Defending Hayden: A Second Chances Novel (13 page)

BOOK: Defending Hayden: A Second Chances Novel
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Chapter 20

I didn’t want to leave Derek alone with Jeremiah, but it looked like I had no choice. I could tell there was tension between them. “Why do you look like that?” Michael asked as I walked through the door. Derek and Jeremiah had separated ways, but their meeting hadn’t been a good one, I could tell by Derek’s murderous glare.

I nodded toward the café. “I think Derek and Jeremiah just had words.”

Michael smiled wide. “I’m assuming everything worked out with you and Mr. Hottie McLaughlin?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes. He spent the night with me last night.”

He put his arms around me and squeezed. “It’s about time you two worked it out.”

“What did you say to him last night before you left?” I asked.

He cleared his throat and let me go. “Only that if he hurts you, I’ll hunt him down. I may not be as big as he is, but I know how to use a gun.”

“You’re too much, you know that?”

His gaze caught something over my shoulder. “Uh-oh, incoming. Patton looks pissed.”

Amanda turned the corner and winked at me. “Someone’s glowing this morning.” She said it just as Jeremiah stormed through the door; it seemed to anger him more.
His heated gaze landed straight on mine.

“We need to talk,” he demanded.

Sighing, I followed him to his office.
I never should’ve let him kiss me. What the hell was I thinking?
He shut the door and leaned against it, his jaw tense. “You’re making a huge mistake, Hayden. He’s only going to hurt you again.”

“You’re wrong,” I told him. “What happened before with him was a mistake…just like our kiss. It never should’ve happened. Whatever happened between you and me will never happen again.”

He shook his head incredulously. “So you’re going to choose a football player who fucks any girl he sees over someone who’ll treat you well and be loyal?”

“I’m sorry, Jeremiah. We have to keep our relationship strictly professional. I was hoping you’d understand.”

He ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t want to see you get hurt again. You’re an amazing woman, Hayden. You deserve so much more.”

“And you’re a great guy. I’m just not the right girl for you.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, he stepped away from the door. “I’m sorry you think that.” Knowing there was nothing left to say, I opened the door and walked out. Jessica saw me leave but pretended not to notice by turning around quickly.
Now the whole office was going to think something was going on between me and Jeremiah. Jessica was a great nurse, but she had a big mouth, and she loved to gossip.


She cleared her throat and faced me. “Yes, Dr. Hunter?”

“Can you get me Mrs. Jenkins’s number, please?”

She nodded quickly. “Of course.”

While I waited, I checked on Lady in the kennel. She was doing so much better and even had the strength to get up and move around. The poor thing was ready to go home. Reaching into her cage, I scratched the backs of her ears. “You’re going home today, girl. I know you miss your momma.”

“Did you tell loverboy you’re unavailable?” Michael asked.

Sighing, I glanced at him over my shoulder. “Pretty much, but he wasn’t happy about it. I knew I should’ve kept my distance.”

Michael shrugged. “He’ll get over it.” Then he handed me a piece of paper with a phone number on it. “I heard you ask Jessica for it, so I thought I’d give it to you myself.”

“Thanks,” I said, taking it. “I have to tell Mrs. Jenkins that Lady is ready to be picked up.”

He looked down at Lady. “She’s doing well. I’m glad you were able to remove the tumor.”

“Me, too. I know how much Mrs. Jenkins loves her.”

“Dr. Briggs?” Amanda called out over the intercom.

Michael looked up at the speaker. “Yes?”

“Your first appointment is here.”

“Thanks, Amanda. Be up there in a sec.”

We walked inside and I grabbed his arm. “Oh, I almost forgot. Do you want to go to the football game this Saturday? It’s the Cougars’ last pre-season game. I figured it could be our final rendezvous before you leave.”

His eyes lit up. “Hell, yeah. We better have good seats.”

I winked. “The best. Now, get to your patient. I’ll see you at lunch.”

While he hurried off to see his patient, I went to my office and called Mrs. Jenkins. My cell phone beeped with an incoming text, and when I looked down at it, my heart stopped.

I love you.

Just those simple words made everything all right.

“I think I’m too stuffed to go back to work,” Michael said, groaning.

I chuckled. “So am I, but we have to. This is your last week, so I want to spend as much time with you as possible.”

He snorted. “I doubt that. I have a strange feeling that my moving couldn’t have come at a better time. You’ll be spending every waking hour with that hottie of yours.”

Smiling, I held on to his arm as we strolled the last two blocks back to the clinic. “Maybe when you move back home, you can call Mitchell. I’m sure he’d love to see you again.”

