Deep Water (24 page)

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Authors: Nicola Cameron

BOOK: Deep Water
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“I may not be
expert in modern social activities, but I've stayed up to date on science and
medicine,” Poseidon murmured in his ear. “An erection is useful for penetrative
sex, but not absolutely required for orgasm. I simply encouraged the
appropriate nerve endings to cascade, and you climaxed.” He kissed the lobe. “I’m
very glad my research into the issue was correct.”

Griffin twisted a
bit, staring at him. “You did research?”

“Yes. The National
Institutes of Health database was particularly helpful.” A fine fan of lines
appeared at the corners of the god’s eyes as he smiled. “I wanted you to enjoy
yourself, you see.”

“Oh. Thank you,” Griffin
said faintly. “
, you know how to use the Internet?”

Poseidon rolled
his eyes. “I'm a god, beloved, not a Luddite. I have a waterproof computer that
works at this pressure, and I’m currently working on a way to get Wi-Fi down
here. I’ll have to run a cable relay system from the nearest body of land and
put repeaters around the palace, but it should work quite nicely.” He smirked. “And
it’ll steal a march on Hephaestus and Hermes’s attempt to get Wi-Fi installed
on Olympus.”

Griffin tried to
reconcile what he’d
in school with the god—the
man—who was now holding him. “You realize you’re completely ruining my view of
the Greek gods, right?”

“What, that we sit
around on lounges all day eating ambrosia and drinking nectar when we’re not
ravishing pretty mortals?” Poseidon said. “Believe me, beloved, that was
already palling by 500 B.C. We’ve been involved in mortal affairs for
millennia, now. I think Zeus even got himself elected Pope one year.”

Griffin’s mouth
drifted open. “Do I want to know which one?”

“It’s fairly
obvious if you know what to look for,” Poseidon said, brushing Griffin’s cheek
with a finger. “Good. You seem more relaxed, now.”

“Christ, yes.” His
eyes, drifting shut, opened abruptly. “Wait. You did that on purpose?”

“Yes. A judicious
application of alcohol and an orgasm will relax your muscles and make things

manipulator, aren't you?”

“Guilty,” Poseidon
said unrepentantly. “But I’ll do whatever is required to make you look forward
to spending time in my arms.”

Griffin relaxed
into the god's embrace. “Trust me, you’re doing a great job so far.” He could
still feel that iron hardness against his
, but
somehow it didn’t seem as worrisome as before. “So what’s next?”

Large hands
stroked up and down his stomach, soothing him. “Let me make love to you. I
swear I’ll give you pleasure.”

Swallowing and
glad that Poseidon couldn’t see the nervous gesture, Griffin nodded. “Okay.
Just ... go slow, all right?”

Warm kisses
pressed against the side of his neck. “Whatever you desire, beloved. Always.”



After another delightful round of kissing
and fondling, Poseidon finally lured Griffin out of his t-shirt and trunks. “I
know I’m not much right now,” his mate mumbled, hands twitching at his sides
from repressing the urge to cover himself. “Sorry.”

Poseidon took a long, thoughtful look at
. Griffin’s illness had
wasted the spare flesh from his once-athletic body, leaving him gaunt and thin.
Privately the god thought that Griffin looked like a painting by Caravaggio,
all long bones and shadowed hollows. There was an austere beauty to his form
that made Poseidon want to cover his mortal with slow, gentle touches and

“Beloved, you will always be appealing to
me,” he said, meaning every word.

“Yeah, I can tell,” Griffin said. He
reached out and palmed the ridge that was tenting Poseidon’s tunic. “You really
want me, even like this.”

“I do.” Poseidon was hesitant to remove
his own clothing, not wanting to make Griffin feel bad at the comparison
between their bodies. But Griffin was already tugging at his belt, pulling it
loose before going to work on his tunic.

He paused once the god was naked. “God,
you’re amazing,” he murmured, running fingertips across Poseidon’s chest and
down his ridged abdomen. “It’s weird to call another bloke beautiful, but you

“Thank you.” Inside, Poseidon glowed at
the compliment. “Touch me anywhere you like.”

Griffin did, running his hands slowly
along Poseidon’s skin. To the god it felt like his mate was painting pleasure
on his skin with each caress. After an eternity Griffin finally reached down
and wrapped a hand around Poseidon’s cock.

“You’re big,” he muttered, stroking it. “I
don’t know—“

Poseidon kissed him, sucking gently on
Griffin’s top lip, then the bottom one. “Trust me, beloved,” he murmured.


“I do.” Griffin stroked Poseidon again
experimentally. “But can I make a suggestion?”

The god licked his lips, his breath
starting to hitch. “As long as you keep touching me like that, you can suggest
anything you like.”

