Defenseless (29 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

BOOK: Defenseless
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One year later…

onya turned from her left profile to her right, to assess her figure in the pearl-colored wedding gown. She took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, but it seemed to pick up its pace with every tick of the clock. In a few minutes, she would be Mrs. Dwayne Hamilton. The sound of the name made her smile as she reflected on the past year.

She glanced at the four-carat diamond ring that sparkled on her left hand, then back to her reflection in the mirror.
This is it.
Hearing a light tap at the door, Sonya bid her guest to enter.

“Are you about ready?” Sharon asked, peering into the room.

“I feel as if I swallowed a jar of butterflies,” Sonya answered honestly.

Sharon entered the room with Bridget right behind her. Their strapless turquoise gowns were beautiful, Sonya thought as they gathered around her.

“That's only normal. You'll be fine,” Sharon encouraged.

Bridget nodded in agreement. “I felt the same way last week at graduation. I kept thinking that I was either going to trip or forget something.”

Sharon looped her arm around Bridget's shoulder. “We're all so proud of you,” she said, kissing her niece's forehead.

“So are you ready for college?” Sonya asked, taking the young girl's hand into her own.

“I guess so. Spelman, ready or not, here I come.”

“Well, we'd better take our places. The music should be starting soon. Is there anything we can do for you?” Sharon offered.

Sonya inhaled then exhaled slowly. “No. I think I'm going to be all right.”

“Okay, see you downstairs.”

“Break a leg.” Bridget placed a kiss on Sonya's cheek.

Sonya turned back toward the mirror. Her nerves were still on edge. Another tap sounded at the door. “Come in.”

Laura pushed open the door and stepped inside. “Are you nervous?”

“My knees are about to give out on me,” Sonya confessed.

Laura's eyes glistened. “You look beautiful.”

Sonya opened her arms. “Come here, you.”

Laura rushed and embraced her sister. When they pulled away, they realized they were in danger of losing their makeup.

Sonya turned and grabbed two tissues from the table. “Who would ever have believed that I would be getting married?” she said as they blotted their eyes.

“I always had hope,” Dorothy answered from the door.

“Mama.” Sonya raced to hug her mother.

They remained locked in each other's arms for a brief period of time. Everyone heard the music begin to play.

“I think that's your cue,” Dorothy said, easing Sonya from her arms. “We'll see you downstairs.”

The two women left Sonya alone to finish getting ready. When she heard the sound of the organ, her heart seemed to enlarge in her throat. She gathered her courage and smiled one last time in the mirror, then turned to meet her future husband downstairs.


Dwayne straightened his tie for the millionth time.
Why is it so hot in here?
He looked at James, his best man, and noticed his calmness.
Maybe it's just me.
He glanced at the large crowd of people sitting in the pews and shook his head. There, sitting in six rows, were William Gainey and half his gang. He smiled at the sight of William's men arranging and rearranging their suits.

The music started. Soon after, the flower girls made their way down the aisle. He watched as Bridget, Sharon, then Laura glided down. Then he became oblivious to everything else as he waited patiently for Sonya to appear.


Sonya looped her arm through Malik's and gave him a nervous smile.

“Are you ready?” he whispered.

Sonya's body trembled as she nodded her head.

“Okay, here we go,” Malik said, turning her down the aisle.

All eyes were on her, but Sonya noticed only Dwayne's smoldering gaze. She missed a step, so she pulled her eyes away from Dwayne's to concentrate on what she was doing.

As she neared the first pew, her eyes sought the loving gaze of her mother. This was the happiest day of her life.


The music blared from the reception room of the Sundial Motel. Sonya stood in the center of the motel and closed her eyes. In one quick swoop, she tossed her bridal bouquet into the crowd of anxious women. When the crowd made an audible gasp, Sonya turned to see Bridget holding the bouquet.

George—dressed in a fine black tuxedo—stood and applauded. Dwayne elbowed the teenager into silence. The guests roared with laughter.

“Sonya,” Sharon whispered, rolling her finger to instruct Sonya to come closer.

“What's wrong?” Sonya asked the obviously excited Sharon.

“I have to tell someone,” she whispered, looking around.

“What?” Sonya felt her own excitement mount.

“I wasn't sure until this morning, and I'm waiting until tonight to tell James.”

“What?” Sonya grabbed her hand excitedly.

“I'm pregnant.”

“No,” Sonya and Bridget said in unison.

Sharon and Sonya turned. They didn't realize that Bridget had walked up behind them.