Mitchell Pennington had been his boyfriend many years before, and they’d seen each other off and on since. Michael shrugged as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Mitchell’s probably moved on by now. I’m not going to hold my breath on that one.”

I nudged him in the side. “You never know.”

When we got back to the office, Amanda and Wilford were at the front desk, their faces glum. Margerie was the only one who turned to look at us, and even she looked distressed. “What’s going on?” I asked.

Amanda lowered her head and sniffled while Wilford slid out from behind the desk to face me. “I have some bad news, Hayden.”

My stomach dropped and I clenched my fists. If there was ever something a person didn’t want to hear, it was that. “What happened?”

Frowning, he peered up at Michael and then settled his saddened gaze upon me. “While you were out to lunch, something went wrong with Lady. Amanda was checking on all the animals and saw her shaking violently. By the time I got to her, it was too late.”

I held my breath and stood there, not comprehending what he was telling me. How the hell could that be true? I’d just checked on her that morning, and she was fine. “I don’t understand,” I snapped defensively. “She was doing great this morning.”

“I don’t know,” he murmured sadly. “Lady wasn’t exactly a young pup to begin with. Operating on an animal her age was a risk.”

My eyes burned, but I had to hold it together. “Mrs. Jenkins is going to be coming here this afternoon thinking Lady is alive and well. What the hell am I going to say to her?”

He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Mrs. Jenkins is a good friend of mine. She’ll just have to understand that the surgery was a risk and that complications happen. I can tell her if you want.”

Lady was more than a dog to Mrs. Jenkins. I shook my head, dreading the moment when Mrs. Jenkins walked through the door. “Lady was my patient, so I’ll handle it. Where is she?”

Amanda nodded toward the back. “I wrapped her up in a blanket and put her in a box. I didn’t want to leave her in the kennel.”

“Thanks, Amanda.” I started toward my office, my throat tightening with each step. I’d never lost a patient like that. Lady was an old dog, but I’d been confident I could save her. The thought of having to tell Mrs. Jenkins made my heart ache. I wished I could go ahead and get it over with, but I had to wait until she showed up.

For the next couple of hours, I got through my appointments without breaking down. Once I had a free moment, I retreated to my office and pulled out my phone. I wanted to call Derek to get his moral support, but I didn’t have time. The moment I’d been dreading had finally arrived.

A soft knock sounded at the door and Amanda stuck her in. “Dr. Hunter?”

Taking a deep breath, I blew it out and looked at her. “She’s here, isn’t she?”

Amanda nodded. “Do you want me to seat her in an exam room?”

I shook my head. “Bring her in here, please. I’m sure she’ll want to take Lady home and bury her.”

“All right, I’ll bring her back.”

As much as it killed me, I put on a strong face and waited for Mrs. Jenkins to walk through the door. When she did, she had the biggest smile on her face. However, it didn’t last long when she saw me.

“Hi, Mrs. Jenkins.” I pointed to the seat across from me. “Do you mind sitting down for me?” She did as I said while Amanda shut the door and stayed in the room.

Brows furrowed, Mrs. Jenkins glanced back and forth at us. “Is there something wrong?” she questioned.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I nodded. “After I talked to you this morning, Lady took a turn for the worse. When I—”

She held up her hand, stopping me. “Where is she? I don’t want the details, I just want to know where she is.”

I swallowed hard. “She didn’t make it, Mrs. Jenkins. My nurse had gone to check on her and found her shaking violently. Shortly after that, there was nothing we could do.”

Tears fell down her cheeks, but she wasn’t sad—she was angry. “And where were you during all of this, huh?”

“I wasn’t in the clinic, Mrs. Jenkins. And even if I had been, there’s nothing that could’ve been done.”

“Then why did you lie and say she was doing well?” she shouted, jumping to her feet.

I got up slowly and held out my hands. “I didn’t lie to you. When I checked on Lady this morning, she was up and moving around. She gave no indication that she was in distress.”

Her hands started to shake, and I was afraid the old woman was going to attack me, but Wilford rushed into my office. He put his arm around her and she instantly calmed. “Myra, these things happen. You can’t blame Lady’s death on Dr. Hunter. I’m so sorry for your loss, but we did everything we could do.”

She broke down and fell into his arms. “I just want her back. Can I take her home?”

“Of course,” he murmured. Amanda hurried out and came back with the closed box. Wilford escorted Mrs. Jenkins out and Amanda followed. I had never felt so horrible in my life. Would I have been able to help Lady if I’d been there?
I’ll never know.

