Deep Throat Diva

BOOK: Deep Throat Diva
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Dear Reader:

All that I can say is that you need to fasten your seatbelt for this one. Cairo has spun a tale that will make even the prissiest woman on earth become fascinated with performing oral sex on her man. The sex scenes in this book are scorchers. Better have a cold drink nearby to cool you off; real talk.

There is more to the book than that, though. It is a delightful read that delves deep into the psyche of a woman who fulfills her desires in a most unique way and also justifies her actions by considering herself to remain true to her real love. Hmm, this should spark a lot of conversation. It is rumored that a lot of younger people, especially, consider themselves to be abstaining from sex if they only engage in oral pleasure. Personally, I believe that sex is sex and any type of intimate contact outside of the confines of a committed relationship is cheating. But not the sister in this book. She sees nothing wrong with her actions…at first.

I am not going to give this story away. The title pretty much says it all but be prepared for a lot of twists and turns in the storyline; surprise elements that only a talented voice such as Cairo could come up with. You will not be able to put this book down once you start it. You will want to know how it turns out and the ending will leave you speechless.

As always, thanks for the continuous support of Cairo, myself, and the other Strebor authors. We strive to bring you a diversified lineup of titles and the feedback has been outstanding. If you would like to visit me on the web, please check out my main website at
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where all of the Zaniacs mix and mingle.


Strebor Books International

Daddy Long Stroke
The Manhandler
The Kat Trap

Strebor Books
P.O. Box 6505
Largo, MD 20792

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

© 2011 by Cairo

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means whatsoever. For information address Strebor Books, P.O. Box 6505, Largo, MD 20792.

ISBN 978-1-59309-301-3
ISBN 978-1-4391-8405-9 (ebook)
LCCN 2010940495

First Strebor Books trade paperback edition March 2011

Cover design:
Cover photograph: © Keith Saunders/Marion Designs

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the Queen of seduction, Allison Hobbs,
for being a supporter, colleague, and true friend.
I have nothin’ but deep admiration, respect and love for you!


To the sexually liberated and open-minded: Thanks for embracin’ the sexual revolution with me, responsibly and respectfully. Continue to let ya freak flags fly!

To my publicist—and pimptress (inside joke), Yona Deshommes at Simon & Schuster: Thanks for doing what you do best. Keep crackin’ that whip!

To the growing number of readers, and fans, who continue to support my work, spread the word, and email me your comments: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I ’preciate the luv!

A special shout out to Jennifer Moore in Lewisville Texas: Thanks for being…you!

To everyone who has visited my website and blog (and who keep returning for more of the Cairo juice): From China to Egypt—and all over the US, the stats are lookin’ real crazy. Thanks!

And, last but not least, to the naysayers: Understand this. Not only do I write to challenge peeps to take an honest look at their own sexual behaviors and choices, I write to entertain, to entice, and…yes, to make peeps horny. Raw, graphic, and in ya face. So if my style of writing isn’t for you, it’s okay. I don’t take it personal. I ’preciate all of the constructive (and destructive) criticism, nonetheless. So, thank you!

One luv~



ye, yo, you need to let me know now if you’re gonna ride this shit out with me ’cause I ain’t beat to be up in this muhfucka stressin’ ’bout dumb shit, feel me?”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m with you, baby.”

“Aiight, that’s what it is. I’ma need you to hold it down out there. Keep that shit tight, ya heard? Don’t have me snappin’ out ’cause you done got caught up in some bullshit.”


“Whatever, nothin’, yo. I’m tellin’ you now, Pasha, don’t have me fuck sumthin’ up. I didn’t ice ya hand up for nothin’, yo.”

“Jasper, please, I’m not beat for another nigga. Four years ain’t shit. I keep telling you that.”

“Yeah, and? I’m gonna keep sayin’ the shit ’cause I know how hot in the ass broads are when a nigga gets behind the wall. They be on some ole other shit.”