“That's great, Auntie,” Bridget said, leaning in to hug Sharon.

“What's great?” James asked, handing a glass of punch to Sharon.

“Oh, I'll tell you later, dear.” Sharon winked.

The women laughed at James's puzzled expression. The lights dimmed, and Sonya turned to see her husband.

“I believe this is our dance.”

The soft music of “Here and Now” began to play over the PA system. The crowd backed away from the newlyweds just as Malik picked up the microphone to sing their song.

Sonya leaned against Dwayne's frame while she moved in time with his.

So, Mrs. Hamilton, I guess you're stuck with me for life.”

“I have experienced worse,” she teased.

Dwayne laughed but then grew serious as he gazed into her eyes. “Are you happy?”

“More than I ever thought possible.”


Laura squeezed her mother's hand as she watched her sister glide across the floor. “They make a beautiful couple.”

Dorothy patted her youngest daughter's hand. “They sure do. How are you holding up?”

Laura glanced over to Malik and felt a heat evolve in the pit of her stomach. “I'm doing much better.”

Dorothy followed the direction of Laura's eyes and smiled. “He seems nice.”

Laura squeezed her mother's hand again. “He is nice.”

“Do I hear more wedding bells?” Dorothy cocked an eyebrow.

Laura turned back to her mother. “I'm not ready. Malik hasn't pushed the subject, but who knows what the future will bring?”


George handed Bridget a glass of punch. “So you're the next bride.”

Bridget shook her head. “Don't count on it being anytime soon. Are you ready for school?”

“I can't believe we are going to spend the next four years apart. I'll be in Washington at Howard University, and you'll be here at Spelman.”

“We'll see each other on holidays and some weekends,” Bridget promised.

“It still won't be the same.”

“Come on, don't look so sad. This is a wedding. We're supposed to be happy.” Bridget leaned against him.

George smiled despite himself and gave Bridget a quick kiss.


“I can't believe Sonya bought this motel.” Tina glanced around her. “She said this place held some kind of sentimental value.”

“It does,” Sharon said.

Tina smiled. “Well, you would never recognize the place. The money she spent in remodeling has made this place a beautiful motel.”

“Excuse me, will you?” Sharon walked over to James and leaned against him. She couldn't wait until tonight.

“Enjoying yourself?” James smiled.

“I'm having a wonderful time.”

James eyed her suspiciously.

“What?” Sharon smiled.

“You're just acting a little strange.”

“Well, I do have something I want to tell you.”

A loud shout filled the room. Sonya and Dwayne turned toward Sharon and James.

“I guess Sharon told James the good news,” Sonya observed.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Sonya looked at him. “You knew?”

“Yeah, Sharon never could keep a secret.”

Their song ended while other couples drifted to the dance floor as the next song began to play.

Sonya raced to change her clothes.


“It's about that time.” William came and pounded on Dwayne's back.

“Yeah.” Dwayne smiled.

“So where're you guys going?” Malik joined the conversation.

“Puerto Rico.”

A few of William's men nodded their approval as they gathered around Dwayne.

“Are you going to continue your practice here when you get back?”

Dwayne became curious. “Yes.”

William draped his arm around Dwayne's shoulder. “Well, we were wondering if you could handle a few of our cases.”

Dwayne laughed while shaking his head. “We'll talk about it when I get back.”

“Cool.” William smiled.


When Sonya appeared from the elevator, dressed in a pearl-colored pantsuit, Dwayne rushed over to her to take her things. A crowd gathered once again to throw more rice at them. They rushed from the Sundial Motel arm in arm and into the waiting limousine.

Once inside they turned and waved goodbye to the fading crowd.

“I'm glad that's over,” Sonya said, slumping against Dwayne.

Dwayne hugged her closer to him. “Now it's just you and me for the next two weeks.”

“Mmm, two weeks of fun in the sun.”

“Sun?” Dwayne asked, shocked. “I don't think so, Mrs. Hamilton. I don't plan on letting you out of that bed.”

“Oh? I don't have a say in this?”


“Can't I plead my case?”

“You don't have a case, Mrs. Hamilton. I plan to leave you totally defenseless.”

“Oh,” Sonya moaned as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss that promised her more to come.


An Arabesque novel published by Kimani Press/April 2008

First Published by Kensington Publishing Corp. in 1997

ISBN: 978-1-4268-1526-3

Copyright © 1997 by Adrianne Byrd

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