A few minutes passed before Wilford entered my office again. “I am so sorry about that. She’s gone now.”

I ran my hands over my face. “I was afraid she was going to attack me.”

He snorted. “She probably was. Lady was her life.”

“I know. It’s what makes this harder to stomach.”

He patted me on the shoulder. “You don’t have any more appointments today, do you?”

I looked down at my schedule and shook my head. “No, I’m done.”

“Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off to breathe? We all need a break every now and again.”

“You don’t mind?” I asked sadly.

“Not at all. Just promise me this won’t wear you down.”

“I promise,” I lied. I felt like a failure, letting Lady and Mrs. Jenkins down.

I left the office as fast as I could and rushed home to change clothes and grab Patch. I was ready to see Derek. When I pulled up at his house, he was outside with Bear, playing fetch. He saw me pull in and started toward me, then stopped when he saw my face. Patch was fighting for me to let him go, so I put him on the ground to play with Bear.

“Baby, are you okay?” Derek asked, reaching for me.

I shook my head and fell into his arms, loving the way they wrapped tightly around me. “I wasn’t until now. You wouldn’t believe the shitty day I had.”

Chapter 21

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about the party,” Michael squealed excitedly.

“It was supposed to be a surprise,” I said, laughing.

The week had flown by and Saturday had come, only it was a bittersweet day. Wilford had arranged for a going-away party at the clinic, and it was my job to get Michael there. He’d shown up right on time, dressed in a Cougars jersey and jeans; he was excited about the game. Now that the party was over, Michael had followed me to my house so we could drop off my car.

“Are you sure your boy toy doesn’t mind you riding with me to the game?”

I got into his car and we started on our way. “Nope. He knows I want to spend all the time I can with you before you go. Besides, I’ll be riding back home with him.”

“Will I get to meet some of the players?” he asked.

I winked. “Maybe. You’ll just have to find out.” Derek was planning to introduce Michael to everyone, but I wanted it to be a surprise. We got to the stadium, and Derek met us at the gate to let us in. He opened my car door and lifted me in his arms.

“I’ve missed you,” he said, holding me tight.

“You just saw me this morning.”

He kissed me hard and set me down. “That was hours ago.”

Michael rolled his eyes and laughed. “You two are ridiculous.”

Derek extended his hand and Michael took it. “Hey, man. You all packed up and ready to move?” Derek asked.

“Pretty much. You gonna kick ass today?”

Putting his arm around me, Derek led us to the stadium door. “I sure as hell hope so. It’s just a pre-season game, but they’re all the same to me.”

He led us inside and down the hall toward the locker room, where the guys could be heard, shouting and laughing. Michael’s eyes went wide. “Don’t tell me that’s where they’re all at.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I nodded. “Derek’s going to take you to meet them while I wait with Kate. I don’t particularly want to see a bunch of hairy-assed men.”

“Who you calling hairy?” Chris called out, wearing only a cup around his groin. He blocked the doorway to the locker room and posed.

Derek guffawed. “Dude, get the fuck out of the way. Nobody wants to see that shit.”

Chris scoffed and pretended to be offended. “I was just letting her know I’m not hairy.” He ran his hands down his chest. “Look at this body. It’s smoother than a baby’s ass.”

Chris winked at me, and when he turned around, I laughed. “Next time, shave your back. You could make a toupee out of that.” The players broke out in laughter and picked on him, but it didn’t seem to bother him.

“All right, love, I’m going to keep Michael with me while you hang out with Kate. I’ll see you during my breaks.” He kissed me quickly and then pushed Michael into the dressing room. He was going to be in heaven with all those men.

I heard Derek say, “You never told me what you wanted after helping me with Hayden,” as they walked farther into the locker room. I couldn’t hear Michael’s reply, but I was going to ask him as soon as he got onto the field.

I found Kate in the supply room and helped her carry out the medical supplies. The stands were filling up, and soon there would be no empty seats in the house. “Do you ever get tired of the publicity?” I asked her.

She shook her head. “Not anymore. When Cooper and I started dating, we had a lot of problems with the press making up bullshit about us, but thankfully, that stopped. I’m sure Derek’s fans will be happy to see him with you, especially after everything he’s been through. He looks so happy now. Maybe one day you can come to practice and watch him.”

“I would love to do that if I didn’t work all the time. Maybe one day I’ll be able to.”

Michael joined us out on the field, his eyes lit with excitement as he gazed at the packed stands. “This has been unreal. I can’t believe you get to be this close to it.”

I laughed. “Well, I am dating one of the players.”

“One of the most popular players in the NFL,” Kate corrected with a wink.

