Defenders of The Sacred Land: Book One of The Sacred Land Saga (42 page)

BOOK: Defenders of The Sacred Land: Book One of The Sacred Land Saga
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Morgoran raised from the wooden chair he was sitting on next to Dorenn’s bed. “Rennon, Vesperin, Trendan, Tatrice, Enowene, Gondrial, and Bren may stay, the rest of you clear the room please,” Morgoran said, pointing at each person in turn. After the servants and onlookers left the room, Morgoran put his hands, palms down, on the backrest of the wooden chair. “We have business to discuss. I am told this is the second attack on Dorenn by a Drasmyd Duil. Yarbrille is the only person missing from the keep that we can ascertain. It doesn’t take a leap of intelligence to single him out as the imposter. From this day forth, we will take turns staying with Dorenn. He is now more dangerous than ever to our enemies.” He circled around the wooden chair. “Ganas Nashe is riding here as we speak with news of the advance of Naneden’s army across Symboria, if I remember my visions clearly, and some of his news may split you all apart.” He hammered his fist on the backrest. “We must all remain loyal to each other in order to see this through. Resist the temptations.”

Ianthill cleared his throat. “Morgoran and I have decided that we will divide into two groups. Gondrial and I will ride after Lady Shey, Morgoran will take over training Dorenn and they will continue on to Draegodor—”

“Wait,” Dorenn interrupted. “Draegodor? The red city? Home of the dragons? Are you both mad?”

Bren stood up from his chair. “On the contrary, I advised them to take you to Draegodor,” Bren said. “Although I can’t explain my reasons at this time, I believe that taking you to Draegodor is a vital part of my quest.”

Rennon huffed. “Convenient. You want to take Tatrice to Draegodor, don’t you? I see the way you look at her. You don’t even care about Dorenn, do you?”

Bren drew his dragon fang and pointed it at Rennon. “You go too far, sir. Do you now claim that you care for him when you have so openly shunned him?”

Rennon’s face turned red. “You want Tatrice for yourself, and I will not stand for it.”

“Enough you two,” Morgoran said. “This is exactly the kind of nonsense that will defeat us.”

“Bren, put that sword away,” Ianthill commanded.

Bren re-sheathed his dragon fang and sat back down.

Dorenn gazed intently at Rennon; he knew his friend was out of the herb Sanmir had given him. He wondered if his outburst was due to that fact.

“Do you think Lady Shey is all right?” Tatrice asked, trying to divert the subject away from Bren’s intentions.

Ianthill eyed Rennon and then turned to Tatrice. “Aye, I do. Lady Shey knows how to use the jade statuette and the enemy knew that. She is a strong wielder; they won’t contain her for long.”

“I am confused then. If Lady Shey can take care of herself, then she will eventually meet up with us, so why go after her at all?” Dorenn asked.

Gondrial spoke up. “Because if Lady Shey escapes her captives, it is likely she will be hunted almost as fiercely as you will be.” Dorenn winced and Morgoran looked irritated. “Morgoran is the only other wielder we know of that can unlock the statuette, and he will be with you. Shey will most likely need our help.”

Dorenn nodded. He tried not to think about being hunted.

Melias entered the room with Ganas.

“Ganas,” Trendan said.

Ganas nodded to Trendan and smiled. “I bring news of the invading army.”

Morgoran nodded once. “Go on.”

“The army still moves largely unopposed through Symboria and quicker than we would like. They are perhaps two days from here. A small militia of farmers has amassed about a day’s ride from here. They plan to lie in wait until the army passes, and then they will attack the dark armies’ supply line. They hope to slow it down.”

Morgoran addressed the assembly. “Dorenn and I will go by way of Seabrey to Draegodor. Bren will lead us there. The rest of you must decide which party you would like to travel with or if it is time for you to return home. No one will fault you to return to your village if that is your wish.” Morgoran stiffened and motioned toward Trendan. “I have a special task for you, Trendan. I need your tracking skills.”

Trendan nodded.

“I need you to take a couple of Defenders and go after the wench, Kimala. I believe she is trying to escape on foot, which means she hasn’t gotten far. It’s a dangerous task I set before you, and I cannot spare anyone you see here to travel with you.”