Griffin bit down on a grin.
And suddenly I’m getting a look at what it’s
like for the other side. We really think with our dicks, don’t we?
“We need
more wine. Well, maybe you don’t—wouldn’t want you getting booze dick. But
yeah, get me drunk. I know from experience that I’m far more relaxed that
way—once fell down a flight of stairs after a piss-up and didn’t even get

The dazed look evaporated from Poseidon’s
face. “I … do we have to?”

Griffin noticed the firm flesh in his hand
softening a bit. “It’s just an idea. What’s wrong?”

Poseidon’s hand came down to cover his,
not to encourage his stroking but to stop it. “The last time,” he said slowly,
“at Athena’s temple, I persuaded Medusa to drink with me. I was already quite
tipsy, and I thought she should be, as well. And then…”

“Oh.” That was a lifetime echo that had to
hurt. “Okay, I can see why that would bother you. But I’m going into this
willingly, right? I just need some muscle relaxant.”
And a bit of liquid courage wouldn’t hurt.

The god still looked dubious. “Are you

“Yes,” Griffin said firmly. “Besides, that
California plonk that your butler brought in was excellent.”

“My steward, Cam.” Poseidon considered the
idea. “To be honest, I wouldn’t mind a bulb myself right now. It won’t affect
me adversely.”

“Right, then.” Griffin kissed him. “Go get
the wine. Then we’ll see what happens.”

Poseidon rolled out of the bed and swam
off to the sitting room. Griffin watched him go, appreciating the play of
muscles in the god’s powerful legs and flanks.
All right, down to brass tacks. You not only like him, you’re in love
with him.
He stopped, checking the glowing feeling in his chest.
Yeah, definitely love. He’s fucking gorgeous
and built like a, ha
, Greek god. And he just
managed to give you the first orgasm you’ve had in a year. So stop being
precious about your masculinity, lie back, think of England, and let him save
your bloody life, all right?

Poseidon returned, flagon and full bulbs
in hand. “Liquid muscle relaxant, as requested,” he said.

“Give it here.” Griffin accepted a bulb
and started swallowing, draining it in less than ten seconds. “That’s the
stuff,” he said, handing it over for a refill.

Poseidon refilled the bulb and handed it
back, then stretched out on the bed and took a healthy swig from his own.
“Remind me never to go drinking with you.”

“Nope, you’re not getting out of that,”
Griffin said, waving with his wine bulb. “Once I’m better, there’s this seaside
town in Greece that makes some amazing
, not
to mention the best prawns you’ve ever had. We’ll go there, eat prawns, get
smashed, dance with the locals, and pass out on a hillside with an ocean view.
It’ll be great.”

Poseidon finished his bulb and let it
settle onto the bedroom floor. “When you’re feeling up to it,
and I will show you all our favorite places around
the Mediterranean. We’ll make a proper tour of it.”

“Mm, love it.” Griffin discarded his own
bulb. The wine had given him a warm, lovely buzz, and Poseidon was looking
hotter by the second. “Do you realize I haven’t kissed you in at least five

“Horrors. We should rectify that
immediately.” Poseidon pulled him in and gave him a long, lush, sizzling kiss
that set his nerve endings dancing. Before he knew it he was wrapped around the
god like an octopus, fondling everything he could reach without breaking their

He felt Poseidon’s hand slide around his
upper thigh, tugging it over the god’s hip. The hand squeezed his
cheek playfully, stroking and scratching at the
sensitive underside where ass met thigh. No woman had ever done that to him
before, and he groaned at the undeniably erotic sensation.

“You’re good at this,” he panted.

“Years of experience,” Poseidon said,
sounding somewhat out of breath himself. “May I keep going?”

“Christ, yes.”

Those wriggling, tickling fingers slid
over the crest of his
cheek into the furrow. One
fingertip brushed his anus, tracing circles around the tight puckered muscle.
The sensation was simultaneously weird and terrific. Griffin wondered why he’d
never asked a woman to play with his ass before, then gasped as the fingertip
pressed for entrance. He could feel the muscle flutter, then open suddenly. And
then the finger was inside him, slick somehow and totally painless.

All the while Poseidon was busy kissing a
path from his mouth to his jawline, finding the sensitive skin there and
teasing it unmercifully with his tongue. Griffin wondered what it would feel
like to have the god’s tongue where his finger currently was, and moaned at the
excitement that shot through him.

Poseidon paused. “Are you all right?”

“Fuck yes. Don’t stop.”

A chuckle was his answer. The finger slid
deeper, and yes, that did feel sort of weird but it also didn’t have the impersonal
quality of a—

Griffin’s eyes bugged open, and he yelped
as a bolt of pure sensation rocketed through his belly. “Whoa! What the hell is

Poseidon gave him a smug smile. “That, my
love, is your prostate.”

“No, it bloody well isn’t. I’ve had docs
poking and prodding the damned thing since I turned forty, and it never felt
like that.”

“That’s because they weren’t trying to
drive you out of your mind.”