“So what did you tell Derek you wanted for helping him? I’m curious.”

Spreading his arms wide, Michael said, “You’re looking at it. I wanted season tickets to the games, and he’s going to get them for me.”

“You sneaky bastard.”

He shrugged. “What can I say?”

Fireworks exploded overhead, signaling the start of the game. We watched in awe as all the players ran out onto the field. Derek winked at me as he ran past, and I waved. Cameras flashed all around; I didn’t realize they were taking pictures of me until Kate pointed it out.

“The reporters will want to know more about you,” she said. “You’re taking one of the city’s most eligible bachelors off the market.”

Michael moved closer to her. “What about the rest of the guys? Any of them available?” He waggled his brows and she laughed.

“Actually, there is one who prefers men, and I do believe he’s single.”

“Which one?” I asked. She pointed him out, and the look in Michael’s eyes said he was definitely interested. “Maybe there will be a party tonight and you can meet him,” I whispered, nudging him in the side.

“If there is, we have to go.”

“I’m pretty sure there will be,” Kate claimed.

Since the other team had the ball first, Derek had to take the field. He was the outside linebacker, so I got to watch him tackle players and keep others from running the ball. It scared me every time he rammed into someone. I tapped Kate’s arm. “Has Derek ever gotten hurt on the field?”

She shook her head. “Just bumps and scrapes every once in a while. He twisted his ankle once and had to sit out a game, but other than that, nothing major.”

Just because he hadn’t been hurt before didn’t mean he wouldn’t get hurt in the future. The other quarterback was about to snap the ball, and when he did, it soared through the air. Derek was running for it, and before the other player could catch it, he jumped in the air and intercepted it. The crowd went nuts.

“Oh my God, did that just happen?” I screamed in excitement. Holding the ball tightly in his arms, Derek took off down the field, pushing the opposing players out of the way as if they weighed nothing. “Go! Go! Go!” I yelled. He made it past the thirty-yard line on down to the twenty, then to the ten, and then…touchdown. The crowd cheered and the whole place trembled. Derek raced along the end zone and handed the ball to a little boy in the stands. It was something the Carolina players always did after they scored a touchdown.

“I read on the Internet that the players get charged five grand every time they give away a ball,” Michael stated.

Kate held up her hand. “Not true. They only get fined if they
a ball into the stands. If they hand it to people, they’re okay.”

“Wow, that’s craziness,” I said, watching Derek being congratulated by his team. As soon as he spotted me, he took off his helmet and rushed over, lifting me in his arms. Cameras flashed all around, and he smiled at the reporters before kissing me.

“That was all for you, baby.”

I giggled. “Think you can do it a second time?”

“Like this?” he asked, kissing me again.

“That wasn’t what I was talking about.”

He winked. “I know. I just wanted to kiss you again.” He hurried off to the sidelines to wait for his turn back on the field. The energy was so electric that I could feel it in the air: They were going to win.

It took a while to get past the reporters, but we stayed until they got their story. Thankfully, we weren’t asked details on why he’d been sorry at the last game. But now it was public news: Derek and I were officially a couple. A few of the female reporters looked at me like I wasn’t good enough for Derek, since I was just a veterinarian. I’d gone through a lot of schooling to be a doctor. That sure as hell was more lucrative than being a fashion model. A model’s expiration date came quickly, whereas I could be old and gray and still have a good-paying job.

The players all congregated out in the parking lot after the game, and I was able to talk to Evan and Cooper again. Michael was ecstatic to meet them, especially Cooper. However, they stepped aside with scowls when Derek called Jax over. It was clear there was some animosity between them.

“Hayden, I want you to meet Jax, the best kicker in the NFL. I think he’s the only one you haven’t met yet.”

I held out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jax. Your kicks were amazing today.”

He shook my hand and smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad someone appreciates them.” Then he turned to Derek and slapped his shoulder. “Good game, D. You have a lot to celebrate.”

Derek winked at me before answering. “That I do.” Then he focused back on Jax. “Say, how about we go to the tavern one day after practice next week?”

Jax nodded. “I’m down for that. Might want to be careful hanging out with me, though. You’ll find yourself blackballed.”

Derek snorted. “Not gonna happen, bro.”

Jax walked off and got into his car while the other guys slowly congregated around Derek. Evan crossed his arms. “Fraternizing with the enemy, huh?”

Derek shrugged. “I had support when I was at a low point in life, and now he needs it.” He grinned and wrapped his arm around Evan’s neck, giving him a wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous, sweetheart. It’s not like he’ll take your place. You know I love you.”