“Well, I’m not them.”

“Oh, so you not hot in the ass?”

“Yeah, for you. But not for any other nigga.”

“You better not be either, yo, word up. Let me find out you done had another muhfucka hittin’ that shit and I’ma bust yo’ ass.”

“Nigga, please. The only thing you’re gonna be bustin’ is a bunch of nuts in them hands.”

“Yeah, aiight. I gotta buncha nuts for ya ass, ya heard? Talk slick if you want, but I’m tellin’ you, yo.”

“I heard you. And I’m telling you. I’m all yours in mind, body and soul. This pussy and my heart are for you and you only. And I got it on lock until you get home.”

“You better.”

“I promise, baby. I do.”


ou ready to cum? Imagine this: A pretty bitch down on her knees with a pair of soft, full lips wrapped around the head of your dick. A hot, wet tongue twirling all over it, then gliding up and down your shaft, wetting it up real slippery-like, then lapping at your balls; lightly licking your asshole. Mmmm, I’m using my tongue in places that will get you dizzy, urging you to give me your hot, creamy nut. Mmmmm, baby…you think you ready? If so, sit back, lie back, relax and let the Deep Throat Diva rock your cock, gargle your balls, and suck you straight to heaven.

I reread the ad, make sure it conveys exactly what I want, need, it to say, then press the
tab. “There,” I say aloud, glancing around my bedroom, then looking down at my left hand. “Let’s see how many responses I get, this time.”

Ummm, wait…before I say anything else. I already know some of you uptight bitches are shaking your heads and rolling your eyes. What I’m about to tell ya’ll is going to make some of you disgusted, and that’s fine by me. It is what it is. There’s also going to be a bunch of you closeted, freaky bitches who are going to turn your noses up and twist up your lips, but secretly race to get home ’cause you’re as nasty as I am. Hell, some of you are probably down on your knees as I speak, or maybe finishing up pulling a dick from out of your throat, or removing strands of pubic hair from in between your teeth. And that’s fine by me as
well. Do you, boo. But, let me say this: Don’t any of you self-righteous hoes judge me.

So here goes. See. I have a man—dark chocolate, dreamy-eyed, sculpted and every woman’s dream—who’s been incarcerated for four years, and he’s releasing from prison in less than nine months. And,
, I’m excited and nervous and almost scared to death—you’ll realize why in a minute. Annnywaaaay, not only is he a sexy-ass motherfucker, he knows how to grind, and stack paper. And he is a splendid lover. My God! His dick and tongue game can make a woman forget her name. And all the chicks who know him either want him, or want him back. And they’ll do anything they can to try to disrupt my flow. Hating-ass hoes!

Nevertheless, he’s coming home to
The collect calls, the long drives, the endless nights of sexless sleep have taken a toll on me, and will all be over very soon. Between the letters, visits and keeping money on his books, I’ve been holding him down, faithfully. And I’ve kept my promise to him to not fuck any other niggas. I’ve kept this pussy tight for him. And it’s been hard,
hard—no, no, hard isn’t an accurate description of the agony I’ve had to bear from not being fucked for over four years. It’s been excruciating!

But I love Jasper, so I’ve made the sacrifice. For him, for us! Still, I have missed him immensely. And I need him so bad. My pussy needs him, aches for the width of his nine-inch, veiny dick thrusting in and out of it. It misses the long, deep strokes of his thick tongue caressing my clit and its lower lips. I miss lying in his arms, being held and caressed. But I have held out; denied any other niggas the privilege—
pleasure—of fucking this sweet, wet hole.

The problem is: Though I haven’t been riding down on anything stiff, I’ve been doing a little anonymous dick sucking on the
side from time-to-time—and, every now and then, getting my pussy ate—to take the edge off. Okay, okay, I’m lying. I’ve been sucking a lot of dick. But it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I wasn’t supposed to become hooked on the shit as if it were crack. But, I have. And I am.

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