“Oh.” Now that he thought about it, women
probably didn’t enjoy trips to the
, either.
“Good point. Carry on.”

Poseidon let out an amused sound and
continued to demonstrate the licking flames of pleasure that came from having
one’s prostate properly petted and rubbed. Griffin ground back against the
finger, aware that he was making the most embarrassing noises and not really
Thank fuck we’re underwater,
otherwise I’d be crushing his hand.

The finger pulled back a bit, and a second
one pressed for entrance. “This may sting a bit. Bear down against my fingers,
and it’ll be easier for you,” Poseidon instructed.

Griffin did so, wincing as the second
finger entered him. As the god had predicted it burned a bit, but the sensation
quickly died away. Soon enough he was groaning happily again with two fingers
stimulating his prostate and the other sensitive nerves in the area.

The third finger took longer to adjust to,
and the burn never quite died away but turned into a low-grade background sort
of prickling. He hung onto the sensations of pleasure and his own rising need
to come, following Poseidon’s instructions and working at relaxing his inner

Finally the god’s hand stilled in him. “I
think you’re ready. May I try?”

“Yeah.” Griffin expected to be flipped
over onto his hands and knees, but Poseidon moved to his other side instead,
spooning against his back. “Um…”

“This will give you more control over
everything. Unless you’d like to ride me instead.”

The idea had a certain appeal, but even
with the support of the water Griffin suspected he’d be exhausted by the end of
it. “No, this is fine.”

“Good. Now, push back against me.”

Something large and slick pressed against
Griffin’s stretched muscle. He wondered when Poseidon had applied the lube,
then belatedly bore down, grimacing at the abrupt blaze of stretching pain as
he was entered. “Shit—”

“Just a little more, love. Ah!”

The intruder popped through his inner
muscle rings and stopped. Griffin realized he was panting and tried to slow his
breathing down, focusing on the cool water passing down his throat and into his
lungs instead of the flaming sensation at the other end of his body.

“Are you all right?” Poseidon asked, sounding
a bit breathless.

Just relax,
breathe into it. It’s like the charley horses you used to get. Breathe and
relax, let the muscle stretch out.

He did. The buoyancy of the water helped,
and so did Poseidon’s lips on the nape of his neck and the hand that snaked
over his waist and curled around his own fist, holding it. “You feel
incredible, my love,” Poseidon murmured. “So hot and tight.”

Griffin felt more like a stuffed Christmas
goose, but he grunted in acknowledgement. Finally, the pain died down to the
background prickle. He could feel the god’s body trembling slightly and
mentally gave thanks that Poseidon was being so damned patient and thoughtful.
“Okay, go a little more.”

He felt Poseidon’s thighs bunch, and then
the god slid a bit further into him. Inch by inch, he was impaled on hard,
slick flesh.

Finally, he could feel Poseidon flush
against his ass. “I think you’re all the way in,” he said, blackly amused at the
way his voice wobbled.

“I know. How are you?”

“Still processing.” His inner muscles had
cramped up at points, but they were relaxing now. “This feels so weird.”

Poseidon’s lips pressed against the back
of his head. “I know. The first time is always the hardest, no pun intended.”

“Yeah. Feeling a lot of sympathy for women
right now, to be honest.”

That caused Poseidon to chuckle, which
made him laugh in turn. His muscles loosened further. “Mm. Try moving a bit.”

The god slid partway out, then back in
again. There were no new cramps or pain. Griffin held onto Poseidon’s hand and
closed his eyes. “I think I’m good. Go ahead.”

“Are you sure? I’ll wait as long as

“I’m sure.” He wriggled as best he could
on the thick cock inside him. “Give me that divine seed, big guy.”

Poseidon growled, a hungry noise that sent
shivers down Griffin’s spine, and started a slow, rolling thrust. For some
reason each push was differently angled from the previous one. Griffin was
about to ask if Poseidon knew what he was doing when the god’s cock rubbed
directly over his prostate. Pleasure spurted through him again, and he threw
his head back in a shout.

“There we are,” he heard Poseidon purr.
The god stepped up the pace of his thrusts, making sure that every movement rubbed
directly over that one marvelous spot deep inside. Soon enough Griffin found
himself grinding back on Poseidon as his balls clamored for release.

“Fuck. Make me come,” he said between

Poseidon’s hand moved lower and cradled
his balls, that warm rush of power pouring into his body again and electrifying
his nerves. With no way of getting friction via his cock, the inner friction of
Poseidon’s shaft churning back and forth in him was intensified, stoking his
orgasm closer and closer towards its peak.

The familiar sensation bloomed, sending
white sparks across Griffin’s vision. He grunted and came hard, creamy semen
spilling into the water like miniature streamers of pale seaweed. At the same
time he heard Poseidon moaning in pleasure, pounding into his ass now. The
thick intruder swelled a bit more, and the god cried out, thrusting hard into

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