“I will travel with him,” Ganas spoke up. “Two trackers are better than one.”

“Nay, Ganas. I have another purpose for you.”

“Why do I get the feeling you remember more about your visions than you have led us to believe?” Gondrial said, eyeing Morgoran suspiciously.

Morgoran ignored him. “Ganas, I want you to go on to Trigoth as my envoy. There is a man by the name of Theosus Fiderea, an apothecary, whose shop is nestled in a quiet corner of the foreign quarter. Seek him out and tell him I have returned. Once you have convinced him I sent you, he will know what to do next.”

“I shall travel with Ganas then,” Rennon burst out. Dorenn’s heart sank. His friend was trying to put distance between them.

“I should think you would have gone with Ianthill and Gondrial the way you have been carrying on about home,” Enowene stated flatly.

Dorenn knew why Rennon wanted to go with Ganas. He wanted to meet with the apothecary, and Trigoth was closer than Brookhaven from Calanbrough.

“I have never been to Trigoth, and I think it might be the right time to go.”

“Where Dorenn goes, I will follow,” Melias interjected. “I have had dealings with Draegodor before. I may be useful.”

Morgoran nodded. “I think that would be a wise idea.”

“I will go with Ianthill and Gondrial,” Enowene spoke up.

Ianthill took out his pipe and began stuffing it with tabac. “We should try to find where Naneden sent the armies of the West and see if we can get them back in the fight. We will not be able to prevent him taking the Sacred Land, and we will need every last soldier to regain it.”

“How do you propose we do that?” Gondrial asked.

Ianthill turned to Trendan. “That task will be up to you, my boy. When you find her, try to bring back Kimala alive; she may know something.”

Trendan nodded. “I will.”

Vesperin gave Rennon a pained look and then stood up. “I stand by Dorenn and will follow him as my goddess commands.” Rennon shook his head and looked away.

Morgoran clapped his hands together. “All right then, we will move on to Lux Enor tomorrow before the dark army reaches Calanbrough. Be prepared to leave.”

Trendan cautiously entered Enor’s Forest, a wooded area a few miles north of the gates of Calanbrough and a few miles south of the city of Lux Enor, and made his way through the dense outer underbrush. The scorch of the Sacred Land had not reached the lush woods growing unkempt between the Sacred Land and the highlord’s city. Up above him, the skies churned and dark clouds formed ominously. Lightning occasionally streaked through the sky and, in turn, thunder boomed. Trendan knew where he was going, and he knew there would be shelter when he got there. Scanning the forest floor, he spotted the faint footprints of the one he hunted. The person leaving the footprints tried to hide their trail, but Trendan could still see the signs. Soon he reached a diminutive clearing encased in young oak trees, and he cautiously approached.

A makeshift tent constructed between branches of four large oak trees lay partially hidden from view. The tent flap was not secured, so he slipped silently into the structure just as the rain began to fall. The interior of the tent revealed its inhabitant as female with flowers in a vase on a neat and tidy, collapsible table. Trendan could see the dark-haired woman, dressed in light blue, in meditation, facing an opening out into the forest opposite of him. Her manner of dress was scant and see-through. Trendan averted his eyes even though in his heart he wanted to take in the sight of her. Rain fell straight down outside of the tent, turning what snow had fallen through the trees into slush.

“I know you are there, Trendan,” she said, pulling a blanket over herself.

Trendan plopped down on a wooden stump at the center of the tent. “Naturally, I’m surprised to see you still in camp. Aren’t you cold dressed like that?” Trendan was relieved she covered herself. Fayne shrugged but did not answer him. “I thought you had traveled all this way to meet Vesperin, yet you have waited here for three days now. I don’t understand you, Fayne.”

“I don’t expect you to. It is our tradition. I have prayed for three days, and now I must fast for four days to purify myself before I approach him in order to secure Loracia’s blessing.”

“Four days? You may not have four days. I have come to tell you. The Defenders are digging in and preparing for battle, and Vesperin left with Morgoran and Dorenn for Draegodor this morning.”

