me the info and I’ll be in touch.”

“You’ll have a secure e-mail soon.”

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

I laugh and brush the hair off Charlie’s neck. “I never do.”

“Right. Gotta run. I swear this kid only takes a crap when his mother is gone.”

Liam disconnects the line right as the driver opens the door. I hoist Charlie into my arms. She’s so light, I wonder if she ever eats. She curls into my chest, and rubs her cheek against my shirt as I hold her tight. She’s calm, docile, and sweet, which will only last until she wakes up. A part of me wishes she’d stay like this instead of turning into the hostile jungle cat that tries to claw my eyes out.

Then I remember the way the waiter hovered. The way he was so attentive to her and how she really didn’t drink enough to make her pass out.

I get her and all our gear loaded on the plane. There’s a small bedroom in the back; I debate whether I should strip her out of her dress, but she’ll probably knee me in the balls.

“Ready to go, Mr. Dixon?” the pilot asks.

“Yeah, just get in the air and then I’ll let you know where to,” I command.

He nods and heads out. I leave Charlie dressed in her gown and sit on the bed next to her. She’s so fucking beautiful, but there’s more than that. She’s smart, funny, and can obviously handle herself. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. She’s right that being together while doing this is a dumb idea, but I’ve never claimed to be all that bright.

Once we’re airborne, I give the pilot instructions, then head back to the bedroom. I lie back, pull her in my arms and close my eyes.

“Where the hell are you taking me?” Charlie’s unhappy voice wakes me. She’s pointing a knife in my face. Well, that’s one way to wake up.

“Good morning, princess.”

“Fuck you. Why am I in the air and still in the dress I was wearing last night?”

“Anyone ever tell you that you curse a lot?”

She glares.

“You have less than a second to explain.” She shifts and I wonder if she would really stab me. Yeah, she would.

“You were drugged.”

“What? No. I couldn’t!” She presses the heel of her hand to her temple after getting a little too loud. “Ugh!”

“Headache?” I ask. I’m sure she’s been drugged before in training; she knows how it feels.

“How? Who?”

“I knew it! Son of a bitch! The waiter, did you get a good look?” I ask as she walks the floor.

“The waiter?” Her brow furrows as she shakes her head. “How am I okay right now?”

“I gave you an IV when we got in the air. Just one bag of fluid to flush your system. There was no way you would go from sober to that drunk just from champagne.”

“I don’t remember much. Shit! How did I not notice?” She throws the knife and it impales the wall.

“That’ll cost me,” I mutter offhandedly.

“How could I be so stupid?” she asks more to herself than anything. “You!” She turns to me. “You do this to me! You mess with my head and then I suck at my damn job. It’s you!” Her eyes close as her hands fly to her temples.

“Sure, blame the guy. That’s new.” I smirk, and lean back against the headboard. I’m beat. I start to catalogue everything in my mind, replay it. It couldn’t have been the same two guys who followed us before—I would recognize them. So, either it’s new people, or it’s the agency watching her. However, it wouldn’t make sense for them to drug her.

“My head,” she groans before flopping onto the pillow.

“We’ll figure it out. I’ve got someone looking into it and he’ll turn something up.”

She sits up, placing her head in her hands before she turns to me. “You’ll never find anything if they’re after me. These people aren’t small time, Mark. To go after an operative isn’t a child’s mission. They’re skilled and more than willing to do what they need to.”

I know she’s right, but I’ll try. Liam isn’t a child or unskilled. He knows this is important. He knows Charlie as well. He’ll come through.

“We’ll see. I’ll check in with them when we get there.”

“I need to know where you’re taking me, why, and what the plan is.”

Her hand rests on her lap while her mouth sets in a pouty face. I want to kiss her lips, demand her to submit to me and just do what the hell I tell her. But that’s not her. She’d probably bite my tongue off.

“We’re going to Bahrain to meet a buddy who’s a SEAL. The plan is—I don’t have one. We do whatever we need to do. Chances are we’re heading to Egypt too, so either you choose to work with me and do it my way, or I’ll tie you up and leave you here.”

“The hell you will. I’ll knock your teeth out.”

I let my voice drop. I use the one that gets all the panties dropping. “Sounds like foreplay.” She scowls. Talk about infuriating females.

“You need to fly into another country. We’re not flying directly to Bahrain.”

I lift my brow. “I’m sorry.” I look around. “There’s no way you’re telling me how we’re running this. I didn’t have to bring you in.”

She shifts forward slowly on the bed. “Mark” Her tender tone goes straight to my nuts. Her tiny hand rests on my forearm. “I’m telling you we can’t fly in where anyone knows we were planning to go. I’m saying that if it’s someone we know or someone who knows your plan . . . we can’t.”

Why does she have to be so good at her job?

“Tell me your name,” I plead.

Her head snaps back. “What?”

“Tell me your name and I’ll go anywhere you want.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“You’ll eventually tell me.”

She lets out a deep breath. “Let’s go see the pilot, shimmer boy. I’ve got to plan.”

Charlie squeezes my forearms and then stalks off toward the cockpit. She may have won this round, but we have a very long flight—time enough for another bout. Time to see who comes out victorious.

“Rise and shine, Twilight.” She slaps my stomach to wake me.

“Good morning to you, Chastity.” I groan, rolling over. “Sleep well? Or do blood sucking evil demons only use coffins?”

“You’re the expert, I hear. You’re the one named after a vampire.”

I groan while I sit up and pull the drawer open next to me. I remove the contents, and toss an envelope at her. “Here’s a passport and new ID.” She opens it, looking suspicious—as always. “Memorize it. We don’t have time to get tripped up because you’re unable to remember.”

“I don’t have a problem keeping my cover,” she snaps. “Plus, this is from my bag! Don’t act like you did anything but retrieve what I already own.”

“Talk to me once I’ve had my caffeine. Right now all I hear is
wah, wah, wah

We head into the main cabin where I smell the coffee. I grab a cup, take a few gulps, and sit at the table across from her.

“As I was saying,” Charlie says impatiently. “I’ve heard all about the SEALs and how big their muscles are, but their brains . . . not so much. So if anyone should be worried about their cover being blown, it’s me with your tiny pea brain.”

“There’s nothing small on me, princess.” I smile and lean back with my hands laced behind my head.

“We’ll be landing in Egypt soon. I assume we’ll use that cover to figure out whatever we can about the issues you’re having there and then change into the new identities when we leave. You trust the pilot?”

“I trust him.”

“I have a plan.”

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