Evan burst out laughing and pushed him off. “Just don’t let him around your girl. You know how he is.”

Derek snorted. “I’ll rip off his balls if he even thinks about messing with Hayden.”

Kate rolled her eyes and laughed. “So are you going to the wedding next weekend?” she asked me.

I wondered if she had mentioned it before and I didn’t realize it. I had no clue what she was talking about. “Wedding?”

Evan smacked Derek on the arm. “Surely this dumbass invited you to it.”

I shook my head. “Not exactly. Who’s getting married?”

Evan smiled wide. “Summer and I are. We were going to do it before the baby, but time slipped past us. I’m surprised fuckhead here hasn’t invited you yet. You’re all he seems to talk about.”

“Which is a good thing,” Kate offered.

Derek sighed and put his arm around me. “Want to be my date? You might have to sit with one of the guys during the ceremony, though.”

Chris walked by and winked. “She can sit with me. I’ll make sure she’s not lonely.”

Derek pointed at Chris as he strolled off. “Don’t you dare put your hands on her. I’ll fuck you up.” Everyone around us laughed.

“Are you one of the best men?” I asked Derek.

He nodded. “Evan asked me when I moved back to town. I couldn’t say no.”

Evan slapped him on the back. “Damn right he couldn’t.” Then he looked at me. “It’ll be a good time. You’ll get to meet Summer and our daughter, Emma Grace.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Have a good night, everyone,” Evan shouted. Michael was still talking to Cooper, but another guy had joined them. It was Aaron Grainger, a running back for the Cougars and the one who was Michael’s type, according to Kate.

“It doesn’t look like there’s a party tonight. Do you want to head back to my place with me?” Derek asked.

I nodded. “Let me say goodbye to Michael first.”

“He can come back to the house if he wants. I know he leaves in the morning.”

Taking my hand, he walked me over to Michael and the other guys. Before I could speak, Michael turned to me. “Do you mind if I go out with some of the guys tonight?”

His eyes sparkled, and I couldn’t be selfish. This was the opportunity of a lifetime for him, hanging out with the team. “Of course not. Go and have fun. Just be careful.” I hugged him hard and kissed his cheek.

“I’ll come by in the morning to tell you goodbye,” he murmured in my ear.

“You better.”

Once he’d left, Derek and I said our goodbyes to everyone else and headed on our way back to his house. “You look beautiful tonight,” Derek said, raking his gaze up and down my body.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “I’m sure my makeup has all sweated off by now. I swear it was a hundred degrees today. I can’t wait to take a shower.” My T-shirt had been stuck to my back all day.

“So what you’re trying to say is that you need to cool off?” he asked mischievously.

Pursing my lips, I stared at him. “Maybe, why?”

He shrugged. “No reason. I think I might have something in mind.” He reached over and placed his hand on my bare thigh, sliding his finger under the hem of my denim shorts.

“If you’re trying to cool me off, it’s having the opposite effect,” I said, trembling with his touch.

He bit his lip. “Spread your legs and unbutton your shorts for me.” Then he smiled. “Please.” I did as he said and sucked in a breath when he pushed his way down my shorts, sliding my underwear out of the way. He fondled my clit before slipping a finger inside me, then another, slowly thrusting them in and out. “So fucking wet,” he groaned.

If we hadn’t been in a moving vehicle, I’d have climbed on his lap and finished what he’d started. I was close to losing control, but then Derek slowly slid his fingers out. “Why did you stop?”

He sucked his fingers and moaned. “Because I like to torture you. We’ll be home soon.”

I crossed my legs, hoping it would stop the throbbing, but I still ached for him. “You are going to pay for that, McLaughlin.”

He grinned wide. “Oh, I sure as hell hope so.”

We arrived at his house and I got out, expecting to go to the door, but he walked around to the side of the house. “Where are you going?”

He glanced back and me and smiled, so I hurried up and followed him. Before I knew it, he was fully naked and jumping into the swimming pool. When he surfaced, he laughed and waved me in. “You said you wanted to cool off. The water’s pretty warm, but I think it’ll do. Unless you’re scared.”

Moving to the edge of the pool, he leaned against it, watching me with his raw blue gaze. I wasn’t scared, and I was going to show him. Slowly, I lifted my shirt and tossed it on the ground, followed by my bra. A slow smile spread across his face, and I almost lost it when I could see him stroking himself underneath the water. Not only did it empower me, it made me feel sexy. No man had ever shown this much interest in me. Once my shorts were off, I dove into the water and surfaced.

BOOK: Defending Hayden: A Second Chances Novel
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