“So, the dark armies of Naneden will take the Sacred Land?”

“It certainly appears that way unless the knights of Trigothia can be convinced to join the battle. Dorenn has been acting strange lately, and Vesperin fears he may have essence sickness. He says it sometimes happens to first time wielders.”

Fayne gave Trendan a concerned look. “Oh, how would Vesperin know this?”

Trendan looked away from her piercing blue eyes. “Vesperin knows many things; he has trained as a cleric all his life.”

“Will Dorenn be safe to travel then? What of his wounds?” Fayne asked.

“He will travel if he has to. If the Defenders are forced to retreat, the dark armies will route Lux Enor, so there is little choice. Besides, Vesperin has cured most of Dorenn’s wounds.”

Fayne bowed her head. “I’m sorry, Trendan, but I cannot see Vesperin yet. A heaviness grows in my heart. I will have to miss my opportunity it seems.”

Trendan suddenly became visibly upset. “But why? He is not but a few hours away from here.” He stood from the stump and reached for her arm. “Come, I will be at your side.” Fayne pulled back sharply from Trendan’s grasp just as a thunderclap rumbled angrily above. Trendan sat back puzzled, disappointment clear on his face. “As you wish, Fayne, but I find this behavior somewhat suspicious.”

“Suspicious? In what manner am I suspicious?”

Trendan fidgeted with his fingers. “I should think that one who has traveled so far to meet the man in her dreams would rush to his side, especially if she were as close to him as you are to Vesperin at this moment.” He glanced out at the rainfall. “He will pass this way through the western forest for Lux Enor. Why not find your way to him then?”

Fayne became angry but kept her composure. “Don’t you think I want to? I have stood at the edge of this forest straining my eyes as far as I can see to get a glimpse of him to no avail. I can’t wait to put my arms around him and kiss him as his wife.”

“Then come with me now. I can take you to him and still follow Kimala’s trail tomorrow.”

“Trendan, I can’t. Loracia has not given me the sign, and I will only go at her will. Vesperin will not know me as his wife without her blessings. I must wait.” Fayne paused for a moment as she realized what Trendan had said. “Kimala? You plan to track her down instead of traveling with Dorenn?”

Trendan grimaced then spoke softly. “I do.”

“Why, she is leagues away by now. What do you hope to accomplish?”

“Bren believes she may have been traveling by way of dragon. Do not ask me how he knows such a thing. He also believes the dragon has abandoned her, and she may have been forced to flee on foot. She couldn’t have gotten far.”

“What do you plan to do if you find her?”

“I will take her to Dorenn and Morgoran, of course.”

Thunder cracked and Fayne jumped. She pulled her blanket tighter. “I am coming with you then.”

“You certainly are not!” Trendan was adamant.

“You need a woman with you to fend off Kimala’s womanly wiles.”

“What are you talking about? I can do my duty without falling prey to such nonsense.” He rolled his eyes. “Womanly wiles.”

Fayne stared at Trendan patronizingly and then stood up and let her blanket fall to the ground. A moment later, her frock slid from her lithe body. As Fayne stood before him naked, Trendan could not bring himself to turn his eyes away from her. Her smile grew as his face turned from pink to red. “By Fawlsbane’s beard woman, what are you doing?”

Fayne pulled the blanket up from the ground and covered herself. She sat back on her stump. “Proving a point. You are no more immune to a pretty woman than a thirsty man is from a mug of ale. It is the way of men.”

Trendan scoffed at her logic. “If that is true, than how can you trust me to travel with you without succumbing to your wiles?”

Fayne giggled. “Because I am for Vesperin and you honor him.”

Trendan waved his forefinger at Fayne. “This is a cruel game, Fayne, and I’m not going to play it with you. I will travel alone.”

“As you traveled to the Sacred Land alone?” she remarked. “I think not. I can track you if need be; however, it would make much more sense to travel together.”

Trendan sighed. “If you plan to follow me anyway, what choice do I have?”

“No choice at all,” she said smiling. “Now get out of here so I can get dressed. I am freezing.”



BOOK: Defenders of The Sacred Land: Book One of The Sacred Land Saga
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